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1 . As information technology has improved, the medical industry’s ability to treat patients has increased significantly. Over the past decade, doctors and healthcare professionals have seen the rise of telemedicine. In the most basic terms, telemedicine refers to the capability of patients to consult with doctors using remote conferencing technology—that is, without the need for an in-person visit.

In conventional medicine, patients and doctors rarely discuss the details of a patient’s problem or specific treatments over the telephone. These discussions were almost always kept within the privacy of a hospital or a doctor’s office. The cost of healthcare in some countries is astronomically expensive. Millions of people worldwide cannot receive proper healthcare services because of the cost of the treatment. However, with high-speed internet video conferencing and online file-sharing technology, access to healthcare has become much more convenient and affordable because healthcare is provided from the patient’s home, and transportation and transfer expenses are eliminated (消除). An article written by the American Journal of Managed Care indicates that on average virtual appointments cost between $ 40 to $ 50, while in- person visits cost a whopping (巨大的) $ 179 on average. This makes telemedicine a more cost-effective option.

In addition to the positive economic benefits, for elderly patients, or those with mobility issues, telemedicine is a game changer. Health care is also no longer limited by the open hours at the local doctor’s office. With the globally connected internet, patients can contact a doctor anytime. They could as easily seek second opinions from doctors in other parts of the country or on the other side of the world, for that matter. What’s more, telemedicine reduces the risks of transmitting infectious diseases, In the past, people with symptoms such as flu, measles, etc., visited hospitals. As those diseases are contagious, other visitors and workers are at risk of being exposed to those diseases. This is where telemedicine can step in to prevent contagious diseases from spreading. Even better, telemedicine lowers the number of patients in hospitals, which frees up staff and resources for patients in urgent need.

For a glimpse of the future of telemedicine, consider the internet hospitals that have emerged in recent years, which offer medical consultations to users of online platforms. With the help of internet hospitals, users can schedule an appointment and have a high-quality video conference with a qualified and professional physician. Moreover, doctors can even prescribe and have medication online and have them shipped to the patients using express. Less than two decades ago, such convenient access to health care would have seemed unimaginable. However, it does have limitations, such as collecting fresh samples for medical tests and X-rays. While telemedicine can’t change the current health care overnight, it will be a part of the modern medical system.

1. What are Paragraph 2 and Paragraph 3 mainly about?
A.The cost of the healthcare.B.The advantages of telemedicine.
C.The privacy issue of the patients.D.The prevention of the contagious diseases.
2. According to the passage, with telemedicine, patients       .
A.pay the healthcare expense easily online
B.get access to different kinds of medical tests
C.have the risk of being affected by the diseases
D.get professional suggestions from doctors at home and abroad
3. What can you learn from the passage?
A.Internet hospitals will replace conventional hospitals in the future.
B.Telemedicine’s existing problems are greater than the potential benefits.
C.Doctors find telemedicine helpful for collecting fresh medical test samples.
D.Telemedicine makes the medical service available from the comfort of home.
2023-01-12更新 | 111次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京市通州区2022-2023学年高三上学期期末摸底考试英语试卷
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2 . NASA’s spacecraft Dart hit an asteroid (小行星) 11.3 million kilometers away at a speed, changing the asteroid’s orbit and lowered its cycle period by I5 minutes, the space organization announced on Monday.

Some said the move shows the world might now be able to prevent asteroids — the kind that made the dinosaurs extinct — from hitting the Earth. The asteroid that was controlled belonged to a double-asteroid system. It had a 160-meter diameter while the other asteroid’s diameter is over 500 meters. The bigger asteroid can be compared to the one that ended the dinosaur era 67 million years ago. A hit from an asteroid that size can cause unimaginable destruction.

However, it is too early to assert that the world has gained the ability to prevent asteroids from hitting us. The asteroid that was controlled was only 160 meters in size. Its cycle period was changed, without changing its orbit significantly. It is still not clear if the orbit of a much larger asteroid headed toward the Earth can be changed successfully.

In brief, NASA’s success in changing the course of a harmful asteroid is definitely praiseworthy, but much more needs to be done before we can say the world’s security from some unpredictable asteroid is guaranteed.

It should be noted that changing the orbit of an asteroid involves more than just sending an object into space and commanding it to hit the asteroid. While it is hard enough to hit an asteroid, it is even more difficult to lock onto one in the first place. It means having the ability to observe approaching asteroids, measuring their respective speeds, and deciding which ones might pose a danger to the Earth.

Therefore, there’s more to Dart hitting the asteroid than meets the eye. And these are key areas where global scientists need to work harder in the future.

1. What was the latest news about NASA?
A.Its new program failed.
B.Its manned spaceship hit an asteroid.
C.Its spacecraft changed an asteroid’s orbit.
D.Its spacecraft saved the earth from being destroyed.
2. What does the underlined word “assert” in Paragraph 3 most probably mean?
3. What can we learn about the asteroid that was hit?
A.It was comparatively small in size.
B.Its orbit was changed significantly.
C.It travelled at a higher speed than before.
D.It was powerful enough to end dinosaur era.
4. What is the author’s attitude toward using spacecrafts to change the asteroids orbits?
C.Pessimistic.D.Not mentioned.
2023-01-12更新 | 105次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京市通州区2022-2023学年高三上学期期末摸底考试英语试卷
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3 . The first essay I wrote for my history of English class was perfect, at least from my perspective. I had worked on it constantly and couldn’t wait to get my grade back. I handed it in with pride.

Two weeks later, I received my grade: a D. The pages were covered in red writing, pointing out errors. There must have been a mistake.

University started later for me than most. The opportunity wasn’t available when I was younger—too many kids in our family and too little money. But I never stopped wondering what university would have been like. I was in my 40s when I sent in my application and as a part-time student, I will be in my 60s before I’m finished. That’s my goal.

What’s it like to be the old guy in a class full of 20-year-olds? It’s strange. They pretty much ignored me, and I ignored them. They also ignored each other. However, after we had more group work together, people started to communicate. Although I was an English major, some of my favorite classes were unrelated electives. Courses in art history and Greek and Roman history were fascinating. I was eager to do well.

I arranged a meeting to discuss my essay grade and arrived 10 minutes early to meet the teacher’s assistant I was ready to argue for the brilliance of my paper. However, she quickly explained to me that the paper failed to make a strong argument. The mark remained.

I kept studying and kept leaning, I learned to love two dozen writers I had never heard of before and explored types of literature I had never examined. Eventually, I learned how to write an essay in proper academic prose.

University is different when you are a senior, part-time student. If you are there to establish a career or because your parents forced you to go, there are other pressures. For me, it’s just learning. Whether I’m learning remotely or in person, it makes the world a bigger, richer place.

1. Why did the writer start university later than others?
A.His application was refused.B.His teacher disliked his essay.
C.His family was not rich enough.D.His health did not meet the standard.
2. How did the writer feel after receiving the grade of his first essay?
3. What helped the writer in writing a proper academic essay?
A.Strong curiosity.B.Constant efforts.
C.Great pressure.D.Remarkable creativity.
4. Which would be the best title for the passage?
A.Practice Makes Perfect
B.Not All That Shines Is Gold
C.Where There Is A Will, There Is A Way
D.Action Speaks Louder Than Words
2023-01-12更新 | 99次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京市通州区2022-2023学年高三上学期期末摸底考试英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 较易(0.85) |

4 . One of the best ways to improve our communities is through volunteer work. According to a report from United Nations Volunteers, it is estimated that 140 million people volunteer in every nation and in a variety of settings. Forbes reports that research has shown that volunteering can greatly benefit volunteers. These benefits include an increased sense of productivity, the development of new skills, resume-building experience, improved physical health, and the emotional rewards that come with others appreciating you and your efforts. Here are some types for you to join in local communities.

Sports volunteering

You don’t need to be good at the sport in which you wish to volunteer. Some of the most important characteristics include enthusiasm and interest. Your sports organisation should put you through any qualifications that you need to carry out your role. Most people volunteer on average two or three hours a week, but there are also opportunities to volunteer more or less often.

Support the Red Cross

Red Cross is an organization that helps with disaster relief, blood donations, and more. Being a Red Cross volunteer provides experience in the medical field and allows you to help those in need. The Red Cross responds to disasters nationwide and helps communities recover. It may be difficult to see damaged communities, but you could have a part in assisting them to recover. In addition, you may meet new friends along the way.

Organize a Summer Reading Program

Summer reading programs are one way to keep children’s reading skills active and their mind fresh during the whole summer vacation. Organizing a summer reading program is an excellent way to get kids to read a book, broaden their vocabulary, and learn something new. You can share your favorite books, offer prizes to children who meet their goals, and turn the program into a friendly competition, all while teaching children the importance of reading.

1. What requirements do you need to meet if you want to volunteer for sports?
A.Be fond of sports.B.Follow the fixed schedule.
C.Have past the qualification tests.D.Be good at various kinds of sports.
2. The summer reading program can help kids to       .
A.share their favorite books
B.organize book reading competitions
C.review what they have learned in school
D.enrich their reading experience in summer
3. What is the main purpose of the passage?
A.To help manage the local community.
B.To introduce the communities in need.
C.To introduce different volunteer programs.
D.To show the benefits of doing volunteer work.
2023-01-12更新 | 87次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京市通州区2022-2023学年高三上学期期末摸底考试英语试卷
完形填空(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . It had been a crazy day at school. Jordan walked in and slid his backpack off his shoulder. He collapsed in a chair   _______ and swallowed a glass of milk. Jordan asked his mom to pass the cookies to him. “Please,” insisted Mom. “PLEASE pass the cookies,” _______ Jordan. He told his mom that he wished he never had to worry about _______. “Interesting,” said Mom as she left the room.

The following day at breakfast, Jordan sat down to a plate of bacon and eggs. Jordan thought the food was yummy, and he piled the pancakes on his plate. Suddenly Dad reached over and _______ the pancakes right off Jordan’s plate. Jordan was shocked. He was wondering what had happened to the “_______”. Jordan noticed a black cloud covering his dad’s face Jordan muttered (嘀咕) that something strange was going on. A few seconds later, Mom downed a glass of orange juice and burped (打嗝) loudly. Jordan was _______. That was so unlike his mom. A black cloud covered her face as well.

Jordan knew for sure that something was wrong with all the teenagers in his world when he showed up at school the next day, and David, one of his classmates, _______ his way through line cutting in front of a bunch of students. The other students looked disgusted, and Jordan _______ as another black cloud floated up (漂浮) in front of David.

“Poor David,” thought Jordan. “If only he would remember to use his manners!” Jordan _______ stopped in the line. Thinking about his words and these two days’ observation, he felt surprised and ________ he was just like an adult who talked about manners everywhere.

2023-01-12更新 | 127次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京市通州区2022-2023学年高三上学期期末摸底考试英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约410词) | 困难(0.15) |

6 . It seems rather obvious that facial characteristics are determined by our genes. But until recently geneticists(遗传学家) had very little understanding of which parts of our DNA were linked to our facial appearance.

An international team of researchers identified more than 130 chromosomal(染色体的) regions associated with specific aspects of facial shape. This is a critical first step toward understanding how genetics impact our faces, Live Science noted.

Researchers scanned the DNA of more than 8,000 people and analyzed dozens of shape measurements from their 3D facial images to look at the statistical relationships between about 7 million genetic markers—known locations in the genetic code where humans vary—and the facial features.

“When we find a statistical relation between a facial feature and one or more genetic markers, it points us to a very precise region of DNA on a chromosome. The genes located around that region then become our prime candidates for facial features like nose or lip shape,” Seth Weinberg, co-author of the study, wrote on Live Science.

Researchers discovered some interesting patterns after looking at the implicated(牵涉其中) genes at these DNA regions. Your nose is the part that is most influenced by your genes. Areas like the cheeks, which are highly influenced by lifestyle factors like diet, showed the fewest genetic associations.

There is also a high degree of overlap(重合) between the genes involved in facial and limb development. This provides an important clue as to why many genetic syndromes(综合症) are characterized by both hand and facial malformations(畸形). Some genes involved in facial shape may be involved in cancer, too. It explains why people treated for pediatric(小儿科的) cancer show some distinctive facial features.

So, can someone take your DNA and construct an accurate image of your face? It’s unlikely. The 130-plus genetic regions that were identified explain less than 10 percent of the variation in facial shape. But even if we understood all of the genes impacting facial appearance, prediction would still be a big challenge. That’s because facial features are affected by other factors as well, such as age, diet, climate and sun exposure.

Still, the knowledge of patients’ genetic information can be an invaluable tool in creating personalized treatment plans in fields like orthodontics(畸齿矫正学) or reconstructive surgery. For example, if someday doctors can use genetics to predict when a child’s jaw will hit its growth peak, it will help them decide the best time to intervene.

1. What’s the main purpose of the research?
A.To explain why humans vary based on statistics.
B.To identify the factors impacting facial appearance.
C.To discover the link between genes and facial features.
D.To study the relationship between facial features and genetic markers.
2. What can we learn from the study?
A.The nose is most influenced by genes.
B.Facial malformations affect limb development.
C.The cheeks are most closely associated with age.
D.Facial shape and cancer are impacted by exactly the same genes.
3. How could the research benefit people?
A.It could improve orthodontic treatments.
B.It could be useful for changing facial shapes.
C.It could help recreate one’s jaw at an early age.
D.It could help predict facial appearance with ease.
2022-11-07更新 | 883次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京市通州区2022-2023学年高三上学期期中质量检测英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约450词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Music has a role in even the most unexciting activities from grocery shopping to commuting or simply doing homework. It’s the soundtrack to our lives. But have we lost focus of what initially attracted us to music?

Recently, there has been a rise in the popularity of collecting vinyl records (黑胶唱片) across the world. According to a survey conducted by market research company YouGov last year, one in four 18-24-year-olds bought a vinyl record in the UK. It has reminded some that music is not just background sounds to guide us through our routines, but an art to be appreciated.

Of course, access to music via mp3 players or services and platforms is more convenient, but the appeal of vinyl comes in the authenticity of the sound itself. Older records can have a bit of a “scratchy (带沙沙的杂音的)” sound or have the occasional pop. For some, this makes the music sound more real, particularly if it’s from a musician or band from decades ago. This also gives insight (领悟) into the actual history of the music and the record itself, as each pressing may have its own quirks (奇事).

I myself own records that my parents passed down to me. I can pick one up and see my father’s name on the cover that he scrawled when he was a kid. Putting it on my turntable (唱盘), I get to hear what he heard. Because records are tangible objects, it is a unique way for people to pass music on to younger generations and leave a legacy (遗产) of sorts.

Another benefit to listening to vinyl is that it makes the listener focus on the music itself by its medium alone. As opposed to just pressing a button on your phone, those who listen to records have to pick out the album and play it on a turntable. This requires a conscious effort when making a selection — not just hitting the button to play a pre-recorded playlist. As this is not a mobile medium, the focus is more likely to be on the music.

Of course, the popularity of DJs has also helped bring vinyl into the spotlight in recent years. As more young people are getting into this type of music, they are starting to see how DJs use analog equipment. Rather than armed with just a computer, young artists are toting (携带) around bags of vinyl records and setting up turntables to spin for eager youths.

Without a doubt, this medium has given more focus on what we sometimes take for granted: the joy of music.

1. What did the survey of YouGov show?
A.Music is everywhere in people’s daily lives.
B.Many young people are buying vinyl records.
C.Background noise can also be treated as an art.
D.Teenagers were the main buyers of vinyl records.
2. What does paragraph 3 mainly talk about?
A.Vinyl records improve your taste in music.
B.Mp3 players have been replaced by vinyl records.
C.Scratchy sounds on vinyl can make the music less enjoyable.
D.Vinyl records can give a good sense of the history of the music.
3. Which statement about vinyl records does the author probably agree with?
A.They can be family treasures.B.Selecting an album is difficult.
C.Their collectors are mostly DJs.D.They are too complicated to operate.
4. What is the author’s purpose in writing this article?
A.To express her love for music.B.To recall her memories of vinyl.
C.To compare vinyl with digital music.D.To tell why vinyl is gaining popularity.
2022-11-07更新 | 108次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京市通州区2022-2023学年高三上学期期中质量检测英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 较难(0.4) |

8 . I always imagined I’d be a good birder one day. But it was not to be. I finally had to acknowledge this the day I met a real birder. Toward evening, a beautiful song erupted from the woods. “Oh! What’s that one?” I asked. She looked at me with unbelieving eyes and said, “That’s still a cardinal (红雀).”

Nevertheless, after decades, I’ve gotten pretty good at the 20 or so regular bird visitors to my garden. And now I have a new ambition. I want to be able to tell individual birds apart. You know, my personal birds.

I thought my ability to distinguish our local hummingbirds (蜂鸟) would be limited to telling the females from the males, which is easy, because their feathers look different. But there’s way more going on than that. I get a good look because, like many people, I put out a nectar (花蜜) feeder. That’s mainly for my benefit, to draw them close. Hummingbirds get plenty of juice from my flowers. But they also eat insects and spiders. Some more than others.

The hummingbird that has dominated (控制) our feeder — Hannibal Nectar — is one round, spider-filled little ball. But then there’s Noodle. She visits the feeder any time she senses Hannibal isn’t looking. She always picks her place carefully so she can look out for Hannibal. She looks right, left, up, down, and only then lowers and sucks everything she can. Hannibal comes way more often and drinks less at a time, because he knows he’s the boss. But he’s also the only hummingbird I’ve seen that makes a regular habit of checking out the nectar feeder from underneath. I know what he’s doing: There might be ants.

Poor Noodle. She’ll be attacking spider webs for material for her nest one of these days, and I hope she’s real comfortable in there, because that’s one place Hannibal will not be invited. I’d love to bring her a housewarming gift. Maybe a nice spider pot pie.

1. How did the author probably feel after hearing the real birder’s answer?
2. For what major purpose did the author set up a nectar feeder?
A.To hunt hummingbirds.B.To train hummingbirds.
C.To observe hummingbirds.D.To give hummingbirds a home.
3. How is Hannibal different from Noodle?
A.He is more battlesome.B.He eats insects and spiders.
C.He sucks more nectar at a time.D.He is particular about the material for his nest.
4. What would be the best title for the text?
A.The joy of raising birdsB.Useful advice from a real birder
C.There are birds, and then there’s NoodleD.Hummingbirds bring music to my garden
阅读理解-阅读单选(约260词) | 容易(0.94) |

9 . What are you watching?

I love CBS’s Everybody Loves Raymond. The characters are so real and the drama, though humorous, deals with serious questions of self-worth and how it plays out in family relationships. I especially love the parents and the older brother, Robert. Even when they’re awful, you have to love them!

——Jennifer Quinn

Too Cute airs on Animal Planet. You’ll find yourself smiling and laughing at the funny stories of puppies and kittens(小狗和小猫) as they grow. Their interactions with other animals are fun, too. You’ve been warned!

——Neena Lurvey

I am currently watching the Netflix series Ozark, which stars Jason Bateman and is now in its second season. The crime drama is set at Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri. Although the area in Georgia where the show is filmed looks nothing like the hugely popular Missouri tourist area the series portrays(描绘), it’s one of the best crime dramas available.


Solaris is one of my favorite movies to watch and rewatch. It is a sci-fi film based on a book by Stanislaw Lem and stars George Clooney. The film is set almost entirely on a space station orbiting the planet Solaris. Clooney’s character struggles to work out and understand why mysterious things are happening to the people near Solaris. The film mainly consists of questions, both spoken and implied, none of which are really answered. The endings are many and are what the individual viewer wants them to be.

——Karen Neff

1. Which of the following deals with family relationships?
C.Everybody Loves Raymond.D.Too Cute.
2. Who is watching a crime drama?
A.Karen Neff.B.W.S. Blevins.C.Neena Lurvey.D.Jennifer Quinn.
3. What do we know about Solaris?
A.It is an open-ended movie.B.It is based on a true story.
C.It focuses on people living on Solaris.D.It answers many questions about space exploration.
2022-11-07更新 | 156次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京市通州区2022-2023学年高三上学期期中质量检测英语试卷
完形填空(约210词) | 较易(0.85) |

10 . Brothers Cole and Blake Meyer are aged 10 and 8. They were on their bikes headed to go fishing in June when they saw something _______ down the road from their northern Iowa home.

There were a bunch of dead baby turtles, _______ by cars on the main road between two wetlands, Ventura Marsh(沼泽) and Clear Lake. The two boys felt sad for them, so they climbed off their bikes and began helping other small turtles that were _______ crossing to the other side of the road. Pretty soon, the brothers were joined by three friends and the boys _______ they would spend as much time as they could this summer giving turtles a _______ across the road.

The boys are still at it, spending at least an hour or two a day picking up Western Painted Turtles that _______ between the marsh and the lake. They safely watch for turtles from a nearby bike path and cross the road themselves _______ there’s no traffic. But occasionally, they’ll hold up their arms to stop a car if there are turtles on the move. The boys estimate they’ve _______ more than 200, and they don’t seem to mind that it’s cut into their fishing time.

“What these kids are doing is _______, and I hope their love of __________ stays with them throughout their lives,” fisheries biologist Grummer said.

A.so thatB.only ifC.even thoughD.in case
2022-11-07更新 | 103次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京市通州区2022-2023学年高三上学期期中质量检测英语试卷
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