组卷网 > 初中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与社会 > 科普知识与现代技术 > 科普知识
题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.85 引用次数:184 题号:6595849
Social media is a big part of most people’s lives. There are social apps and sites like WeChat and Sina Weibo, as well as video apps like Douyin and Kuaishou. Recently scientists at the University of Sussex, UK, studied social media users from 10 to 15 years old. They found that they can be divided into four personality types.
1. There are        types of people in this passage.
2. Tony is a famous person on the Internet, maybe he likes to        most.
A.use unreal namesB.share his breakfast onlineC.share websites
3. What can we do to avoid being hurt by criminals?
A.Keep our personal information safe online.
B.Share our birthday and age with everyone.
C.Always show others where they are now.


阅读理解-单选(约460词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐1】Flowers are an important part of our natural world. Their beauty and smell can make us happy. Flowers serve as food for insects, birds, and animals. And they can also feed us!

Some flowers add color, unexpected taste, and beauty to food and drinks. And more people are adding them to their meals.

Kathy Jentz is the publisher of Washington Gardener magazine. She also gives talks to Washington, D. C. area gardeners. She tells them how to grow and use edible (可食用的) flowers.

Jentz says the way to prepare most edible flowers for your next dish or meal is to wash them lightly under water. Then remove the white parts of the flower. She also says to cut off the stamen (花蕊).

When speaking about edible flowers, Jentz often begins with three talking points:

•Know your flowers. Which ones are safe to eat?

•Know the source. Where did the flowers come from?

•Know your allergies. Which plants are you allergic to?

Know your flowers

Some flowers are poisonous and can make you sick. There are a few flowers that people think are edible, Jentz says, even though they are poisonous.

The most common are buttercup and sweet pea. She says the flower of the sweet pea should not be mixed up with the flower of the pea plant, which is a vegetable. Other poisonous flowers are azalea, wisteria, and fox glove.

Know the source of the flowers

Experts say the safest way to eat edible flowers is to grow them yourself. If you buy from a farmer’s market or a farmer, ask them directly if they used any chemicals. Be careful buying from a food or flower store. Their flowers may have been treated with dangerous chemicals.

If you go outdoors to pick edible flowers, says Kathy Jentz, do so in a safe area. Do not collect flowers from an area where dog owners walk their dogs or where chemical treatments have been used.

Know your own allergies

If you have allergies to ragweed and other types of pollen (花粉), Jentz advises to avoid any flower in the daisy family.

Also, if you suffer from allergies or have other food sensitivities, Jentz suggests trying new edible flowers one at a time. If you eat many different ones for the first time and then get sick, you will not know which one made you sick.

Jentz also gives this warning: Do not give edible flowers to any child under the age of four.

1. The passage is mainly about flowers you can ________.
2. What’s the correct order of preparing edible flowers for dish or meal?
① Remove the white parts of the flowers.
② Cut off the stamen.
③ Wash the flowers lightly under water.
3. The underlined word “allergies” means _________ in Chinese.
4. Which of the following question is NOT talking about in the passage?
A.How to grow the edible flowers?B.Which plants are you allergic to?
C.Which ones are safe to eat?D.Where did the flowers come from?
5. The author may agree that _________.
A.fox glove is one of the edible flowers
B.flower in the daisy family is the best choice for the allergic people
C.we can go outdoors to pick edible flowers everywhere
D.any child under the age of four shouldn’t be given edible flowers
2024-03-31更新 | 15次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约300词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐2】If you look at a house from far away, you might see some of its features, such as doors and windows. If you go nearer to the house, you might find that it is made of bricks. When you look closely, you can see that the house is made of many bricks.

The bricks are the building blocks (块) of the house.

Your body has building blocks too. They’re called cells. The bodies of plants and animals are very different from one another, but they all have one thing in common—all are made up of cells. There are many different kinds of cells in your body. Each kind of cell has its own job, such as muscle (肌肉) cells, bone cells, and blood cells.

Cells work together to keep your body alive. A group of similar cells that work together to do the same job form a tissue (组织). The human body is   made of different kinds of tissues. Muscle tissue and nerve (神经) tissue are two kinds of tissues.

An organ is a group of different kinds of tissues that work together to carry out a certain job. Each kind of organ in your body has a special job to do. Some examples of organs are your stomach, heart and skin.

Like cells and tissues, organs work in groups too. A group of organs that work together to do a certain job is called an organ system (系统). All the organ systems in your body work together to keep you alive. These systems can be put into the two groups—Support and Control Systems as well as Energy and Transport Systems.

1. A tissue in the human body is made up of________.
A.lots of building bricksB.blood, bones and muscles
C.a group of similar cellsD.cells that do different jobs
2. From this passage, we know that ________.
A.all the cells in the body do the same job
B.cells, tissues and organs all work in groups
C.our bones, muscles and nerves are all organs
D.the stomach and heart are two examples of tissues
3. It is possible for you to read this passage from ________.
A.a short novelB.a travel guid
C.a chemistry bookD.a medical magazine
4. What’s the best title of this passage?
A.A closer look at your body
B.The building blocks of your house
C.An introduction of two organ systems
D.The jobs done by different kinds of cells
2020-12-06更新 | 134次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约220词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐3】Flying was once man’s dream. When man saw a bird fly, he wanted to fly, too. To be up in the sky, people studied the wings of birds. They tried many other ways, but nothing worked.

The great artist, Leonardo da Vinci, made designs for flying equipments, However, his try wasn’t successful. 800 years ago, a man in England made a pair of wings from chicken feathers (羽毛). Then he fixed them to his body and jumped from a tall building. He didn’t fly far. He fell heavily and broke his bones.

Things changed in September in 1783. Two brothers from France made a very large balloon

(气球) with paper and cloth. They knew hot air rises, so they built a fire inside a basket and hung it below the balloon. Hot air from the fire pushed the balloon up. The “hot air balloon” carried the first passengers—a sheep and a chicken. It traveled about 2 miles for eight minutes. The animals landed safely.

Two months later, they did it again. They had two people in the basket. That was really man’s first time in the sky.

1. Why did people study birds’ wings?
A.Because people wanted to fly like birds.
B.Because people liked dreaming.
C.Because people wanted to do experiments.
D.Because people liked designing flying equipments.
2. What did an English man make wings with?
A.Paper.B.Baskets.C.Chicken feathers.D.Cloth.
3. What happened to the English man at last?
A.He flew very far.B.He broke his bones.
C.He jumped to death.D.He fell safe.
4. Who were the first passengers in the sky?
A.A sheep.B.A chicken.C.Two people.D.Both A and B.
5. How many times did two French brothers fly the hot air balloon?
A.Once.B.Twice.C.Three times.D.Four times.
2022-06-24更新 | 54次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般