组卷网 > 初中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 学校活动 > 社团/俱乐部
题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:539 题号:1291156
The following chart(表) shows some information about the student’s after-school activities in a middle school. 100% means all the students, 51%—99% means most students, 1%—50% means some students and 0% means no students.
of Activity
Every day
Once or twice a week
Three or four times a
Do housework
Surf the Internet

1. This chart is about the ______ of the students in a middle school.
C.hobbiesD.after-school activities
2. _________ of the students can take enough(足够的) exercise during the week.
A.MostB.SomeC.A fewD.All
3. If there’re fifty students doing housework every day, there will be ________students surf the Internet every day.


阅读理解-单选(约220词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Wellington School Teams

#1 Gym Team

Do you love moving? Why not join our team and jump, dance and move your body? Come with us and dance in exciting competitions. Get stronger and make new friends at the same time.

We practice at 5 p.m. on Mondays and go to competitions at weekends.

#2 Gardening Team

Do you hate being inside all day?

Are you interested in the environment?

Then why not come and help us? We meet two lunchtimes a week and work hard to grow amazing plants. They have won many prizes in the past years. Last year we won a prize in a fruit competition for growing a really big watermelon!

We meet at 1 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The fruit and vegetable competitions are usually in summer.


Are you interested in taking photos and learning how to paint pictures?

Do you love drawing and choosing colors? Then come and have fun with cameras and paint. Make beautiful posters and take amazing photos to win competitions.

We meet at 5 p.m. on Wednesdays. We always have a “best-picture-of-the-week” competition that you can take part in.

1. What can students do in the Gym Team?
A.They can take beautiful photos and paint pictures.
B.They can learn how to grow plants and win prizes.
C.They can practice dancing and singing for competitions.
D.They can improve their physical strength and make friends.
2. When can you go to the Gardening Team if you are free?
A.At 1 p.m. on Mondays.
B.At 1 p.m. on Tuesdays.
C.At 5 p.m. on Wednesdays.
D.At 5 p.m. on Thursdays.
3. What does the underlined word “They” refer to in the text?
A.The winner’s prizes.
B.The big watermelons.
C.The amazing plants.
D.The beautiful pictures.
4. Which of the following can be put in?
A.Art Team
B.Drawing Team
C.Photography Team
D.Scientific Team
5. Where is this text probably taken from?
A.A diary.B.A report.C.A poster.D.A survey.
2024-04-10更新 | 87次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐2】Many people think that the ideas about right and wrong are only personal ideas. Bennett wrote The Book of Virtue (美德) in which he suggested that great moral (道德的) stories can build character. The success of Bennett’s book shows that many Americans still believe in moral values, just like honesty, courage, loyalty and many others.
For Americans, one basic moral value is honesty. The story about George Washington and the cherry tree teaches this value clearly. Little George cut down his father’s favourite cherry tree. When his father asked him about it, George said, “I did it.” Instead of punishment, his father spoke highly of him. Sometimes American honesty--being open and direct--can make people angry. But Americans still believe that “honesty is the best virtue”.
Another virtue is perseverance (毅力). A story tells of a little train climbing a hill. The hill is too high to get over it. But the train just kept pulling, all the while saying, “I think I can, I think I can.” At last, the train was over the top because he did not give up.
Compassion(同情) may be the queen of American virtues. The story of “The Good Samaritan” from the Bible describes a man with compassion. On his way home, he found a poor traveler lying on the road. The kind man, instead of just passing by, stopped to help this person in need.
Compassion can even turn into a good cycle. In 1992, people in Iowa sent plenty of water to help Floridians(佛罗里达州人) hit by storms. The next summer, during the Midwest flood, Florida returned. Millions of Americans are quietly passing along the kindness shown to them.
In no way can this book cover all the moral values honored (以…为荣) by Americans. But moral virtues are priceless, and they are the base of American culture and any culture.
1. How many virtues Americans have are mainly talked about in the passage?
2. The tale about the turtle (龟) and the rabbit that had a race can be an example to describe .
3. The passage implies(暗示) that          .
A.the story of “The Good Samaritan” tells that a kind man helps a poor traveler
B.some people think Americans go back to traditional moral values
C.Americans have many other moral virtues such as courage, loyalty, confidence.
D.the story about the little train proves Americans perseverant(有毅力的)
4. Which of the following shows the organization of the passage?
2015-08-28更新 | 90次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】The Breakfast Club

“What do you usually have for breakfast? ” I asked my students and heard the following:

“I never eat breakfast.”

“I don’t get time to eat.”

“I eat some bread and hurry to school.”

Sometimes I didn’t have my breakfast or just got an iced coffee, so I wanted to do something for myself and my students. I started the Breakfast Club. My idea was to have breakfast with a student every day and learn about them. Sometimes I would bring some special food, such as cupcakes or doughnuts(甜甜圈), when I felt the student worked hard at school.

When I shared my new idea with my class, they were excited. They talked about what food to bring when it was their turn(轮到的机会), and who would get the first invitation(邀请). When I told the parents of my class the idea, they welcomed it, too.

The next day, I put an invitation on Nicholas’s desk. He was often late and had difficulty with his schoolwork. When most of my students laughed and talked with one another, he was always alone. He didn’t smile a lot. But when Nicholas saw the invitation, there was a big smile on his face.

The next morning, he was my first student to get to school. We sat at my desk and ate a meal of cereal and juice. I learned that he had two dogs and he played soccer with his father at weekends. We both enjoyed the meal. Later that day, I put an invitation on a new desk, cereal. I saw many benefits as my students had their turn to eat breakfast with me. No one was late for school; they worked harder in school; they were happy to talk with me and other teachers.

1. The writer started the Breakfast Club to ________.
A.cook good breakfast for his students
B.have breakfast with a student every day
C.make his students have breakfast together
D.make parents cook breakfast for their children
2. What do you know about Nicholas?
A.He did well in his schoolwork.
B.He talked with his classmates a lot.
C.He was happy to get his teacher’s invitation.
D.He was late for the breakfast with his teacher.
3. What does the word “benefits” probably mean?
A.Good things.B.Unlucky things.C.Difficult things.D.Interesting things.
2023-09-20更新 | 154次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般