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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:139 题号:6689764

Growing up in the mountainous Sierra de Penamayor, in Asturias, northen Spain, Aladino Montes had been shooting deer ever since he was a child, but his life as a hunter came to an abrupt end 10 years ago, when he met Bambi, an adorable deer that has remained by his side ever since. Aladino has never shot an animal since.

53-year-old Aladino recalls driving through the mountains in his little jeep, ten years ago, when he saw a couple of cows being followed by a skinny little deer. Deer don’t usually hang out with cows, so he approached the animals for a closer look. That’s when he noticed that the deer had several wounds and would have probably died without proper medical care. He put the injured animal in his car and drove back to his house when he nursed it back to health. But instead of running back towards the forests, the deer stayed by Aladino’s side. They’ve been best friends ever since.

He always loved animals, but his father had taught him to hunt deer as a child. He did it for food, not sports, but ever since he adopted Bambi, he hasn’t shot a single animal.

Aladino’s cabin sits at 1,140 meters above sea level, offering tourists a beautiful view of the surrounding mountainside. On clear days, one can see all of central Asturias all the way to Gijon, but most people don’t travel to Les Praeres for the view, they come to see Bambi, the friendly deer.

Sometimes, Bambi will walk straight into the bar in search of Aladino and leave everyone with their mouth open, or even let people pet her. But she’s always most comfortable at the side of her rescuer. She’s so relaxed around him that she makes other deer feel safe as well.

1. What does the underlined word “abrupt” in Paragraph 1 mean?
2. What made Aladino give up hunting?
A.The kind cows.B.His kind-hearted nature.
C.The deer’s bad conditions.D.His rescue of the wounded deer.
3. What do you know about the little deer Bambi now?
A.It is a tourist attraction.B.It is doing nothing.
C.It is a symbol of friendship.D.It is living under the natural state.
4. What does the deer Bambi like to do best?
A.Go to the bar.B.Stay around Aladino.
C.Let people pet her.D.Attract other deer to some near.


阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Knowing how and when to say goodbye is often difficult, even in informal situations.     1     It will help you maintain your relationships and let people know you care. It’s also easier than it seems sometimes. Read on to learn how to recognize opportunities and predict others’ needs when you leave.

Recognize when to leave. When you’re at any kind of party, or even a one-on-one conversation,it can be difficult to get away. Learning to recognize good opportunities to leave will make a goodbye much easier.     2     If more than half the people have left, it might be a good time to leave.

    3     Overstaying your welcome is rude, but it can often be difficult to distinguish. People don’t like telling you that they’d like you to leave,so try to watch for signals. This may be some other family members starting to check their watch or even pack up or the fact that there is hardly anyone left.

Make plans to see each other again. Saying, “See you at school tomorrow” or “Can’t wait to see you again at Christmas” keeps the goodbye light and focused forward. If you haven’t already made plans, use it as an opportunity to make them.    4    

Tell the truth. It can be tempting to come up with a “good excuse” when you’re ready to leave. You don’t need to.     5     It doesn’t need to be any more complicated than that.

A.Watch body language.
B.Leave when you want.
C.Notice if the crowd seems to be decreasing.
D.Even saying, “See you soon” suggests just that.
E.If you want to leave, just say, “I’ll be going. See you later.”
F.But learning to say goodbye appropriately is a must-have skill.
G.Don’t make plans with people you don’t really care about saying goodbye to.
2017-08-07更新 | 78次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Initial conversations can have a huge impact on how relationships develop over time. People are often stuck in the impressions they think they might have made the minute they finish speaking with someone for the first time: “Did they like me or were they just being polite?” “Were they deep in thought or deeply bored?”

To find out whether these worries are necessary, we have conducted nearly 10 years of research. In our studies, participants in the UK talked with someone they had never met before. Afterward, they were asked how much they liked their conversation partner and how much they believed that their conversation partner liked them. This allowed us to compare how much people believed they were liked to how much they were actually liked.

Time and time again, we found that people left their conversations with negative feelings about the impression they made. That is, people systematically underestimate how much their conversation partners like them and enjoy their company — a false belief we call the “liking gap”.

This bias (偏见) may seem like something that would occur only in initial interactions, but its effects extend far beyond a first impression. Surprisingly, the liking gap can constantly affect a variety of relationships, including interactions with coworkers, long after the initial conversations have taken place. Having a larger liking gap is associated with being less willing to ask workmates for help, less willing to provide workmates with open and honest feedback, and less willing to work on another project together.

There are numerous strategies to minimize your biased feelings. One place to start is shifting your focus of attention. Try to direct your attention to your conversation partner, be genuinely curious about them, ask them more questions, and really listen to their answers. The more you’re zeroed in on the other person, and the less you’re focused on yourself, the better your conversation will be and the less your mind will turn to all the things you think you didn’t do well.

1. Why did the author carry out 10 years of research?
A.To dismiss national concerns.B.To check out a potential bias.
C.To enhance human communication.D.To develop harmonious relationships.
2. What is one effect of people’s liking gap?
A.Fewer chances of new projects.B.Underestimation of their ability.
C.Bad relationships with people around.D.Low willingness to interact with others.
3. What does the author intend to do in the last paragraph?
A.Restate opinions.B.Deliver warnings.C.Give suggestions.D.Make a summary.
4. Which might be the best title for the text?
A.Liking Gap May Influence Work Performances
B.First Impressions Rely On Initial Conversations
C.People Probably Like You More Than You Think
D.How People Like You Matters Less Than You Assume
2024-04-16更新 | 385次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】There are several ways from which to choose for you to keep your kids safe in your neighborhood. But the first step to keep your child safe in your neighborhood is to know your neighbors.

Knowing your neighbors can save you a lot of worry. It lets you know that the car that has just driven down the street belongs to “the yellow house on the corner”, or the truck that has just driven by the playground looks unfamiliar, but the guy in the passenger seat lives two doors down. It’s these simple things that keep you from going out of your mind whenever you see someone driving by where children are playing.

But you shouldn’t just know what they look like. The next step is to know them well. What do they do? How do they act?You might be OK with them driving by the playground since they live in the neighborhood, but are you OK with them being on the playground?Knowing your neighbors helps with several things. First you find out what kind of people they are. This helps you know if you should let your child go out in an area that they gather. Let’s face it: you don’t want your child to play around people or people’s children that curse (咒骂) or hit each other.   Sometimes you have to protect your child against your own neighbors.

Knowing them also makes them know you. Being neighbors is an interesting thing. You might not like them or have the same views as them, but we all usually protect those that we consider our own. If you know your neighbors, they know you. They will more probably look after the child of the nice lady down the street in the brick house, than the people in the house on the corner that no one ever sees.

1. This text is mainly to tell how to ________.
A.keep your child safe in the neighborhood
B.set a good example to your neighbors
C.get along with your neighbors
D.teach your child to protect himself
2. What does the underlined phrase “going out of your mind” in paragraph 2 probably mean?
A.Becoming very excited.B.Becoming very worried.
C.Becoming very sad.D.Becoming very relaxed.
3. What can we know from paragraph 3?
A.It is important for you to be polite to your neighbors.
B.People in the same neighborhood are quite different.
C.People like enjoying themselves on the playground.
D.Knowing your neighbors helps to keep your kids safe.
4. The neighbors would like to look after your kid if ________.
A.they are often encouragedB.you are getting on well with them
C.you are the one nobody knowsD.they think you are a beautiful lady
2021-10-27更新 | 65次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般