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| 共计 43 道试题
阅读理解-单选(约310词) | 较难(0.4) |
1 . Choose the best answer(根据以下内容,选择最恰当答案)

Touch is one of the most important of our five senses. It is one of the first senses we develop. One of the most commonly accepted forms of touch among people is also one of the first experiences we have in the world—a hug!

There is no better way to understand the importance of hugs than to lose them. For those who have experienced the loss of hugs, you will know how important they are to share.

A recent research has shown that when people hug, the brain releases the chemical(化学物质) which increases our willingness to trust and reduces fear. It has also shown that hugs are great for your heart.

In 1995, a pair of newly born twins was being cared for in hospital. While one of the twins seemed quite healthy, her sister was not. After trying different medical treatments, the nurse on duty, Gayle Kasparian, placed the twins in bed together. The twins immediately snuggled(依偎) up to each other. As one placed her arm around the other, the weak baby became better gradually(逐渐地). How great the power of a hug is!

The need for hugs doesn’t disappear as we grow older, though it seems we are less willing to give them. Research on people of all ages has proven that a hug is necessary for physical and emotional health.

Without hugs we can become sad. A hug provides safety and gentleness. A hug provides us with social contact, a sense of health and a feeling of importance and belonging.

1. The writer believes that ________.
A.touch is the most important senseB.hug is one of human’s five senses
C.touch is the first developed senseD.hug is one of the forms of touch
2. In the sentence “For those who have experienced the loss of hugs, you will know how important they are to share.” The underlined word “they” refers to ________.
3. A recent research has shown that ________.
A.hugs can release a kind of chemicalB.hug is good for people’s heart
C.hug increases people’s fearD.hug reduces the feeling of trust
4. The story of the twins tells us ________.
A.twins should be placed in bed togetherB.the power of a hug is great
C.twins should be looked after togetherD.medical treatments are important
5. A hug provides all the following except ________.
A.a sense of social contactB.a sense of health
C.a sense of belongingD.a sense of power
6. The best title of the passage can be ________.
A.The Great Importance of HugsB.The Different Ways of Hugs
C.The Traditional Cultures of HugsD.The Interesting Stories of Hugs
阅读理解-单选(约160词) | 较难(0.4) |

2 . March 29th is National School Safety Day(学校安全日). This year, students will learn how to stop school accidents from happening.

We all should be serious about school safety. A report in China Education Daily says that school accidents kill more students below age 13 than anything else. About 16, 000 students die in school accidents every year. That means that an average(平均)40 students die at school every day in China!

The worst accidents come from food poisoning(中毒), fires, electricity and traffic.

Students at Beijing Yucai School have safety lessons and watch videos, act in short plays and make their own newspapers to learn about safety.

During a fire drill at the school last week, more than 2, 000 students safely left the building in less than 3 minutes!

1. March 29th is a special day for schools because ________.
A.there are the most accidents that day
B.it's National School Safety Day
C.a lot of students die that day
D.students have drills that day
2. According to the report, around _______ students die in school accidents every day in China.
A.16, 000B.14C.40D.2, 000
3. The worst accidents come from _______.
A.food poisoning, fires, electricity and air pollution
B.food poisoning, electricity, traffic and fires
C.electricity, water, food poisoning and traffic
D.traffic, food poisoning, electricity and exercise
4. The fire drill at Yucai School helped students _______.
A.put out a fire
B.understand what a fire is
C.not feel afraid when there is a fee
D.learn how to leave safely if there is a fire
5. The writer wrote this report because he wanted to _______.
A.tell us what a fire can do
B.tell us what to do in a fire drill
C.tell us how to stay safe away from accidents
D.tell us to be serious about school safety
2022-12-31更新 | 59次组卷 | 1卷引用:牛津上海版英语六年级下册Unit 1-3 单元测试卷
任务型阅读-阅读表达(约140词) | 适中(0.65) |
3 . Answer the questions (根据以下内容回答问题)

Grass is very useful. It’s the food of the animals, and also a kind of fuel (燃料). What else can we do with it?

A farmer named Rob Marshall makes a castle with grass. He is from Victoria (维多利亚), Australia. He is 40 years old now. He spends six hours building the 30-meter-long and 6-meter-wide castle. The castle is not huge or strong. But it attracts (吸引) many people to visit it. Hundreds of tourists have visited the castle. The farmer welcomes the people. We can visit the special castle or we can make our own (自己的) castle in the future.

1. What’s the castle made of?
2. Who makes the special castle?
3. How long does it take him to build the castle?
4. How many tourists have been to the castle?
5. Why is grass very useful?
6. Do you want to visit the special castle? Why?
2022-12-31更新 | 22次组卷 | 1卷引用:牛津上海版英语六年级下册Unit 8 Windy weather 单元测试卷
阅读理解-单选(约220词) | 较易(0.85) |

4 . In England, people often talk about the weather because they can experience (经历) four seasons in one day. In the morning the weather is warm just like in spring. An hour later black clouds come and then it rains hard. The weather gets a little cold. In the late afternoon the sky will be sunny,the sun will begin to shine, and it will be summer at this time of a day.

In England, people can also have summer in winter, or have winter in summer. So in winter they can swim sometimes, and in summer sometimes they should take warm clothes.

When you go to England, you will see that some English people usually take an umbrella (伞) or a raincoat with them in the sunny morning, but you should not laugh at them.

If you don’t take an umbrella or a raincoat, you will regret (后悔) later in the day.

1. “People can also have summer in winter.” Means “it is sometimes too ________ in winter.”
2. From the story we know that when                    come, there is a heavy rain.
A.black cloudsB.sunshine and snowC.summer and winterD.spring and autumn
3. Why do people in England often talk about the weather?
A.Because the sky is sunny all day.B.Because they often have very good weather.
C.Because the weather is warm just like in spring.D.Because they may have four seasons in one day.
4. In the sunny morning some English people usually take a raincoat or an umbrella with them because ________.
A.it often rains in EnglandB.they are going to sell them
C.their friends ask them to do soD.they are their favourite things
5. The best title(标题)for this passage is ________.
A.Bad SeasonsB.Summer or WinterC.The Weather in EnglandD.Strange English People
阅读理解-单选(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . It is very important for children to get to school safely and on time every day. Luckily for them, there is a new program called Free Home-to-School Transport. It gives children free rides to school. But to enjoy the free trip, children have to be qualified (符合资格). It usually depends on where the children live, which school they are going to and how old they are.

       Children can take free home-to-school transport if they:

are between 5 and 16 years old

are going to the nearest school

live farther away from school than the statutory(法定的) walking distances(2 miles for students under 8, and 3 miles for those aged above 8)

No matter (无论) how far away children live from school, they can take the free transport if they have walking problems or there is no safe road for them. A safe road usually has traffic lights and should be clean.

Also, there are still free home-to-school travel policies for children in poor families and children with special educational needs. You can find out more on the Internet and see if your children are qualified.

1. According to the passage, it is very important for children not to be ________ for school every day.
2. To enjoy the program, a child should go to a school that is ________.
3. A 9-year-old boy who lives _______ mile(s) away from school qualifies for the program.
4. The underlined word “policies” means “________” in Chinese.
5. Which of the following is TRUE?
A.Seventeen-year-old students can take free rides to school.
B.If Tom has some problems with his legs, he can enjoy the program.
C.Poor children can not have free transport to school.
D.A safe road should be near the school and have traffic lights.
阅读理解-单选(约190词) | 较易(0.85) |

6 . Do you like snow? Many people in the world never see snow. In the north of England, there is quite a lot of snow every winter, but in the south of England there is usually little snow. When a student from a warm country comes to England in autumn for the first time, he feels cold. There are always dark clouds, gray skies and cold rain in England in autumn.

Snow is different. It is very cold, but it is very beautiful. Perhaps, after several dark mornings, the student wakes up (醒来) one day and there is a lot of light (光) in his room. He thinks, “Is it so late?” and gets up quickly. But it is not late at all. He looks out of the window and there is snow on the ground, in the trees, on the roofs (屋顶) and so on. The light in his room comes from the clean and beautiful snow.

1. There is not much snow in the ________ of England in winter.
2. In the autumn of England, we can’t see ________.
A.gray skiesB.dark cloudsC.beautiful snowD.cold rain
3. In England, snow and autumn rain are ________.
4. Why does the student think it is so late?
A.Because it is really late.
B.Because he has some work to do.
C.Because the light makes his room bright (明亮的).
D.Because he usually gets up early.
5. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Many people in the world never see snow.
B.In England, there is usually little snow.
C.Students from other countries don’t like the weather in England.
D.It is often very warm in the autumn of England.
阅读理解-单选(约170词) | 容易(0.94) |

7 . Hello, boys and girls! I’m Helen. The Student Art Festival starts in our middle school. Today is December 13th. There is a photo show. Students take many photos. All of them are great. I love one of the photos a lot. It’s a photo of a big family. It’s named “Happy Birthday, Grandpa!” I think this student must have a happy family, just like me.

In the next two weeks, we have other fun things—the talent show, Chinese painting show and the DIY show. I like the talent show very much. The talent show is on the afternoon of December 19th. My classmate Tony and I will play the piano in the show. Our parents will come and watch the show. I hope we can do well. Do you have time? Please come and watch our show.

1. There is a(n)   ________ in Helen’s school.
A.sports meetingB.art festivalC.English partyD.book sale
2. The underlined word “them” refers to(指的是) ________.
3. Helen will play the piano with ________.
A.her classmateB.her motherC.her teacherD.her cousin
4. What can we learn from the passage?
A.There is a photo show on the second day.B.There is a basketball game.
C.Helen likes the DIY show very much.D.There is a talent show on the afternoon of December 19th.
5. What is the best title for this passage?
A.A Photo ShowB.A Happy Family
C.The Student Art FestivalD.A Talent Show
2022-01-18更新 | 530次组卷 | 6卷引用:Unit 3(A卷·夯实基础)-【单元测试】2022-2023学年六年级英语下册同步单元AB卷(牛津上海版)
阅读理解-单选(约210词) | 较难(0.4) |

8 . John is from New York. His home is near the school. So he often goes to school by bike. Every day it takes him about fifteen minutes to get there. He always gets to school on time.

Mary is a student of a middle school in Tokyo. The school is far from her home. Every day she has to go to school by subway. It takes her about forty minutes. She often gets up very early because she doesn’t want to be late for school. She is a good student. Jenny’s home is in London. It is far from her school. She usually goes to school by bus. This kind (种类) of bus has two floors (两层). It takes her an hour every day. She must get up very early every morning. She often gets to school early.

Tom is a student of a middle school in Iceland (冰岛). There is snow (大雪) all year round. So he usually goes to school by sledge (雪橇). It takes about twenty minutes to get there. He is sometimes late for school.

1. How does Jenny go to school every day? ________
A.By bike.B.By bus.C.By subway.D.By car.
2. How long does it take Mary to go to school? ________
A.15minutes.B.40minutes.C.An hour.D.20minutes.
3. Sometimes ________ is late for school.
4. Why does Tom usually go to school by sledge? ________
A.Because his home is near the school.
B.Because there is no bus in Iceland.
C.Because there is snow all year round in Iceland.
D.Because he can't ride a bike.
5. The text (文章) tells us ________.
A.how students can get to school on time
B.how students in other countries (国家) go to school
C.students should get up early
D.students should study hard
阅读理解-单选(约200词) | 较难(0.4) |

9 . Many people like to travel when they have time off from school or work. They might go to their hometown to see their family, or travel somewhere far. But not everyone does this—some people take a “staycation” instead.

A staycation is when you spend your holiday at home. Some people might travel around their city. Others might try rural tourism in the countryside. People like myself prefer to just stay at home.

I had a staycation of my own over the summer. I slept in late every day. I worked on music and played video games. I wasn’t too lonely — I had my cat to play with, and I visited some of my friends around the city.

Traveling is fun from time to time. But it’s also nice to just stay at home and relax. It’s also cheaper, since I don’t have to pay to travel. You can choose to do just about anything you want — or, if you want, just do nothing. There’s nothing wrong with that.

1. What is a “staycation” ?
A.Working overtime during vacation.B.Staying at home for vacation.
C.Going back to your hometown for vacation.D.Traveling somewhere during vacation.
2. What does “rural tourism” mean in Paragraph 2?
3. What does the writer tell us in Paragraph 3?
A.Where he used to go during vacation.B.How he felt about staying at home alone.
C.Why he prefers staycations over traveling.D.What he did during his staycation.
4. How did the writer feel during his staycation?
5. Which of the following might the writer agree with?
A.People should spend some time alone during weekends.
B.Doing nothing at home is OK for vacation.
C.People choose to stay at home because it’s cheap.
D.Traveling is not always fun.
2021-11-05更新 | 314次组卷 | 2卷引用:Unit 3(B卷·提升能力)-【单元测试】2022-2023学年六年级英语下册同步单元AB卷(牛津上海版)
阅读理解-单选(约260词) | 较难(0.4) |

10 . Smoke fills the sky. The day is as dark as night. Heat makes it hard to breathe(呼吸). This is the world of a wildfire fighter(消防员)!

Wildfires are a part of nature. But, as one firefighter says, “Fire is not a problem. People living near fire—that’s the problem.”A wildfire can destroy(毁坏) everything in its way. But there are ways to fight it.

By air

Smokejumpers(空降森林灭火员) are often the first firefighters to reach a fire. To get closer, they jump from a plane. They are especially important when the area is difficult to walk to. If smokejumpers can’t stop a fire in 24 hours, other firefighters join them. This second group drops water on the fire from an airplane.

On the land

On the ground, firefighters work together to stop the fire. First, one group digs a fire line. This is a long deep ditch(沟). It is difficult for the fire to cross this line.

Then, while those firefighters dig, others start a backfire(回火). They burn the dry grass and leaves between the wildfire and the fire line. When the wildfire comes, there is nothing for it to use as fuel.

Other firefighters cut down dead trees. That way the fire can’t move to other trees. Firefighters risk their lives to keep people safe. Their job takes hard work, and it takes courage.

1. The underlined phrase “use as fuel” means ________.
2. When the firefighter says, “Fire is not a problem. People living near fire—that’s the problem,” what does he mean?
A.Fire is natural, but it’s dangerous to people living near it.
B.Fires in forests are not a big problem, but fires in cities are.
C.Fighting fires should be the job of people living near fires.
D.Putting out fires in cities is always a problem for firefighters.
3. According to the passage, which of the following statements is wrong?
A.Smokejumpers are often the last firefighters to reach a fire.
B.The firefighters dig a fire line to stop the fire crossing the line.
C.The firefighters start a backfire by burning the dry grass and leaves.
D.Some firefighters cut down dead trees so that the fire can’t move lo other trees.
4. The writer wants to ________.
A.explain why fire is not a problemB.show us how fires destroy everything
C.tell us how firefighters fight wildfiresD.teach us how to be a good firefighter
2021-09-24更新 | 366次组卷 | 4卷引用:Unit11 Controlling fire单元综合练习2022-2023学年牛津上海版英语六年级下册
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