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题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.4 引用次数:169 题号:12265055

The science museum is a major museum on Exhibition Road in South Kensington in London. It was founded in 1857 and today is one of the city’s main tourist attractions. In most museums, there is no shouting and no running, and you must not touch anything. However, the Science Museum is different because it is busy and noisy. People talk about what they can see and do there, and some machines(机械)also work. It’s a good way to learn about science, because you can find the answer and try the idea.

At the Science Museum, I always visit OFF Floor that is quite crowded. This is my favorite because physical experiment(实验)can be done in it. If you want to fill a bag with sand, you have to drive a kind of truck on wheels and move it into the right place. You can also find out how people travel into space and back again.

I like to visit the rooms on the second and third floors. You can learn about communications and the environment as well as math, physics, and chemistry. For example, you can find out how people dig coal from the ground and use it to create energy(能量). And in one room they even explain how X-rays let you see inside your body.

Then when we go to the fourth floor, Glimpses of Medical History, you can learn about what medicine(药)was like in the past, with exhibits of medical instrument and practices from old days and from many countries. If you compare the medicine of past with the medicine of today, you will feel very lucky next time you visit a doctor!

The Science Museum is interesting for people of all ages. You can always find something new and have a wonderful time there. You don’t need to spend money entering it, so you can go in for a few minutes or stay all day. It is open daily from 10 am. to 6 pm. There, you can do many things, but you have to follow some rules. For example, you can not shoot exhibits. But you can buy postcards about them in the museum shop.

So if you ever go to London, make sure you visit the Science Museum. It is one of the most attractive museums around the world!

1. According to Paragraph 1, how is the Science Museum different from most museum?
A.There is no shouting and no running.
B.You must not touch anything.
C.You cannot talk about what you see.
D.You can try the idea about science.
2. Why is Off Floor popular?
A.Because you can find out how people travel into space.
B.Because there are lots of physical experiments.
C.Because you compare medicine in the past with today.
D.Because people can find out how they dig coal.
3. If you are interested in public health, you’d better visit_______.
A.the first floorB.the second floor
C.the third floorD.the fourth floor
4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Doctors are much better today than those in the past
B.The history of the museum is shorter than 160 years
C.You can buy something at the Science Museum
D.You have to pay for the tickets to the museum
5. We can learn ________ from the Science Museum.
A.how to see a doctor next time
B.how to create energy by using coal
C.how to dig coal by using energy
D.how to get an X-ray inside your body


阅读理解-单选(约300词) | 较难 (0.4)
【推荐1】When my wife left this world, I chose to travel in Antigua looking for a peaceful place to rest my old body. Not quite old and weak, I felt I wanted something more than the usual hotel room with 24-hour room service.
I decided this year to try something completely new and booked myself a private holiday home in Antigua. This was the best decision I had ever made, as there was plenty to do, plenty to see and lots of lovely restaurants to visit. There was a private swimming pool, and a cool, wide yard where I ate my breakfast most mornings.
Antigua has to be one of the loveliest places on earth to spend a holiday. The bright blue sea and the endless blue around the beach areas proved to be an excellent place for me to spend the long afternoons.
I had to hurry to do what I wanted to do before the holiday came to an end. I managed to visit the Sugar Mill and Shirley Heights on my last two days and yet found myself wondering whether I could extend for a few more days.
I rented a boat and came home after a day’s sailing, refreshed, looking forward to dinner. Everything is so pleasant on these beautiful islands, swept by the trade winds and warmed by the sun for so many summer months. The food just tasted better to me, perhaps because I was having such a great holiday. There was always someone to have a drink with---- that’s what I liked most.
1. Which of the following statements is NOT mentioned about the private holiday home the writer stayed in?
A.It had a private swimming pool.
B.There were lots of restaurants near it.
C.The writer often had breakfast in its yard.
D.It supplied delicious seafood to the writer.
2. The word “extend” in Paragraph 4 probably means “______”.
A.make something last longer
B.make you feel happy
C.prevent from entering
D.sell goods to foreign countries
3. The most important reason for the writer to travel in Antigua was ______.
A.there was bright blue sea
B.there was endless blue sky
C.there were lots of lovely restaurants
D.there were many people to drink with
4. The passage is most likely to be taken from a part of ______.
A.a tour guideB.a travel diary
C.a student’s reportD.a health report
2017-09-27更新 | 64次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约390词) | 较难 (0.4)
【推荐2】Death Valley,one of America's great national parks,is a place of strange and silent beauty. As beautiful as this place is, its name provides evidence(迹象)of very real danger. Death Valley is a land of beautiful yet dangerous extremes. There are mountains that reach more than 3,000 meters into the sky. "There is a place called Badwater that is the lowest area of land in the Western Hemisphere. If there were water there,it would be 86 meters below the level of the ocean.
Death Valley can be dangerously cold during the winter months. Storms in the mountains can produce sudden flooding on the floor of the Valley. The air temperature during the summer has been as high as 57℃. The sun can heat the ground so that the temperature of the rocks and soil can be as high as 74℃. The extreme heat of Death Valley has ever killed people. It will continue to kill those who do not honor this extreme climate. Death Valley does not forgive those who are not careful.
Death Valley is a good example of the violence(暴力)of nature. It contains evidence of several ancient volcanoes that caused huge explosions. Evidence of one of these explosions is called Ubehebe Crater. The explosion left a huge hole in the ground almost a kilometer and a half wide.
In many areas of Death Valley it is easy to see where the ground has been pushed up strongly by movement deep in the Earth. This movement has created unusual and beautiful rock formations. Some are red. Others are dark brown,gray,yellow or black. Other areas of rock look as if some huge creature heavily broke and twisted the Earth to create unusual, sometimes frightening shapes.
In other parts of Death Valley there are lines in the rock that show clearly that this area was deep under an ocean for many thousands of years. Much of the alley is flat and very dry. In fact, scientists believe it is the driest place in the United States.
Death Valley, part of the Great Mojave Desert, is a huge place. It extends more than 225 kilometers across the southern part of California, and across the border with Nevada.
1. Which of the underlined word "twisted" in Paragraph 4 most possibly means       .
2. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A.The water in Badwater is 86 meters below the level of the ocean.
B.The highest air temperature in summer can reach as high as 74℃.
C.There might have been sea-born lives living in Death Valley.
D.The ground has been pushed up hard by explosions of volcanoes.
3. Why were some people killed by Death Valley?
A.Because they didn't respect Death Valley and thus they were punished.
B.Because several volcanoes broke out and caused huge explosions.
C.Because they were not careful enough to take with them what they needed.
D.Because it is very hot in summer and dangerously cold in winter.
2019-02-24更新 | 134次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约330词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐3】Upcoming China’s 14th National Games Boosts Public Fitness in Xi’an XTAN, March 2nd(Xinhua) —If you pass by the Grand Tang Dynasty Ever Bright City in Xi’an, the capital city of China’s northwest Shaanxi Province, during the first Chinese lunar month, the lanterns which decorate in the shapes of Chinas 14th National Games mascots(吉祥物) are sure to catch you attention.

In the hometown of the Terracotta Warriors and Horses, the major event, which will take place from September 15th to 27th, is making people more interested in fitness.

Qian Yusong, an 11-year-old footballer, trains after class on a new field near the Ba River in northeastern Xi’an, with his teammates from the Shaanxi Qinwei football club.

Zhao Yi, an official from the Chanba Ecological District, toldXinhuathat in the plans of the local government, the courts were the supporting works of the 14th National Games. “Besides the football courts, we have table tennis tables, badminton courts, and all sorts of fitness equipment(设备) in the area, meeting different needs of fitness,” said Zhao.

As one of the hometowns of martial arts, with the coming National Games, Lianhu District is making the Chinese traditional activity more popular.

In downtown Xi’an, few football courts were available. To solve the problem, the Xi’an Beilin District government, with a company would build several football courts near a shopping mall in 2020.

At night, the Grand Tang Dynasty Ever Bright City isilluminatedby lanterns in the shapes of flowers from former National Games host cities. The flowers, including roses from Shenyang, kapoks from Guangzhou, and Chinese roses from Qingdao, can be seen in the street.

“We will give the best sportsmen around the country a warm welcome in the autumn. The event is good for all of us,” said Miao Jiaxin, a worker of the Grand Tang Dynasty Ever Bright City.

1. Where is the passage from?
A.A website.B.A photo magazine.C.The radio.D.A history book.
2. The underlined word “illuminated” here probably means: “_______”.
3. The examples of Qian Yusong and Zhao Yi are used to _______.
A.explain when the footballers from the Shaanxi Qinwei football club train
B.introduce all sorts of fitness equipment in Xi’an
C.show people’s interest in fitness
D.popularize the Chinese traditional activity
4. We can learn from the passage that _______.
A.two host cities are mentioned in the passage
B.there will be more football courts in the Xi’an Beilin District
C.Lianhu District is making football popular
D.Miao Jiaxin is one of the sportsmen
2022-04-07更新 | 97次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般