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文章大意:本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了Behrokh Khoshnevis教授开发出巨大的机器人,该机器人利用起重机臂自动建造房屋,建造速度很快,有望降低建房成本,且能创造独特的建筑,满足不同人群的需求。尽管可能影响建筑业就业,但这项技术预计也会创造新的工作机会。

1 . There are robot cleaners and robot mops to help us around the house, so why not a robot to build our houses? Wait no longer. Now there is a set of electronics to do just that, build a house from scratch, and fast.

Forget weeks to find a builder and months for house construction; a machine developed in the United States can build a 232 sqm house layer by layer in a single day. University of Southern California’s Professor Behrokh Khoshnevis has designed the giant robot that replaces construction workers with a mouth on an arm of crane, which spits out concrete and can quickly build a house according to a computer pattern. The technology, known as Contour (轮廓) Crafting, could revolutionise the construction industry.

Contour Crafting could greatly decrease the cost of homeowning, making it possible for millions of displaced people to get on the property ladder. It could even be used in disaster relief areas to build emergency and replacement housing. As Prof. Khoshnevis points out, if we look around almost everything is made automatically these days—shoes, clothes, home appliances, cars. The only thing that is still built by hand are buildings.

The Contour Crafting system is a robot that automates age-old tools normally used by hand. These are applied by a robotic crane that builds a three-dimensional object. The nature of the technology means it will also be possible to create curved walls and architecture that is both “exotic (异国情调的) and beautiful” according to Prof Khoshnevis. As a result, it could be ideal to print out expensive houses according to customers’ demands.

Furthermore, Prof. Khoshnevis believes that the technology could be applied beyond our planet. “Contour Crafting technology has the potential to build safe, reliable, and affordable structures, habitats, laboratories, and other facilities on the moon and Mars before the arrival of human beings,” his website reads.

According to the International Labour Organisation, construction employs nearly 110 million people worldwide and “plays a major role in fighting the high levels of unemployment and in absorbing extra labour from the rural areas”. What the implications are for builders is, of course, a major concern. But Khoshnevis says “the reality is that a lot of new jobs can be created in this field as well”. Instead of building the house, workmen are used to maintain the machine.

1. Which advantage does the giant robot have for the consumers?
A.It saves a great deal of time.B.It decorates houses beautifully.
C.It provides energy-saving apartments.D.It builds environmentally-friendly houses.
2. The underlined part “to get on the property ladder” in Paragraph 3 means “______”.
A.to print objectsB.to purchase a house
C.to predict disastersD.to accumulate wealth
3. The new construction technology can satisfy the needs of ______.
A.low-income residentsB.people at different income levels
C.middle-income peopleD.wealthy immigrants
4. What influence will Contour Crafting have on construction industry?
A.Many construction workers will lose jobs.
B.Professionals will be hired to make robot builders.
C.More rural people will engage in construction.
D.Construction workers will update their skills.
昨日更新 | 3次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省揭阳市惠来县第一中学2023-2024学年高二下学期6月月考英语试题
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2 . A rare snowstorm blanketed our city and transformed it into a magical scene: the square resembled a moonscape, monuments took on an alien appearance, and buildings appeared like castles in the clouds. When I awoke to this sight, I immediately ran outside to build a snowman. Exhausted, I fell onto the ground with my arms and legs spread out. Then I noticed I had an audience—a well-dressed couple observing me with their unspoken question: Don’t you have anything better to do?

A middle-age woman playing by herself in the snow seems strange, but perhaps it shouldn’t be. Recent research suggests that modern adults suppress their human desire to play, and that’s causing all kinds of problems. “The opposite of play isn’t work; it’s depression,” says psychiatrist and play researcher Stuart Brown. “The lack of playfulness is becoming a public health crisis.”

Last summer, scientists found that for mammals, play may be as essential as the need for sleep. The play drive starts in the brain stem—one of the oldest parts of our nervous system. Moreover, adult play has been linked to important discoveries throughout history. Deep in our evolutionary history, a playful early human came up with the concept of stone tools. Even today, the urge to play inspires most of humanity’ s greatest inventions, artworks, and scientific breakthroughs. “When I interviewed Nobel winners, I was struck by how most of them didn’t separate work and play. Their labs were their playgrounds,” says Brown.

Unfortunately, social norms (准则) hold back our urge to let loose. “Being a playful adult is shameful in our society,” says Brown. “You don’t want to feel irresponsible. You don’t want people to think that you’re childish.” Yet, there is hope that playfulness could make a comeback in modern society as we are shifting to a knowledge-based economy. At companies like Apple, workers are encouraged to chat freely during coffee breaks. They understand the value of encouraging adults to play. In the face of global challenges such as climate change, having a playful mindset may be crucial for creative problem-solving and cooperation.

The next time I’m caught playing, I know exactly what I’ll say: “I am not wasting time, or acting immature. I’m playing around for the benefit of all humanity. You’re welcome.”

1. Why does the author mention her personal story in paragraph 1?
A.To introduce the topic of adult play.
B.To illustrate her deep affection for snow.
C.To talk about how unfriendly the couple were.
D.To highlight the city’s magical transformation.
2. What does the underlined word “suppress” in paragraph 2 mean?
3. What is paragraph 3 mainly about?
A.Different attitudes to adult play.B.The significance of adult play.
C.Ways to balance work and play.D.The reasons for adults lacking play.
4. What is the author’s attitude to adult play in knowledge-based economy?
昨日更新 | 4次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省上进联盟学校2023-2024学年高二6月联考英语试题
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3 . When I was a child, the new year’s activity for my family is dumpling-making, but it’s been years since I’ve last experienced the uniquely carefree comfort and connection I felt during moments. My family has changed a lot, and gatherings like these simply don’t come together with the same ease as they once did.

This year, I came home in the evening to a dark house with pieces missing. I noticed things that I wouldn’t have before, like how my family slept earlier and got up later and how my dog had more trouble jumping up on my bed. After all, it’s easier to become blind to its subtle changes when you occupy it virtually every day of the year, and much harder when you must be exposed to months of accumulated change all at once.

Personally, the most precious childhood privilege is not the free extra snacks from flight attendants, but the privilege of thinking of the people and relationships around you with a sense of permanence. I mean this in the sense that it escaped my eight-year-old brain to think about how my parents were aging as I did or about the sacrifices they made for me until suddenly, I was an adult as they were.

I turn 20 in a couple months, so I’ve been seized with a feeling of adulthood, which feels far stronger than the transition into legal adulthood at 18 ever felt. It seems as if the “teen” part of“19”keeps me attached to the same category as the one my newly 13-year-old self occupied, carrying with it a certain comfort in the social allowances made for the immaturity inherent (固有的) to youth. But marching into 20 is different.

I’d so desperately wanted to move away and get a taste of independence upon starting college, but now I know that such freedom comes with loss and responsibility. Now I start to understand the governance of a circularity (循环) inherent to our lives and have a newfound appreciation for the things that remain the same.

1. What does the underlined word “subtle” in paragraph 2mean?
2. Which of the following might the author agree with when he was eight?
A.Everything would be the same.B.His parents were becoming old.
C.Free extra snacks were common.D.His parents had done a lot to him.
3. In what way is 20 years old different according to the author?
A.Physical maturity.B.The social expectation.
C.The loss of freedom.D.The shift into legal adulthood.
4. What can be the best title of the passage?
A.A newfound appreciation for life.B.The difference between teens and adults.
C.My passing memories of childhood.D.My reflection on the switch into adulthood.
昨日更新 | 18次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届广东省汕头市高三下学期二模英语试题

4 . Born into a poor farmer’s family in Meixi township in 1960, Liang Ruirong suffered polio (脊髓灰质炎) when he was a child. This physical disability______his life.

After failing the college entrance examination, he made a ______ working in fields. After about a year, Liang seized the______ chance to become a full-time employee at a_____ factory in a neighboring town. Modest and ______, he was promoted to workshop director after five years. Over time, the idea of______his own company began to take shape. “I didn’t have the money,” he said. “I had to______ it from friends.”

During the first few years, Liang traveled with the delivery truck to ______customers with the bamboo products in person. “To save on______, I often slept in the truck at night,” he said.

Liang never forgot about the______ he had gone through. As company chairman, he created jobs on the processing lines, which do not require much physical ______. To make sure that as many people as possible could______ his success, the company establishes a charity which______ 250, 000 yuan to Meixi township.

Liang’s company is now well-known for environmentally friendly bamboo products. For Liang, the company has ______ to the world, showing that it is possible to______ the right balance between economic development and environmental protection, making money and benefiting society.

A.turning toB.setting upC.fixing upD.applying to
A.benefit fromB.take overC.depend onD.pay for
A.done goodB.showed honorC.put its mindD.set an example
昨日更新 | 2次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省佛山市S6高质量发展联盟2023-2024学年高一下学期期中联考英语试卷
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5 . Many researchers refer to coral reefs (珊瑚礁) as the rainforests of the sea because they are not only very beautiful but also cuucial to the health of our oceans. Sadly, these delicate ecosystems face they is from pollution and overfishing. In an inspiring cooperatton, Mote Marine Laboratory (MML) and the Combat Wounded Veteran Challenge (CWVC) have joined hands to restore (恢复) the coral reefs off the coast of Kev West, Florida.

On a sunny day in Key West, a group of 31 wounded and injured veteratis, together with six Mote staff members, set out on a misirn to restore the Higgs Head coral reef. Equipped with specialized waterproof prosthulies and a shared determination, the group managed to plant a record-breaking 1,040 corals on the reef.

The planting mission not only belps to replace corals lost to disease, hurricanes and rising water temperatures, but symbolizes the adaptation and strength of both wounded veterans and the coral reefs themselves. Dr. Michael P. Crosby, President of MML stated, “The inspirational CWVC motto ‘I am wounded, not conquered (征服)’ is also applicable to coral reefs in Key West.”

Florida’s populations of coral reefs were once filled with life. The living coral cover, which represents the proportion of the reef covered in living coral, has plummeted from over 30% four decades ago to a mere 1-5% today, however. MML’s research and restoration programs offer hope for the recovery of Florida’s coral reefs and other coral ecosystems worldwide.

As wounded veterans and scientists work side by side to restore coral reefs, the impact of their collective efforts extends far beyond the ocean floor. The restoration missions not only help to heal the wounds of war but also provide a renewed sense of purpose for those who have sacrificed so much. Andrew Lourake, CWVC Vice President confirms, “The challenge, friendship and knowing they are making a difference are the highlight of the year for almost all our participants.”

By combining cutting-edge science, community engagement, and the spirit of resilience (复原), MML and CWVC are paving the way for a brighter future for our coral reefs. They inspire us all to protect and preserve these invaluable ecosystems, ensuring that future generations can wonder at their beauty and biodiversity.

1. Why does the author mention coral reefs in paragraph 1?
A.To lead in the topic of the text.
B.To compare them with rainforests.
C.To highlight the threats facing them.
D.To focus on their significance in ocean’s health.
2. What does paragraph 3 mainly talk about?
A.The motivational effect of the motto.
B.The mufupte significance of this mission.
C.The background for carrying out the mission.
D.The cooperation of veterans and Mote staff members.
3. Which of the following can replace the underlined word “plummeted” in paragraph 4?
A.Spread widely.B.Improved greatly.
C.Disappeared completely.D.Decreased sharply.
4. What’s Andrew Lourake’s attitude towards the group’s restoration of coral reefs?
昨日更新 | 2次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省佛山市S6高质量发展联盟2023-2024学年高一下学期期中联考英语试卷
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6 . “I’ll be there in a few minutes. I’m playing a game with a friend, a guy named Snoopy,” my 15-year-old son shouted from his room. “Oh, what is Snoopy’s real name?” I asked. “I have no idea,” he said. “Where is he from?” I continued. He responded, “I think somewhere in Canada. Oh, wait, it doesn’t even matter because Snoopy just left the game and he has been replaced with a robot.” “Your friend is replaced by a robot?” “It doesn’t matter, Dad. It happens all the time! The game continues.” My son doesn’t mind playing with a person or a robot, which is typical of gamers these days. I wonder whether the face-to-face experience of friendship that I grew up with will be lost by our ohildren.

Aristotle, the great Greek thinker and educator. has pointed out that shallow friendship is easily formed but also easily quit because such bonds are weak and uncerturn. Deep friendship, by contrast, is when you care for your friend for his sake, not for any benefit you can get. This is selfless friendship. You can have only a couple of these friends because they require lots of time and effort. You must make sacrifices (牺牲) for each other.

Presence in friendship requires “being with” and “doing for”. Perhaps the most typical feature of deep friendship is “doing for”, as my friend has my back in trouble or brings me soup when I’m sick. Only strong bonds have the power to motivate real sacrifices. But it is unclear why online “friends” would bother to do the hard work of friendship. When I asked my students whether they had people in their lives who would bring them soup when they were sick, they laughed at my Stone Age question and said they’d just order soup online.

Digital life fills and absorbs waking life time so that people do not join in example cases of friendship, like sports, collective arts, free range childhoods, etc. In this way, digital life may produce false friendships.

1. How does the author lead in the topic of the text?
A.By presenting a dialogue.B.By bringing in a robot friend.
C.By telling an interesting joke.D.By introducing an online game.
2. What can we know from the text?
A.False friendships are sure to arise in digital life.
B.Real care and commitment strengthen real friendship.
C.Strong connections can be formed easily in Internet age.
D.Teenagers today can turn to online friends in tough times.
3. What can be the best title for the text?
A.Youth Friendship in Digital Background
B.Deep Friendship and Stliless Friendship C
C.Face-to-face Experience of Friendship
D.Benefits from Online Friendship
昨日更新 | 2次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省佛山市S6高质量发展联盟2023-2024学年高一下学期期中联考英语试卷
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7 . In the digital world of endless comparisons, a thought-inspiring study by a team at Ruhr University Bochum reveals a surprising truth: materialism (物质主义) on social media adds stress and reduces happiness. This research, conducted through an online survey of over 1,200 participants, highlights the unique way social media causes materialistic attitudes and the subsequent impact on mental health.

Conducted with a diverse group of participants, the survey analyzed the social media behaviors and psychological states of individuals, focusing on their materialistic posts. The study employed six questionnaires to understand the participants’ materialistic attitudes, social media habits, stress levels, and life satisfaction. The participants, averaging over two hours a day on social media, revealed a clear pattern: higher levels of materialism on social media are associated with lower life satisfaction, increased stress symptoms, and a higher risk of social media addiction.

The study’s implications extend beyond numbers and charts. It suggests a worrying trend where individuals seeking validation (肯定) through materialistic displays on social media might be sacrificing their mental peace and happiness. Social media addiction is characterized by frequent use of social media platforms, often at the expense of other activities. Stress symptoms can range from anxiety to physical signs like headaches or tiredness. What’s clear is that social media may cause far more harm to users than good.

While the study acknowledges the risks associated with social media, especially for materialistic individuals, Dr. Ozimek, a psychologist, advises against completely abandoning these platforms.

Instead, he suggests a balanced approach of various activities to avoid comparison. Researchers also propose incorporating materialism and social media usage assessments in mental health treatment. Recognizing these factors as potential starting points for interventions offers new methods for addressing modern-day mental health challenges.

1. What does the survey find about the materialistic posts?
A.They produce high life satisfaction.
B.They help to ease stress symptoms.
C.They lead to social media addiction.
D.They bring about high consumption patterns.
2. What is one phenomenon discovered by the study?
A.Some people avoid too much use of social media.
B.Some people try to seek the good of online displays.
C.Some people undervalue mental peace and happiness.
D.Some people pursue recognition through online material shows.
3. What does Dr. Ozimek suggest?
A.Abandoning social media platforms.B.Keeping a balance among various activities.
C.Assessing social media posts objectively.D.Searching for potential interventions.
4. Which can be the best title for the text?
A.Turn to Rich Life for Growth
B.Assess Real Life for Mental Health
C.Materialism on Social Media Decreases Happiness
D.Understanding of Materialism Differs among Individuals
昨日更新 | 8次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省上进联盟学校2023-2024学年高二6月联考英语试题
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8 . Running marathons is quite a challenge. Yet for Simon Wheatcroft, who ______ his sight at 18, there’s an extra difficulty. However, Simon, now 29, has not only been ______ in marathons for the past two years with the help of ______ runners but has also learned to run alone outdoors.

Simon’s unique ______ involved slowly memorizing a five-kilometre route by repeatedly walking it alone. He used a smartphone app that ______ audio feedback on his pace and distance. It helped him build a mental map of the route and its ______. “I did make a few ______ early on — like running into posts. But I’m going to ______ where that is next time,” he laughs.

At first running was a challenge that required great ______ for Simon. However, it has now become more natural for him. Compared with most runners, he ______ his running style to be more cautious, using shorter and more careful steps to sense the surroundings.

Despite risks of ______ obstacles, Simon values the freedom and ______ running gives him. He believes what he gets from running alone far outweigh any dangers, which has ______ his confidence and provided inspiration to others.

But for Simon the real motivation for his training come from simply ______ competition, giving him an ______ to run with everyone. “I can’t hide the fact I’m blind,” he says, “but meanwhile I would rather compete with everybody else and not be put into a special group.”

A.come acrossB.figure outC.walk intoD.map out
昨日更新 | 18次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省深圳翠园中学2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试(五月段考)英语试题
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9 . One day a small gap appeared in the cocoon (茧), through which the butterfly would come out. A boy, who _______ passed by, stopped and watched how the butterfly was trying to _________ of the cocoon. It _________ several hours. The butterfly was trying very hard, but the _________ was as little as before. It seemed that the power would _______ the butterfly soon.

The boy decided to _________ the butterfly. He took a penknife and cut the cocoon. The butterfly immediately came out, but it was very small and _________, and the wings were _________ moving.

The boy continued to _________ the butterfly, thinking that now its wings would __________ and it would fly. ________, that did not happen.

The rest of its life the butterfly had to drag its weak body and wings that wouldn’t unfold. It was unable to fly because the boy did not realize that a(an) __________ to force itself through the narrow gap of the cocoon was __________ for the butterfly, so that the life-giving fluid would move from the body to the butterfly’s wings and that the butterfly could fly. Life forced the butterfly to leave its shell so hard that it would gain the ________ to grow and develop.

Just like the butterfly, if we were allowed to live without meeting difficulties, we would not survive. Life gives us __________ to make us braver and stronger.

A.give outB.get outC.work outD.take out
昨日更新 | 18次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省惠州市博罗县2023-2024学年高二下学期4月期中英语试题
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10 . Rolland and Adeline are proud parents to nine beautiful children. Their youngest two, daughter Lanto, and son, Rindra, were both born with cleft lip (唇裂) conditions. In Madagascar, many families have never seen a cleft lip before, so it’s a condition often greeted with fear and misfortune in some rural communities.

However, the news of Lanto and Rindra’s cleft lip wasn’t much of a shock for Rolland and Adeline because Rolland’s cousin — a man in his fifties — had lived his entire adult life with an untreated cleft lip. Although seeing a relative with a cleft lip meant the family weren’t fearful of the condition, they knew the negative impact an untreated cleft lip can have on a person’s health and life. As any loving parents would, Rolland and Adeline wanted a better future for their children.

Rolland heard an advertisement on the radio about an Operation Smile surgical programme in Antsirabe, Madagascar. Finding out that Rindra and Lanto could have the cleft lip surgery they needed, for free, was a dream for the family. Unlike here in the UK, health services aren’t free in many parts of the world, and the costs of treatment — or even travelling to reach medical facilities — are out of reach for most families.

When Rolland and his children arrived at the patient village, they were surprised to see so many other families in the same position. After a thorough medical evaluation by medical volunteers, Lanto was found to be fit enough for surgery, and later got the new smile her parents had dreamed of for her. But, for younger brother Rindra, the journey to a new smile would take a little longer.

Operation Smile has provided hundreds of thousands of safe surgeries for children with cleft lip conditions worldwide. For more information about our work or to find out how you can help, visitwww.operationsmile.org .

1. What do most people think of cleft lip in Madagascar?
A.It is incurable.B.It is normal.
C.It is unlucky.D.It is unavoidable.
2. What kept the couple from being scared of their children’s situation?
A.Their children’s smile.B.Their relative’s experience.
C.Their love for their parents.D.The advertisement they saw.
3. What should be done before deciding on a surgery?
A.Paying for surgery.B.Staying in hospital.
C.Seeking for a doctor.D.Having a health check.
4. What is the purpose of the information in the last paragraph?
A.For donations.B.For copyright.
C.For comment.D.For clarification.
昨日更新 | 11次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省梅州市部分学校2023-2024学年高二下学期4月期中英语试题
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