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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.85 引用次数:29 题号:22845992

Most of us want to get in shape and be healthy. For many of us nutrition (营养) and watching what we eat is an important way to stay healthy. But when it comes to food, what is calorie counting, and what are the positives and negatives of it?

A law in the UK came into force in April 2022 that requires restaurants, takeaways, and cafes to display the calorie information of non-pre-packed food and soft drinks on their menus. It’s a strategy aimed to deal with obesity and give people a more informed choice of what goes down into their stomachs. Being able to count calories and know how much we can eat is a great way to try and stay on track with our diet.

However, there are some disbelievers when it comes to calorie counting 200 calories of fresh fruit and 200 calories of junk food, for example cookies, have the same caloric value. However, there is a question of the health benefits of what you’re eating, regardless of calories. While fresh fruit like apples contains things like vitamin C, junk food could contain an unhealthy level of sugar and fats. Likewise (同样地), fruit may fill you up and leave you not wanting more food for longer than a biscuit with equal calories —meaning, overall, you eat less.

Simply counting calories, while useful for weight loss, doesn’t take into account your intake of good fats, carbohydrates, and proteins—things that your body needs. So, if you’re trying to stick to a low-carbon diet, just looking at numbers of calories on a menu won’t be that useful. So, always be mindful that what you’re eating is part of a healthy balanced diet.

1. What does the underlined word “obesity” in Paragraph 2mean?
A.being healthy.B.being strong.C.being fat.D.being sleepy.
2. What opinion do disbelievers hold?
A.Calorie alone doesn’t contribute to health.B.Junk food has more calories than fresh fruit.
C.Less calories mean less food in your stomach.D.Sugar and fats are more harmful than calories.
3. What’s the text mainly about?
A.The best way to keep in shape.B.A research result of obesity in the UK.
C.Nutrition and its health benefit.D.Opinions and comments on calorie counting.
4. From which section of a magazine is this text most likely taken?
【知识点】 健康饮食 说明文


阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐1】Every morning is a struggle.     1     But did you know that drinking water can make you more energetic and productive?

It helps to balance your nervous system. Drinking water on empty stomach especially if it’s hot can improve the health of your nervous system.     2     At this moment, if you just have a glass of warm water, it can properly offer water to your nervous system, which will help it function properly.

It prevents mild headaches.     3     So just by increasing your water intake,you are basically preventing your chances from suffering from them.

    4     Water can help release bacteria and other harmful elements from your system. This, in turn,can help your body fight the effects of certain chemicals which can cause your looking older. Furthermore,your skin will feel refreshed, which can help it maintain a flexible appearance.

It improves your appetite(胃口). Early in the morning, with your stomach totally empty,it is natural you will feel hungry. So another benefit of drinking water is preparing you to have the most important meal of the day—breakfast.     5    

So now you know the benefits of drinking water on empty stomach. Just add a glass of warm or hot water to your schedule after you wake up and see all the health benefits it will bring to your life.

A.It prevents body aging.
B.It promotes mental fitness.
C.Early morning, the stomach is most thirsty.
D.We think that a cup of coffee would make things right
E.The importance of drinking water can’t be emphasized too much.
F.Besides, having a healthy desire for food is good for overall health.
G.Doctors say they result from the removal of water among various reasons.
2019-01-24更新 | 228次组卷
阅读理解-阅读表达(约340词) | 较易 (0.85)

Putting on weight could be a side-effect of loneliness, research suggests. Women, who feel lonely, are hungrier, and they even find a big meal less satisfying. This could be the body’s way of telling them to seek company, for eating has been a sociable activity throughout human evolution.

The researchers asked 42 women not to eat overnight, and then gave them a large breakfast. The women rated their hunger before and after their meal and blood samples which revealed their levels of ghrelin --- the “hunger hormone (激素)”. As expected, levels of ghrelin fell after eating and then started to rise. However, the rise was much quicker in the lonely women, and they made much more of the hormone. They also said they felt hungrier. They said: “The need for social connection is essential to human nature. As a result, people may feel hungrier when they feel socially disconnected.”

Interestingly, loneliness only makes thin women hungrier. It has no effect on the appetite of those who are corpulent. It isn’t clear why this is, but it is possible that the shame related with being fat makes socializing less valuable for them. Other studies suggest you should choose your company carefully at mealtimes. It has been shown that we tend to mimic (模仿) our dining companion’s eating habits, taking mouthfuls at the same time and eating more when our companion does. The link with appetite could help explain the range of devastating effects loneliness can have on health.

Being cut off from friends and family can raise blood pressure, stress and the risk of depression, as well as weakening the immune system (免疫系统) and a person’s resistance to disease (早老性痴呆). Overall, loneliness is as damaging as smoking or not exercising.

1. How will the lonely people react, according to Paragraph 1? (no more than 5 words)
2. What does the body want to tell by being hungry? (no more than 7 words)
3. What is essential to human nature? (no more than 5 words)
4. What does the underlined word “corpulent” probably mean? (1 word )
5. What do you tend to do while feeling lonely? (no more than 30 words)
2022-11-26更新 | 118次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约450词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐3】When it comes to materials to do good to our body, it must be mentioned that there are all sorts of foods to everyone’s taste. Some foods are known to have a completely ruined effect on your brain function, and nutritionists advise us not to consume them too much in order to limit their negative impacts.

Here are some top foods that kill your intelligence.

1. Sugar

Sugar and sugary products are bad not only for your waistline, but for your brain function as well. Long-term consumption of sugar can create a lot of neurological (神经系统的) problems, and it can also do harm to your memory. On the other hand, sugar can also bring damage to your ability to learn. So avoid the products.

2. Alcohol

Alcohol is known to harm your liver (肝) in the long run, and it also causes what is known as “brain fog”, a feeling of mental confusion, It acts like a cloud that impacts your ability to think clearly, as well as your memory. Have you ever noticed that you cannot remember common items’ names? This might be influenced by high alcohol intake, which impacts the balance of the brain.

3. Junk Food

A recent study has revealed that junk food can change the chemicals in the brain, thus leading to symptoms associated with depression and anxiety. Besides, foods that are high in fat can also produce some symptoms that are similar to the signs of “miss” when you stop consuming them. These foods affect the production of dopamine (多巴胺), an important chemical that promotes happiness and an overall feeling of well-being.

4. Very Salty Foods

Everybody knows that salty foods affect your blood pressure and they are very hard on your heart. However, as research suggests, foods that contain high amounts of salt can affect your learning   function and make your ability to think imperfect. Otherwise stated, salty foods affect your intelligence! As a matter of fact, the consumption of salty foods has been shown to have the same effect as taking drugs, as it can cause uncomfortable symptoms and hunger for salty foods.

5. Foods with Processed Protein (蛋白质)

Meat is the richest source of high-quality protein, but avoid overly processed proteins such as hot dogs, sausages and so on. Unlike the natural proteins that help your body protect the nervous system, processed proteins do exactly the opposite. Better choose natural products, such as fish, dairy products, and seeds as these are natural, high-quality protein sources.

1. Which group of foods may affect your memory?
A.Sugar and alcohol.
B.Sugar and junk food.
C.Alcohol and junk food.
D.Sugar and very salty foods.
2. If you want to promote happiness, which of the following should you stop eating?
B.Foods with processed proteins.
D.Junk food.
3. Compared to the overly processed proteins, an advantage of the natural proteins is ________.
A.the protection of the nervous system
B.the increase of dopamine
C.the protection of your intelligence
D.the increase of happiness
4. In terms of the mentioned foods, the writer seems to tell us ________.
A.they will affect our health once eaten
B.the more we eat, the less chance of illness we will get
C.the key point is to pay special attention to the mount we take
D.once we are addicted, it’s hard to get rid of them
2019-03-09更新 | 261次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般