组卷网 > 初中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自然 > 宇宙 > 天体与宇宙
题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:82 题号:10021455

In 1969, as US astronaut Neil Armstrong became the first human to set foot on the moon, he famously declared, ‘That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.’ And as many countries come together to celebrate World Space Week from Oct 4-10, it seems that there are still many leaps to take.

During ancient times, our only steps were back and forth across the surface of our own planet. We climbed to the top of mountains, or sailed in boats across oceans. But we didn’t, and couldn’t, leave the surface of our planet.

It’s not surprising that back then, the so-called heavens fascinated(使着迷) us so much. How could they not? How could people not be obsessed with the great object in the sky that arrived each day with light and then left, taking the light with it? Or the mysterious moon, stars and planets that lit up the night sky? Compared with us, these things seemed so free and exciting. Different cultures created stories about the heavens. The Chinese referred to a ‘King of the Sky’ who created the heavens and decorated them with stars; the ancient Greeks had ‘the Sky Gods’ who controlled the weather.

Few of us believe those stories anymore – science has taught us better. And yet the heavens, or what we now call ‘space’ and ‘outer space’, are still a source of mystery and fascination for us. Yes, there are space stations, satellites and trips to other planets. None of this modern science, however, has made space any less fascinating to us.

As the American scientist Neil deGrasse Tyson said, ‘The universe is under no obligation (义务) to make sense to you.’ The more we know, the more our curiosity grows.

Even today, the most popular novels and movies are set on other planets, solar systems (太阳系) or galaxies (星系). Space is still mysterious, as it was for the ancient Chinese, Greeks and Romans. And perhaps it always will be.

1. The author used Neil Armstrong’s story to ______.
A.describe how the celebration of World Space Week began
B.draw attention to great achievements in space exploration
C.explain why human beings are curious about outer space
D.predict(预报) future space programs that might change history
2. The underline word ‘obsessed’ in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ______.
3. Compared with modern people, ancient Greeks ______.
A.didn’t leave many records of space objects
B.believed the King of the Sky controlled the weather
C.shared a similar curiosity about the universe
D.showed little respect for the power of nature
4. What’s the article mainly about?
A.Important events in space exploration history.
B.Human’s unchangeable interest in space.
C.Ancient stories inspired(激发,产生) by the heavens.
D.What we have learned about the universe.


阅读理解-单选(约250词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】We all know that Earth only has one moon. But did you know that Earth gets to have new friends every now and then? They are called "mini-moons".

A mini-moon is also called a Temporarily Captured Object(暂时捕获的天体) , or TCO. Earth doesn't get them very often. When Earth and other objects in space get close together, Earth's gravity(重力) will pull on the objects and change their orbits(轨道) . Then the object may move around Earth for one or two years and then leave.

             The newest mini-moon

In September, NASA scientists found an object coming into Earth's orbit. They named it 2020 SO, it will stay in our orbit until May 2021, according to Universe Today.

The new mini-moon could be a man-made object. Paul Chodas, a NASA scientist, believes that it could be an old rocket part from NASA's failed moon-landing mission(失败的登月任务) in 1966. Scientists will keep watching it to find out, as it'll get closer to us in November.

             Previous(之前的) mini-moons

We have seen two mini-moons before. One was 2006 RH120, which moved around Earth from 2006 to 2007. The other is 2020 CD3. Scientists found it in February this year, but it left in March. Both of these mini-moons were space rocks.

1. From the second paragraph we know that ___________.
A.Earth has many mini-moonsB.mini-moons stay in Earth's orbit forever
C.mini-moons will leave EarthD.mini-moons can change Earth's orbit
2. What do we know about 2020 SO?
A.It might come from the moon.B.It has orbited Earth for over 50 years.
C.It will enter our orbit in May 2021.D.Scientists don't know what it is.
3. How long it might 2020 CD3 stay in Earth's orbit?
A.For 54 years.B.For one month.C.For one year.D.For two years.
4. Together, how many mini-moons are mentioned in the passage?
2020-12-23更新 | 52次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约150词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Astronomers (天文学家) can tell just how hot the surface of the moon gets. The side of the moon toward the sun gets two degrees hotter than boiling water. The night side reaches 243 degrees below zero.

In a lunar eclipse (月食) the earth’s shadow falls on the moon. Then the moon’s temperature may drop 300 degrees in a very short time.

A temperature change like this cannot happen on the earth. Why does it happen on the moon? Astronomers know that the surface of the moon is dust. On the earth, the rocks store (储存) heat from the sun. When the sun goes down, the rocks stay warm. But the dust of the moon cannot store heat. So when the moon gets dark, the heat escapes quickly. The moon gets very cold.

1. Astronomers have found that the moon’s surface is _________.
A.always hotter than boiling waterB.either very hot or very cold
C.usually many degrees below zeroD.about the same as that of the earth
2. During a lunar eclipse, the moon is _____________.
A.turned away from the sunB.in the shadow of the sun
C.in the shadow of the earthD.in direct sunlight
3. Temperatures on the moon change _________.
A.very quicklyB.by only a few degrees
C.very slowlyD.only when there is an eclipse
4. Temperatures on the earth change _________
A.more than those on the moonB.more slowly than those on the moon
C.more quickly than those on the moonD.the same as those on the moon
5. The surface of the moon is _________
A.rock that stores heatB.dust that stores heat
C.dust that cannot store heatD.rock that does not store heat
2024-06-09更新 | 12次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约260词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Last year I had a trip with my friend, Nancy. The weather was cloudy except for one night. Nancy and I sat in the field and we felt relaxed. We talked about the fantastic trip, looking at the stars. “It’s a pity we don’t know which stars we’re looking at, Jenny,” said Nancy. “I know some of them.” I answered. Nancy felt surprised when I finally finished telling her all the names I knew.

My interest in stars began when I was eight. My aunt took me to a planetarium (天文馆). A guide showed us the groups of stars and told us stories about how they got their names. The stories were wonderful.

Everyone knows we can see the stars better when it’s not cloudy, but lots of people don’t realize that a bright moon also stops us seeing very much. I always look for the Plough (北斗星), because once I see that, I can find the North Star and other stars.

I wanted to learn more about the stars, so I took a course at the club. There are so many lights in the city that we have to go into the countryside to see any stars. I’m planning to make videos about stars in the countryside. I’ll post them online for everyone to watch. My greatest dream is to be an astronaut and I wish I could have space travel.

1. How did Nancy feel after Jenny told her the names of stars?
2. When can we see the stars better?
A.When it’s cloudy.B.When there are many lights.
C.When it’s fine.D.When the moon is bright.
3. What is Jenny planning to do?
A.Have space travel.B.Take courses online.
C.Make videos about stars.D.Give a talk about the names of stars.
4. Which of the following would Jenny probably agree with?
A.Students should move to the countryside.
B.Children’s favorite hobby is to write stories.
C.The best place to watch stars is the city center.
D.A bright moon may stop people seeing the stars very much.
2024-02-27更新 | 18次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般