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1 . 根据短文内容,判断正误(正确“T”,错误“F”), 并将所选答案涂到答题卡的相应位置上。

A greeting is a way of saying “Hello” to someone. People in different countries greet each other in different ways. The following are some examples.

In the United States, people usually shake hands. The handshake has an interesting origin (起源). It started long ago as a way of showing people that you weren’t carrying a weapon (武器). Shaking the person’s right hand while looking him or her in the eye is the usual way.

Handshakes are also common in other parts of the world, including Britain and Russia. In Russia, a man often holds another man’s hand very strongly during the handshake. Most people in New Zealand also greet each other by shaking hands. However, the Maori in New Zealand greet each other by pressing their noses together.

In other countries, such as France and Belgium, hugging and kissing are more common when two people meet. In those cultures, people kiss each other on the cheek (面颊). The number of kisses is different from country to country.

In Saudi Arabia, men might hug and kiss each other (but not with a woman) on the cheek. In some Eastern countries, including Japan, bowing is the traditional way of greeting people.

1. In America, you shouldn’t look at the man when shaking hands with him.
2. The Maori in New Zealand greet each other by pressing their noses together.
3. People prefer bowing as a way of greeting in Belgium.
4. Bowing is a traditional way of greeting people in Japan.
5. This passage is mainly about how people in different countries greet each other.
2024-03-08更新 | 22次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省临沧地区2023-2024学年九年级上学期期末考试英语试题(含听力)

2 . Have you ever heard of e-waste, which can be produced every day? How do you deal with your computers, MP4 players and mobile phones when they’re broken or you want a new one?

Most people just throw them away. With the development of the electronic industry, e-waste pollution has become a serious problem. According to the United Nations, in 2014, people around the world produced 41.8 million tons of e-waste but only recycled 6.5 million tons. The US was the biggest waster, producing 7.1 million tons. China came second with 6 million tons.

It’s important to pay attention to e-waste. It can either be valuable or harmful, depending on how we deal with it. E-waste is a valuable urban mine (城市矿藏). The value of the metals, like gold and silver in the waste around the world, is amazing. And the metals can be reused. But if people throw them away, the toxic (有毒的) chemicals can get into the soil or air, affecting the environment and people’s health.

Apple, for example, now recycles people’s used products in China when they are buying new ones. The company will test and repair the used ones and sell them at lower prices. To help reduce e-waste, we can also take computers and phones to see if companies offer recycling programs.

1. Broken mobile phones can become e-waste.
2. America produced most e-waste in 2014 according to the United Nations.
3. The underlined word “affecting” means “protecting” in the third paragraph.
4. From paragraph four, we can learn that used electric products can’t be recycled.
5. The main purpose of this passage is to advise people to deal with e-waste properly to reduce pollution.
2024-03-02更新 | 28次组卷 | 1卷引用:新疆阿克苏地区阿克苏市2023-2024学年九年级上学期期末英语试题
3 . 根据短文内容,判断句子正(T)误(F)。

A famous study was done in a school by a professor (教授) from a university. At the start of the school year, the teachers were given the names of five children. They were told that these five were the most excellent students in the class. But the fact was that these students were only average (普通的), and they were not the best students at all. Well, guess what? At the end of the year, all the five average students scored among the highest in the class.

What made these average students change so much to become top students? The only difference was the change in their teachers’ attitude (态度). Because the teachers believed that these five kids were the top students, they expected more from them. And so these five average students began to believe and expect more from themselves. So they worked harder to do as well as they could.

Do you know why? If you expect the best from people, they’ll usually want to give you their best. A great leader said, “Treat a person just how he appears to be on the outside, and you’ll make him even worse. But treat a person like he’s already a success, and you’ll help make him the best he can be.”

Like the true story of 7-year-old Johnny, his teacher got so angry with him that one day she said,“Johnny, you’re the naughtiest (淘气的) boy in this class. I’m sure you’ll never change.” The next year Johnny had a new teacher. And on the first day of class, she met with Johnny after school and said, “Johnny, I’ve heard a lot about you! But do you know that I don’t believe a word of it.” And every day after that, this new teacher treated Johnny as if he was one of the smartest students even when Johnny did naughty things. Later on, Johnny became a school leader. Because that’s the power of our belief (信仰) and attitude toward children.

1. The professor started his research by telling the teachers that the five students were the best in the class.
2. The five average students became top students because of the teachers’ hard work.
3. In our life, if we want a person to be better, we have to hit him often.
4. The writer told us the story of 7-year-old Johnny to show the importance of encouragement.
5. The passage mainly tells us attitude and belief can change a person.
2024-03-02更新 | 14次组卷 | 1卷引用:吉林省白山九中、白山十六中、白山二十一中2023-2024学年九年级上学期期末英语试题

4 . One day, I saw Harry sitting under a tree. He looked very sad. So I asked him what was wrong. “Nothing,” he said. “I’m too short to join the school basketball team.” “And our PE teacher thinks I have little hope to be in the team in half a year,” he added. “Why not join another team?” I asked. “But my dream is to be an excellent basketball player in the future,” he said. He told me his father wanted him to change his idea to join the school ping-pong team. “Good idea,” I agreed. “You’re sure to be excellent, because you have a smart head.” The next day, he joined the school ping-pong team. He worked harder than any other boy. Soon he was very popular in the team and looked happy every day. Last month, in the city’s middle school ping-pong match, he and his team won the championship (冠军).

Sometimes your dream may not come true. Then make a small change, and it will bring you another success.

1. Harry looked very sad under a tree.
2. Harry didn’t like playing basketball.
3. Father would like Harry to join the basketball team.
4. Harry worked harder than any other boy in the ping-pong team.
5. The passage tells us that making a small change may be good for you.
2024-02-21更新 | 35次组卷 | 1卷引用:广西南宁市2023-2024学年九年级上学期期末英语试题(含听力)
5 . 阅读短文,根据短文内容判断句子正误。正确的填“A”,错误的填“B”。

I’m tired of being a people-pleaser (讨好者), but I just don’t know how to say no without feeling sorry. I want to be a good friend, but part of being a good friend is being there for people all the time. It sometimes makes me tired. What should I do?


Saying no is not easy, but it’s necessary. However, we don’t want to make others feel bad or think we are impolite when we do it. These tips may be useful.

The first step in refusing someone politely is to say thank you. It usually works when someone offers you something you don’t need. For example, “Can I give you a ride? ”or “Would you like some water?” “No, thank you.”

Next you can say no without using the word “no”. Words like “sadly” and “unfortunately” can help you sound more polite. They work well especially in working places. For example, “Can you help me with the report? ”“Sadly, I’m a little busy.”

Finally, when you want to turn down an invitation, remember to give your reasons. You can say, “I’m sorry, but I need to see my doctor that day.I hope your party goes well!”

1. Tony doesn’t know how to make friends with others.
2. When someone offers you something you don’t need, you can say, “No, thank you.”
3. If Mike can’t help with his workmate’s work, he should refuse by saying “Thank you”.
4. When you don’t want to accept an invitation, you should give a reason.
5. This reading mainly tells us how to refuse politely.
2024-02-19更新 | 21次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省成都市青白江区2023-2024学年九年级上学期期末英语试题
6 . 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容判断句子的正误。正确的填“A”,错误的填“B”。

Museums play a big role in our society. They serve as a window into the past and help us understand the present. Sichuan Science and Technology Museum offers different activities that help visitors learn about science and technology in a fun way. The museum has a volunteer program where volunteers can serve as tour guides and explain the exhibits (展览) to visitors.

As a volunteer, I had the chance to take part in this program and help visitors understand the science and technology behind the exhibits. During my time as a volunteer, I learned many things. Firstly, I learned the importance of communication when explaining exhibits to visitors. I had to use simple and understandable language to explain difficult scientific knowledge. Secondly, I learned the importance of patience and helpfulness. Some visitors may have a difficult time understanding some knowledge, so it was necessary to explain things again.

All in all, being a volunteer at Sichuan Science and Technology Museum was a meaningful experience. I am proud to be a volunteer at the museum.

1. Museums serve as a window into the past and help us understand the present. ________
2. The activities carried out at the museum are too difficult for all the visitors to understand. ________
3. The professional guides explain the exhibits to visitors clearly according to the article. ________
4. The main idea of the article is about the importance of science and technology. ________
5. Being a volunteer at the Museum is a good chance to learn and practice new skills. ________
2024-02-15更新 | 25次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省成都市天府新区2023-2024学年九年级上学期期末英语试题
7 . 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容判断句子正误。正确的涂“A”,错误的涂“B”。

What makes you happy in festivals? Do you feel happy when you enjoy delicious food with family? Eating traditional food in festivals has been our habit since ancient times. But some people think that our festival culture would be complete even without the food. They may think whatever taste of mooncakes we eat, we always keep enjoying the happiness on Mid-Autumn Festival. More people prefer interesting activities to celebrate festivals. They think activities like dragon boat races or a trip can bring more happiness than food. Although ways to celebrate festivals are different, the purpose is always the same—enjoy the happy time! However, some people still think that festivals are less enjoyable than before. How can we improve our sense of happiness in festivals? Here are the results of a survey.

How to improve the sense of happiness in festivals

1. More people prefer traditional food to activities in festivals.
2. Most people expect not to work overtime in festivals.
3. More than half of the people hope to add more holidays.
4. 60.7 percent of people want to cut down the costs in festivals.
5. The chart shows what festivals people think are important in China.
2024-02-13更新 | 36次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省成都市龙泉驿区2023-2024学年九年级上学期期末英语试题(含听力)
8 . 根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正误。正确的填“T”,错误的填“F”,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

Travel study—a new way to spend your holiday. Have you ever heard about it?

When you have a travel study, you can see Big Ben, Sydney Opera House, the Statue of Liberty and so many other places. During the travel study, you may go traveling by yourself, or with your family or your friends.

When you travel, you are in a different culture every day. You will be served with different new food and make new friends. You read all these from books in the past, but now it is real and you are part of it. Besides, you may also learn other cultures from your new friends because they are from different countries.

Maybe you already have foreign teachers in your school to teach you English. But he or she will not stay to speak English with you all the time, right? During the travel study, you have to speak it every day and almost everywhere because you are in an English-speaking country!

It also gives you a chance to live alone. That will teach you how to live. “What should I do if I lose my way in a foreign country?” “How can I buy what I want with my poor English?” You have to be clever and find answers for yourself.

In short, you can get a lot from the travel study.

1. Your parents are not allowed to be with you during the travel study.
2. Enjoying different cultures is an important part of the travel study.
3. Foreign teachers can stay with you and teach you English all the time.
4. Travel study is a good chance to learn to deal with challenges in a new environment.
5. The writer mainly talks about the advantages of travel study.
2024-02-09更新 | 34次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省昭通市昭阳区2023-2024学年九年级上学期期末英语试题
阅读理解-判断(约140词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . One day Einstein was walking in the street in New York. His friend met him and said to him, “Einstein, you should buy a new coat. Look, how old your coat is!” But Einstein answered, “It doesn’t matter. Nobody knows me here. After a few years Einstein became a famous scientist. But he still wore the old coat. His friend met him again and asked him to buy a new one. But Einstein said,” I needn’t buy a new one. Everyone knows me here.

1. Einstein was an English scientist.
2. Einstein’s coat was very old. His friend helped him buy a new one.
3. Einstein didn’t want to buy a new one because he didn’t mind it.
4. A few year later, Einstein became a great scientist and still wore the old coat.
5. The title of this passage should be Einstein’s coat.
2024-02-05更新 | 8次组卷 | 1卷引用:甘肃省天水市麦积区2022-2023学年九年级上学期期末考试英语试题

10 . Pipa is one of the most popular traditional Chinese instruments. It first appeared in the Qin Dynasty in ancient China and has a history of over two thousand years.

The word “Pipa” came from two main skills needed to play the instrument. “Pi” means finger pushing, and “Pa” means finger pulling. In the Tang Dynasty, “Pipa” was used as a general name for all Chinese plucked string instruments (拨弦乐器). At the same time, Pipa was also introduced to other East Asian countries.

As to Pipa music work, most of Chinese people will remind of the classic Pipa work—Shimianmaifu. It’s one of the top ten ancient music works in China. It’s really a piece of great music. Sunny Spring and White Snow is one of the several traditional Chinese pieces for Pipa. It was said that the piece was created by either Shi Kuang from the State of Jin or Liu Juanzi from the State of Qi during the Spring and Autumn Period. Now, Sunny Spring and White Snow is also used to describe highbrow (高雅的) art forms such as classical music, painting and literature (文学).

根据短文内容,判断正误(正确“T”,错误“F” )。
1. The history of Pipa is less than 2,000 years.
2. Pipa was introduced to other East Asian countries in the Tang Dynasty.
3. Shimianmaifu is one of the most famous ancient music works in China.
4. Sunny Spring and White Snow was created by two people.
5. This passage is mainly about the process of making Pipa.
2024-01-25更新 | 44次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南师范大学实验中学2023-2024学年九年级上学期期末英语试题
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