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题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.4 引用次数:116 题号:8067677
Before dawn (黎明), 12 very tired girls in worn-out slippers (破拖鞋) went back to bed. Tramper hurried in front of them and lay down on the sofa. There the King found him, circled by worn-out slippers, sound asleep.
“Well?” the King asked. You might think that Tramper told the King about what he had seen, but no. He had enjoyed the salmon (三文鱼) so much that he was hoping for a second supper.
“Two more tries,” said the King. “That’s all!”
The next night, the princesses brought Tramper turkey and a cup of tea for his supper. He ate up the turkey but drank no tea. Instead, he gave the palace parrot his tea and it fell off its sleeping place, sound asleep.
The princesses and Tramper fell asleep, too—or so it seemed. Later that night … the distant sound of silvery music began. The 12 princesses jumped out of bed, into the wardrobe (衣柜), and ran across the garden of ruby roses, through the orchard (果园) of diamond fruit and up the glass steps into the castle. Tramper followed them with the magic scarf over his head.
Again the elves (精灵小矮人) were waiting. Again the princesses danced and danced until their slippers were worn out. Before dawn, the tired princesses made their way home. Tramper hurried ahead of them and lay down on the sofa.
There the King found him, circled by worn-out slippers, sound asleep. “Well?” You might think that Tramper told the King about what he had seen, but no. He had enjoyed the turkey so much that he was hoping for a third supper.
“One more night,” said the King, “… and what’s wrong with the parrot?”
(To be continued...)
1. What is the correct order of the following events for the first paragraph?
a. The King found Tramper sound asleep.
b. The King woke up Tramper and decided to give him another chance.
c. Tramper went back to the palace quickly.
d. The twelve tired girls went back to bed.
2. We can tell from the story that if Tramper _______, he would fall asleep quickly.
A.ate the turkeyB.ate the salmonC.drank the teaD.drank the coffee
3. What can we learn from the story?
A.The King learned the truth from Tramper.
B.The King knew why the parrot was sleeping.
C.Tramper fell in love with one of the princesses.
D.Tramper found the secret of the princesses.


阅读理解-单选(约400词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐1】Long ago, there was a camel who lived alone in the desert. He was lazy. Instead of working, he spent his days chewing (咀嚼) sticks, eating twigs, and drinking water.

Many other animals worked hard, and they tried to get Camel to help them. But each time, the stubborn (固执的) camel simply said, “Humph (哼哼). ”

One day, Zebra carried sticks to make a fire for animals. “Camel, come and carry sticks like the rest of us,” said Zebra. “Humph,” said Camel.

The next day, Hippo carried water for the animals to drink. “Camel, come and carry water like the rest of us,” said Hippo. “Humph,” said Camel.

The third day, Coyote carried food for the animals to eat. “Camel, come and carry food like the rest of us,” said Coyote. Camel didn’t move. He simply responded, “Humph!”

This made the animals very angry. “Camel is lazy, and we work hard,” they said. “We will go to visit Genie (精灵) to see if he can help us. ” Zebra, Hippo and Coyote went to Genie and told him about Camel’s laziness.

Genie went to Camel’s home and found him resting. “Stubborn Camel, you have been lazy. You must work with the other animals and help them,” Genie said. “Humph,” Camel replied. “Do not say that again,” said Genie, “You have given the other animals three days of extra work.” “Humph,” Camel snapped.

Genie waved his arms, and Camel’s flat back began to puff up into a big bump (隆起), as Camel watched in surprise. “You brought this humph (we call it “hump” now) upon yourself by being lazy,” said Genie, “Now you must work for three days without drinking or eating to make up for the work you missed. You can live off your hump (驼峰).” So Camel went off to work, humphing the whole day. And that’s how the camel got his hump.

1. What did Camel do each day?
A.He carried food like many other animals.
B.He chew sticks to help animals make a fire.
C.He drank water and shared it with other animals.
D.He ate and drank without doing any kind of work.
2. When Genie found Camel, he was ________.
A.helping other animalsB.cleaning his own houseC.taking a restD.making a hump
3. Which is the correct order according to the story?
a. Camel said no to Zebra because of his laziness.
b. Camel got a hump on his back and started to work.
c. Camel did nothing when Coyote was carrying food.
d. Camel made other animals angry and was visited by Genie.
e. Camel was not willing to carry water for the animals to drink.
4. The underlined words “make up for” in the story means to “________” .
A.tell a story or an excuseB.complete a task together
C.separate (区分) different thingsD.make a situation better through work
5. What is the best title for this story?
A.How the Camel Got His HumpB.How the Camel Replied to Others
C.How the Camel Made Others AngryD.How the Camel Became Hard-working
2024-04-07更新 | 15次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约260词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐2】Once, a circle (圆环) broke. It missed a small part of itself. The circle wanted to be whole, so it went around and looked for its missing piece. But, because it wasn’t complete, it could roll (滚动) only very slowly. It smelled the flowers along the way. It talked with the worms (虫子). It enjoyed the sunshine. It found lots of different parts, but none of them fit. It left them all by the side of the road and kept on searching.

One day, the circle found a perfect piece. It was so happy. It could be whole, with nothing missing. It fixed itself and began to roll. Now that it was a perfect circle, it could roll very fast, but too fast to notice the flowers or to talk to the worms. The circle missed the flowers and the worms. It left its perfect piece by the side of the road and rolled slowly away.

Perhaps we are more whole when we are missing something. In some ways, a man who has everything is a poor man. He will never know what it feels like to dream of something better. He will never know the experience of finding something he has always wanted and never had.

1. At first, the circle rolled very slowly because it ________.
A.wanted to smell the flowers
B.was too small to roll quickly
C.got broken and wasn’t whole anymore
2. With the perfect piece on, the circle found that ________.
A.it rolled more slowly
B.the worms didn’t want to talk to it
C.it couldn’t enjoy life any more
3. Which is the right order according to the passage?
① The circle talked to some worms.
② It rolled too fast to see the flowers.
③ A circle got broken one day.
④ It began to look for its missing part.
4. What can we learn from the story?
A.Being broken is worse than being perfect.
B.Being broken is another kind of beauty.
C.There is nothing perfect in the world.
2022-04-09更新 | 218次组卷
阅读理解-匹配(约350词) | 较难 (0.4)
    1    . Kelly often makes mistakes and misunderstands others, because she often makes decisions without thinking twice.
    2    . Mark is not honest. His mom hopes he can change it.
    3    . Jerry is not sure about his own advantages. He doesn’t think he’s good enough.
    4    . Sandy saw the difficult life of the poor children in the west of China. She wonders if she should help them.
    5    . Sam is afraid of the difficulties on his way to be a runner. He’s thinking about stopping running.
A. Rat’s (老鼠) wedding.

Father Rat wanted to find the best husband for his daughter. He asked Sun, Cloud, Wind and Wall, but none of them was the strongest. Finally, he found Rat was the strongest.

B. The Dragon Gate.

All the fish wanted to reach the Dragon Gate to get the magic. But many fish gave up halfway because of the difficulties. Only the little carp (鲤鱼), swam and swam and finally got to the Dragon Gate and had the magic.

C. The Four Dragons.

Once upon a time, there was no rain and the plants didn’t grow. The four dragons flew everywhere to get water for people. With their help, people had water again and lived a happy life again.

D. The King’s Yu Player.

A man called Nanguo told a lie that he could play the Yu and joined the King’s band. One day, Nanguo was asked to play alone. He ran away because he couldn’t play it at all.

E. Ox’s (牛) Big Mix-up

Jude Emperor (玉皇大帝) asked Ox to tell people to work hard to grow more food. However, Ox made a mistake. He felt sorry, so he worked hard for people on the farm.

F. To Pull up the Seedlings (苗) to Help them Grow.

In ancient times, a man wanted to make his rice grow faster. He pulled up the young plants by half an inch. However, the plans didn’t grow as he imagined. Instead, they all died.

G. Monkey Tried to Save the Moon.

Monkeys tried to save the moon in the well (井). Later they found the moon in the well was just a Shadow (影子). They understood they should think carefully before making decisions.

2023-01-03更新 | 137次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般