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题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:302 题号:10654354

It is reported that tea has helped the poor farmers in Yunnan find a way out of poverty(贫穷) thanks to the efforts of a man named Ren Huaican.

Ren was suffering mouth ulcers (溃疡) when he first visited the Jingmai Mountain in Pu'er City in the spring of 2006. However, after picking off several leaves from the old tea trees and chewing (咀嚼) them, he found the pain was gone the next morning. He felt very amazed. Ren began to show great interest in the tea from Yunnan. He found that the local tea business was very scattered (分散的).He also realized that the local tea farmers were very poor because of the underdeveloped tea market. So he made up his mind to develop the tea industry in order to help the local people get out of poverty.

In September 2006, Ren set up a tea company. He hired(雇佣) poor farmers from neighboring areas to pick tea leaves. Professional technicians(技师) were invited to teach the farmers how to do their jobs scientifically. The company taught them how to manage their trees and produce the best tea. As a result, their tea quality has greatly improved, and the price has gone up. In this way, the tea company has helped many people get out of poverty.

1. After chewing the tea leaves, Ren was__________ to find the pain was gone the next morning.
2. Why were the local tea farmers very poor before?
A.Because many of their tea trees died.B.Because the tea farmers were lazy.
C.Because the tea market was underdeveloped.D.Because they had no interest in planting tea trees.
3. What is the third paragraph mainly about?
A.How the farmers picked tea leaves.B.How Ren helped develop the local tea industry.
C.Why Ren wanted to help the farmers.D.What Ren did for the professional technicians.
4. What can we learn from the passage?
A.The tea farmers haven’t got out of poverty.
B.Ren wanted to make more money for himself in Yunnan.
C.The local tea market was developed before the year of 2006.
D.Ren and his company have helped the poor farmers in Yunnan.


阅读理解-五选五(约200词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Sally was a student. It was going to her mother’s birthday. She wanted to buy her a present.     1    

A week before her mother’s birthday, she went shopping after a quick and simple lunch. For her mother had lost her umbrella a month before, she decided to buy a black one.

Sally thought her mother could carry that black umbrella when she wore clothes of any colour. So she bought a lovely umbrella and took it back to school with her.

She went home in the train that evening.     2     She went along to the buffet car (餐车) for a sandwich and a cup of coffee. When she got back to her seat, her umbrella was gone! She was sure that she had left the black umbrella above her seat, but it was not there now.     3    

She began to cry when she saw that the umbrella was not there. The other people felt very sorry for her and asked what the matter was.     4    After hearing that, the three people asked for her mother’s address.     5    

The next week, Sally got a letter from her mother. It said, “Thank you very much for your lovely presents but why did you send me three black umbrellas?

A.She told them the case, and she had to get off at the next station.
B.She looked around, there were only three people.
C.She wanted a nice and useful, but not expensive present.
D.She felt hungry because she had a very little lunch.
E.They said they could send umbrella to her if someone had taken it by mistake.
2022-12-18更新 | 29次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约220词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:本文讲述了Jordan Romero从十岁时就开始登山,他下定决心一定要登上珠穆朗玛峰,如果这次没成功,下次再试。目前登上珠穆朗玛峰的最年轻的人是2001年来自尼泊尔的16岁男孩Temba Tsheri。

【推荐2】Jordan has already reached the top of six other world famous high mountains. He climbed the first—Africa’s Kilimanjaro(乞力马扎罗山)—with his parents when he was 10.

Jordan said he had the idea of climbing those mountains when he saw a painting in his school. The painting showed all seven mountains.

“I just wanted to do something big, and this was something I wanted to do for myself,” he said.

His father, Paul, is an experienced mountain climber. But he said the idea was his son’s. “We’re just packing(收拾) the bags, going after him around the world,” Paul said.

Mount Qomolangma is 8,844 meters high. Jordan would climb with his parents and two guides. He said they would not take big risks(冒险). They would turn around if they saw problems such as bad weather. He hopes to reach the top by May.

“This may be the first of many tries,” he said.“It could take a few years, but I’ve made up my mind to do it. If I don’t reach the top this time, I will try next time.”

The youngest person to climb Qomolangma until now was Temba Tsheri, 16, from Nepal(尼泊尔), in 2001.

1. Jordan had his first mountain climbing experience at the age of ________.
2. Jordan decided to climb Qomolangma with ________.
A.his teacherB.Temba TsheriC.two guidesD.his schoolmates
3. From the passage, we know that Jordan ________.
A.has reached the highest mountain in the worldB.began to like climbing because of a painting
C.will get to the top in spite of terrible weatherD.would climb the mountain by himself
4. In the passage, Jordan wanted to ________.
A.try his best to reach the top of the mountainB.make his dream come true after May
C.spend several weeks climbing the mountainD.take big risks to find the mountain
5. The passage mainly talks about ________.
A.some famous high mountainsB.the youngest mountain climber
C.a wonderful adventureD.a boy’s dream of climbing
2022-04-02更新 | 37次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约270词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Reyes Guana, 42, grew up in a poor Mexican family. He has seven brothers and sisters. His parents always had two jobs to make ends meet.

As a boy, Guana had a good relationship with the school cleaner. He called her “Nike” because she wore Nike shoes. The boy liked how Nike made everything clean. He told her he wanted to be a cleaner, too. “Well, it’s good if you want to be a clea ner,” Nike told little Guana. “But make sure you go to college.”

Guana also looked up to the principal(校长)of his school. The school leader told the boy that his job was to help students and teachers. “Wow, when I grow up, I want to do what you’re doing,” Guana told him. “Well, if you stick your dream, you will,” the principal replied.

And Guana really realized his dream. But it was quite a long journey for him. Twenty-three years ago, he followed in Nike’s footsteps and was cleaning schools. He worked at three schools to pay for his college education. He held that job for four years and then worked his way up to being a school safety monitor. After that, he worked as a teacher for a few years.

Now, as a principal, Guana never forgets where he came from. He helps students from poor families and shows respect for every school staff member. He always invites everyone to school parties, including. those who clean the floors and those who drive the school buses.

1. Guana hoped to be a cleaner because he ________.
A.was good at cleaningB.admired the cleaner “Nike” a lot
C.needed to support his poor familyD.had to pay for his college education
2. According to the writer, ________.
A.Guana should have been named principal earlier
B.a boy from a poor family can have a bright future
C.a cleaner is more important than a college student
D.the cleaners and the drivers shouldn’t get more respect
3. What would be the best title for this passage?
A.Different JobsB.Relationship Works
C.From Cleaner to LeaderD.From Failure to Success
2021-05-31更新 | 35次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般