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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:110 题号:7714743

I first began experiencing anxiety and depression at the age of 14, after being bullied (欺凌) at school for years. While at first anxiety and depression would come and go, it eventually became a constant part of my life.

I was so eager to find the solution to overcoming my anxiety and depression that I tried everything from when I was in college to graduate school: mood-changing medication, special teas, yoga, anything I read about in books, and advice given by doctors. Despite this, I still felt I hadn’t even come close to managing the problem.

But one afternoon, my eyes fell upon an article in a magazine I was reading that talked about how dogs were able to help people with anxiety and depression. The very next day, I decided to get a dog—a corgi. When I brought my little corgi, Buddy, home. I didn’t realize how much he would change my life. It didn’t happen right away, however.

Once the “puppy excitement” went away, my anxiety and depression came back as usual. One morning, I woke up with those familiar feeling again. I didn’t want to get out of bed. I turned to pull the covers back over my head and give up. That’s when I saw Buddy.

Buddy started jumping all over me, licking my face, letting me know that it was time to go outside. It was as if he were saying, “There’s no time to be sad; the world is amazing!” And for the first time in my life, my life was changing. I really was a new person. This was my new beginning.

It’s been more than a year since that day, and I’ve never spent another morning unable to get out of bed. I’ve not cried myself to sleep or spent my days stuck with fear and regret. Sure, I still have days when I feel sad or anxious. But with Buddy, my best friend, by my side, I’ve finally learned how to manage these feelings and emotions.

1. According to the first two paragraphs, the author ________.
A.has been a school bully for years
B.suffered from depression since college
C.tried many ways to fight depression but nothing worked
D.felt less depressed after taking medication and doing yoga
2. How did the author know having a dog might help with her depression?
A.a doctor put it forward to her.
B.She read it in an article by chance.
C.She heard it from some other depression sufferers.
D.She found out herself after spending some time with a corgi.
3. How does the author feel in the last paragraph?
【知识点】 疾病 记叙文 个人经历


阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Catching a common cold in the summertime can be even more miserable than suffering the average winter cold. Although a person is four times more likely to catch a cold in the more   frigid   months of the year, cold viruses are in the environment seven days a week, and 365 days a year. The common cold never takes a holiday, although it may end up destroying yours.

The common cold can be caused by any one of hundreds of different viruses. That's why there is no vaccine (疫苗). In the warm and wet summer months, it is harder for airborne illnesses to spread, since water drops in the air are attracted to tiny viruses, weighing them down and ultimately grounding them. The influenza (流行性感冒) virus survives better in chilly, rather than warm weather. This is why influenza is a winter illness.

The common cold, although it can be spread through the air, is more often spread through touch. People are also more often in close, indoor contact during colder months, making it easier to spread viruses both by air and by touch.

Summer colds do still occur. The air in air­conditioned environments dries out your nose, where cold viruses grow, making it easier for them to influence your health. On hot days, people flock to air­conditioned environments. The workplace is one example, where many people repeatedly touch the same objects, leaving behind viruses.

How to prevent a summer cold? One of the easiest and best defenses against many types of diseases that spread by touch is thorough and frequent hand washing. Clean frequently­touched surfaces in the home or in the office, such as doorknobs, handles, and light switches. When the weather is nice, spend time outdoors enjoying summer!

1. What can we learn from the first paragraph?
A.It is near impossible for people to catch a cold in summer.
B.Cold viruses exist around us all the time.
C.People are more likely to catch a cold during a holiday.
D.Summer colds are totally different from winter colds.
2. According to the passage, influenza viruses ________.
A.survive better in dry environments
B.spread more quickly through touch
C.prefer outdoor environments to indoor environments
D.spread more easily in summer
3. What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?
A.How to cure a cold.
B.What causes a cold.
C.Where to stay in summer.
D.Why people get summer colds.
4. In the last paragraph, in order to prevent colds in summer, you are advised to ________.
A.use air­conditioners less frequently
B.wash your hands every time you touch the doorknob
C.do outdoor activities
D.go to crowded places less often
2018-03-06更新 | 80次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Dr Almeida left school at 16 with little formal education but got a job as a laboratory technician in histopathology ( 组织病理学 ) at Glasgow Royal Infirmary. Later she moved to London to further her career and in 1954 married Enriques Almeida, an artist.

The couple and their young daughter moved to Toronto in Canada and it was at the Ontario Cancer Institute that Dr Almeida developed her outstanding skills with an electron microscope.

She pioneered a method which better visualized ( 成像 ) viruses by using antibodies to gather them. Her talents were recognized in the UK and she was invited to work at St Thomas’s Hospital Medical School in London.

On her return, she began to cooperate with Dr David Tyrrell. Dr Tyrrell and his team were able to grow quite a few common cold-associated viruses. One sample, known as B814, was discovered in 1960. They found that they were able to transmit ( 传染 ) common cold symptoms to volunteers but they were unable to grow it in routine cell culture ( 细胞培养 ). However, volunteer studies showed its growth in organ cultures ( 器官培养 ). Dr Tyrrell wondered if it could be seen by an electron microscope. They sent samples to Almeida who found that they were like flu viruses but not exactly the same. She identified what became known as the first human coronavirus ( 冠状病毒 ).

Dr Almeida had actually seen particles ( 微粒 ) like this before while investigating viruses in mice and chickens. However, when she sent her paper about this discovery to a medical journal, it was rejected. It was two years later that the first photographs of the virus she had seen were published in Journal of General Virology. It was named coronavirus because of the crown surrounding it on the viral image.

1. Why did Dr Almeida return to work in the UK ?
A.Because her family did not like Toronto.
B.Because the UK appreciated her talents.
C.Because she bettered an electron microscope.
D.Because she was the first one to visualize viruses.
2. What can we know about B814?
A.It could be grown in routine cell culture.
B.It was unable to develop in organ cultures.
C.It’s exactly the same with influenza viruses.
D.It was identified as the first human coronavirus.
3. What can we connect with the name “coronavirus”?
A.Its viral image.
B.Its deadly power.
C.It original sample.
D.Its first appearance.
2020-07-24更新 | 41次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】At some point in our lives, we all snore. A cold or allergy can block nasal passages, a few drinks too close to bed will automatically relax tongue, palate and throat muscles—and therefore we know that we’re unconsciously forcing air past those soft tissues, causing vibrations that escape as a snore.

“Snoring can be normal and not something to worry about,” said sleep specialist Rebecca Robbins, an instructor in the division of sleep medicine for Harvard Medical School. But snoring can also be a key sign of obstructive sleep apnea (阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停), a serious sleep disorder in which people actually stop breathing for 10 seconds or more at a time. “When it’s loud snoring, or it’s interrupted by pauses in breathing, that’s where we start to get concerned,” Robbins said.

It’s estimated that at least 25 million Americans and 936 people worldwide may suffer from obstructive sleep apnea, with many more undiagnosed. It’s called “obstructive sleep apnea” because unlike central sleep apnea —in which the brain occasionally skips telling the body to breathe — obstructive sleep apnea is due to a closure of the airways by weak, heavy or relaxed soft tissues.

“You’re making the effort with your belly and your chest to try to get the air in and out, but because of the block in the upper airway, you can’t. Often you aren’t aware of this struggle, but it can be very, very scary for anyone watching,” said sleep specialist Dr. Raj Dasgupta, an associate professor of clinical medicine at the Keck School of Medicine at the University of Southern California. If left untreated, obstructive sleep apnea puts you at a high risk for hypertension, heart disease, type 2 diabetes or depression, even an early death, according to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.

1. What’s Rebecca Robbins’s attitude towards snoring?
2. According to the passage, what’s the reason for obstructive sleep apnea?
A.Bad sleeping habits.B.Blocked breathing organs.
C.Infection from family members.D.Unhealthy eating habits.
3. What can we infer from the passage?
A.Most people who have obstructive sleep apnea have been diagnosed.
B.Most people who have obstructive sleep apnea realize their breathing difficulties.
C.There is no need to worry about any type of snoring.
D.Obstructive sleep apnea may lead to a variety of diseases.
4. What will the author write about in the following paragraph of the passage?
A.The dangers of obstructive sleep apnea.
B.The history of American Academy of Sleep Medicine.
C.The importance for people to realize the existence of obstructive sleep apnea.
D.The scientific methods for treating obstructive sleep apnea.
2022-01-20更新 | 148次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般