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题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:28 题号:22832760

Ways the Pandemic Has Changed Our Relationship with Food for the Better

Some of food-related behavior changes have the potential to become new habits with long-term benefits. Here are five eating-related behaviors that might be kept after the pandemic.

1. Eating family meals together

For the first time, some kids now have two parents home for weeknight dinners.     1     That highlights the importance of eating together when you can. Research has found that eating as a family helps kids have better self-esteem, more success in school, and lower risk of depression.

2. Kids learning to cook

Some families are making time to get kids involved in the kitchen.     2     Start with the basics by letting your child arrange simple snacks on a plate. It’s never too title, too early or too late to start giving kids some things to do in the kitchen.

3. Eating more plant-based proteins

People are trying tofu and homemade veggie burgers and finding out that, with the right recipes, these foods can be delicious. Alternatives to animal protein benefit the health of individuals and our planet.     3    

4. Buying food locally and lending a hand in the hunger crisis

Problems in the food supply chain that-have been significant during the pandemic have prompted people to seek local sources of food.     4     Hopefully this trend deepens our appreciation for who and what it takes to bring food to our table.

5. Changing mindsets about fitness to include self-worth

Eating is one of the most basic ways we take care of ourselves, and recent things have people rethinking how they define fitness. Take pride in both big and small changes you’ve recently put into practice.     5     It is hoped that what people maintain after the pandemic is more friendliness toward themselves as eaters.

A.Indeed, people tend to think differently about vegetables.
B.In contrast, kids of frontline workers may eat more meals away from their parents.
C.Sales of local produce and community-supported agriculture programs have increased greatly.
D.Don’t lose heart if it seems every kid but yours can cook nicely.
E.However, it might be too hard for overworked parents.
F.They might tum into brand new habits with benefits in the long run.
G.This doesn’t mean you need to become vegetarian, but you can start thinking about meat differently.
【知识点】 方法/策略 健康饮食


阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Ways to Develop Self-discipline

Five years ago, I was the heaviest I’ve weighed in my life. When I would run, I’d immediately get tired. The worst part is that I had no motivation to get healthier—until I threw my back out.     1     When I went to physical therapy (治疗), the young woman helping me pointed to my stomach and said, “we need to awaken these muscles.” From that point on, I knew I had to change. I had to think about how to develop self-discipline with eating and working out.

    2    But I eventually lost 30 pounds and have maintained a consistent workout schedule for the past five years. Of course, self-discipline is bigger than just physical health. Having discipline helps us grow, makes us reliable, and strengthens our moral framework. Here’s how to develop self-discipline.

Set clear end goals.     3     If we don’t set clear goals, we’ll float around like feathers in the breeze. If you want to be disciplined, set clear and measurable goals. Then display those goals where you’ll see them every day.

Do the small things. We all want big change quickly. It doesn’t happen that way, though. Self-discipline starts by performing small activities consistently. The small things add up to big results.     4     Every small act of faithfulness makes your self-discipline stronger.

Keep record of your progress. It’s pointless to have goals if you aren’t measuring whether or not you are moving toward them. When I don’t track my progress, I stop doing things I need to do and become lazy. It’s easy to lack discipline when you lose focus on where you’re going.    5    

A.It did take a lot of work.
B.I decided to take regular exercise.
C.Keeping track helps you stay on point.
D.We have to keep in mind where we want to go.
E.Occasionally, you may get results without effort.
F.I had shooting pains down my legs whenever I got up.
G.It may take time to see those returns, but stick with it.
2023-03-08更新 | 331次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】If you are too familiar with the physical feeling of being stressed, it may be time to make some changes. Here are a few ways that can help you keep calm and carry on.

Work out.

When we are stressed, the part of our brain that registers fear lights up like a fireworks display.     1     It can make stress hormones (激素) less active. And it can cause your body to release endorphins (胺多酸), which are feel-good chemicals that can help improve your mood.

Be decisive.

Sandwich or salad? Break up or stay together?     2     And it turns out that being good at making decisions may be good for your health. Want to be more determined? Simplify your decisions by focusing on facts. So you understand what's really important. Looking for information about your situation can help you make more reasoned judgments and can help you feel more confident.


Bottling up your feelings causes anxiety. Next time you’re sweating something, pause to examine your situation more closely. Ask yourself: what are the positives? How can I look at this as an inspiring challenge rather than a problem? Changing the way you look at a situation can help you respond in a less stressful way.

See every glass as at least half full.

    4     You may tend to have a negative outlook, but chances are that you can change your outlook through your experiences. The best way is to deliberately avoid other pessimists and surround you with optimists.     5     Having something that you are enthusiastic about and achieving goals related to it can help many people have a more optimistic outlook.

A.Are you a pessimist?
B.Take steps to reduce stress.
C.Regard problems as opportunities.
D.Maybe a tough work assignment will help you learn.
E.It's also important to feel as if you have a purpose every day.
F.Regular exercise can provide a satisfying release for negative feelings.
G.We face dozens of choices every day and each of them requires us to make a decision.
2020-08-30更新 | 38次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】When you’re put on the spot, it can feel like a sink-or-swim situation, which can be tense, stressful and pressurizing, especially when you deliver a public speaking.     1    

Adjust your use of language

When we feel ourselves to be on a stage, we sometimes use words that are cold, formal, and passive. We do this because we’re anxious and seek to establish authority. Let’s say you’re a doctor, and you’ re standing in front of a group of your peers. You might find yourself making statements like, “It is significant that doctors help solve this problem.”     2     When you say, “We must solve this problem,” you are speaking more simply and persuasively. The word “we” is more easygoing. When you use language like this, you get closer to actually solving the problem simply by directly pointing out that it is all of yours to solve.

Pose more questions

Questions are two-way interactions.     3     No longer are you alone “onstage” in front of your audience — you’re engaging in a dialogue. Even when you’ re making a statement, you can think of it as an answer to an unasked question. That in itself can give the encounter a conversational feel and lower the pressure you might experience. The technique makes the presentations more connected and conversational, allowing you to feel more relaxed. Just ask questions the audience might have and answering them.

Beware of the memorisation trap

    4     But memorisation also can come back to haunt us. Giving our communication the feel of a formal, over-rehearsed presentation, it can make us nervous as we struggle to remember a great deal that we’d thought of in advance of the actual conversation. Instead of rushing to memorise, try writing out what you’d like to say and then turning that into a short, bullet-pointed outline. Doing so allows you to think through the material in detail while giving you a brief structure that’s easier to keep in mind.     5    

A.You will become more connected with your peers.
B.Writing down what we might want to say can help.
C.You and others around you enter into a back-and-forth.
D.Here are three ways that you can improve your delivery.
E.Conversations are more casual and familiar than performances.
F.Language like this creates distance between yourself and others.
G.Using that structure, you can more confidently fill in the gaps as you go.
2023-11-03更新 | 282次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般