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题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:326 题号:10778627

Have you ever visited the Forbidden City? This year is its 600th birthday. It is the world's largest palace and has over 17 million visitors every year. But if we traveled back to the past, we probably wouldn't be allowed inside.

In the past, all buildings in Beijing were low except the Forbidden City. From outside, ordinary(普通的)people could only imagine what it looked like inside.

The Forbidden City takes up 720, 000 square meters in the heart of Beijing. It was built from 1406 to 1420 by the third emperor of the Ming Dynasty, the Yongle Emperor. After that, it was the living and working place of 14 emperors of the Ming Dynasty and 10 emperors of the Qing Dynasty.

During those times, the Forbidden City was where the country's supreme power(最高权力)could be found. Emperors were born, lived, fought and died there. It saw the highs and lows of the Ming and Qing dynasties, and it plays a very important part in Chinese history.

The cultural relics(遗物)and documents(文件)in the palace show how the royal families lived. They are still used today for historical research, as well as inspiration for literature(文学)and entertainment(娱乐).

In 1987, the Forbidden City was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site. For world leaders who visit China, it has become a must-see. In 2017, when US President Donald Trump paid a state visit to China President Xi Jinping and his wife Peng Liyuan welcomed Trump and his wife there.

1. The Forbidden City was built _________.
A.in1406B.in 1420C.from 1406 to 1420
2. Why does the Forbidden City play an important role in Chinese history?
A.Because it saw the highs and lows of the Ming and Qing dynasties.
B.Because it was the place where the emperors were born and grew up.
C.Because it is the place people want to visit most.
3. __________can show how the royal families lived in the Forbidden City.
A.The pictures of the Forbidden City
B.The cultural relics and the documents in the palace
C.The buildings in Beijing
4. What does the underlined word“must-see”mean in Chinese?
5. What does the passage mainly talk about?
A.The Forbidden City.
B.The emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties.
C.The life of royal families.
2020·湖南邵阳·中考真题 查看更多[2]


阅读理解-单选(约390词) | 适中 (0.65)

Disneyland has always been the dream vacation for kids throughout the world. However, Shanghai Disneyland has recently caught people’s attention through a lawsuit(官司).

The suit was brought by a college student Wang, who is from East China University of Political Science and Law. She refused after being told to either throw away the snacks she had brought in the backpack or eat them up. Wang argued with the park security and then made phone calls to the police and to official hot lines like 12345 and 12315, however, none worked. In order to get into the park, she gave up the snacks, which were worth 46.3 yuan.

Wang brought the case to the People’s Court Pudong New Area, where the theme park is located. The case was heard on April 23. Shanghai Disneyland replied in August with its “no outside food” policy and said that the rule is “consistent(一致) with many other theme parks across China” and “guests are welcome to enjoy their own food and drinks outside the park”.

This is not the first time that Disney has been accused. In June last year, a lawyer Jun accused Shanghai Disneyland of overpriced food in the park. The next month, Liu Demin, a father accused the park of charging his ten-year-old son a full fare ticket instead of half price.

Disney has owned 6 theme park resorts all over the world. Three parks in America and France do not have such rules as “no outside food” policy, while the three in China and Japan, as Asian countries, don’t allow tourists to take in outside food. In addition, customers are not informed about the rule when they book park tickets on the computer. No tips are listed on the official website of Disney. People can only get to know the certain rule at the end of the page when they buy tickets through smart phones.

1. In _________, customers can bring food and drinks into Disneyland.
A.Paris.B.Hong Kong.C.Shanghai.D.Tokyo.
2. What is the right order of the following activities?
① Wang gave up her snacks and got into the park.
② Shanghai Disney park replied with its “no outside food” policy.
③ Wang called the police and official hot lines.
④ Wang was refused to get into the park with snacks in her backpack.
⑤ Wang brought the case to the court.
3. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Wang’s case this year was the first time that Disney has been accused.
B.The college student Wang accused Shanghai Disneyland of its expensive food.
C.Guests are allowed to enjoy their own food and drinks outside Shanghai Disneyland.
D.Customers know about “no outside food” policy at the end of the computer page.
4. We can read this passage in the________ part of the newspaper.
2020-04-17更新 | 53次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约150词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】We know the 2020 Tokyo Olympic didn’t start until 2021 because of NCP (新冠肺炎).

But do you know which city will be the one after that?

On Sept 13, 2017, IOC gave us the answer.

Paris will host the Olympic Games in 2024 and Los Angeles will be the next in 2028. This is the first time that IOC has chosen (选择) two host cities at the same time, reported Xinhua. Both countries are happy to bring home the Games.

Paris hosted two Olympics before. It will host the Games 100 years after its last Games in 1924. For the United States, the event goes back to the country since the 1996 Atlanta Olympics.

The two cities already have more than 90 percent of the facilities (设施) for the Games. This will help them to spend less money.

1. When did the Tokyo Olympic start?
A.In 1924.B.In 2017.C.In 2020.D.In 2021.
2. The 2028 Olympic Games will be in ________.
A.Tokyo.B.Los Angeles.C.Atlanta.D.Paris.
3. How many times did Paris host the Olympics before? ________
A.Once.B.Twice.C.Three times.D.Four times.
4. The Games won’t cost the two cities much money because ________.
A.they’re happy to bring home the Games
B.they will help each other host the games
C.they already have most of the facilities
D.they hold ninety percent of the Games
2022-11-18更新 | 53次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约280词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】I’m usually sad to say goodbye to my cousins after visiting them in Australia. But last June I wasn’t. We had to change planes in the Middle East on the way back and had to stay overnight. I just couldn’t wait to get to our hotel. How exciting it was!

The first thing I noticed in the hotel was all the glass. It was really bright, so I don’t know why all the lights were on in the building! There was also loud rock music playing inside, which I loved, but my parents didn’t! There weren’t many people waiting at the reception, so we were soon in our rooms.

The garden wasn’t what I expected. “Dad”, I said, “you told me there was a pool!” He took me back into the reception area and then up in the lift to the 39th floor and out onto the top of the building. “Here it is”, he said. It was amazing! Swimming under the clouds was awesome.

I’ve stayed in some great hotels around the world, but no one was as cool as that one. I saw photographs of it before I went, but they don’t really show how large the building is. I couldn’t believe it. Everything is huge — the building, the pool, the meals which were delicious, too, by the way! There’s so much to do and see there. I hope we can go back again and stay for longer.

1. The writer says the last June, she felt ________.
A.excited about where she was goingB.sad because she was leaving her cousins
C.angry because her journey was put offD.surprised because of the changes
2. What was the hotel like inside?
A.It was dark.B.It was quiet.C.It was busy.D.It was noisy.
3. Where was the hotel’s pool?
A.It was in the hotel garden.B.It was on the top of the building.
C.It was close to the hotel’s reception area.D.It was up in the lift.
4. What do we learn about the writer in the last paragraph?
A.She hasn’t visited any hotels in her life.
B.She didn’t have time to see everything in the hotel.
C.She didn’t know the hotel is so big before she came here.
D.She didn’t like the hotel at all.
5. Why was the writer written this text?
A.To describe what the hotel looks like.B.To say how the hotel could improve.
C.To explain why she loved the hotel.D.To make an advertisement for the hotel.
2021-10-20更新 | 78次组卷
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