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1 . Ryder was born with a serious illness and has never been able to walk. When he started attending preschool, he had to be _______ to the end of the road in the _______ to wait for his school bus by his parents every day. As Ryder was unable to _______ for this bus if he was late like his schoolmates, he would have to wait for up to 15 minutes out in whatever _______ there was. Although his father had _______ a patio (露台) umbrella at the end of his driveway to provide some _______ from harsh weather, he still would get wet.

Then his father _______ for help on Facebook looking to see if someone might have an old bus hut (小屋). After the post, he was suggested to reach out to the _______ class at Westerly High School.

_______ , he sent an email to Dan McKena, who had been teaching construction technology at Westerly High School, asking if he’d be ________ in this kind of project. Delightfully, Dan ________ with an “absolutely” and then he worked hard on the hut with his students for weeks.

The hut made of wood was ________ enough to shelter both Ryder and one of his parents or a nurse comfortably and was finally ________ to the home six weeks later. Now, Ryder ________ it every day and his parents wait inside it every day while they await his returning home. He considers the hut ________ and does like to hang out in it from time to time.

A.searched forB.put upC.taken overD.found out
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2 . Ever since 3 years old, Peyton has always longed for a pug (哈巴狗). As much as Peyton’s parents wanted to get him one at the time, he wasn’t _________ . He had been diagnosed with autism (自闭症), which he needed to adjust to before taking on even more _________ .

Since then, Peyton has worked hard and has shown great _________ both at school and home. That’s why, after seven years, his parents decided it was finally _________ to get him the pug he always wanted! But rather than telling him the news _________ , they got the pup while he was at school and planned the perfect pug _________ .

When Peyton got home, he was _________ that the family dog had caught a bunny (兔子) and that they needed his help to _________ it. Since this type of thing is pretty common for them, he didn’t _________ anything as he prepared to catch the “ bunny ” his mom had ____________ under a cardboard box. But as soon as the box was ____________ , it took no time for Peyton to burst into tears of ____________ — that was the pug that he has always wanted.

What an unforgettable experience for this ____________ boy! He couldn’t be more ____________ for his parents’ kindness. The parents ____________ the hardworking boy in the very best way and hoped that Peyton could get a new life. Hats off to this thoughtful parents!

2022-05-16更新 | 207次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022届河北省张家口市高三第三次模拟考试英语试题
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3 . As a college student in Boston, I formed the habit of buying used books. I enjoy the hunt, the good price and the unrecognized treasures. I find old textbooks, ex-bestsellers, and books on subjects I’ve never heard of and now must learn all about. I don’t search for rare books, first editions, or leather-bound editions but books that are worth reading.

Rereading, for me, is a pleasure during retirement. The theater and the concert hall become less appealing to me, along with crowds. Staying alone and reading books have become extremely important to me. Literature needs the flesh of experience to have its full effect. Different books offer me insights and ways of expressing that stuck in my mind as grains of sand in an oyster now shine like pearls. My taste in books improves with age.

While packing for a move, which occurs at intervals of five to seven years, I clear my shelves and pick my books. I abandon a few, later regret my decisions, and look for them again. Several years ago, I got rid of books related to my job-architecture. Some were design guides, reference books, product catalogs, and things that went out of date. Some were historical or centered on a period or an architect. These had given me many hours of pleasure. Will I ever open their covers again? Certainly. I held on to the red bulk of Sir Banister Fletcher’s A History of Architecture and books on Paris, Rome, and Boston.

I gave away drafting equipment and instruments. I threw out rolls and rolls of paper, and old drawings of projects completed long ago, some of which had even been damaged. This time, I stay put in a cottage that suits my status and I’ve moved on in spirit. No doubt I will acquire more used books and throw away more books as passions grow and fade, like feathers changing with the seasons.

1. What does the author consider most important when choosing used books?
A.Their appealing covers.B.Their reasonable prices.
C.Their excellent content.D.Their collection value.
2. What does the author realize as he grows older?
A.He has a small circle of friends.B.His attitude towards work changes.
C.His communication skills improve.D.He has a deeper understanding of life and books.
3. Why does the author mention books on architecture?
A.To show some books are worth reading repeatedly.
B.To recommend Sir Banister Fletcher’s books.
C.To suggest we avoid making poor decisions.
D.To explain his love for architecture.
4. What can we learn about the author from the last paragraph?
A.He will stop throwing away used books.
B.He likes updating his collection of used books.
C.He is bad at using advanced drafting equipment.
D.He enjoys leading an active life in the countryside.
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4 . We all know what a brain is. A doctor will tell you that the brain is the organ (器官) of the body in the head. But a brain can mean so much more.

To tease is to make fun of someone. But a brainteaser is not one who makes fun of someone else’s brain. A brainteaser is a puzzle that makes you think.

To understand the next brain expression you first need to know the word “drain”. As a verb, to drain means to remove something by letting it flow away. So, a brain drain may sound like a disease where the brain flows out the ears. But a brain drain is when a country’s most educated people leave their country to live in another.

Next, we have a brainchild. A brainchild sounds like a really smart kid. But it isn’t. A brainchild is an idea that one has without any help from others. If you have a really great idea, it is your brainchild — no one else’s.

However, if many people are responsible for a great idea, you can say they brainstormed it. It is a process of thinking creatively about a difficult topic. For example, business leaders may use brainstorming to create new products.

But if you can’t find a solution to a problem, you may have to rack your brains. In this way, you may find a solution. Sometimes, you have to rack your brains, trying to remember someone’s name.

Now, if people are brainwashed, it does not mean their brains are nice and clean. To brainwash means to make someone accept new ideas by using repeated pressure in a forceful way. Keep in mind that brainwash is never used in a positive way.

1. What can we learn about a brain drain?
A.It refers to a brain disease.B.It means a very difficult puzzle.
C.It may put a country at a disadvantage.D.It means something that flowed away.
2. Which of the following explains the saying that they brainstormed the idea?
A.They got the idea quickly.B.They thought up the idea together.
C.They thought poorly about the idea.D.They didn’t know how to use the idea.
3. What does the underlined phrase “rack your brains” mean?
A.Think hard.B.Become smarter.
C.Create new things.D.Touch your head.
4. How does a man do if he is brainwashed?
A.He thinks very clearly now.B.He looks at things passively.
C.He is under a lot of pressure.D.He is forced to accept new things.
2022-04-30更新 | 64次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省邢台市卓越联盟2021-2022学年高一下学期第二次月考英语试题
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5 . When I was growing up in Minnesota, Joe Versus the Volcano was one of my favorite movies. I ________ to be swept away to an island. But as I found myself in La Palma ________ on the Cumbre Vieja eruption in the Spanish Canary Islands, I quickly ________ that there’s nothing romantic about volcanoes or being trapped on an island.

I had come ________ — an N95 mask, baseball cap, and a swimming mask. But nothing could prepare me for the invasiveness of the volcanic ________ . It fell from the sky like a rainstorm, lining streets, ________ doorways and windowsills, and filling my ears.

It wasn’t long before the airlines canceled all flights. When ________ began panic, buying all the ferry tickets as I was interviewing residents about their futures, I realized I had ________ the boat.

For two days, I wandered ________ streets awaiting the resumption of travel, carrying a backpack and feeling progressively stuck and at times ________ . And then I realized I was being given the ________ for deeper insight. Here I was ________ what the local people were feeling: uncertainty, frustration, and tiredness from living next to an erupting volcano with no end in sight.

Like the people of La Palma, I ________ others to get me through — from the English woman who ________ me a bag of oranges from her garden to the minister of the church who let me use the bathroom after being trapped at the top of a mountain.

As I finally left, I realized how ________ I was to have experienced the humanity of the people in La Palma in the face of crisis. I know it’s what will pull them through it.

A.relied onB.appealed toC.dealt withD.believed in
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文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了Byron Thanarayen家的小狗Jessie救下了意外落水的小狗Chucky的事情。

6 . When Byron Thanarayen and his wife Melissa returned to their home recently, their 13-year-old dog named Chucky was completely wet. The couple assumed the dog had splashed around in his water bowl and made a mess in the house. When no evidence could be found inside, they turned to their security footage (录像).

What they saw made the blood freeze in their veins. Chucky was walking near their backyard swimming pool when he stumbled (绊倒) and fell in. Since the dog is so tiny, he was unable to get a purchase on the slick sides of the pool.   Instead, he paddled around, searching in vain for a way out. After a few desperate moments, the couple's other dog appeared on the scene. Jessie is a 7-year-old dog who became noticeably upset when she saw her friend struggling to keep his head above the water. She began circling the pool's edge, following Chucky as if she was encouraging him not to give up.

For 34 minutes, Jessie worked to rescue her friend. She repeatedly tried to grab hold of the smaller dog with her mouth, but Chucky kept slipping out of her grasp. Finally, after several failed attempts, Jessie succeeded in grasping Chucky's neck and dragging him out of the pool.

When Byron and Melissa realized Jessie was a hero, they were unspeakably grateful for their sweet girl! “We still struggle to watch that video today, just thinking of what could have happened if Jessie was not there,” Byron said. “I'm really proud of her, considering she is the youngest.” The family now plans to install a pool cover to keep their pets safe. Thankfully, they have a wonderful life-dog on duty just in case anything ever goes wrong!

1. What was the couple's first thought finding their messy house?
A.Someone had broken in.
B.The dogs had been too naughty.
C.They had forgotten to clean the house.
D.Chucky had swum again in the swimming pool.
2. How did the couple feel when they found the evidence?
3. What did Jessie do to help her friend?
A.She encouraged him to stay above the water.
B.She circled the pool's edge to find a way out.
C.She used her mouth to pull him out of the pool.
D.She ran out immediately to ask others for help.
4. Which words can describe Jessie?
A.Clever and inspiring.B.Wise and energetic.
C.Naughty and lazy.D.Brave and loving.
2022-04-09更新 | 118次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省衡水市深州市部分学校2021-2022学年高三下学期3月联考英语试题

7 . Fast walkers may live longer than dawdlers (缓慢的人)— regardless of their weight, a new study suggests.

Researchers at Leicester University analyzed data on 474, 919 people with an average age of 52 in the UK Biobank between 2006 and 2016. They found women who walked briskly had a life expectancy of 86.7 to 87.8 years old, and men who kept up the pace had a life expectancy of 85.2 to 86.8. Slow walkers hadn’t much encouraging prospects (前景): women had a life expectancy of 72.4, and men of 64.8 years old, if they were more leisurely in their movements. According to the paper, published last week, that ratio held true even if the fast walkers were severely overweight. It does not necessarily mean fast walkers will live longer. Experts say it suggests walking speed could be a simple way for doctors to judge their patients’ general health alongside other tests.

It is hardly the first study holding up walking speed as a powerful evidence that appears to improve and determine our health.

In 2011, the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) published a study by Stephanie Studenski, who found the same: walking speed was a reliable predictor of life expectancy.

In 2013, US researchers found walking pace was linked to lower heart disease risk and longer life expectancy. In 2018, a study from the University of Sydney found picking up your walking pace to even an “average speed” could cut your risk of premature death by a fifth.

And Tom Yates, the physical activity professor at Leicester who's behind the latest study, has been publishing findings on this connection for years.

In 2017, he analyzed the same UK Biobank data and found walking speed appeared to affect the risk of dying from heart disease — concluding that the slowest walkers were twice as likely to suffer a heart-related death compared to quick walkers.

1. What does the underlined word “briskly” in paragraph 2 probably mean?
2. What does the paper published last week show?
A.Most fast walkers are overweight.
B.Fast walkers have a simple way of living.
C.Walking speed can help doctors know about their patients’ general health.
D.Doctors will surely have better ways to cure their patients of their illness.
3. What did US researchers find?
A.Walking slowly is bad for people's health.
B.Walking speed can predict a person’s life expectancy.
C.People won't die early by increasing their walking pace.
D.Lower heart disease risk is determined partly by walking pace.
4. What’s the best title for the text?
A.Fast Walkers May Have a Long Life Expectancy
B.Life Expectancy Is Determined by Exercise
C.Researchers Try to Improve Life Expectancy
D.The Public Doubt Researches on Walking Speed
2022-03-21更新 | 323次组卷 | 6卷引用:河北石家庄市第一中学2019-2020学年高一下学期第一次月考英语试题
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8 . Alvin, 66, was deep in the woods in Grand Cane last December when something like litter on the ground caught his eye. It was a _______ balloon with a note attached.

“Dear Santa,” the note _______. “My name is Luna. Four years old. This year I have been _______. I would like candy, Spider-Man ball, My Little Pony. With love, Luna.”

Alvin’s heart hammered in his chest. It reminded him of his childhood wish. He smiled and set out to _______ Luna’s wish. He posted a photo of the balloon and the Christmas wish list on his Facebook page, asking for help _______ the sender.

Meanwhile, Gonzalez, the mother of four-year old Luna, had no idea that such a(n) _______ was underway. It had been a hard year for her family as COVID-19 spread. On a _______ tough day last December, she _______ the idea of having Luna send a letter to Santa by releasing a balloon. They enjoyed a _______ Christmas together, and then the calendar turned to a new year.

One day, Gonzalez received a call saying that someone had found Luna’s balloon. Her jaw ________. She logged on to Facebook and saw Alvin’s ________. She called Alvin and finally agreed to let Alvin fulfill her daughter’s wish list.

“Santa dropped your balloon ________,” Gonzalez told Luna, “but one of his elves (精灵) found it.” Not long after that, Luna received three boxes’ worth of ________with a note signed “Alvin the Elf.”

Now, having received so much ________, Gonzalez and her girl intend to pay it forward this year. After all, when Alvin could have just ________ that balloon in the trash, he went more than the extra mile.

A.came up withB.argued aboutC.put up withD.jumped at
A.in timeB.after allC.by accidentD.on purpose
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9 . Most young people are always on their phones, which may upset many people. ___________, a group called Girl Scouts are receiving _________ for setting up their first walk-in clinic for elderly people, who have difficulty understanding how to ___________ the secrets of their smart phones.

Each teen spent at least an hour of one-on-one time with their oldsters. Based on their _________ knowledge, each Girl Scout was assigned to ___________ different aspects of Android and Apple phones.

Some of the oldsters actually wanted to take part in e-commerce (电子商务), and needed help to _________ a payment account on their smart phones while others simply had _________ when learning how to send messages to their family members. "I was teaching this older woman how to _________, and the first thing she did was to send a message to her daughter,” one of the Scouts said. “How ___________ it was! It just made me feel really, really happy.”

In addition to arranging group lessons for all of the seniors to ____________ together at the end of the clinic, the youngsters even printed out brochures and guides for the seniors to take home in case ____________ seniors would encounter problems with their smart phones in the future.

The eighth graders earned their “Silver Award,, for their job. After experiencing the ____________ of their project, the girls hope to organize more ____________ in the near future. “Those girls were just great,” said Nancy, a great-grandmother who once ____________ the clinic. “They were ready for us and had a very mature attitude about answering our questions, and they ______________ the praise.

A.get backB.set upC.check outD.pay off
2022-02-27更新 | 1623次组卷 | 18卷引用:河北省河北师范大学附属中学2022-2023学年高一下学期5月月考英语试题
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10 . When you are choosing a college, a lot of factors will probably play into your decision: the school’s reputation, the classes offered and the professor in your major, to name a few. However, given the ever-increasing competitiveness of universities to attract more and more applicants, many schools now offer extra benefits to be enjoyed by all their students. Here are some of the fun “extras” offered by the school.

Michigan Technological University

Taking advantage of the cold winter weather, Michigan Technological University sets itself apart with its on-campus ski resort, Mont Ripley, which is accessible and free for all students. Instead of hitting the campus gym, you'll be able to get your exercise outside on the slopes. When the pressure of school become too much, just head out for a day of free skiing and you'll be left feeling fully refreshed.

University of Missouri

At the University of Missouri, you can enjoy one of the best campus recreational centers in the country. It features an “indoor beach" complete with a waterfall and a lazy river, as well as an inexpensive full-service spa. Even if you don't enjoy working out, Missouri's recreational center will give you a reason to go to the gym.

New York University

If you're a fan of museum, NYU is the perfect university for you. Not only will you be located in the heart of a city featuring some of the best museums in the world, but the university will provide you with access to many of them. You can take advantage of visiting museums anytime you want — which means you'll never be bored on the weekends.High Point University

If you see yourself quickly tired of dining-hall food — something that happens to almost all of us — High Point University has a great option: a private steakhouse for students. Besides the cheap steaks, the campus also offers ice cream from a campus ice-cream truck, a movie theater and a shopping center.

1. Who is the text intended for?
A.The general public.B.College freshmen.
C.Educational experts.D.High school students.
2. Which university can offer students free service?
A.Michigan Technological University.B.University of Missouri.
C.New York University.D.High Point University.
3. Why do these universities offer such fun “extras” ?
A.To make the campus life more colorful.B.To draw more students’ interest in schools.
C.To improve students’ academic performance.D.To promote the cooperation among universities.
2022-02-25更新 | 238次组卷 | 4卷引用:河北省邯郸市曲周县第一中学2023-2024学年高一上学期开学考英语试题
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