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1 . A. 回答问题
请阅读下面短文,根据所提供的信息,回答 5 个问题。要求所写答案语法正确、语义完整切题。

Macao is in the southeast of China. It’s only forty miles from Hong Kong and it is easy to reach. You can get there by ship. It is an interesting place and it has a long history. Macao is a part of China and most people living there are Chinese.

The first Europeans to go to Macao came from Portugal (葡萄牙). More than four hundred years ago, the Portuguese went there to do business with China. Some didn’t leave and made their homes there. They built strong forts (城堡) to protect the city and the harbor (港口). They also built churches, schools, hospitals and other places. Slowly the city grew. People from many countries came to live and work in Macao.

Today many people visit Macao. It is relaxing to walk around and look at the old buildings and forts. You may feel you are back in the old days. Of course, some of the buildings are now in ruins (毁坏). The Church of St. Paul has only the front wall with many steps leading up to it. But it is still interesting to see.

When you are hot and tired, there are small cool gardens to rest in. When you are hungry, there are good restaurants with many kinds of food. Nearby are some islands, which are also nice to visit and are easy to get to. There is certainly a lot to see and to do in Macao. People of Macao warmly welcome visitors from home and overseas (海外的).

1. How far is it from Hong Kong to Macao?
2. When did Portuguese first go to Macao?
3. Why did Portuguese build forts in Macao?
4. How may you feel when you walk around the old buildings in Macao?
5. Where can you have a rest when you feel tired?
B. 书面表达
6. 假如你是李华,今年寒假要去澳门参加冬令营活动,请根据下列提示,写一篇英文自我介绍。内容包括:

I’m glad to introduce myself to all of you. My name is Li Hua.   __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2024-05-12更新 | 46次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省湛江市霞山区2023-2024学年八年级上学期期中测试英语试题(含听力)
文章大意:本文是一篇说明文,介绍了奥运会上一位年轻的乒乓球运动员Hend Zaza.
2 . 请阅读下面这篇文章,根据所提供的的信息,回答5个问题。要求所写答案语法正确、语义完整,并把答案写在答题卡指定的位置

My name is Juniper. I love table tennis. It is exciting for me to watch table tennis games. When I watched the Olympics on TV in 2021, I noticed a young table tennis player. Her name is Hend Zaza. She was just 12 years old then. She was the youngest player at the Tokyo Olympic Games. She did better than I thought. Hend Zaza comes from Hama, Syria. At the age of 5, she started to play table tennis. Her father was a football coach. He works as a sports teacher now. “We are a sporting family. My family always cheer on each other when we play sports,” Zaza said. The support(支持) from her family makes Zaza pleased.

Zaza always trains hard. She knows it takes a lot of practice to become an excellent player.

Zaza’s favourite table tennis player is Sun Yingsha. She wants to play against Sun. She hopes that she can have a chance of winning Sun one day.

After learning about Zaza’s story, I think she is hard-working and confident. I should learn from her.

1. What sport does Juniper like?
2. Who was the youngest player at the Tokyo Olympic Games?
3. Where did Hend Zaza come from?
4. When did Hend Zaza start to play table tennis?
5. What does Juniper think of Zaza?
6. 假如你是李明,你的学校要举行校运会,英文社根据本次校运会组织征稿活动,主题是:My Favourite Sport。请你根据以下思维导图用英语写一篇短文介绍你最喜欢的一项运动,然后向你校的英文社进行投稿。内容包括:


My Favourite Sport

My name is Li Ming and I would like to share my favourite sport with you.

2024-05-11更新 | 18次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省茂名市电白区2023-2024学年八年级上学期期中英语试题
3 . 请阅读下面短文,根据所提供的信息,回答5个问题。要求所写答案语法正确、语义完整切题。

Come to Austria

Soll is a village in the mountains in Western Austria, and a local family opens Hotel Post there. The hotel is clean and cheap. In the hotel you can see the whole village, the forest and the mountains. Temperatures are usually around 20℃ to 25℃ in the daytime, but much lower in the evening.

Enjoy Thailand

When you visit Bangkok in Thailand, you can take a river boat to the Floating Market (水上市场) in the early morning. There you can buy many fresh fruits and vegetables. There you will find something fun when you sit in your boat. Don’t forget your hat. The sun can be strong. The temperature may be as high as 40℃ at midday!

Visit Hawaii

Maybe the most beautiful place in Hawaii is Kauai. You can visit the long beaches in the south and west of the island, and mountains and forests in the north, but be careful. There are many mosquitoes (蚊子). And don’t be surprised if it rains in the center of the island. Daytime temperatures are usually around 24℃ to 26℃ by the sea, and only a little lower in the late evening.

1. What is the Hotel Post like in Austria?
2. How can people go to the Floating Market?
3. Why do people need to wear hats in Bangkok?
4. What can people visit in the north of Kauai?
5. Which place is the hottest, Austria, Thailand or Hawaii?
B. 书面表达
6. 2022年3月3日是第9个“世界野生动植物日”。假设你是李华,你所在学校的英语的“人与自然”栏目正在以保护野生动物为话题征文,请你给该专栏投稿。








Dear editors,

Many wild animals around the world are in danger. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Li Hua

2024-05-11更新 | 26次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省惠州市惠阳区第一中学2023-2024学年八年级上学期期中英语试题
读写综合(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |
4 . A. 回答问题

Today, more and more parents ask their children to play sports every day because they worry about their children’s health. They want to know more ways to help children keep healthy. Being healthy means a person eats well and gets enough exercise. If you are healthy, your mind works well and feels good. Here are some rules you can follow to keep healthy.

Eat all kinds of food. You may have your favorite food, but it is important to eat all kinds of food. Try to eat five kinds of fruits and vegetables a day. They will give you enough vitamin (维生素) and keep you healthy.

Spend less time on screens. Some children spend much time watching TV, playing computer games or using smart phones. These three sitting-down activities are really bad for your health. Try to spend at most two hours a day on screens.

Be active. You need to find what activities you like most in your spare time. Not everyone loves baseball or soccer. Maybe your favorite is swimming, dancing or playing tennis. You can do the enjoyable things when your mom says it’s time to stop playing computer games!

Eat well, spend less time on screens and be active! You are sure to work well and feel good!

1. Why do parents ask their children to play sports every day?
2. What does “being healthy” mean?
3. Is it good to eat at least five kinds of fruits and vegetables a day?
4. What will fruit and vegetables give you?
5. How many rules are mentioned (提及) in the passage?
6. 越来越多的人热衷于体育运动,体育运动已经成了我们生活的一部分。为此,你们学校举办了一次题为“Let’s Do Sports”的英语征文比赛。请以此为题,结合下面的提示,写一篇80词左右的英文短文。
1. 你对运动的看法;
2. 你最喜欢的运动是什么及你选择此项运动的原因;你做运动的频率;你的朋友最喜欢什么运动、原因及频率等;(其中至少要用到1个比较级和1个最高级)
3. 呼吁大家积极参加运动,保持健康。

Let’s Do Sports

2024-05-10更新 | 15次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省汕头市龙湖实验中学2023-2024学年八年级上学期期中考试英语试题
5 . 回答问题

There was a saying in ancient China,“The Winter Solstice (冬至) is as important as the Spring Festival (春节).”

The Winter Solstice became a winter festival during the Han Dynasty. On this day, people would have a rest.

The Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year, falls on Dec. 22 this year. Northern China has the tradition of eating dumplings on this day, while people in southern China eat tangyuan (汤圆).

The Winter Solstice marks the beginning of deep winter. The important thing during the days of the Winter Solstice is to keep away from cold. We should wear more clothes to stay warm and try to reduce unnecessary outdoor activities.

The Winter Solstice is also a time for family gatherings. However, Tang Xiaoqian, an 11-year-old girl, will have to spend the festival with only her grandmother. She hasn’t seen her parents for four years. In fact, there are lots of children like her in her village. They are growing up without their parents. They are called left-behind children (留守儿童).

To make more money, a number of parents have to leave their children behind and go to cities to look for jobs. They can’t go back home to celebrate festivals with their children and even can’t see their children for years.

1. When did the Winter Solstice become a winter festival?
2. What do people in southern China eat on the Winter Solstice?
3. What is the important thing during the days of the Winter Solstice?
4. With whom will Tang Xiaoqian spend the Winter Solstice?
5. Why do a number of parents leave their children behind?
6. 书面表达


1. 日期:12月22日;
2. 活动:做汤圆 make tangyuan;
3. 回复时间:12月19日前。
1. 不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现真实校名、地名和考生的真实姓名。
2. 语句连贯,词数80左右。作文的开头已经给出,不计入总词数。
Dear Ken,

Do you know of the Winter Solstice?



Zhang Peng

2024-03-26更新 | 23次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省梅州市大埔县2023-2024学年八年级上学期期末英语试题

6 . 回答问题。

China’s great new inventions which make our life more and more convenient have also changed the world.

Dockless shared bicycles (共享单车)

So far, there are over 30 bike-sharing companies in China that provide about 10 million bicycles for people in Chinese cities. Dockless bikes allow users to simply pick up or park a bike anywhere on the street. GPS, smart phone apps, mobile payment and Internet of Things Technology, China’s system of docked shared bikes provides the public more convenient service.

High-speed rail

China has built the largest high-speed rail (HSR) net work. HSR runs at speeds of 250—350 kilometers per hour. They connect north and south, east and west. They travel to many cities. More than 2500 high-speed trains are running in China. They are fast, safe and convenient. China’s HSR technology is also used in other countries, like Russia and Turkey.


Alipay, or Zhifubao, invented in 2004, is China’s leading mobile and online Alibaba Group. Buyers can pay for their goods (货品) by in putting payment passwords or scanning payment code (条形码) on the Alipay app installed on their mobile phones. Besides, users can pay family or personal bills through Alipay, such as water and electricity bills.

Online shopping

With around 731 million Internet users, China has been the world’s largest and fast-growing online market. It’s thought to be cheaper and more convenient. The deliverymen bring goods to your house. There are even many new “online shopping festivals” in China, and the most popular one is called the “Double Eleven”. Foreign customers are also interested in China’s internet shopping. They can buy goods from some Chinese shopping websites.

But sometimes it’s difficult for old people to use these new inventions. We hope these inventions can be much easier for the olds. Then everyone can enjoy the convenience of technology.

1. How many inventions does the writer mention in the passage?


2. Where can users park docked shared bikes?


3. What other countries is China’s HSR technology used in?


4. When was Alipay invented?


5. What is the most popular “online shopping festival”?


6. 书面表达

21 世纪,许多发明改变了我们的生活,智能手机(smart phone) 的出现对我们生活产生了巨大的影响,作为一名中学生,谈谈你对智能手机使用的看法。请你根据下面提示, 写一篇短文。


1. 智能手机使用的现状;

2. 智能手机对生活的影响;(包括优点和缺点)

3. 呼吁大家合理使用智能手机。


1. 不得照抄原文,不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称和学生的真实姓名。

2. 语句连贯,词数80左右。

As we all know, today almost everyone has a smart phone.


2024-03-26更新 | 47次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省湛江市赤坎区2023-2024学年九年级上学期期末核心素养发展调研英语试题

7 . A. 回答问题


These days, Dr. Hunt made a survey (调查) about middle school students in Guangzhou. The result shows that 18% of the students have mental (心理) problems. Some students have lots of worries and feel unhappy because they have problems in learning and getting on with people like their parents and classmates. Here are two students talking about their problems.

Chen Han, 14-year-old girl

I am very afraid of the exams. I always study the hardest in my class, but I can’t get good grades. I can’t think of anything when I am having an exam. And before exams, I can’t sleep well for days.

Su Ning, 15-year-old boy

I do well in my studies. However, I hardly have friends. Because I’m from a poor family, I don’t have enough money to buy expensive shoes and my classmates laugh at me. I always feel sad.

Many students who have problems won’t go for advice or help. Some think they will look stupid (愚蠢的) if they go to see a doctor. How to help these students? Mr. Ma, an expert from Beijing has the following suggestions (建议) for students:

☆Talk to your parents or teachers often.

☆Take part in group activities and play sports.

☆Go to see a doctor if you feel unhappy or unwell.

1. What percent of the students have mental problems in Dr. Hunt’s survey?


2. Why do some students have lots of worries and feel unhappy?


3. What will happen to Chen Han before exams?


4. What do some students think of going to see a doctor?


5. How many pieces of advice does Mr. Ma give?


B. 书面表达

6. 请根据要求完成短文写作,并将作文写在答题卡指定的位置上。



1. 写出他的担忧;

2. 提出你的建议并给予安慰和鼓励。


1. 不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称和考生的真实姓名。

2. 语句连贯,词数80左右。作文开头已给出,不计入总词数,也不必抄写在答题卡上。

Dear Sam,

I’m sorry to hear that you are worried about the coming exam.



Li Hua

2024-03-25更新 | 20次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省汕尾市陆河县2023-2024学年八年级上学期期末考试英语试题
8 . 第一节   信息归纳

Stories and Art of Chinese Fans

You may think you cannot live through summer without air conditioners (空调). But in ancient China, hand fans were almost the only ones to help people keep cool. Chinese people started to use hand fans over 2,000 years ago. The fans came in different shapes, such as round and square. They were also made from all kinds of materials. Palm leaf fans (棕叶扇) were cheap and easy to make. Feather fans (羽毛扇) showed the owner’s high status. Sandalwood (檀香) fans could send out a sweet smell.

Later, hand fans became far more than just something that could cool you down. They developed into art works, in which tuanshan (round fans)and zheshan (folded fans) were the most common.

In the shape of a full moon. tuanshan was usually made of silk. They had beautiful birds and flowers on them. Women especially those in the imperial palace (皇宫), liked to use them. Meanwhile, men, especially the literati (文人), used zheshan. The literati liked them because zheshan were usually made of paper and they could paint and write poems on them. It was a way for them to show off their ability in literature, painting and handwriting. Almost anything can be painted on zheshan.

Today, Chinese people still use these fans, only not many people write or paint on them anymore.

Next time when you are waving a fan, you may think of the stories behind it.


Features (特征)

Palm leaf fans    1     and easy to make
    2    Show the owner’s status
Sandalwood fans Send out     3    
Tuanshan In the shape of     4    
Zheshan Paint and write     5    on them
第二节 书面表达。
1. 春节:通常在一月或者二月;人们打扫房间、和亲人团聚、吃传统美食、走亲访友……
2. 餐桌礼仪:等大家都到齐了才能开始吃饭;如果桌上有老人你就不应该先吃;把筷子插在食物里面是不礼貌的……
Dear Tom,

Glad to hear that you’re coming to China during the Spring Festival. Let me tell you something about it.


I hope these are helpful to you. Looking forward to seeing you in China.



2024-03-22更新 | 15次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省菏泽市东明县2023-2024学年九年级上学期期末英语试题
9 . A.回答问题

It’s true that there are some bad people on the Internet. They try to get your money or information. So it is necessary to be careful of the Internet. However, staying safe online doesn’t ask you to turn your Internet off. The following advice will help you keep away from dangers on the Internet.

Check the links (链接) carefully

You may often need to click (点击) links when you check your emails or read online. Before clicking them, you should make sure they are safe. There’s a good way to tell whether a link is safe. First, put the mouse over it and the full link will appear near the mouse. Then you can check whether this link is an official (官方的) website. If it is, then you can click it.

Don’t share your personal (个人的) information

You should never tell others your own information online, such as your family information and bank information. You should also know that anything you post on the Internet may stay there online for a long time. So, be careful about anything you post on the Internet.

Remember to use a safe public Wi-Fi

If a public Wi-Fi is open for everyone, it may be not safe. You’d better not use such a Wi-Fi. When you have to use one, don’t enter in (输入) any personal information.

1. Who tries to get your money or information on the Internet?
2. What should we do before we click links?
3. Which is safer for you to show on the Internet, your ID number or toys?
4. How many suggestions about Internet safety are given in the passage?
5. Why shouldn’t we use a public Wi-Fi if it is open for everyone?
6. 假设你校正在开展主题为“How to use the Internet”的大讨论活动,请你根据以下思维导图内容提示用英文写一篇短文。


How to use the Internet

At present, most of us have net or Wi-Fi at school and at home._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2024-03-15更新 | 31次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省云浮市新兴县2023-2024学年八年级上学期期末英语试题
10 . 请阅读下面短文,根据所提供的信息,回答五个问题,要求所写答案语法正确,语义完整切题。

I’m Lucy from New York. But now I’m in Beijing with my parents. They are doctors and they love their jobs. I am a student and I love my school, too. School is a good place for me. I can do many things there.

I can learn a lot at school. I learn Chinese, math, science and English every day. Also, I can have fun at school. I often listen to music with my classmates. Sometimes, I talk about favorite movies and TV shows with them.

But sometimes I am not happy at school because there are too many activities and they always make me tired.

School is like my second family, and my classmates are like my brothers and sisters. The school is really a big and happy family.

1. Where is Lucy now?
2. What do Lucy’s parents do?
3. Who does Lucy often listen to music with?
4. Why is Lucy not happy at school sometimes?
5. Does Lucy like her school?
6. 书面表达


1. 需包含思维导图所示信息,可适当发挥;
2. 不得在文中出现学校真实的名称和学生的真实姓名;
3. 语句连贯,词数60左右。作文开头已给出,不计入总词数,也不必抄写在答题卡上。

My Friend

This term is so great. I meet a very good friend.


2024-03-09更新 | 34次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省汕尾市陆河县2023-2024学年七年级上学期期末考试英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般