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题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:33 题号:22486080

When parents consider the work they do around the house, it can be fairly easy to construe lists of chores (家务) for kids.    1    . Overly difficult chores will turn kids off housework quickly. In contrast, chores that are too simple maybe rejected by older kids, since they prefer work that shows they’re growing up and are more mature.

Chores for pre-schoolers should probably be overseen by parents. Kids aged two to six maybe eager to help. Remember to make chores easy to complete and give lots of praise to them.    2    . Some sample chores for pre-schoolers include picking up toys or setting the table.

    3    . These can include making the bed, picking up laundry from their bedroom floors, and making sure all toys are put away. Beyond keeping bedrooms neat, household chores for kids can include drying dishes, sweeping the floor, and pulling up weeds.

Preteens and teens can help prepare meals, like a simple breakfast or lunch, wash dishes, and do laundry. Other chores include changing bed sheets, folding laundry, and taking care of pets.    4    . That way, they can make sure things like feeding pets are being done as needed so a pet doesn’t go hungry or thirsty. Older teens, especially if they’ve been doing chores all their lives, are quite capable of doing most things adults do.    5    .

A.School-age kids can do more complicated chores
B.On this last chore, parents may want to follow up
C.In this way, they associate good feelings with housework
D.They can prepare almost any meal and do intensive cleaning
E.Each family member should find some time to get things done
F.However, remember to make sure that chores are age appropriate
G.Chores for kids of this age include helping dust with a cloth and set the table
【知识点】 方法/策略 家庭生活


阅读理解-七选五 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Faced with setbacks large and small, you feel like your life is always taking a turn for the worse. You aren’t superstitious(迷信), but you begin to wonder—    1     Why does it seem like you can never catch a break?

What is luck?

    2     First, we often use the term luck as synonymous with “chance”; we may call it lucky to win at a slot machine(老虎机), although it’s actually a random event. Another way to frame luck is as a supernatural force that exists in the universe. Third, it can be thought of as a personal feature: It’s just something that you’re born with.

On the other hand, considering yourself lucky or unlucky is a way of seeing yourself which then has impact on how you behave and how you think and becomes a self-fulfilling prediction.     3     And it has “existed” for ages, even with our amount of science and technology, it’s something deep within us that realizes our lives are ruled by chance, and we’re trying to do something to get control over that. When people feel less in control of their lives, then people often search for supernatural explanations.

How to think about luck?

The first thing to understand is that a person’s position in society contributes to their concept of luck. For example, The circumstances you’re born into, the society you’re born into, the genetic makeup you’re handed.     4     Aside from these limits, however, there are steps you can take to improve your luck.

After studying people who consider themselves lucky or unlucky, experts have found that the “lucky” ones maximize chance opportunities and dare to follow their intuition to grasp those moments. If you are relaxed and happy, your world view becomes bigger and you see more opportunities.     5    

A.People define luck in three ways.
B.So, in a sense, it absolutely does exist.
C.Could you just be an unlucky person?
D.Are you the luckiest person in the world?
E.All these things are outside of your control.
F.Good things happen to you because of your own efforts or abilities.
G.If you’re a flexible person, you’ll make the most of those opportunities.
2023-04-23更新 | 90次组卷
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Developing a hobby makes you an interesting person and gives you something fun and enjoyable to do in your free time.     1     So how can you find a suitable hobby for yourself? Find what interests you.

If you try to force yourself into a hobby that you hate, it’s not going to last!     2     For example, if you enjoy watching sports on television, you might have fun playing one. If you pick out something you like, you’re more likely to find a hobby that you still stick with (坚持)!

Determine the availability (有效性) of resources.

Make a list of what interests you, and determine what you can afford. While it may be easier to list the possible hobbies that you can develop, the real question is whether you will be able to afford it or not.     3    

Remove the unrealistic options (选择).

    4     But you can’t choose it for some reason. For example, you may like oil painting a great deal, but you can’t paint, as others in the house may find the smell unpleasant.

Try out the hobby options .

Once you have removed the unrealistic hobbies, it will become easier for you to know your actual possibilities.     5     In fact, you also have the chance of trying out all the hobbies that remain on the list and know what keeps you the most interesting. Once you have tried out all the hobby options, pick up the one that you believe you will be able to enjoy for long.

A.Figure out what sports fit you.
B.However, you should not wait to get started.
C.Instead, try turning what you love into a new hobby.
D.Make sure only realistic and practical options remain on the list.
E.Consider the tools for your hobby and let go of the hobbies you can’t afford.
F.You may be interested in a particular hobby and want to pick it up immediately.
G.It also opens up new opportunities of meeting people who keep similar interests.
2020-02-13更新 | 98次组卷
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】This super-simple trick might seem silly, but it can make a huge difference in the way a future employer notices you. If you’ve been on the job hunt in the past few years, you’ve probably had to do at least one phone interview. Phone interviews are becoming increasingly popular as the method employers use to select the candidates they want to speak to in person.

    1     On the one hand, the interviewer can’t see you, so you don’t have to worry about how to dress, how to sit, or even making eye contact. On the other hand, you can’t use any of those strategies to impress your interviewer; they form their opinion of you based only on what you say and how you sound.

Luckily, this incredibly simple tip might be just what you need to gain an edge.     2     If you’re wondering how your smile could possibly affect the opinion of a person who can’t see it, you’d be surprised.     3     It makes you “sound happier, lighter, more accessible and much friendlier,” according to career blogger Coach Joan. You’ll sound more energetic and interested right from the start, and the person on the other end of the line will immediately feel more at ease with you.

    4     Even if you feel it silly at first, you’ll quickly get used to it, and your smile will probably help ease your nerves, too! Plus, using a mirror during a phone interview is great practice for an in-person one, since you can’t exactly look in the mirror during one of those!     5    

A.It comes down to a single word: smile.
B.When you smile you wake up every cell in your body.
C.Usually phone interviews serve as the first step in a job hunt.
D.Smiling actually has a major impact on the way your voice sounds.
E.The nature of phone interviews can be a mixed blessing.
F.So the next time you land a phone interview, get ready to start smiling right from “Hello”.
G.Joan suggests standing by a mirror during the interview to make sure you’re smiling the entire time.
2021-02-26更新 | 24次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般