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题型:阅读理解-判断 难度:0.65 引用次数:12 题号:19057623
True or False(判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,符合的用T表示,不符合的用F表示)
        Not everyone working in a big company is an important worker. But the important workers are the best you can find in a company. Sometimes the company cannot run without those important workers. They are called the key players.
        Through a study of the key players, we find that there are three important qualities in a key player. First, a key player knows how to work with other workers selflessly. He understands the importance of teamwork: only by working together can we work faster and better. Secondly, a key player always makes the best use of his time. What he thinks should be done today will never be put to tomorrow’s list. Business happens every minute. If we don’t hurry, we will never catch a chance. Last but not least, a key player is willing to take risks. If you want to achieve success that others have never got, you have to take risks. You should never be afraid to fail. If you fail, try again; but if you succeed, you are the only winner!
        The three qualities are necessary if we want to do better in our jobs. Always remember, the biggest prizes are only for the key players.
1. According to the passage, the most important players in the ball game are key players.
2. There are more than four important qualities we can usually find on a key player.
3. A key player seldom works together with other people.
4. A key player makes a good use of time.
5. A key player always plays safe. He never takes risks.


阅读理解-六选五(约100词) | 适中 (0.65)

When is the shortest day and longest night of a year? The winter solstice (冬至)!     1    

After this date in December, we will have longer days and shorter nights. So the winter solstice means yang (day) beats yin (night). Its Chinese characters “dongzhi” mean winter arrives.     2    

    3     They say, “Eating dumplings on winter solstice protects the ears from cold weather”. This came from a famous doctor named Zhang Zhongjing. He lived during the Eastern Han Dynasty.     4     To help them, Zhang made some dumplings. After eating the dumplings, people felt warmer. Their ears soon got better. From then on, people started this tradition.

However, the southern Chinese enjoy tangyuan.     5    

A.In 2023, it is on December 22.
B.It is a small rice flour ball and means family getting together.
C.On this day, people in northern China eat dumplings.
D.It also means the coldest days are waiting for us.
E.On a cold winter day, he saw people have cold and red ears.
F.Everyone likes to spend time with their family.
2024-01-24更新 | 84次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

Our lives would not be the same without bees. Bees help plants grow. Many of these plants provide us with food. What would happen if there were no bees? Some fruits and vegetables that we enjoy could not grow. Bees are wonderful creatures.

But now the number of bees is getting lower and lower. Scientists worry that bees may die off. How to solve it? One answer is to make our gardens friendly to bees.

Making our gardens bee-friendly can increase the number of bees. Planting a bee garden is a great idea. These gardens provide bees with nectar (花蜜). A successful bee garden would have flowers from spring to fall. The garden would have all types of plants that are closely grouped together.

Many people believe that all bees live in hives (蜂箱). In fact, some bees dig into the ground. There they build their nests and lay their eggs. People lay wood pieces or other things on the ground. Bees can not dig nests when these materials cover the ground. Here is another good way to help bees. When you are working outside, leave loose dirt (松土) in flower beds and gardens.

Some bees’ nests are in old pieces of wood while others’ in holes, in buildings or in trees. Gardens can provide spaces like these for bees. Trees or walls that stop wind are a good idea. And cool areas also can help bees get away from the hot sun. Bee gardens also provide bees with water. Bees need water just like people do.

Making a garden friendly for bees is far from a useless task. The results are worth the efforts. A bee-friendly garden is beautiful and colorful. Most importantly, it helps to keep bees healthy and happy.

1. Why are bees so important to us?
A.Because they help plants grow.
B.Because the number of bees is low.
C.Because they are wonderful creatures.
D.Because they make our gardens beautiful.
2. What can we do to build a bee-friendly garden?
①Plant flowers as many as possible.
②Provide spaces that keep bees from harm.
③Lay wood pieces or other materials on the ground.
④Clear useless materials on the ground in the garden.
3. What does the underlined word “nests” mean in Paragraph 4?
A.The tools bees use.B.The things bees eat.
C.The games bees love.D.The places bees live in.
4. How does the writer help us understand a successful bee-friendly garden?
A.By listing the problems bees face.
B.By telling the order of how a plant grows.
C.By explaining the help it provides for bees.
D.By showing the reasons that bees are dying.
5. What’s the best title for the text?
A.Bees’ Living HabitsB.Fun Facts about Bees
C.A Bee-friendly GardenD.A New Use of a Garden
2023-07-16更新 | 38次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约260词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】①Eyes are important to us. We use them to do many things such as reading books, seeing colors and the beauty of the world. But today there are more and more people having eye problems because of their bad eye habits(习惯). But don’t be afraid. Here are some ways to protect(保护)our eyes.

②First, try to use our eyes in a right way. When we read books, we must keep our eyes 0.3 meters away from the book. One or two hours of looking at screens(屏幕)a day is OK for your eyes.

③Second, eat the best eye food to keep eyes healthy(健康的). Milk, fruit, vegetables and sea food are good for our eyes, because they have much vitamins A, C, D. Having food like ice-cream and Coke for a long time can even make us lose our eyesight.

④What’s more, we should also know what to do when we have eye problems. If our eyes get hurt, go to the doctor right away. Blink(眨眼)often and this can help us stop dry eyes. If we get something into our eyes, don’t rub(揉)them with our hands. Try to use clean water to wash them.

⑤We only have one pair of eyes. Not having good eyes, we will lose a lot of fun in life. So, let’s try our best to keep them healthy.

1. To tell us eyes are important in Para 1, the writer ________.
A.tells a storyB.uses numbersC.draws picturesD.gives examples
2. Paragraph 4 mainly talks about ________.
A.what we can do with eye problems
B.when we should go to the doctor
C.who can help us with eye problems
D.why eyes are important to us
3. If we put the passage into three parts(部分), which is right?
4. What’s the best title for this passage?
A.Use eyes in a right wayB.How to protect our eyes
C.We have one pair of eyesD.Ways to make our bad eyes better
2022-08-06更新 | 60次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般