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1 . UNICEF is an international charity that helps children around the world. It was set up in 1946 to help children in Europe and China after World War II. It wanted to make life better for those who were badly influenced.

Now, UNICEF has a number of plans and hopes to achieve for children in every country. For example, they think that all children should be able to have safe drinking water. They also work hard to make sure that children can get medicine if they are ill. In many countries, children, especially girls, do not have the chance to go to school, so UNICEF tries to let them get a good education.

UNICEF is different from many other charities because it works with different governments around the world. Though many governments have their own systems (体系) to improve the lives of their children, UNICEF has so much experience that it can advise governments on how to make their systems better. UNICEF has done many great things since it started and will carry on with its work only if people can keep donating money to help it.

1. What was UNICEF set up for?
A.To give children enough food.B.To give children medicine.
C.To give governments advice.D.To help children after World War II.
2. Which of the following is one of UNICEF’s goals?
A.To help women around the world.B.To give children clean water to drink.
C.To make the world peaceful.D.To make governments do something for it.
3. Why is UNICEF interested in girls’ education?
A.Because all boys can go to school.
B.Because their parents let them stay at home.
C.Because there are no schools for girls after the Second World War.
D.Because girls often have fewer chances than boys to go to school.
4. Why is UNICEF different from other charities?
A.Because it works with governments.B.Because it always achieves its goals.
C.Because it offers money to poor people.D.Because it needs little help from people.
5. What must be done to help UNICEF reach its goal?
A.Girls must get a good education.B.People must offer money to support its work.
C.Children must be given much more help.D.Governments must listen to UNICEF’s advice.
2021-09-28更新 | 100次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省青岛市崂山区第三中学2020-2021学年九年级上学期期中英语试题
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2 . 选择最佳答案

It seems that Shanghai students are not as happy as they should be. That’s what an article in a local newspaper said some time ago.

The paper did a survey of some students and asked them if they were happy. 60% of the students said they were happy, but almost 40% said they were unhappy! However, when the paper asked deaf students the same question, almost 90% said, yes, they were happy. It’s pretty surprising when you think about it. Those students who have a disability are happier than those “healthier” classmates or schoolmates.

When I asked my students if they were happy, most said yes, but they also said they had a lot of pressure: too much homework, not enough freedom, not enough money. And some worry about the future, such as getting a good job, and finding a good husband or wife. Clearly, some students handle this pressure better than others, and the deaf students seem to handle (处理) the pressure best of all. They don’t let it get them down.

I can only imagine why this is. Maybe it has a lot to do with “overcoming adversity (战胜逆境)”. The deaf students have already had to deal with a big problem in their lives. They can’t hear, so talking to other people is very difficult, if not impossible. To communicate with others, they’ve had to learn sign language. After learning to “sign”, they’ve found new friends and they’ve also found the joy that comes with “overcoming adversity”.

We can all learn a lesson from these deaf students.

1. The survey in the passage is done by a newspaper in ________.
2. Which of the following is true according to the survey?
A.The number of unhappy students is larger than that of happy ones.
B.Almost 90% students said they were unhappy.
C.All the students who have a disability are happy.
D.Most deaf students feel that they are happy.
3. The writer of the passage may be a ________.
4. The underlined part “get them down” means ________in Chinese.
5. According to the passage, the deaf students are happier than others because ________.
A.they can’t hear anything
B.they found joy that come with “overcoming adversity”
C.it is difficult for them to communicate with others
D.it is impossible for them to talk to others
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3 . It’s quite common for us to eat too much junk food. Just putting one delicious snack (零食) in your mouth makes you want more. And now, scientists have worked out why we do this.

A research (研究) team from the US looked at the brains (大脑) of mice to see how their brains control (控制) their eating behavior. They found a set of special neurons (神经元) and named them “peri-LC neurons”.

These neurons play a role in deciding if the mice will go on eating after having a snack or not. The neurons fired (传递信号) less than usual while the mice were eating or drinking. If the neurons were stopped from firing at all, the mice would eat even more. This makes a cycle —— the mice eat and drink, the neurons fire less, the mice then feel like eating and drinking even more, and so the neurons goes on. 

Of course, there are other neurons that make us feel full and stop eating. But this finding can help scientists begin to answer why it’s so easy to overeat. And by further studying these neurons, they may also find new ways to work out problems such as obesity (肥胖) and diabetes (糖尿病).

1. What did the scientists research?
A.Why people eat too much junk food.
B.What health problems people have if they eat too much snacks.
C.How mice’s brains work differently from our brains.
2. When mice are eating or drinking, the peri-LC neurons _________.
A.stop firingB.fire more than usualC.fire less than usual
3. The underlined word “cycle” in Paragraph 3 probably means “_________” in Chinese.
4. What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A.The findings might help solve health problems.
B.The research might help people control their neurons.
C.Peri-LC neurons can make people feel full.
2021-09-21更新 | 66次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省临沂市罗庄区2020-2021学年八年级12月学业水平竞赛英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约380词) | 较难(0.4) |
4 .

For years, psychologists(心理学家) have been against giving children prizes or money for their performance in school. “Outwards” prizes, they say, can undermine the joy of learning for its own good and can even lead to cheating.

       But many economists(经济学家) and business people disagree, and their opinions often become popular in the educational marketplace. Prize programs that pay students are underway in many cities. In some places, students can bring home hundreds of dollars for, say, taking an Advanced Placement course and having high grades in the exams.

“Whether such efforts work continues to be a debate(争议) ,” said Barbara Marian, an assistant professor of education at Pennsylvania State. She is against using prizes as encouragement. Among parents, it often leads to very hot discussion. And in public education, a new focus on school reform(改革)pushes researchers on both sides of the debate to make more efforts to get data(数据) that may provide information on when and where prizes work.

“We have to get beyond our biases(偏见),” said Roland Fryer, an economist at Harvard University who is planning and testing several prize programs. “Luckily, the scientific method allows us to examine most of those biases and let the data do the talking.” In the cash programs being studied, Roland Fryer and other economists compare the school performance of groups of students who are paid and students who are not. In the study, they find that the students who are prized get higher grades on the SAT and go to better colleges than those who are not.

However, many psychologists believe that early data can be one-sided. Research suggests that prizes may work in the short term but have bad influences in the long term.

“Are they   highly interested in what they are doing? Or does it feel like hard work? The same prize program might have different influences on different kinds of students,” said Kirabo Jackson, a famous psychologist at Cornell University. “The higher the prize is, the more harmful the result might be.”

1. The underlined word “undermine” in Paragraph l most probably means “______”.
2. From Paragraph 2 and Paragraph 3, we can learn that ______.
A.the students’ parents welcome prize programs
B.prize programs are getting popular in many cities
C.the government provides money for prize programs
D.all the education researchers support prize programs
3. According to Roland Fryer and other economists’ study, students who are paid _______.
A.have more scientific methodsB.like to discuss with other students
C.always cheat in examinationsD.have better performance at school
4. The passage mainly tells us _______.
A.how to use prizes to encourage the students
B.different opinions on giving students prizes
C.how to make students study hard in schools
D.bad results caused by some prize programs
5. What does the writer think of prize programs?
A.He doesn’t mention it.B.He thinks they are harmful.
C.He thinks they are great.D.He doesn’t care about them.
2021-09-14更新 | 130次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省济南市2017年中考英语试题
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5 .

Nowadays, we are having a much busier life, and we are using our eyes more than ever before. So we often have tired eyes after a day’s work or study. Here are some good methods of protecting eyes against tiredness to keep them healthy.


Get into the habit of paying attention to the way you sit. Try to stick to the proper posture that doctors suggest.


There are some special pictures online that can help relax your eyes. You may download such pictures to your computer or smart phone. When there is nothing far away you can look at to relax your eyes, you can use one of these pictures. A picture with something like a tunnel(隧道)in it is quite popular. Try to look as far into the tunnel as you can for 30 seconds(秒). Do you feel better?

     The 20-20-20 rule: take a break from the screen every 20 minutes for 20 seconds and look at something 20 feet(about 6 meters)away.

Step 1. Sitting comfortably, imagine there is a clock in front of you and turn your eyes up to 12 o’clock. Pause(停顿)for a second, and then lower your eyes to 6 o’clock. Pause again, and then repeat this step 10 times. Complete the exercise by cupping your hands over your eyes for a few seconds, letting them rest in the darkness.

Step 2. Look at something on the right. Keep your eyes on it and slowly turn your head to the left as far as possible. Then do the same thing on the left. Repeat the exercise a couple of times.

Step 3. Hold your finger in front of your nose and keep looking at it. Slowly move the finger towards yourself as close as you can without losing focus(焦点). Then look outside the window as far as possible. Repeat this several times.

     Table tennis is about a small ball traveling at high speed—the best sport to train your eyes and relax the muscles(肌肉)in and around the eyes. Other sports like tennis, badminton and kite flying are also great for relaxing tired eyes.
1. Which of the following methods of protecting eyes is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A.Having the proper posture.B.Looking at something green.
C.Following the 20-20-20 rule.D.Playing some kinds of sports.
2. According to the passage, which of the following pictures can help relax your eyes?
3. What does the underlined word “them” refer to(指代)?
A.Your eyes.B.Your hands.        
C.The doctors.D.The exercises.
4. As for eye exercises, which of the following is TRUE?
A.In Step l, you must have a large clock in front of you.
B.In Step 2, you should turn left when you look to the right.
C.In Step 3,   you should move your finger as far as you can.
D.After finishing each step, you should repeat it a few times.
5. Which of the following is the best title of the passage?
A.We must take a break every 20 minutes.B.How to do eye exercises properly.
C.Ways to protect eyes against tiredness.D.People have tired eyes very easily.
2021-09-14更新 | 114次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省济南市2017年中考英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约390词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Some students study hard by cup after cup of coffee, what is more, the test stress(压力)almost makes them crazy(疯狂). But when you want to review as many books as possible to be ready for your test, don’t forget your health. After all, if you’re sick during your tests, every effort(努力)might be useless. Here are some tips on food, drinks and sleeping for you.

Food and drinks

The most important thing to remember about eating and drinking is to do just that: eat and drink. Never try to work when you are very hungry. Always do your homework before you get too tired.

1) Eat healthily and regularly

A banana or orange with some yogurt will fill you up better than junk food. Don’t break your food habits too much. Eat a healthy breakfast, lunch, and dinner at the same time you always do. Don’t eat take-out and junk food.

2) Drink more water

Drink water, and then drink some more. Nothing else will help your mind keep clear and keep your energy(能量)levels high. Sugary(含糖的)soft drinks will do badly for your health. You can also add some fruits like lemon to your water.

3) Drink less coffee and energy drinks

Caffeine(咖啡因)is so popular. Everyone could refresh(振奋)himself by using a cup of coffee, but drinking too much will make you uncomfortable, can’t sleep well.


All of that studying during finals week will be for nothing if you don’t get enough sleep.

1) Make sure about sleep time   

Don’t wait until late in the evening, or the homework will seem much harder than it really is.

Arrange(安排) your time properly(合适地)before final exams. You know your body, your study habits, and your finals schedule(时间表), so make a plan according to these.

2) Take a rest

Relax yourself after an hour’s work. Put your head down or lie down and set an alarm for half an hour to get some quick power sleep to add(增加)energy.

3) Keep your environment(环境)relaxing

Play some light music to help yourself fall asleep and give your body enough rest.

1. When someone is very hungry, he’d better ________.
A.work harderB.not eat anythingC.stop workingD.work as usual
2. What food can fill you up better?
A.Junk food.B.Fried chicken.
C.A banana or orange.D.French fries.
3. If you eat much rich take-out and fast food, you will feel ________.
4. If you want to relax yourself, which following tip will help you?
A.Drink more coffee.
B.Eat more take-out and junk food.
C.Keep studying while you are hungry.
D.Listen to the light music and take a rest.
5. Which of the following is NOT true?
A.Drinking too much coffee will help you more than drinking water.
B.Even before the final exam, you’d better make sure about your sleep time.
C.Eat a healthy breakfast, lunch, and dinner at the same time you always do.
D.You’d better relax yourself after an hour’s work by getting a quick sleep.
2021-07-04更新 | 67次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省济南市历元学校2020-2021学年八年级上学期10月月考英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约300词) | 较难(0.4) |
7 .

Can laughing every day help keep the heart attack (心脏病) away? Maybe so. Laughter, along with an active sense of humor, may help protect people against the heart attack, according to a recent study from the University of Maryland Medical Center in Baltimore.

“The old saying that ‘Laughter is the best medicine.’ seems to be true when it comes to protecting your heart,” said Michael Miller at the University of Maryland Medical Center.

In the study, researchers compared the humor responses (反应) of 300 people. Half of them had suffered a heart attack. The other 150 did not have heart disease. Researchers provided people from the first group with a series of multiple-choice (多选的) questions to find out how much or how little they laughed in certain situations. And the second group were given true or false questions to help researchers know more about anger.

Miller said the most important study finding was that “people with heart disease responded less humorously to everyday life situations” They generally laughed less, even in positive (乐观的) situations, and they showed more anger. “We know that exercising, no smoking and eating foods low in fat will help cut down on the risk of heart disease. Perhaps hearty laughter should be added to the list.” Miller said.

It may be possible to put laughter into our daily activities, just as we do with other heart-healthy activities, such as walking up the stairs instead of taking the lift. According to Miller, every one of us is supposed to read something humorous or watch a funny video, and try to find ways to take ourselves less seriously.

1. At the very beginning of this article, the topic is introduced by ________.
A.an exampleB.a questionC.a problemD.an experiment(实验)
2. In the study, what did researchers want to know about the first group of people?
A.Why they suffered a heart attack.
B.Whether they had heart disease or not.
C.What helped protect them against heart disease.
D.How much or how little they laughed in certain situations.
3. The result of the study shows that ________.
A.the first group of people generally laughed moreB.the second group of people showed more anger
C.exercising can keep people away from getting sickD.laughing can help cut down on the risk of heart disease
4. What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A.It is time to take ourselves less seriously.B.Laughter is as important as walking up the stairs.
C.Every one of us should do something to keep fit.D.Laughter is the best medicine to keep heart healthy.
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