组卷网 > 初中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与社会 > 社会服务 > 志愿服务
题型:阅读理解-五选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:33 题号:20234720

It is useful to learn to read and write. It helps people know about the world and it helps people live and work well.     1     In some places, children don’t go to school.

They want to go to school, but they can’t.     2     Because these places don’t have schools. UNICEF (联合国儿童基金会) wants to change (改变) this.     3     UNICEF helps the places so they can open schools.     4     We can buy notebooks and cards. The money (钱) goes to UNICEF and they use it to help children everywhere.

So do something for UNICEF if you can.     5     You are happy to have a school, teachers and books.

根据材料内容, 从下面五个选项中填入文中空缺处的最佳选项, 使短文意思通顺, 内容完整。
A.Why is this?
B.We can help, too.
C.It helps children all over the world to go to school.
D.But some people don’t know how to read or write.
E.And next time you don’t want to go to school, think about it.


阅读理解-六选五(约200词) | 适中 (0.65)

Ever since I was 5 years old, my mother has been a volunteer at the Nanjing Museum. This meant that every weekend, I found myself going along with her, spending my time among ancient relics (遗迹) and historical exhibits (展品).     1     I also had listened to stories and taking part in activities.

Though I spent my weekends at the museum instead of playing outside, I don’t regret my childhood experience. The discipline (纪律) and patience I learned from it shaped me into an active and self-disciplined person.     2    

The journey began with fun training lessons.     3     Among the different skills needed for a museum volunteer, especially a little interpreter (讲解员), strong communication abilities are seen as important.     4     And we were also told how to answer their questions and explain things in a way that makes sense to them, depending on their age and interests.

One of my most memorable experiences was explaining the arched (拱形的) door of the glazed arch of Grand Bao’en Temple (大报恩寺琉璃拱门).     5     I shared its ancient history and amazing craftsmanship (工艺) with visitors. They were all very interested in it. I felt so proud that I had a deeper understanding of our cultural heritage (文化遗产). My love and pride for traditional Chinese culture will always be with me in my life.

A.We are crazy about being a volunteer.
B.It played a big part in the Ming Dynasty’s temple architecture (建筑).
C.I had fun in the world of museums.
D.It was in my junior high school years that I decided to become a museum volunteer myself.
E.We were taught how to talk with visitors.
F.I learned about the museum’s collection, exhibition planning and visitor guidance.
2024-07-12更新 | 0次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约290词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Kelly could hardly believe that she had been so stupid! At lunchtime in a busy sandwich bar, she had hung her bag on the back of her chair. Seconds later, the bag had gone, and her mobile phone, her money, her bank cards and her keys had gone with it. Luckily, she was with her friend, Anna.

Using Anna’s phone, Kelly was able to call the bank and the phone company at once. The thief would not be able to use her cards or her phone, at least!

Back at the office, Kelly began to feel better. At least six people asked if they could lend her some money. At teatime, three workmates competed to pay for her tea.

There was one more difficulty. Kelly’s bicycle was locked. Unless she could unlock it, she would not be able to get home that night. She asked Tom if he could help. Tom appeared with a big bag of tools. He tried every tool in the bag, but couldn’t cut or break the lock. There was only one solution.

Kelly rang the fire station. Four minutes later, a red fire-engine pulled up outside the building. Some handsome young firemen freed Kelly’s bicycle

As she rode home, Kelly thought, “For every one thief in London, there are thousands of common, kind people!”

1. What happened to Kelly?
A.Her bag was stolen
B.She ran out of her money.
C.Her bike was broken.
D.She lost her way in a big city
2. What does underlined word “solution” mean in the Paragraph 4?
3. Which is the right order according to the passage?
① Kelly couldn’t get home because her bike was locked
② Kelly called the fire station and asked for help
③ Kelly called the bank and the phone company
④ Tom couldn’t unlock Kelly’s bike
⑤ Some firemen came and helped her free the bike
4. How might Kelly feel that day?
A.Upset and afraid
B.Lucky but bored
C.Unlucky but warm
D.Happy and excited
2022-05-10更新 | 37次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约290词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Zhang Guimei showed us how to be a good teacher and the importance of a teacher in students’ lives.

In 2009, Zhang Guimei founded the Huaping High School for Girls in Lijiang, Yunnan Province. This is a special high school which did not ask for tuition fees from girls in poor families. In 2003, Zhang began to raise money for the school, but her efforts were often met with suspicion and even misunderstanding. Between 2003 and 2007, Zhang spent her spare time asking people to make donations for her school. However, the money she got was far from enough. In 2007, after her dream was reported by media, the government promised to help her project.

Zhang carries on strict school rules. She plans every minute of her students’ timetable. At 5:20 am, She wakes up all the girls. They must take a nap in the afternoon. They are only allowed three hours a week outside of the school. And long hair is not allowed. She wants to change the lives of many girls from poor families through education.

Eleven years later, over 1, 600 girl students have graduated from the school and received higher education—including many famous universities in China.

When people asked why she made so many efforts to help girls in the mountains receive better education, she just said, “I believe it is really important for girls to receive education because it will break the circle between uneducated mothers and children. I hope they can live happier than me. And it will be the greatest comfort to me.”

1. The Huaping High School for Girls was set up ________.
A.in 2005B.in 2003C.in 2007D.in 2009
2. What does the underlined word “suspicion” mean in Chinese?
3. What does the third paragraph mainly tell us?
A.All the students get up early to study.
B.There are strict school rules in the school.
C.Long hair is not allowed in the school.
D.Zhang is a kind mother for the students.
4. Why did Zhang make so many efforts to help those girls?
A.Because she was asked to do so by their parents.
B.Because she thought girls were as clever as boys.
C.Because she wants to break the circle between uneducated mothers and children.
D.Because their parents have paid lots of attention to their study.
5. What is the best title for the text?
A.A good mother and strict teacherB.A special high school for girls
C.A famous high school in ChinaD.Girl students from poor families
2022-10-15更新 | 60次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般