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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:322 题号:6847326

The UK has a well­respected higher education system and some of the top universities and research instructions in the world.But to those who are new to it all,sometimes it can be confusing.

October is usually the busiest month in the college calendar.Universities have something called Freshers’ Week for their newcomers.It’s a great opportunity to make new friends,join lots of clubs and settle into university life.

However,having just left the comfort of home and all your friends behind,the prospect(前景) of meeting lots of strangers in big halls can be nerve­wracking(令人焦虑不安的).Where do you start?Who should you make friends with?Which clubs should you join?

Luckily,there will be thousands of others in the same boat as you worrying about starting their university social life on the right foot.So just take it all in slowly.Don’t rush into anything that you’ll regret for the next three years.

Here is some top advice from past students on how to survive Freshers’ Week:

•Learn rules.Make sure you know British social etiquette(礼节).Have a few wine glasses and snacks handy for your housemates and friends.

•Be kind.Sometimes cups of tea or even slices of toast can give you a head start in making friends.

•Be sociable.The more active you are,the more likely you’ll be to meet new people than if you’re someone who never leaves his room.

•Bring a doorstop.Keep your door open when you’re in and that sends positive messages to your neighbors that you’re friendly.

So with a bit of clever planning and effort,Freshers’ Week can give you a great start to your university life and soon yon’ll be passing on your experience to next year’s new recruits.

1. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?
A.October is generally the busiest month for universities.
B.It’s a good idea to put a doorstop in your door.
C.A bit of planning can make Freshers’ Week easier.
D.The first week of your every year at university is called Freshers’ Week.
2. The underlined word “recruits” in the last paragraph refers to “        ”.
3. We can infer from the 4th paragraph that         .
A.the newcomers usually miss the days living at home
B.most of the students in the UK spend three years in universities
C.many freshers are worried about how to fit university life
D.all the new students will make new friends and join certain clubs
4. The main purpose of the passage is to         .
A.tell the newcomers how to make a new start in universities
B.introduce something about higher education system of the UK
C.discuss something about the Freshers’ Week in the UK
D.advise the freshmen how to behave well in the beginning


阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】I have heard having a good sense of humour often helps in breaking the ice. Also people remember you because of your humour. But I think I don’t have a very good sense of humour. Could you suggest how to build on this?

—Radha Karnik

This is a great question that is unfortunately difficult to answer. I can only give you my views on this topic, which may or may not be correct. I know that my sense of humour developed over time.

When I was younger I was not funny at all; now I can easily make people laugh. At the same time, sometimes I say things that I think are very funny but others do not. Improving humour, I believe, is an ongoing process.

Now, there are various forms of humour and everyone has their own style. Overall, I believe being fluent in a language is very important for being funny. The way we play around with words adds the “funny” tag to a normal sentence.

Also, seeing irony(讽刺) is very important. I think humour is often the link between two unrelated things.

In my experience, laughing frequently and appreciating other people’s jokes are very important. Within these, finding humor in everyday normal situations is the key.

I often notice what is going on around me and say funny things in my head and laugh to myself. That serves almost as practice for when I am in a group. I watch comedy shows and movies and I am sure that has some effect on helping me improve my sense of humour.

And last, having confidence that you are funny is important. There will always be someone funnier than you, which is fine. Just work on building your own style.

Remember, if you are trying to be funny in order to break the ice at a business function, be careful.

In those situations, humour has to be mild and politically correct.



1. What’s RAdha Karnik’s problem?
A.He doesn’t have friends.B.He doesn’t know the functions of humour.
C.He doesn’t understand others’ humour.D.He doesn’t have a good sense of humour.
2. By telling his own experience, Brad tried to make Radha Karnik believe that ________.
A.laughter is the best medicineB.laughter and humour go hand in hand
C.a sense of humour can be developedD.a sense of humour helps imipress others
3. Which of the following would Brad agree with?
A.Everyone knows how to appreciate others’ jokes.
B.Everyone has their own style of humour.
C.Everyone is as funny as others.
D.Everyone needs to laugh to themselves each day.
2021-11-02更新 | 55次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】It can feel good to be right, but when we find new information that makes us feel good about something we already believe, how can we be sure we aren’t just engaging in confirmation bias (确认偏误)?

Confirmation bias is our tendency to seek out information that confirms our existing beliefs.     1     These ways are aimed at supporting, rather than challenging, pre-existing beliefs. This is especially true for information about things that feel very important to us. People usually don’t engage in confirmation bias on purpose. But research has found that it is real.     2    

For example, if an actor you support was caught in a scandal (丑闻), you might be more likely to believe explanations that make him look less guilty.     3    

So what can we do to avoid confirmation bias? One thing we can do is to try to look for strong evidence that actually contradicts (相矛盾) our beliefs. This can help us check if we only believe certain things instead of considering other possibilities.     4     Even if we don’t agree with them, we might learn why someone thinks the way they do. It can help us understand that there may be other ways to see the same issue.

    5     The thing we most want to believe might not be true. We should try to learn more before deciding how we feel about something, even if it’s very important to us. But that’s often easier said than done.

A.And it influences people’s judgment.
B.Unfortunately, it can be very difficult to spot.
C.We tend to ignore information that contradicts it.
D.It can also be helpful to talk to people who don’t share our beliefs.
E.Most importantly, we have to be careful not to jump to conclusions.
F.It also describes our attempt to find ways of explaining unclear information.
G.Meanwhile, people who dislike him would probably believe what makes him look worse.
2023-08-02更新 | 78次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约190词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Tips for Learning New Technology

We live in a very exciting time. However, with such a wealth of resources, the options of learning new technology can be very difficult.     1    .

What to learn

The first step, when picking up a new skill, is to determine what to learn.     2    . It's important to have this strong inclination, as it will provide you with the necessary fuel. Once you decide what to learn, reviewing what others have done will give you confidence that you, too, can do it!


As you explore deeper into the pool of knowledge, you will want to add other forms of in-formation. I encourage you to browse through iTunes U.     4    . You can listen to and watch what you are learning. This is particularly helpful for those who prefer an academic setting. Besides, there are a handful of websites that offer online education these days.

Time for action

    5    . Okay, you've read countless tutorials, watched videos, and have a better understanding of the technology that you've been hoping to learn. What now? Well, it's time to put your knowledge to the test. Eventually, the best way to learn is by doing. Pick a personal project that you can build using this new technology.

A.Learn to share
B.Listen and watch
C.The best way to learn is by doing
D.I suggest you keep away from your phones
E.This could be anything you are interested in
F.It offers complete classes on a variety of topics
G.The following tips can help you start your learning
2021-07-08更新 | 336次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般