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题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:98 题号:11109800

Why is it called Mars? You might have asked yourself this before. Well, Mars is the name of the Roman god of war. People have seen the planet as a symbol of war for thousands of years. The ancient Greeks called the planet Ares after their god of war. Chinese people called it the“fire star" for the same reason.

Scientists have been interested in the planet since long before any space tasks. Egyptian scientists first saw Mars in the sky more than 4,000 years ago. Since then, people from all over the world have studied the planet.

Over the years, scientists have continued to study the planet and learned some basic things about it.

Mars is 10 times lighter and about 6 times smaller than Earth. Earth is 93 million miles (about 150 million km) from the sun, while Mars is 142 million miles away. That means it is much colder on Mars. In fact, the average temperature on Mars is - 62℃. Scientists found water on Mars long ago, but because of the low temperatures there, it is frozen. One day on Mars is called a sol and is about 40 minutes longer than one Earth day. The Red Planet's surface gravity is only 37% as strong as Earth's, meaning you would be able to jump nearly two times higher on Mars.

1. What did the ancient Greeks call Mars?
A.MarsB.AresC.The“fire star"D.The Red Planet
2. Which of the following is TRUE about Mars?
A.Chinese scientists first saw Mars.B.Mars is lighter and bigger than Earth.
C.Earth is father from the sun than Mars.D.A sol is about 1480 minutes.
3. An astronaut may jump like____on Mars.

Earth               Mars


Earth             Mars


Earth               Mars


Earth               Mars

4. The passage is probably taken from a(an) ________.
A.history bookB.story bookC.science bookD.art book


阅读理解-单选(约410词) | 适中 (0.65)

On December 25, 2021, a new and exciting age of space science started when the James Webb Space Telescope was launched* into space. According to NASA, Webb is the largest and most powerful space science telescope ever built.

At first, Webb was planned to cost half a billion dollars and launched in 2007. But it turned out to be impossible. As designed, Webb’s orbit* is about 1.6 million kilometers away from the earth. It is too far for the astronauts to repair if it breaks down. So everything has to work perfectly on the first try, and it is the main reason why NASA spent nearly 30 years and 10 billion dollars getting it ready for launch.

Considered as a successor* to the old Hubble Space Telescope, Webb will allow us to look deeper into the universe than ever before. Hubble mostly sees what we see—which is known as visible light. But Webb is designed to focus on the infrared* light, which is invisible to the human eyes. That means Webb can see through dust* in the universe and make new discoveries by examining stars inside those dust clouds. It will try to collect light from the very first stars when the universe was young. By collecting the light, the telescope can see galaxies as they appeared in the past, which could help to explain how the universe began. It will also study the planets around other stars, looking for signs of life.

In order to collect the light and focus it into its camera, the mirror* Webb uses is 6.5 meters across much larger than Hubble’s 2.4-meter-wide mirror. The size advantage gives Webb 6.25 times more surface area to collect light in the universe, letting it see further and more detailed. However, the mirror also needs to be small enough to fit into a rocket to be launched into space. To fit the telescope in the rocket, engineers built the mirror with 18 honeycomb-shaped segments* that could fold up. And during Webb’s journey to the orbit, they will unfold, creating one large mirror.

Now, Webb has been in its orbit for several months, and it will send back its first images in June. By the time, the results will prove it is of great value to put so much time and money in building it.

1. NASA put off sending Webb into space because ________.
A.there wasn’t enough money for the further research
B.Webb’s orbit was too far away for the rockets to reach
C.it was not necessary to send Webb into space so early
D.it was hard to make Webb work excellently in its orbit
2. Compared with Hubble, Webb improves itself by ________.
A.costing much more efforts to be designed and built
B.working in a shorter distance away from the earth
C.using a 2.4-meter-wide mirror to collect more light
D.collecting infrared light to explore the start of space
3. Which of the following can be True about Webb’s situation now?
A.People still need to be patient for the results of Webb’s first try.
B.It’s close to the orbit and will send back its pictures this summer.
C.The mirror it uses has been half unfolded since it was launched.
D.It is the largest and most expensive space telescope in the world.
4. What’s the best title of the passage?
A.Future of Making New Space Telescope
B.A Space Telescope with High Expectation
C.Challenges for exploring further universe
D.A Special Mirror for Collecting Lights
2022-05-03更新 | 59次组卷
阅读理解-五选五(约120词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Are we alone in space? Is the Earth the only planet that has life?     1     Now we may get one step closer to the answers.

On Feb. 22nd, NASA said they found seven Earth-like planets (行星).     2    . The planets go around a dwarf star called Trappist-1. It is much smaller and cooler than our sun. They are about 39 light-years (光年) from the Earth.     3     But scientists say it’s a little close.

    4     If you lived on one of them, you could possibly see the clouds around the next planet. More importantly, three of the planets are at the perfect distance (距离) from the Sun.     5     If there is liquid water (液态水), there could be life.

For scientists, the finding is not an end. Next, they will try to find out if the planets have atmospheres

A.That seems too far away from us.
B.They all nearly have the same size as Earth.
C.These are big questions in the science world.
D.It means there could be liquid water on them.
E.The seven planets are very close to one another.
2023-06-20更新 | 23次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约170词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】When you look at the sky at night, the Moon looks bigger than the stars. Actually (实际上), the Moon is much smaller than the stars and the Sun. But the Moon is much closer to us than any star. That is why it looks so big.

The Moon moves around the Earth. It makes one trip in about four weeks. The Moon looks flat (平坦的) to us. But it is a round (圆形的) ball, like the Earth.

People once thought the Moon had fire on it. They thought the fire made it bright. Now we know the Moon is like a mirror. It gets its light from the Sun.

The sunlight comes from the Sun too. The Sun gives us light and warmth (温暖). It makes plants grow and turns leaves green. It makes life possible on the Earth. It is a life-giving star.

1. How long does it take the Moon to travel once (一次) around the Earth?
A.Less than a week.B.Nearly a month.
C.Half a year.D.More than a year.
2. Why is the Moon so bright?
A.Because there is some fire on it.B.Because it is near the Sun.
C.Because there is a big mirror on it.D.Because it gets light from the Sun.
3. Which of the following is TRUE?
A.The Moon is much smaller than the stars and the Sun.
B.The Moon is much bigger than the stars and the Sun.
C.The Moon had fire on it.
D.The sunlight comes from the Moon.
4. Why do we call the Sun “a life-giving star”?
A.Because it gives us water.
B.Because there are some living things on it.
C.Because plants and animals can’t live without it.
D.Because people have to live in the dark without it.
5. What’s the best title (标题) for this passage?
A.Interesting facts about the MoonB.The Moon and the Sun
C.Light from the SunD.The Earth
2022-10-28更新 | 57次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般