组卷网 > 初中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自然 > 动物与植物 > 常见动物
题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:364 题号:15161240

Hard-working horses have always been man’s best friends, but the playful pony is a kid’s best friend.

A pony is a small horse. Like horses, they have a lot of hair. The most well-known is the small Shetland pony, only as tall as a six-year-old child! Shetland ponies can pull twice their own weight (重量), with only their thick hair to protect them from the cold.

Ponies eat grass, oats and bran (燕麦和糠) and they also love carrots and apples. They don’t eat meat, ponies can sleep both lying down and standing up.

They are very playful, which is why they get on so well with children! They are happy to hang with their friends and go for rides. They enjoy having fun as much as their riders.

Like you and your friends, every pony is different. Some are quiet and some are cheeky (嬉皮笑脸的). Some are hard-working and others can be a bit lazy. Ponies are sensitive and often try to cheer you up when you feel sad. Just like you, they prefer to be spoken to kindly rather than shouted at!

A pony makes a great playmate but remember that it is not a toy. It is a living animal that needs care and lots of loving attention. You have to learn how to feed and groom (刷洗) it every day, how to clean its feet so that they stay healthy, are they?

1. According to Paragraph 2, the Shetland pony ________.
A.is hard-workingB.is small but strong
C.loves warm placesD.is the biggest pony
2. The main difference between a horse and a pony is about ________.
A.their hairB.their foodC.their sizeD.their sleeping way
3. Ponies are popular with kids because they ________.
A.like playingB.never feel sadC.are always cheekyD.love to be spoken to
4. The underlined word “sensitive” in this passage means ________.
5. Which can be the best title for this passage?
A.The Shetland PonyB.Man’s Best FriendC.Kid’s Great PlaymateD.Horses and Ponies
21-22八年级上·广东佛山·期末 查看更多[5]


阅读理解-单选(约230词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】The friendship between humans and dogs possibly began 14,000 years ago. Here are four examples of "a dog's life" in the human world today.

Treated like a queen

Tiffy is one of these dogs. Her owner, Nancy Jane Loewy, treats her like a queen. She patiently prepares Tiffy's meals of meat, fish, chicken and different kinds of fresh vegetables. Tiffy also eats yogurt and biscuits after dinner.

Food sniffer dogs (嗅探犬)

Food sniffer dogs work at international airports in the United States. Their job is to smell and find illegal (不合法 的) fruit,vegetables and other foods in bags and mail. These foods sometimes bring insects and diseases which could be dangerous for plants and animals.

Doggie detectives (侦探犬)

Search-aid-rescue (SAR) dogs use their amazing noses to find people. They can smell tiny dues (线索) that people leave wherever they go. These include bacteria (细菌), small pieces of clothing and hairs. The best known service dogs are guides for the blind. But they can also learn to               , turn lights on and off, pick up objects from the floor and even pull wheelchairs.

1. What food does Tiffy eat?
A.Only yogurt and biscuits.B.Anything except vegetables.
C.Normal dog food from shops.D.Home-cooked meals.
2. Which of the following is the best expression to fill in the blank in the passage?
A.look for missing hikersB.open and close doors
C.do any tasks for peopleD.follow people here and there
3. What kind of dogs is the most helpful when a child is lost?
A.SAR dogs.B.Whippet dogs.C.Sniffer dogs.D.Queen dogs.
4. What's the purpose of the passage?
A.To introduce different kinds of food sniffer dogs.
B.To tell the readers the importance of protecting animals.
C.To show the special relationships between dogs and humans.
D.To share with the readers the pleasure of keeping dogs as pets.
5. What can Food Sniffer Dogs do?
A.To find people who are lost.B.To accompany kids who feel lonely at home.
C.To smell and find illegal foods.D.To keep the house safe.
2020-03-26更新 | 101次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约300词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】One way you can tell if an animal is sleeping is by studying its brainwaves. When human beings or other mammals(哺乳动物) fall asleep, the pattern of their brainwaves changes.

However, mammals have different brains than fish. Humans and other mammals have complex (复杂的) brains. A fish’s brain is much less complex than a mammal’s brain. A fish’s brainwaves don’t change when the fish is asleep. This means that we can’t tell if a fish is sleeping by looking at its brainwaves.

Although fish may not sleep like people, they do rest. One way to tell if a fish is resting is to watch what it is doing. Most fish will slow down when they are resting. If you have ever had a pet fish, you might have noticed that it will rest near the bottom of the tank for a few hours every night. When the fish rests, it makes very small movements to keep itself in one place.

Another way to tell that a fish is resting is to watch how it reacts(反应) to things that happen to it. When a fish is resting, it will react much more slowly. In 2007, a group of scientists studied the sleeping habits of zebra fish. They gave the zebra fish mild(温和的) electric shocks when they were fully awake and while they were resting. If you have a pet fish at home, you can try a similar experiment. Try giving your fish some food when it is resting. It should take much longer for the fish to notice that there is food in its tank than it does when the fish is fully awake.

1. How do brainwaves of fish work when rest?
A.Their brainwaves stay the same.B.Their brainwaves become less complex.
C.Their brainwaves die down.D.Their brainwaves change differently.
2. What does the underlined word “they” in paragraph 3 refer to?
3. Which of the following is True according to the passage?
A.Fish usually eat nothing when they are resting.
B.Fish will react more slowly when they are resting.
C.Fish prefer to stay at the bottom of the tank all day.
D.Fish usually stop moving when they are resting.
4. What is the main idea of the passage?
A.Study the reasons why fish sleep at night.B.Study the eating habits of fish.
C.Study the ways how fish rest.D.Study the sleeping habits of mammals.
2023-06-06更新 | 30次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约170词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Do you know the monkeys in the Forest Zoo (森林动物园)? They’re from India. Many people like to come to the zoo to see the monkeys. They like to play with the monkeys there.

One day, a little boy comes to the zoo to see the monkeys. He gives the monkeys some food and likes them a lot. He jumps up and makes faces (做鬼脸) like the monkeys. One monkey takes his cap and puts it on its head. The boy is unhappy. He doesn’t know how to get his cap from the monkey in the cage (笼子). The monkey gets on a tall tree.

An old man sees what the monkey does, he throws his cap to the little boy. The monkey on the tall tree sees the old man and begins (开始) to throw the cap to the little boy. The boy catches the cap quickly (快地) and runs away.

1. The monkeys ________.
A.are from SichuanB.come from the forest in China
C.don’t like to play with peopleD.come from India
2. The underlined word (画线的词) “it” refers to (指的是) ________.
A.some foodB.the monkeyC.the zooD.the cap
3. What does the underlined word “throws” mean (意思) in Chinese?
4. Which is right?
A.The monkey has its own (自己的) cap.
B.The boy doesn’t like his cap.
C.In the end (最后), the boy gets his cap.
D.In the end (最后), the boy doesn’t get his cap.
5. What’s the best title (最好的标题) for the passage?
A.The Monkey and the CapB.Don’t Give Food to Monkeys
C.Who is Tall?D.Is the Zoo Big?
2024-01-29更新 | 19次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般