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题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:21 题号:22243690

Here comes the good news for Disney fans! Zootopia Land at Shanghai Disney Resort opened on December 20th, 2023.It is the world’s first Zootopia-themed (疯狂动物城主题) land. It is also the eighth themed land at Shanghai Disney Resort. The new land is a living community, with amazing food and drink, entertainment, products and more! At the land, you can walk by the Beaver Dentist and listen to patients having their teeth cleaned. You can visit the Hibernation (冬眠) Hotel, where Zootopia’s bears and other creatures hibernate. There is even an Arctic Spa for the polar bears.

You will find the newest ride, Zootopia: Hot Pursuit (疯狂追踪). You will experience everything from sliding (滑行) across the ice of Tundratown to flying off the track (轨道) onto the busy streets of Sahara Square!

You can visit the cool Mane Street and Zootopia Cepdras Station! The large subway train picks up and drops off animal passengers. You can meet your favorite characters. A new show will bring the characters from the film to life in an exciting way.

In Zootopia, you can shop for amazing things including the Disney Zootopia Cute collection. At Fashions by Fru Fru, there are over 200 products, many only created just for Zootopia. Are you excited about this new land?

1. Which of the following statements about Zootopia Land is TRUE?
A.It is open for more than a year.
B.It is the first theme park in the world.
C.It is the eighth themed land at Shanghai Disney Resort.
2. What does the underlined word “creatures” in Paragraph 1 mean?
3. What kinds of experience will you have in the newest ride, Zootopia: Hot Pursuit?
A.Bringing the characters from films to life.
B.Sliding across the ice and flying off the track.
C.Watching polar bears having a spa in the Arctic.
4. How do animal passengers travel according to the passage?
A.By plane.B.By ship.C.By subway train.
5. What is the best title of the passage?
A.Disney Zootopia CuteB.Zootopia-themed LandC.Shanghai Disney Land


阅读理解-七选五 | 适中 (0.65)

    1     It is the skin of the Earth. It supports all forms of our life. Nearly all our food comes from the soil. Some of us cat meat, some eat vegetables, but most animals live on plants.     2    

Plants grow in soil with a dark color. The dark soil is humus(腐殖土壤). Dead leaves, dead plants and animals’ waste make it, but it takes a long time.     3    

All soil needs food. Animals’ waste is the best food for the soil, but chemical fertilizers(化肥) are also very useful. The same crop should not be grown in the same place every year.     4    

When the soil is dry, the wind blows it away. Sometimes heavy rain carries the humus down to a river.     5     It takes hundreds of years to make humus, so we must save every bit of it. Without soil, how can we live?

A.When the humus has been made, plants can grow well in it.
B.People should grow more trees and grass to stop wind from carrying the humus away.
C.A change of crop and the use of a good fertilizer will keep the land in good condition.
D.What is soil?
E.Sometimes it will take a long time to make humus.
F.If there are no plants, we will have no vegetables, no animals and no meat.
G.How can we live without soil?
2022-08-20更新 | 157次组卷
阅读理解-单选 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】How do you feel about nature? After spending hours indoors, do you feel better when you visit your local park? Most people think that nature is good for our bodies and brains. However. humans are spending more time inside and less time outside. For example, the number of visitors to Canada’s national parks is getting lower every year. And in countries such as the USA, only 10 of teenagers spend time outside every day. Many doctors feel that this is a problem in the twenty-first century.

As a result, some doctors are studying the connection between nature and health: one example of this is the work of Dr. Matilda in Sweden. The doctor gave people a maths test. During the test, their heart rate (心率), were fast. After the test, one group of people sat in a 3D-virtual-reality (虚拟现实) room for fifteen minutes with pictures and sounds of nature. Their heart rates were slower than people’s in the other group.

The virtual touch with nature helped them feel more relaxed. Another good example of how nature is good for health comes from Canada. In Toronto, researchers studied 31,000 people living in the city. In general, they found that healthier people lived near parks.

Because of studies like these, some countries and cities want nature to be part of people’s everyday life. In Dubai (迪拜), for example, there are plans for a new shopping mall with a large garden, so shoppers can relax outside with trees, plants and water. In Switzerland, “forest schools” are popular. Schoolchildren study their subjects in the forests and do lots of exercise outside. And South Korea (韩国) is another good example: it has new forests near its cities and around 13 million people visit these forests every year. So after building cities for so long, perhaps it’s now time to start rebuilding nature.

1. What does Paragraph One mainly talk about?
A.Feeling about nature.B.How much time we spend outdoors.
C.Visiting your local park.D.Teenagers’ problem in the 21st century.
2. Match the countries or cities with the information and choose the right answer.
① the USA          ②Dubai        ③ Switzerland        ④South Korea
a. Children study in the forests and do lots of activities outside.
b. About 13 million people visit new forests near its cities every year.
c. A new shopping mall with a large garden will be built.
d. 10% of teenagers spend time outside every day.
A.①-a   ②-d   ③-b   ④-cB.①-d   ②-c   ③-a   ④-b
C.①-a   ②-c   ③-d   ④-bD.①-d   ②-c   ③-b   ④-a
3. What do the results of the studies show?
A.More and more Canadians will live near parks.
B.The maths test is difficult and makes people nervous.
C.Nature can help people feel more relaxed and be healthier.
D.People’s heart rates get slower in a 3D-virtual-reality room.
4. What can we infer from the last sentence of the passage?
A.Nature is more important than cities.B.People have lived in the cities for so long.
C.Country life is healthier than city life.D.Nature should be part of people’s daily life.
2022-10-05更新 | 31次组卷
阅读理解-单选 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】①Love them or hate them, emojis have become an important part of our 21st century culture. Over 90% of the world’s 4.6 billion internet users send them every day. In 2015, Oxford Dictionaries chose Face With Tears of Joy as its Word of the Year.

②However, some language experts are against this form of communication. They consider it a step back into the dark ages of illiteracy(没文化). Emojis, they say, are making us lose the ability to speak. People are depending on these “picture characters” rather than words to express their feelings.

③I want to challenge this opinion. I’m afraid these experts have misunderstood how communication works.

④Emojis aren’t taking the place of language. Instead, they are making our messages more understandable. Here is an example. Without an emoji, what means by the following message would be puzzling(迷惑): “Hey, I fell over and got my head hit on the kitchen cupboard.” My friend on the other side of the phone might have difficulty working out my true feelings. Should he laugh (“Ha-ha! You’re so silly!”) or take pity on me (“Oh, hope it doesn’t hurt too badly”)? However, using an emoji(or)will spell out the meaning behind my words. Emojis are to text messages what body language is to spoken communication. They allow us to communicate better.

⑤So, as long as we don’t overuse emojis, these lovely characters are helpful.

1. In 2015, ________ dictionaries chose ________ as its Word of the Year.
2. Some language experts are against this form of communication because ________.
A.they think there are too many emojis for people to choose
B.they think emojis stop people speaking
C.they think using emojis is a step back into the dark ages of illiteracy
D.they think using emojis is not good for people to express their feelings
3. The writer supported his own opinion by ________.
A.showing some numbersB.giving an example
C.drawing a pie chartD.showing research results
4. Which of the following is the correct structure of this passage?
A.①List some facts of emojis—②Stat e the experts’ opinions—③④⑤State the writer’s opinion
B.①②State the experts’ opinions of using emojis—③④⑤State the writer’s opinion
C.①List some facts of emojis—②State the experts’ opinions—③④State the writer’s opinion—⑤ Close the passage
D.①Introduce some emojis—②State the experts’ opinions—③④⑤State the writer’s opinion
2023-08-20更新 | 154次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般