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1 . Wildlife conservation is the practice of protecting plant and animal species and their habitats. As part of the world’s ecosystems, wildlife provides balance and stability to nature’s processes. Wildlife conservation is aimed to ensure the survival of these species and educate people on living sustainably with other species.

The number of people has grown to more than eight billion today, and it continues to rapidly grow. The economic growth endangers the habitats and existence of various types of wildlife around the world, particularly animals and plants that may be displaced for land development, or used for food or other human purposes. This threat is at top of the list and means natural resources are being consumed faster than ever by the billions of people on the planet. The introduction of invasive species from other parts of the world is another threat to wildlife. Other threats include climate change, pollution, fishing and hunting.

International organizations like the World Wildlife Fund, Conservation International, Wildlife Conservation Society and the United Nations work to support global animal and habitat conservation on many different fronts. They work with the government to establish and protect public lands, like national parks and wildlife protection areas. They help write legislation(法规), such as the Endangered Species Act(ESA)of 1973 in the United States, to protect various species. They work with law enforcement to charge those with wildlife crimes. They also promote biodiversity to support the growing human population while preserving existing species and habitats.

National Geographic Explorers, like conservation biologists Camille Coudrat and Titus Adhola, are working to slow the extinction of global species and protect global biodiversity and habitats. Environmental filmmakers and photographers, like Thomas P. Peschak, are essential to conservation efforts as well, documenting and bringing attention to endangered wildlife all over the world.

1. Which is a goal of wildlife conservation according to the text?
A.To stop introducing invasive species.B.To encourage harmonious coexistence.
C.To control the number of world people.D.To increase the use of natural resources.
2. What is the biggest threat to wildlife?
A.Hunting.B.Human activity.C.Pollution.D.Climate change.
3. What is paragraph 3 mainly about?
A.The activities of protection areas.
B.The importance of biodiversity promotion.
C.The relevant efforts of international organizations.
D.The great impact of wildlife crimes on ecosystems.
4. What does the author want to present in the last paragraph?
A.The necessity of legislation.
B.The wildlife conservation’s achievements.
C.The individuals’ contributions to the environment.
D.The statistics about the wildlife conservation efforts.
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2 . Despite being connected online, no matter what state you’re from, each city still retains its own language and slang. At my public high school in Los Angeles, we had our own secret language. A party was a “yart”. A beer was a “brewsky”. If I tried to use these words in front of anyone that didn’t live in Los Angeles, they would have no idea what was going on. When I came to college and used these words around my roommate from the East Coast, she would look at me with a blank stare.

Teenagers are often blamed for pulling apart standard linguistic patterns. The way my parents used to talk isn’t the same way that teenagers talk now. But it reflects the dynamic nature of language, which evolves over time due to various influences, including generational shifts and technological advancements. Teenagers, at an age when they are actively exploring their identity and seeking to differentiate themselves from previous generations, often play a significant role in this evolution.

It’s interesting to note that people around the world all have different terms for everyday things. Last year, I came across a British show called Love Island, which is a reality show that mixes people from different parts of the U. K. in a “villa”(another word Americans don’t typically say) for about eight weeks. As a bystander, the way they talked felt so elegant and fun, but to them, it was just normal.

Whether the way we talk is regional or from online, the soul of communication lies in its power to connect people, foster understanding, and facilitate interactions that shape our personal and social lives. I have often found it’s the way we connect with the people we live around.

1. Why might the roommate not understand the author’s high school language?
A.It is specific to Los Angeles.B.It is too informal.
C.It is outdated.D.It is from online.
2. According to the text, how do the teenagers contribute to the evolution of language?
A.By imitating their parents.
B.By applying advanced technology.
C.By following previous language patterns.
D.By finding their own voice.
3. Why does the author mention the British show in paragraph 3?
A.To demonstrate worldwide language diversity.
B.To speak highly of British English.
C.To recommend a reality show.
D.To introduce everyday expressions in Britain.
4. What is mainly talked about in the last paragraph?
A.The means of communication.B.The nature of communication.
C.The elements of communication.D.The process of communication.
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3 . Homeless Outreach & Mobile Engagement (HOME) Program in Los Angeles

The Homeless Outreach & Mobile Engagement (HOME) program provides field-based outreach, engagement, support, and treatment to individuals with severe and persistent mental illness who are experiencing unsheltered homelessness. Services are provided by addressing basic needs, conducting clinical assessments, providing street medical treatment, and providing access to appropriate services (including mental health services, substance abuse treatment, and shelter).

HOME serves the youth aged 16 to 21 who are experiencing chronic (长期的) unsheltered homelessness and who have profound mental health needs and associated impairments. These vulnerable individuals struggle with securing appropriate food, clothing, and shelter due to their mental illness. In addition, they may have critical shortage in communication, and are generally highly avoidant of medical services. They are unable to live safely in the community and require specialized mental health services to secure and sustain housing.

Most referrals (移交) are submitted by homeless outreach program staff members who identify individuals with severe impairments that require specialized and intensive support and engagement.

The general public may initiate a referral to a homeless outreach team through the Los Angeles Homeless Outreach Portal at www. LA-HOP. org. Individuals will be assigned to a HOME team if the person meets the criteria.

Homeless outreach providers should complete the form below and email it to HOME@dmh.lacounty.gov.

Press coverage about HOME:

Los Angeles Times “LA’s first street psychologist makes his sidewalk rounds, transforming homeless lives”

KPCC-FM “How LA’s ‘Street Psychology’ Program Works To Treat People Who Are Unhoused”

1. How does the HOME program offer help?
A.By conducting scientific research.
B.By providing accessible medical care.
C.By recommending useful websites.
D.By finding hosting families.
2. Which of the following youth groups is most likely to benefit from the HOME program?
A.The temporarily unsheltered.B.The well-off but troubled.
C.The homeless mentally ill.D.The physically challenged.
3. What should one do to help his friend get help from the HOME program?
A.Apply on the website.B.Contact local media.
C.Visit its employees.D.Write a letter of reference.
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文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了患有严重焦虑症的Nikita Ducarroz通过练习自行车越野赛极限运动克服了恐惧的故事。

4 . An extreme sport like BMX (Bicycle Motocross) may not be the first thing that comes to mind to help overcome a mental health condition. However, that is _________ what enabled Nikita Ducarroz to fight her fears.

As a child, Ducarroz spent every _________ moment on the soccer field. But at 13, the talented athlete began to suffer from _________ anxiety attacks that made it hard for her to leave home. When her mother told her she had to continue playing a sport, Ducarroz found BMX as a way to _________ that rule. Little did she know that BMX would soon _________ every aspect of her life, and become the reason she would push through her fears one step at a time.

The tale began when a BMX video on YouTube inspired her to try the extreme sport. She saved up for a bike. Then she began practicing _________ in her driveway. Soon, her excellent skills brought her enough _________ to ride at the local skate park. With that confidence, Ducarroz was _________ to ride in the competition in 2016, and she has not looked back since.

“The bike made me get out of the house, go to the skate park, and _________ get on a plane,” said Ducarroz. “It __________ me to overcome all my fears.”

The 26-year-old is now one of the world’s best female BMX freestylers. Ducarroz now has her __________ set on the 2024 Paris Olympics. She says, “My goal in Paris is another medal. I can get that done with the training.”

Though she still suffers occasional __________ attacks, Ducarroz now knows how to manage them. To help others with mental health conditions, Ducarroz has started an Instagram page called MindTricks. It is where people discuss their fears __________.

“MindTricks started because of my own __________ that I was making on Instagram about mental health,” she explained. “And I thought, ‘Why don’t we create a place where others can do the same, a central spot where everyone can read about these stories and also feel __________ to share their own stories?’”

A.put offB.ate awayC.took overD.slowed down
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5 . Trainers and parents saw children play sports at a young age and then saw them become professional. Many correlated the training to success. Competitive sports are good for young children because they teach children life skills, provide health benefits, and offer special opportunities.

To begin with, sports teach children life skills. A formal athlete stated, “I played soccer in high school and college and found team sports weren’t just about winning, but also about developing a solid ethic (行为准则), and learning why that’s important.” In short, playing highly competitive sports teaches kids many life skills like teamwork. People will have to use teamwork for the rest of their life, and sports can help them improve that skill. Taking part in sports can help develop a positive attitude towards life, which will help in the long run.

Sports are also good for kids because they provide health benefits. It is healthier for a kid to play a sport competitively than to waste time playing video games all day. Furthermore, a research group of University of California said, “96 percent of the participants said they enjoy their sports. They’re all loving life.” That is to say, kids playing highly competitive sports tend to enjoy life instead of doing something else like watching TV.

On the other hand, some people might argue that competitive sports are bad for young children because they are so time-consuming. However, the time spent is not “robbing” (剥夺) kids of their childhood, but offers special opportunities. Athletes can get success to live their dream life by playing sports. Even though sports are time-consuming, they offer distinctive opportunities.

In conclusion, competitive sports are good for children because they can provide wholesome benefits, create new experiences, and build skills that will last a lifetime.

1. Why is the formal athlete mentioned in paragraph 2?
A.To show a reason.B.To give an example.
C.To list a background.D.To draw out a new point.
2. What is the most participants’ attitude to sports?
3. What does the underlined word “distinctive” in paragraph 4 mean?
4. What does the text mainly talk about?
A.The ways to play sports.
B.The reasons for adults’ playing sports.
C.The problems of kids’ playing sports.
D.The benefits of kids’ playing sports.
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6 . Coral reefs(珊瑚礁) are a unique ocean ecosystem consisting of rocky structures mainly formed by coral animals and some other ocean life. Despite only covering 0.2 percent of the ocean floor, coral reefs support at least 25 percent of marine species, as well as providing food and economic security for hundreds of millions of people.

However, coral reefs across the world are under threat. Warmer oceans can cause the coral bleaching(漂白). It happens when the corals lose colored algae(海藻) living in their bodies and turn completely white. Without the algae, the corals lose their main food source and can die. In addition, as oceans become more acidic(酸性的) from absorbing CO2, corals in acidic conditions become weak in forming reefs.

In 2021, the United Nations reported a 14 percent loss of corals across the world largely from rising sea temperatures in the previous 13 years. Australia declared mass bleaching events in 2022 across large parts of the Great Barrier Reef, four times since 2016. Data from the Philippines showed higher than usual ocean temperatures between 2015 and 2017 had caused a serious three-year bleaching events in reefs across the planet.

Scientists have been cooperating to see how coral reefs can be protected. Thankfully, they find those coral reefs in the hot parts of the globe are the worst affected. They contain corals with better heat resistance. So their research focus on finding genes(基因) for heat tolerance so that they can be passed on to future generations. Biologists also mix corals that are more resilient to higher temperatures with those that are not and the resulting generation has a better chance of survival.

Ultimately, scientists add that without a serious reduction in greenhouse gas, 99 percent of the world’s coral reefs will be gone by the end of the century. There is a limit to how quickly corals can adapt warm climate, but if temperatures rise rapidly, then extinction is certain.

1. Which is the main threat to coral reefs?
A.Declining ocean acidification.B.Loss of colored algae.
C.Increasing sea temperatures.D.Lack of food source.
2. What do we know from paragraph 3?
A.No actions are taken to protect coral reefs.B.Coral bleaching is the worst in Australia.
C.Coral reefs have grown rapidly for years.D.Coral reefs receive impacts globally.
3. What can be the basic way to protect coral reefs?
A.Lowering emission.B.Transplanting them to the hot parts.
C.Relying on genes science.D.Limiting their spread.
4. Which can be the best title for the text?
A.Where Are Coral Reefs Spread?B.How Can Coral Reefs Survive?
C.Coral Reefs, A New Threat To Ocean LifeD.Coral Reefs, A Busy Underwater Community
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7 . When I was in the fifth grade, my teachers first ________ that I could not ________ read the first grade books. They didn’t think this kind of problem could ________ to me since my father was a famous scientist. My parents sent me to experts, trying to ________ what the problem was.

My IQ was high, but I had ________ problems in learning. They discovered that I was dyslexic (诵读困难的). I was ________ that my parents cared enough to find a way out for me. When my ________ went to Ford Country Day School and sat down with Brent, a teacher in the school, he ________ to help without thinking twice.

My family was not rich and I was ________ to go to school free of ________ because my mother ________ some students to school in the morning in her car. I was ________ of going to school with my difficulties in learning, but Brent’s kind and loving ________ helped me slowly learn to grow and overcome my learning ________.

Ford Country Day School has become the most important turning ________ in my life. I count myself as one of the truly lucky people having been touched by Brent’s caring and love.

A.worry aboutB.pick upC.focus onD.find out
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8 . Located among the forests where eagles fly overhead, Jabal Sawda has long been one of Saudi Arabia’s best places for mountaineers. At 2,999m, Jabal Sawda had been considered the kingdom’s highest peak until twin mountaineers, Matthew and Eric Gilbertson, climbed it in 2018, finding it to be about three metres shy of Jabal Ferwa.

For more than a decade, the twins have traveled to one country after another around the world, rewriting the mountain record books about places across the Middle East and West Africa. So far, they have reached the peaks of more than 100 countries and newly identified the highest points in Togo, Guinea-Bissau and Ivory Coast.

Matthew, a research scientist at Lockheed Martin in Palo Alto, California, and Eric, an instructor in mechanical engineering at Seattle University, said their work was motivated by a need for accuracy and love for mountaineering. “If we’re going to go through all the effort to visit a country and visit the highest mountain, we want to be sure that we have indeed visited the highest mountain,” Matthew said. “We consider it assistance to future mountaineers to have an accurate survey done so that they can focus their efforts on getting to whichever peak they want to get to.”

The twins’ love of mountaineering began when they were children with family trips to the Great Smoky Mountains in the southeastern United States. When they were students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), they started climbing as many mountains as possible. In 2012, after achieving their goal of reaching the highest point of each US state, they turned their attention to the rest of the world.

1. What can we learn about Jabal Sawda?
A.It’s Saudi Arabia’s best place.B.It’s better-known than Jabal Ferwa.
C.It’s Saudi Arabia’s highest peakD.It’s lower than Jabal Ferwa.
2. Why have the twins traveled to different countries in the past years?
A.To write books about mountains.B.To rename the peaks of mountains.
C.To measure their highest mountain.D.To admire good views of the mountain.
3. What do Matthew’s words indicate about their work in paragraph 3?
A.It satisfies their need for accuracy.B.It helps climbers choose their destination.
C.It makes them focus their efforts on life.D.It deepens their love for climbing.
4. What might the following paragraph talk about?
A.The twins’ other goals in their life.
B.The twins’ achievements in finding peaks.
C.The twins’ influence on other mountaineers.
D.The twins’ experiences in other countries.
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9 . It seems that we just can’t get enough of roller coasters. Today we look at some top amusement parks and the roller coasters which have helped make them famous.

Holiday World

It is a family park that resists the exciting atmosphere of its competitors and instead offers a more relaxing and friendly experience. Rare in that it is privately owned and it has many features other parks can’t match. There is lots of entertainment for youngsters, and the park’s family-friendly policy offers free entry to the water park, reasonable food prices and unlimited soft drinks free of charge.

Lake Compounce

Lake Compounce, one of America’s more traditional parks, is a rare find indeed. As the oldest continuously operating amusement park in the US, it has been a popular family spot since 1846. Like many old-time parks, it witnessed the danger of being closed. Luckily, in 1977, a well-known company gave its revival with new rides appealing to many new fans.

Knott’s Berry Farm

As one of America’s favourite theme parks, Knott’s has something for everyone. For those seeking a breathtaking rush, try the roller coaster, GhostRider or the Xcelerator. GhostRider is the single largest attraction in amusement park history and one of the longest and tallest wooden roller coasters in the world. If you are after something less exciting, go visit the heart of Knott’s, Ghost Town, for a glance of life in the Wild West of the 1880s. With its cowboys, steam trains and historic buildings-many transported from mining towns-Ghost Town will let you relive a piece of the past.

Islands of Adventure

In the style of Walt Disney World, Islands of Adventure is divided into themed “lands”. Unlike the sugar-coated Magic Kingdom, however, IOA features attractions promising to set the heart racing. While the Spiderman is fantastic, you haven’t truly lived until you’ve experienced The Incredible Hulk’s wild and unique uphill launch. The effect is like being trapped inside an airplane that’s flying out of control.

1. What is special about Holiday World?
A.It provides free food.B.It owns the latest ride technology.
C.It belongs to an individual.D.It creates the exciting atmosphere.
2. Which park takes visitors back to earlier times?
A.Holiday World.B.Lake Compounce.
C.Knott’s Berry Farm.D.Islands of Adventure.
3. Why does Islands of Adventure differ from Magic Kingdom?
A.It is divided into different lands.B.It plays many famous movies.
C.It has more visitors waiting in line.D.It provides a very exciting experience.
2023-12-10更新 | 59次组卷 | 2卷引用:江西省宜春市高安二中,丰城九中,樟树中学,瑞金一中五2023-2024学年高二上学期11月月考英语试题
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10 . The following are newly released devices all designed to help make your life more convenient, beautiful and vivid.



Tonal makes lifting and resistance training truly easy and accessible from your own home. It is great because I hate any sort of public weight training. Tonal has a remarkably easy user interface and gives data and feedback in a helpful manner. It also makes you feel great by keeping track of clear improvements.

Hisense 75” U800GR 8K ULED Roku TV

$1,800 AT BEST BUY

8k sounded like a luxury, but now that brands like Hisense, which focus on a more affordable end of the spectrum, have gotten some time with the tech, you can finally bring the deep color output and stunning detail into your living room. Calling it “affordable” may be a stretch, but compared to most 8k TV’s which all run over $5,000, it’s the most cost-efficient version of the tech we’ve got. It gets your money worth best.

VIVE Goggle


Vive goggles will bring an extremely accessible and refreshing approach to the VR world. They are a pair of goggles not unlike something you’d wear to snowboard. They’re extremely lightweight with a lightning fast set — that’s connected with things like watching Netflix. It’s the calmest headset I’ve ever worn and uses cameras to let you control everything with just your hands. This one’s for the not-gamers.

Dyson Purifier Humidify+Cool Formaldehyde


For people who easily sneeze because of dog hair or something like that outside, Dyson has created a machine that saves them for time at home. This new purifier doubles as a humidifier, plus it has a cooling function, making it the end all be all for stuffy, hot, dry apartments.

1. Which device will get your money worth best?
A.Tonal.B.Dyson Purifier Humidify+Cool Formaldehyde.
C.VIVE Flow.D.Hisense 75” U 800 GR 8K ULED Roku TV.
2. What statement of VIVE Goggles is TRUE?
A.They are user-friendly.
B.They help keep track of weight.
C.They appeal to gamers.
D.They are intended for who are allergic to dust.
3. Where is the text probably taken from?
A.A consumer review.B.A magazine.
C.A novel.D.A health report.
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