组卷网 > 初中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与社会 > 体育 > 竞技/比赛
题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:255 题号:16017271

We have fun with our school life every day. Our school often holds different after-school activities. There was a football match on the school playground yesterday afternoon.

Our class played against Class Two. Every player tried their best as soon as the match began at 4: 00 o’clock. The players from the two teams played very hard and well. At the beginning of the match, a big and strong player from Class Two got the ball and passed several of our players. He kicked the ball hard to the goal (球门). “Oh, dear!” my classmates shouted in surprise. Luckily, our goalkeeper Steve caught the ball. At the end of the first half of the match, there was no score.

After resting for ten minutes, the match began again. Our headteacher Mr. Zhang cheered us on all the time. “Teamwork! Teamwork!” he kept shouting. At this time, Kangkang got the ball. He kicked the ball to Jack and Jack kicked the ball to our captain (队长) Li Lei. He passed four players with the ball and then kicked the ball into the goal. The crowd jumped cheerfully. My classmates felt excited. Finally, we won 1 to 0.

My school life is colorful. I love my school life.

1. From the passage, we know ________ at last.
A.no team lostB.the writer’s team wonC.Class Two wonD.the result was 0: 0
2. At the first half of the match, ________.
A.Class Two got scoreB.the writer’s team got score
C.the result was 1 to 0D.there was no score
3. ________   is the captain of the writer’s class.
A.Li LeiB.SteveC.KangkangD.Jack
4. The players have a ________ rest during the match.
5. Which order (顺序) is TRUE according to the passage?
①Steve caught the ball.
②Kangkang kicked the ball to Jack.
③Li Lei kicked the ball into the goal.
④A big player got the ball.


阅读理解-单选(约260词) | 适中 (0.65)


The Formula 1 (F1) Chinese Grand Prix (中国大奖赛) 2024 took place in Shanghai in April. Zhou Guanyu, 25, was there. He is China’s first F1 racer (赛车手). He could not hide his joy and pride as this was his first time to race at home. His team is Alfa Romeo. In an interview, Zhou Guanyu talked about what made a great F1 racer.


A good racer must have a good body. Even though racers look still, their bodies are going through hard tests during races. Zhou does a lot of work on his neck. This is because the head and helmet become five times heavier when braking (刹车) and speeding up, according to the Motorsport Technology website. “You can see my neck getting thicker these years,” said Zhou.

Quick reactions

F1 drivers like Zhou need to react (反应) quickly. F1 racers usually react to things in 100 milliseconds (毫秒), reported Motorsport Technology. That is two times faster than normal people. “Racing with the world’s top F1 drivers tests not only my driving skills but also my mind and reaction speed,” he told Hongxing News.


Speed is so important for a great racer. Besides driving skills, fast speed comes from the car itself. Zhou had trouble with his car at the Hungarian Grand Prix 2023. But he raced in April with a new car and better tires (轮胎), expecting to show his skills.

1. Why was the Formula 1 Chinese Grand Prix 2024 special to Zhou Guanyu?
A.Because it was the first home race for him.
B.Because he was the first-ever F1 driver in China.
C.Because he could race with the world’s excellent F1 drivers.
2. How soon can F1 racers usually give reactions to things?
A.In 50 milliseconds.B.In 100 milliseconds.C.In 200 milliseconds.
3. Which of the following shows the structure (结构) of this text?
4. What can be the best title of the text?
A.Keys to be a Great F1 Racer.
B.Driving Skills Make Fast Speed.
C.China’s First F1 Racer — Zhou Guanyu.
2024-05-26更新 | 59次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】There are many games in which two teams compete to get control of a ball and shoot it into the other net to score a goal. Among them, one is played in the Summer Olympic Games, and its name is “hockey”.

The first sport we know like hockey was played in Egypt over 4,000 years ago. There are no records of the modern game until its appearance in English schools in the 18th century, and the first hockey club was formed in 1849 in London. During this time the game became popular among British soldiers, and they introduced it to many other countries. To this day, hockey is popular around the world.

In the hockey match, players use sticks to hit, push, pass a small, hard ball. Each team has up to 16 players, of which 11 can be on the pitch(赛场) at one time. These include a goalkeeper plus 10 field players”. Field players must not use any body part to control the ball. Only goalkeepers can use their hands and feet to block(阻截) or hit the ball.

A hockey match usually lasts 70 minutes, with two 35-minute halves. The team with the most goals is the winner. Games can end in a draw, but if a winner must be found, such as in the World Cup or at the Olympics, a tied match will go into extra time, which is similar to some soccer games.

The most important competitions for hockey are the Olympic Games, the Hockey World Cup, and the Common wealth Games. All of these competitions are held once every four years. The biggest of hockey’s yearly competitions is the Sultan Azlan Shah Hockey Tournament. It’s been held in Malaysia every year and teams from all over the world come to take part in it.

1. What does the second paragraph mainly tell us?
A.The history of hockey.B.Players in a hockey match.
C.How the game works.D.Important hockey competitions.
2. How many players will play on the pitch at one time in one game?
3. What does the underlined word “draw” in Paragraph 4 most probably mean?
A.The situation that one team doesn’t score any goal in a game.
B.The situation that both teams score the same goals in a game.
C.The situation that both teams lose players because they break the rules.
D.The situation that the players hurt the coaches by accident.
4. What might be the structure of the passage?
2022-06-02更新 | 109次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约300词) | 适中 (0.65)

National Short Story Writing Competition

Our National Short Story Writing Competition will be held(举行)in March 2023. We’ll invite school students all over China to enter this competition.

As usual, it is free. You can win prize money and certificates(证书) and publication on the website.

Competition Rules

The competition is open to young people all over China. Deadline(最后期限) for the competition is 20th of March 2023. Winners will be told on April 16th, 2023 on this website.

◎The story has to be written in English.

◎Drawing and photos are not allowed(允许).

◎You can choose your own topic.

◎The competition will be in three groups:

a.Sub-junior (7—9 years)        b.Junior (10—12 years)        c.Senior(13—16 years)

◎The length of the story:

a.Sub-junior (400+words)       b.Junior (600+words)        c.Senior(800+words)

◎Mention the following information below your story:

a.Full name       b.Date of birth       c.Group entered        d.Title of your story

e.Word count     f.Email address     g.School name          h.Province

◎Any story that is copied(抄袭)will not be accepted.

◎There will be three winners in each group. This prizes for all groups are as follows:

First prize: ¥500, certificates, and publication on the website

Second prize: ¥300, certificates, and publication on the website

Third prize: ¥100, certificates, and publication on the website

1. You should follow ________ rules if you want to enter the Story Writing Competition.
2. What do we know about this competition?
A.The price of the competition is¥100.B.It’s held in April.
C.It’s open to kids between 7 and 16 years old.D.There will be 3 winners.
3. Li Ming writes a wonderful story in Chinese, he ________.
A.may get the first prizeB.may get the second prize
C.may get the third prizeD.can’t get any prize
4. Which is RIGHT according to the notice (通知)?
A.The competition is open to students around China.
B.You can call if you want to know the result of the competition.
C.You are able to copy others’ writing.
D.You can draw some pictures in your story.
5. ________ are most probably interested in this competition.
A.StudentsB.ScientistsC.Story loversD.Writers
2023-06-28更新 | 134次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般