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题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:17 题号:22932081

In a recent small group activity in Mrs. Johnson’s 9th-grade class, students came together to discuss how a growth mindset (思维模式) can greatly influence our life. Here are the opinions on developing a growth mindset shared by the students.


Opinions from Group Discussions

Believe in Yourself

Start by believing yourself that you have the power to change your habits. Your habits are shaped by your beliefs and strengths. Use positive statements to welcome changes into your life and prepare your mind for a new way of thinking.

Accept and Overcome Weaknesses

Whatever your weakness is, accept and explore different approaches (方法) to overcome it. Be kind to yourself and focus on finding solutions instead of being angry with yourself. If you have to get out of bed early in the morning, try setting the alarm earlier or preparing things in advance to make mornings easier.

Welcome Challenges for Growth

Stepping out of your comfort zone (区)and taking on new challenges helps you improve your skills and broaden your knowledge and experiences. Whether it’s learning a new sports skill or making progress in your studies, look for challenges that push you to grow. Appreciate the unexpected challenges along the way.

Work with Your Learning Styles

Find out how you learn best, as it will help you learn more effectively. Some learners need to see things to understand them, while others do better with listening or talking. Take your time to learn and look for excellence by practicing and repeating. Accept applying what you learn, even if you make mistakes, as they help you become more skilled.

Developing a growth mindset not only reduces worry but also brings happiness. By celebrating your achievements and enjoying the journey of growth and learning, you can create a satisfying and successful life.

1. According to the passage, what is the first step to changing your habits?
A.Believing in yourself.B.Using positive statements.
C.Shaping your beliefs and strengths.D.Preparing a new way of thinking.
2. How does the passage help you know about accepting weaknesses?
A.By explaining the words.B.By giving examples.
C.By telling a story.D.By showing the sayings.
3. Which of the following is the writer’s final opinion?
A.Accepting challenges is the key to success.
B.Overcoming weaknesses leads to a satisfying life.
C.Practicing helps you become more skilled.
D.Growth mindset reduces worry and brings happiness.
4. What question will Mrs. Johnson probably ask according to the students’ opinions?
A.Why is it important to pay no attention to weaknesses?
B.How can you avoid making mistakes in your daily lives?
C.What can you do to welcome change and believe in yourself?
D.Can you explain why accepting challenges is not necessary?


阅读理解-六选五(约220词) | 适中 (0.65)

Say “No” to the Wrong Idols (偶像)

It is natural for young people to worship (崇拜) cool and good-looking young “idols.” We always look forward to listening to their new songs and movies. We spend a lot of time caring about them—even more time than we spend on our studies or work. We often wonder:     1     What could I do to be cool like them?

Well, guess what? Many of your idols are only made to “look” cool. If you could see into their private lives, you would find these stars aren’t so bright. Their beauty is only skin-deep (肤浅的).     2    

When I was a teenager, I had worshiped pop idols, too.     3     They were ordinary-looking people who played the guitar. They wore no flashy (穿着奢华的) clothes, and they had no screaming (尖叫的) fans.

They didn’t need to be flashy because their songs were great and meaningful. They told the truth:     4       Most of all, they taught me that it was okay if I was not popular and cool all of the time. I still listen to them today.

Idols can serve as important role models in our lives, so it’s very important to choose the right ones. We should celebrate people who teach us important values that can help to guide us on the road ahead.

The next time you see some pretty, popular “stars,” ask yourself:     5    

A.They have a lot of fans.
B.Some of them might not be as honest, kind or hard-working as you are!
C.What makes them so popular?
D.Then, one day, I discovered Leonard Cohen and Neil Young.
E.Life is hard and the road you take might sometimes be lonely.
F.Do I really need these people in my life?
2024-01-10更新 | 48次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】When your pen is broken, the battery in your toy runs out, or you have some leftover food. What do you do with these things? You will probably throw them into one bin.

But actually, all of these pieces of trash need to be sorted (分类) separately.

Garbage sorting is a big issue worldwide. In recent years, some Chinese cities have been working hard on it.

Shanghai has worked with Alipay to create a “green account (账户)” service for its residents. Account holders get points by correctly sorting their garbage. Through the Alipay app, they can exchange the points for milk, phone cards and other products. The city is asking all of its residents to sort their garbage into four groups: wet, recyclable, harmful and dry.

Wet waste is also known as household waste. “They are things you don’t want, but that pigs can eat,” Guangzhou Daily explained.

Paper, metal (金属), glass and other things that can be reused are recyclable waste.

Harmful waste includes things like medicine, batteries and fluorescent bulbs (荧光灯泡).

Finally, any waste that’s not wet, recyclable or harmful will go in the “dry waste” bin.

Many other Chinese cities are also using this method to sort their garbage. For example, Shenzhen has been sorting its garbage into the same four groups since 2012. Students there also receive waste-sorting guidebooks that they must study.

China is improving its waste-sorting efforts. There is still a long way to go. But it’s never too late to learn how to sort your trash properly and protect the environment.

If you don’t sort your garbage, all of it will go to a landfill (垃圾填理场) and be buried together. These landfills can take up large areas of ground that could have been used for planting trees or crops. The electronic waste you throw away, such as batteries, can pollute the soil and groundwater (地下水). Other pieces of garbage, like the metal part of a pen, can be used to make other things if they are properly recycled.

1. How is Shanghai encouraging people to sort their garbage?
A.Creating a “green account” service with the help of Alipay
B.Paying people to sort their trash correctly
C.Allowing people to exchange garbage with each other
D.Providing its residents with guidebooks to help them
2. Which of the following would be classified as wet waste?
A.BatteriesB.GlassesC.Leftover foodD.Medicine
3. What do we know about garbage sorting in China?
A.It started its garbage sorting system in 2012.
B.Students have to take waste-sorting classes in school.
C.There is still a lot of work to be done in this area.
D.Burying garbage is a common method of getting rid of garbage.
4. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?
A.Where we can bury our waste.
B.Why we should sort our garbage properly.
C.What kinds of waste can pollute the environment.
D.How some kinds of waste can be reused and recycled.
2021-03-19更新 | 105次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Which part of the world has the most nearsighted students? Just look around you—it’s East Asia. Nine in ten school leavers in major East Asian cities are nearsighted, according to the BBC. Experts say books and video games are not to blame. East Asian students, they say, aren’t getting enough sunlight.

People become nearsighted because their eyeballs grow out of shape and light entering their eyes cannot focus correctly. The body can produce a chemical called dopamine (多巴胺) to stop eyeballs from changing shape. And guess what scientists have just discovered? Sunlight can help our bodies produce more dopamine, reported AFP.

According to the study, primary school students in Singapore spend only 30 minutes outdoors every day; in Australia, by contrast, kids spend about three hours a day outside. As a result, fewer children in Australia are nearsighted—only 10 percent, compared with 90 percent in Singapore. “Children in East Asia just go to school, go home and stay inside. They study and they watch television,” Ian Morgan of the Australian National University told AFP.

But being a bookworm or a couch potato does not directly harm the eyes, added Morgan. “As long as they get outside, it doesn’t seem to matter how much study they do,” he explained. “There are some kids who study hard and get outside and play hard and they are generally fine. The ones who are at major risk are the ones who study hard and don’t get outside. As a result of massive educational pressures and the construction of a child’s day, the amount of time they spend outside in bright light is minimized.”

Experts suggest children should stay outside for two to three hours every day. This can include time spent in the playground and walking to and from school.

1. What is the main reason for the large number of nearsighted students in East Asia?
A.Too much reading or gaming.B.Being short of sunlight.
C.Genetic reasons.D.Being short of exercise.
2. How long do experts suggest children stay outside every week?
A.Two to three hours.
B.Fourteen to twenty-one hours.
C.Two to three days.
D.Over twenty-one hours.
3. In the writer’s opinion, why can’t East Asian students get enough bright light?
A.Because they don’t like sports.
B.Because their parents don’t allow them to.
C.Because they have great pressures from study.
D.Because they spend more time playing sports.
4. According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?
A.Dopamine is a chemical that causes eyeballs to grow out of shape.
B.Dopamine can stop light entering the eyes from focusing correctly.
C.Spending time in the sun can make the loss of dopamine in the body.
D.The more dopamine a person has in their body, the better eyesight he or she has.
5. What is the purpose of writing the passage?
A.To introduce the number of the near sighted children.
B.To compare the number of near sighted children in different countries.
C.To urge people to learn about the reason for being nearsighted and let children stay outside longer.
D.To criticize the education in Asian countries.
2023-07-05更新 | 47次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般