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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:69 题号:6615702

When you see someone you know, the easiest way to recognize them is by their face—but not everyone can do this. Many people have prosopagnosia, or face blindness, which is a neurological(神经病学的)condition where the part o the brain that recognizes faces fails to develop. It can stop people recognizing partners, family members, friends or even their own reflection. It was once though to be caused by brain injury (acquired prosopagnosia) but now a genetic link has been proved (development prosopagnosia).

Acquired prosopagnosia is a very rare but as many as one in 50 people may have developmental prosopagnosia. There’s no specific treatment, but training programmes are being developed to help improve facial recognition.

For many, the situation can be dangerous. I’ve heard stories of people being robbed by strangers claiming to be family members, or of children wandering off strange men.

It was only is this century that researchers began to realize exactly how many people in this world were quietly living with the condition.

Like a blind person who can recognize family members by their footsteps, prosopagnosics are forced to develop unusual ways of discovering who it is they’re meeting or talking to. From the obvious markers like hair and voice, to the way one sits, stands or walks, they rely on dozens of means to get through ordinary life.

Faces are an important part of identity. Not to be recognized feels terrible—it’s as if you’ve been overlooked, like someone’s saying you don’t matter. But it’s nothing to the pain of knowing that you’re hurting people’s feelings constantly, and yet being completely unaware that you’re doing it in the moment. To be alienated(隔离的)from the world of faces is a strange position to be in, but I’m comforted by the thought that articles like this will do a little to help people forgive me and others like me.

1. Why do some people have developmental prosopagnosia?
A.Mainly due to brain injury.
B.Mainly due to their life styles.
C.Mainly for biological reasons.
D.Mainly for psychological reasons.
2. What can we learn about prosopagnosia?
A.We can do nothing to deal with it.
B.One fifth of people suffer from it.
C.It can be cured by training programmes.
D.Developmental prosopagnosia is more common.
3. Like a blind person, people with prosopagnosia ________.
A.depend on their families for a normal life.
B.are embarrassed about their condition.
C.are usually laughed at by other people.
D.have special ways to recognize people
4. What can we infer about people with prosopagnosia from the last paragraph?
A.They are unfriendly to others.
B.They feel hurting others doesn’t matter.
C.They often make others feel ignored.
D.They avoid communicating with others.


阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Poor Study Habits

Studying is an art. Many students do not know how to do it properly, though. It seems as if they are always behind schedule when it comes to handing in homework, or preparing for a test.    1    Besides, we also show students how to deal with these problems.

    2    They put off their tasks until it is almost impossible to do well on them. There are many ways you can use, for example, better time management. However, for no delay, personal inner motivation(动力) is   more important than outer motivation.

Following motivation, each person studies better in certain places. Libraries, cafes, studying rooms in schools, and more, are often referred to as good places to devote yourself to your tasks.    3    In this way, you can see what works best for your brain. You will never know for sure where you study best until you try out many different locations.

Along the same lines with atmosphere, you should know how to get rid of distractions(分心) when studying. There is nothing worse than something breaking your flow when you working on your tasks.    4    When you study, you need to get into a certain mind state and space helpful for studying.

Apart from the above, you should take neat notes.    5    Also, you can memorize data yourbrain needs to use for tests. Taking good notes during class keeps you focused on the learning process rather than on your friend' s jokes, for instance. Having good attention during class can change your grade.

A.Managing time well is of great importance.
B.You can practice studying in various places.
C.The following will discuss several bad study habits.
D.In fact, students need to have peace inside and out.
E.With great notes, you can recall information from class.
F.Delay is perhaps the most dangerous habit students develop.
G.Students need to learnto avoid distractions when they study.
2020-11-25更新 | 95次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Improving your family life can help make your family members closer and prevent conflicts from getting in the way of everyone's happiness. But at times it seems difficult.     1     Here are some concrete steps to make your life more enjoyable.

Do household chores (杂务) together.     2     However, sharing household responsibilities can help everyone in your family feel happy. Try to make it as fun as possible, such as by playing music or having contests. Besides, divide chores up into age-appropriate categories. After dinner, the youngest could wipe the table, the oldest could fill the dishwasher, and you could put away leftovers.

    3     When someone expresses an opinion, don't interrupt them before they can finish speaking. Maintaining respectful communication channels will strengthen your bond.

Express love and appreciation frequently. Little verbal (口头的) and nonverbal gestures of affection go a long way.     4     If your sibling is doing their homework and there's an empty glass on their desk, ask them, "Hey, can I get you more water?"

Respect your parents' need to protect you. While children need increasing degrees of freedom as they get older, remember that your parents are in charge. Their job is to keep you safe and give you the tools you'll need to take care of yourself when you' re an adult. If your parent doesn't allow you to go out without an adult or makes you go to bed early, remember that they have your best interests in mind.     5    

A.Why do you feel so?
B.Where do you start?
C.Few people actually enjoy that.
D.Chores mean more responsibilities.
E.Respect what your family members say.
F.Don't yell to get your way if they say no!
G.Find small ways to show you care for each other.
2021-04-19更新 | 118次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Finish It and Forget It

Do you have a hard time leaving work at work? Is your to-do list so long that it is never possible to finish everything you set out to do in a day?     1     You may start with leaving your work at work.When your work day ends, you should try to move from your professional life mode(模式)to your personal life mode.

Leave your to-dos to the next day

Often, to-do lists are quite unrealistic.    2     Be honest with yourself about what you can actually complete in a day.If something doesn't get completed, move it to another day.

You needn't solve all the conflicts and problems in one day

If you've had a tough day, don't feel pressured to always solve the issue the same day.It doesn't mean that you should avoid difficult conversations, but rather that it is important to find the right time to have them.    3    

Clear your mind to focus on the present

When you find yourself focusing on all that you haven't finished during the day, take a deep breath, leave in behind.Never beat yourself up over moment than have passed earlier in your day that you will never get back.    4     For it, too, can never be regained.

End your day on purpose

    5     Do you drop off to sleep while reading a book? Studies show that most people have a more restful night's sleep when they have a bed time routine(常规做法)consisting of no lights and low or no noise in the hour before going to sleep.End your day intentionally and you will find yourself energized when you begin the next day!

A.Do you sometimes fall asleep on the sofa?
B.Sometimes we get stressed with overcrowded schedules.
C.Don't permit yourself to make mistakes or get off the track.
D.Waiting a day or two can help you calm down and find a solution.
E.Instead, make best of the moment you're in right now by enjoying it.
F.You should form the habit of taking responsibility and finish work on time.
G.If so, you should simply remind yourself "finish each day and be done with it".
2021-01-24更新 | 94次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般