组卷网 > 初中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 家庭、朋友与周围的人 > 朋友
题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:314 题号:12892370

Emma stared sadly out of the window of the bus. Only 50 miles outside town was the farm where she grew up. She thought about the farm all the time, especially the animals.

When her family sold the farm and moved to nearby town, Emma was excited. But when she got to the new school, she felt out of place. She had few classmates to talk to.

With a sigh, Emma turned her attention back to the present. The bus came to a stop. “Welcome to the Nature Center,” her teacher said.” A guide will give us a presentation about the animals, and then you’ II help to feed the baby squirrels. Now, I want everyone to find a partner.”

Emma didn’t have any friends yet who would be her partner? Emma got close to Julia, a talkative and outgoing girl. “Could I be your partner?” Emma asked uncertainly.

“Sure,” said Julia warmly.

Together, the girls walked into the center. After the presentation, a keeper showed them how to hold the bottle of milk for baby squirrels. Then the girls started to feed their own baby squirrels.

After the babies finished eating, the keeper asked, “Would you like to help feed the adult squirrels, too?”

Emma was quick to volunteer, but when the keeper opened the first cage, a squirrel inside jumped out. Emma remained calm, held out her hand, made quiet sounds, and then quickly got it.

“Wow! You are so brave!” Julia said. “You’re always so quiet. I thought you were afraid of everything.”

“I know that we have to stay calm when animals are frightened or excited.”

The keeper nodded in agreement and asked Emma, “Would you like to volunteer to help out with the animals at the center?”

“Cool! I would love to work here! That’s a great chance!” Emma replied cheerfully.

That afternoon, in the bus on the way back to school, Emma sat next to Julia, her new friend. A rush of new-found happiness washed over her.

1. How did Emma feel when she got to the new school?
A.Excited but sad.
B.Nervous and lonely.
C.Lonely and sad.
D.Warm but nervous.
2. What probably help Emma stay calm when the squirrel jumped out?
A.Her decision to protect her friend.
B.Her knowledge from her classmates.
C.Her close relationship with the squirrel.
D.Her experience with animals on the farm.
3. On the way back to school, Emma felt happy because ________.
A.the teacher praised her for being brave
B.she easily caught the baby squirrel
C.she returned to the farm and learned a lot about animals
D.she could care for animals again and made a friend
4. Which of the following shows the order of the development of the story?
a. Emma moved from the farm to the town.
b. Emma did well in feeding adult squirrels.
c. Emma got a chance to feed baby squirrels.
d. Emma was invited to volunteer at the center.
e. Emma partnered with Julia at Nature Centre.


阅读理解-单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】I will never forget the day when I met my best friend for the first time. That day, I was studying for an important exam in the library, but there was too much noise. I was getting much angrier and of course I was not able to concentrate(聚精会神). I couldn’t stand it when I heard someone singing behind me. I turned around and looked at the person angrily. It was a tall girl about the same age as me and she had a big smile on her face. She was standing with a book of poems in her hands. I picked up my books, looked at her and said angrily, “Thanks to your noise. I’ve been unable to study. You’re so selfish(自私的)!”

  Because I left the library in a hurry, I left my most important textbook behind. What was worse, the library was closed and I could do nothing. I was so sad that I almost cried. Just then, the phone rang. I answered it and a friendly voice said she was Jenny and asked if I was Jane. Jenny said that she had noticed I left my textbook in the library. As my name and phone number were in it, she called me directly. She said that she didn’t live far away and could bring it around for me.
  I agreed to meet her. When I found that Jenny was the girl I had shouted at, I was filled with shame and said sorry several times to her. Jenny just laughed. I invited her to my home for a cup of tea. Later, we became best friends and we told each other everything.
  How lucky I am! I have a nice friend and I value the friendship so much.
1. Why did the writer go to the library?
A.To borrow books.B.To read poems.
C.To make new friends.D.To study for an exam.
2. What did the writer forget to take when she left the library?
A.Her textbook.B.Her phone.
C.Her cup.D.Her bag.
3. The writer thinks she is lucky because ________.
A.she passed her examB.she met Jenny
C.Jenny stopped singingD.Jenny said sorry to her
2023-05-06更新 | 11次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约280词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】How many friends do you have? If you have many, you’re lucky. If you have a few good friends, you’re more than lucky. Our best friends can make our lives richer. They can teach us things. They can also challenge us to be better people. In a word, they are very important to us.

Good friends can help us stay healthy, too. When we are sick, they often take care of us and support us. Without friends, we feel lonely. Loneliness can be as harmful as smoking 15 cigarettes a day. So, build up your circle of friends and keep them close.

Good friends make us more confident. Sometimes we feel bad and have doubts about ourselves. When you feel this way, reach out to your most trusted friends. They’ll be there to cheer you up. They will let you know how amazing you are.

Good friends push us to be better people. They challenge us to do better and be better. What’s more, a friend’s good qualities can rub off on us. For example, if they are friendly and hardworking, you are more likely to be friendly and hard-working, too.

1. According to the article, you are more than lucky to have a few good friends because a good friend __________.
A.is able to bring better luck to you
B.helps you become a better person
C.trusts you more than most other people do
D.treats you better than most other people do
2. What does “loneliness can be as harmful as smoking 15 cigarettes a day” mean?
A.Having no close friends is bad for our health.
B.Having no close friends can feel as bad as smoking.
C.Having no close friends may lead us to smoke heavily.
D.Having no close friends may cause problems to our lungs(肺).
3. The underlined phrase “rub off on” means ________ in Chinese.
4. According to the author, how can we make good use of our good friends?
①By keeping in close contact with them.
②By learning good qualities from them.
③By telling them how important they are.
④By turning to them for help when we feel bad.
2022-11-05更新 | 45次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约250词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Mario always says how many friends he has at school, and how he is so friendly to everyone.

One day, his grandfather gave him a special chair to test whether his schoolmates were real friends or not. The chair couldn’t be seen by people. His grandfather told him, “Take it. If you take it to school and you manage to sit on it, you’ll know who your true friends are.”

The next day, Mario took the chair and went to school. At breaktime he asked his friends to form a circle, and he put himself in the middle, with his chair.

“Nobody moves! You’re about to see something amazing,” Mario said. And Mario tried to sit on the chair. But he missed and fell on the floor. Everyone laughed. He kept trying to sit on the magic chair, and he kept falling on the ground until, suddenly he tried again and didn’t fall. Looking around, Mario saw George, Lucas and Diana, three of his best friends, holding him up, so he wouldn’t fall. At the same time, many others did nothing but made fun of him, enjoying each and every fall.

After that, he knew who his true friends were.

1. Mario’s ______ gave him the special chair to test his friends.
2. Mario took the magic chair to his ______.
A.schoolB.bedroomC.classroomD.dining hall
3. What did Mario tell his friends to see after they sat in a circle?
A.Something amazing.B.Nothing interesting.
C.Someone unusual.D.Something terrible.
4. When Mario kept sitting and falling on the ground, many “friends” ______.
A.went up and held him up
B.did nothing but made fun of him
C.enjoyed playing the game with him
D.left without saying sorry to him
5. Who do you think are Mario’s true friends?
A.George, Linda and Mike.
B.Lucas, Diana and Bob.
C.George, Diana and Lucas.
D.Diana, Peter and George.
2021-03-19更新 | 30次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般