组卷网 > 初中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自然 > 动物与植物 > 常见动物
题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:113 题号:10976198

We wash vegetables before cooking them. And we wash our hands before we start eating. That is because we know washing can clean our food and keep diseases(疾病) away. But, do you see cows, dogs or cats wash their food? No, they don’t.

But there is one kind of animal called raccoons(浣熊). I think they’re interesting. They like to wash their food before eating. And raccoons don’t eat any food if they can’t find water around. Even if they eat, they don’t look happy about it. We don't know why they wash the food. It is not because they like clean things. Because they also wash the food in the dirty(脏的) water!

In fact, they find most of their food in the dirty water. They are very lazy. They usually sleep all day. They live in places where there is water and trees. Usually, they build home in the trees.

They are gray or brown in colour. They have big ears and small eyes. They are good looking. So I think they look very lovely.

根据短文内容, 选择最佳选项,并在答题卡上将选定答案的字母标号填黑。
1. Which of the following is TRUE?
A.All animals like washing their food.
B.No animals like washing their food.
C.Most animals don’t wash their food.
D.Many animals like washing their food.
2. Why do raccoons clean food before eating?
A.Because they want to keep diseases away.
B.Because they are as clever as people.
C.Because they like everything clean.
D.We don’t know the reason.
3. Where do raccoons build their home?
A.In the water.
B.In the trees.
C.In the dirty places.
4. What does the writer think of the raccoons?
A.He thinks the raccoons wash hands as people do.
B.He thinks the raccoons work very hard all day.
C.He thinks the raccoons are cute and interesting.
D.He doesn’t like the raccoons because they are lazy.
5. What is the best title for this passage?
A.Raccoon’s hobbies.B.Raccoon’s looks.
C.Raccoon’s home.D.Raccoon’s food.


阅读理解-判断(约170词) | 适中 (0.65)

Once upon a time,a fox was walking along road. He saw some beautiful grapes hanging over a high wall. He stopped to look at the grapes. They looked nice to eat. The fox wanted to eat the grapes very much,but he couldn't reach them. So, he jumped as high as he could. Sometimes his nose touched a grape, but his mouth could not reach it. The fox jumped and jumped until he was very tired.

Finally,he stopped jumping and walking away with his nose held high. He said,"I don't need those grapes. They look nice but I'm sure they are sour."

In our daily life, when people can't get something they want, they may say,"The grapes are sour. "

1. The fox was walking along a river.
2. The grapes were beautiful and looked nice to eat.
3. The fox didn't want to eat the grapes very much.
4. The grapes were too high for the fox to reach.
5. Today, when people can't get what they want, they often say it's not good.
2020-03-04更新 | 192次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约230词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】A mouse ran across the face of a sleeping lion and woke him up. The lion was very angry. He put out his paw and caught the mouse.

“You woke me up,” he said. “I will now eat you.”

“Please don’t,” the mouse said. “If you let me alive, I promise(承诺)I will help you one day.”

The lion laughed. He couldn’t think of how a small mouse could ever help him, but he said, “Very well. I’ll let you go this time. But don’t wake me up again.”

A year passed. The lion fell into a hole dug by a hunter. The hunter then tied him up with ropes. The lion tried to get away, but he could not.

The mouse spoke to the lion, “Do you remember me? You let me free a year ago. Now I can return your help.”

The mouse began to cut into the rope with his teeth. The lion got out of the rope, and climbed out of the hole. He was free!

1. Why did the lion laugh when he heard the mouse’s promise?
A.He could eat the mouse finally.B.He could run away from the hunter.
C.He wasn’t afraid of falling into a hole.D.He didn’t think the mouse could help him.
2. Which is the right order for the mouse?
a. It woke up the lion.
b. It helped the lion be free.
c. It was caught by the lion.
d.It promised the lion to help him.
3. The mouse helped the lion by ________.
A.waking it up againB.asking the hunter to run
C.giving the lion some foodD.cutting into the rope with teeth
4. What does the writer want to tell us from the story?
A.We have to be careful when we are outside.
B.We need to help animals when they are in need.
C.Sometimes even small ones can help strong ones.
D.It’s dangerous to wake up a lion when it is sleeping.
2022-11-18更新 | 90次组卷
阅读理解-五选五(约180词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】People have always been interested in animal communication and scientists have done a lot of researches on this subject.

Most animals communicate by smell. Dogs are famous for this.     1     Dogs have helped the police for a long time, too. They can find missing people by using their fantastic sense of smell. Mice have an excellent sense of smell, too. Scientists have even trained them to find landmines. Scientists have discovered that even ants use smell.     2    

Everyone has heard birds singing. Research has shown that many other animals use sound to communicate.     3     Usually the “gentlemen” make sounds to invite the “ladies”. Whales and elephants also use sound to communicate. These sounds can travel very far through water or the ground. However, it is not possible for humans to hear some of the sounds. They are either too low or too high for us.

    4     When a cat puts its ears back, it is a bit mad. When it sits with its tail around itself, it is happy.     5     When it wags its tail and opens its mouth, it is happy. So I think my dog is happy right now.

A.Frogs and insects communicate with sounds.
B.When a dog puts its tail under its body, it is scared.
C.They use smell to tell other ants where the food is.
D.When a dog walk outside, it learns about other dogs by smelling things.
E.Animals have always used body language to communicate as well.
2024-06-10更新 | 27次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般