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1 . If you were bringing friends home to visit, you could show them the way. You know the landmarks—a big red house or a bus-stop sign. But what if you were swimming in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean? Could you still find your way home? A loggerhead turtle(海 龟)could.

According to Dr. Ken Lohmann, loggerheads have a magnetic(磁力的)sense based on Earth’s magnetic field. It helps them locate the best spots for finding food and their home beaches.

Scientists already know that several other animals, such as whales and honeybees, can detect(探测到)magnetic fields. The difference between them and loggerheads, however, is the way they learn to use their magnetic sense. Young whales and honeybees can learn from adults. Loggerheads are abandoned as eggs.

As newborn loggerheads have no adults to learn from, what helps them figure out how to use their magnetic sense? Lohmann thinks one of the cues was light on the sea.

Baby loggerheads hatch only at night. However, a small amount of light reflects off the ocean. The light makes that region brighter. Heading toward the light helps them get quickly out to sea, where they can find food. Lohmann tested whether newborn loggerheads use this light source to set their magnetic “compasses”(罗盘). He and his team put some newborns in a water tank and recorded which way they swam. Around the tank, the scientists created a magnetic field that matched the Earth’s. They set a weak light to the east of the magnetic field. Then they let the newborns go.

At first, the newborns swam toward the light. After the scientists turned off the light, the turtles that had seen the light in the east always swam toward east. When the researchers reversed(颠倒)the magnetic field, these turtles turned around and swam toward the new “east”.

This and the follow-up experiments all showed that loggerheads use light from the outside world to set their magnetic “compasses” and then remember the “correct” direction. If a turtle hatches on a brightly-lit beach, that would damage its magnetic sense forever and make survival hard for the turtle.

Lohmann’s work has led others to protect the habitat of this endangered species. Yet many questions about these creatures remain unanswered, and researchers have a lot to study.

1. Loggerheads and whales differ in the way they______.
A.bring up their young
B.recognize landmarks
C.detect magnetic fields
D.learn to find directions
2. What is needed for newborn loggerheads to set their magnetic sense?
A.Weak light reflected off the ocean.B.Help from adult loggerheads.
C.Bright sunlight from the sky.D.Food in warmer waters.
3. In the experiment, after the newborns’ magnetic sense was set, their moving direction was determined by ____.
A.the light
B.the magnetic field
C.other unknown factors
D.the light and the magnetic field
4. What is the significance of Lohmann’s research work?
A.It enables researchers to keep track of turtles.
B.It contributes to the studies of the magnetic field.
C.It offers a new solution to environmental pollution.
D.It helps protect the loggerheads’ living environment.
5. What could be the best title of the passage?
A.Experiments on Loggerheads
B.The Survival of the Sea Turtle
C.The Loggerhead’s Built-in “Compass”
D.Comparison of Loggerheads and Other Animals
2020-02-15更新 | 1196次组卷 | 1卷引用:2018年3月普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(天津卷)英语笔试试题
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2 . With a satisfied smile, Keisha finished the last sentence of her English essay about one of her heroes, Rosa Parks, an important figure in the Civil Rights Movement.

“Keisha,” her mother shouted from downstairs. “It’s almost 4:15.”

“Don’t worry. I won’t be late. ” Keisha pulled down a storybook from her bookshelf, as she always read to the nursing home’s residents. And on an impulse(一时心血来潮), she added her English notebook as well.

As Keisha came running in the door, the manager told her, “We have a new resident this week, Mrs. Ruby Watson. She’s still adjusting to her new surroundings. You’ll find her in Room 28. And by the way, Keisha, good luck.”

Keisha walked down the hallway at a quick pace. As she entered Room 28, she met two sharp brown eyes staring at her doubtfully.

“I’m Keisha Jackson, a volunteer,” Keisha explained. “I come here to help pass the time with residents, or read to them, or, . . .” Keisha started stammering(结巴)as Mrs.

Watson continued to stare at her.

“I didn’t request anyone to keep me company,” Mrs. Watson interrupted. “I’m alone most of the time, and that’s how I prefer it.”

“I brought along some funny stories,” Keisha said hesitantly.

“I’m not in the mood for funny stories,” Mrs. Watson replied angrily. “What else do you have?”

Nervously, Keisha opened her notebook to her essay. She read the title aloud, “Rosa

Parks: A Woman of Courage and Conviction(信念).” She glanced at Mrs. Watson to see how she might react, but to her surprise, Mrs. Watson’s face relaxed and her eyes shone.

“Read to me about Rosa,” Mrs. Watson said.

Keisha read how Rosa Parks’ refusal to give up her seat to a white passenger on a bus in 1955 inspired the protest that became a turning point in the struggle for civil rights.

“I walked with Rosa Parks and Dr. Martin Luther King,” Mrs. Watson said with pride. “That was the greatest moment of my life because…” She paused.

“Because… you were a woman of courage and conviction too.”

Sitting up straighter, Mrs. Watson said, “Yes, I was and I still am. Thank you for reminding me, Keisha. Next Thursday, I will tell you my story.”

1. Why did Keisha take her English notebook along?
A.Her mother asked her to take it.B.She would hand it in on her way.
C.She might read her essay to someone.D.The manager wanted to read her essay.
2. Why did the manager wish Keisha good luck before she visited Mrs. Watson?
A.Mrs. Watson could be difficult.B.Mrs. Watson was in poor health.
C.Keisha was feeling nervous.D.Keisha was a shy person.
3. Mrs. Watson’s eyes (Para. 10) suggested that she was ______.
4. What effect did Keisha’s essay have on Mrs. Watson?
A.It aroused her curiosity in volunteer work.
B.It built up her expectation for more visitors.
C.It awoke her pride in her struggle for civil rights.
D.It changed her attitude to the Civil Rights Movement.
5. Readers may find this story inspiring because ______.
A.a girl enjoys learning about her heroesB.a girl helps someone feel appreciated
C.a woman overcomes hardship by herselfD.a woman gathers the courage for life
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3 . Years of living with a lisp (口齿不清) had taught me it was better not to say anything than to speak and risk embarrassment. As a result of my ______, I felt distanced from most of my peers (同龄人). “Kathy? Oh, she’s quiet.” That’s what most people would say when they ____ me, as if “Quiet” were part of my ____. I was okay with that. I didn’t need to be ____.

Last September, however, that all ____. I started my creative writing class with Ms. Haist. Every day we would be given a different writing task and, if we wished, we could ____ what we had written. I ____ listening to others read their work and thinking: “That will never be me. I’ll never have the ____ to do that.”

One day, I was really ____ with what I had written and wanted to share. My heart was beating wildly as I raised my hand. Those ____ little voices were ringing in my ear, “You have a lisp, remember? ____, your writing isn’t that good. Be quiet.” I was about to ____ my hand when I met Ms. Haist’s encouraging eyes.

I swallowed the voices down and let my real voice ___. I could hear it ___as I read, and I could hear every stutter (结巴) and mistake. I finished reading, waiting to be laughed at. ____, I heard claps from the class and praise from Ms. Haist.

The next day, I did it ____. Soon I was reading out loud nearly every day. Gradually, I realized that ____ my lisp, the class and the teacher always appreciated my writing. Now I may still not be the most ____, social person, but I’ve become better at oral presentations. I ____ read my poetry out loud at a reading club.

Every time those little voices try to tell me to be quiet, I think of all the encouragement I received in class and I know that I ____ to be heard.

A.heard fromB.talked ofC.called onD.looked for
A.go downB.die awayC.come outD.calm down
A.thanks toB.instead ofC.despiteD.except
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真题 名校

4 . I was born legally blind. Of all the stories of my early childhood, the one about a______is my mother's favorite.

I was only two when the______occurred. We had just arrived home from a trip. Mom lifted me out of the car and _____to speak to the driver. I took advantage of my brief______to dash across the lawn (草坪) — and hit a large maple tree! I was running so fast that I bounced off the trunk and______on my backside. Mom______me to start crying, but I just sat there for a minute. Then I______myself up and kept right on going. Mom always______here that, as many times as I______across the lawn after that, I never again______into that tree.

Mom loves to use this story as an______. It reminds her that children don't enter life______to take risks or unwilling to______again when they fall down. She never wanted me to lose that______as I grew older. When I______my major life decisions,I was still that little girl tearing full-speed across the lawn. I studied abroad and later moved away from my parents' home to look for a______, Through years of______, I have become a respected teacher in a school serving high-need students.

We are almost certain to get______at some point during the process of achieving our goal. When that happens, don't sit in the grass and______. Just get up and keep on going. It will all be worth it______.

A.mixed upB.fed upC.knocked downD.settled down
A.all at onceB.in the endC.in either caseD.as a result
2020-01-09更新 | 4653次组卷 | 19卷引用:2020年浙江省高考英语试卷(1月)
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真题 名校

5 . Milwaukee, Wisconsin, is road testing a new way to keep winter roads ice-free – by spreading on them cheese brine, the salty liquid used to make soft cheese, like mozzarella.

Wisconsin, also called "America's Dairyland," is famous for its cheese. The state produced 2.8 billion pounds of cheese last year! As a result, there was a lot of leftover cheese brine. Disposing of(处置)the brine can be expensive. So what should cheese makers do with the waste?

Normally, towns use rock salt to de-ice streets. The salt lowers waters' freezing point, causing ice to melt(融化). But using cheese brine could help both cheese producers and cities save money, while keeping roads safe. Cheese brine has salt in it, which, like the rock salt, helps lower water's freezing point.

In addition to saving money, cheese brine could also be a more environment-friendly option. Many people suspect that all the rock salt used every winter is harming the environment.

Rock salt is made of sodium chloride, the sane con-pound (化合物)in ordinary table salt. Sounds harmless, right? But while you probably add only a small amount of salt to your food, road crews spread about 20 million tons of salt on U.S. Roads every year!

The chemical washes off roads and goes into the ground. There it can pollute drinking water, harm plants. and eat away soil. By spreading cheese brine on streets before adding a layer of rock salt, Milwaukee may be able to cut its rock salt use by 30 percent.

Cheese brine has a downside too – a shell similar to that of bad milk. "I don't really mind it," Emil Norby told Modern Farmer magazine. He works for one of Wisconsin's county highway commissions and came up with the idea of using cheese brine. "Our roads smell like Wisconsin!" he said.

1. Why can cheese brine help keep winter roads ice-free?
A.It is soft.B.It contains salt.C.It is warm.D.It has milk in it.
2. What is a benefit of using cheese urine on roads?
A.Improving air quality.B.Increasing sales of rock salt.
C.Reducing water pollution.D.Saving the cheese industry.
3. Milwaukee's new way to de-ice streets may be an example of_______________.
A.barking up the wrong treeB.putting the cart before the horse
C.robbing Peter to pay PaulD.killing two birds with one stone
2020-01-09更新 | 3364次组卷 | 10卷引用:2020年浙江省高考英语试卷(1月)
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真题 名校

6 . Today's world is not an easy adjustment for young adults. Key skill set for success is persistence (毅力), a characteristic that researchers say is heavily influenced by fathers. Researchers from Brigham Young University discovered that fathers are in a unique position to help their adolescent children learn persistence.

BYU professors Laura Padilla-Walker and Randal Day arrived at these findings after following 325 American families over several years. And over time,the persistence gained through fathers led to higher achievement in school.

"There are relatively few studies that stress the unique role of fathers,"Padilla-Walker said. "This research also helps to prove that characteristics such as persistence-which can be taught-are key to a child's life success.”

Researchers determined that dads need to practice an "authoritative" parenting style. Authoritative parenting is not authoritarian:rigid,demanding or controlling. Rather,an authoritative parenting style includes some of the following characteristics:children feel warmth and love from their father;responsibility and the reasons behind rules are stressed children are given an appropriate level of autonomy(自主权).

In the study,about 52 percent of the dads exhibited above-average levels of authoritative parenting. A key finding is that over time,children raised by an authoritative father were significantly more likely to develop persistence,which leads to better outcomes in school.

This particular study examined 11 to 14-year-olds living in two-parent homes. Yet the researchers suggest that single parents still may play a role in teaching the benefits of persistence,which is an avenue of future research.

1. What is special about the BYU professors' study?
A.It centered on fathers' role in parenting.
B.It was based on a number of large families.
C.It analyzed different kinds of parenting styles.
D.It aimed to improve kids' achievement in school.
2. What would an authoritative father do when raising his children?
A.Ignore their demands.B.Make decisions for them.
C.Control their behaviors.D.Explain the rules to them.
3. Which group can be a focus of future studies according to the researchers?
A.Single parents.
B.Children aged from 11 to 14.
C.Authoritarian fathers.
D.Mothers in two-parent homes.
4. Which of the following is the best title for the text?
A.Three Characteristics of Authoritative Fathers.
B.Key Skills for Young Adults to Succeed in Future.
C.Children Tend to Learn Determination from Father.
D.Family Relationship Influences School Performance.
2020-01-09更新 | 4435次组卷 | 29卷引用:2020年浙江省高考英语试卷(1月)
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真题 名校

7 . The African elephant, the largest land animal remaining on earth, is of great importance to African ecosystem (生态系统). Unlike other animals, the African elephant is to a great extent the builder of its environment. As a big plant-eater, it largely shapes the forest-and-savanna (大草原) surroundings in which it lives, therefore setting the terms of existence for millions of other animals that live in its habitat (栖息地).

It is the elephant’s great desire for food that makes it a disturber of the environment and an important builder of its habitat. In its continuous search for the 300 pounds of plants it must have every day, it kills small trees and underbushes, and pulls branches off big trees. This results in numerous open spaces in both deep tropical forests and in the woodlands that cover part of the African savannas. In these open spaces are numerous plants in various stages of growth that attract a variety of other plant-eaters.

Take the rain forests for example. In their natural state, the spreading branches overhead shut out sunlight and prevent the growth of plants on the forest floor. By pulling down trees and eating plants, elephants make open spaces, allowing new plants to grow on the forest floor. In such situations, the forests become suitable for large hoofed plant-eaters to move around and for small plant-eaters to get their food as well.

What worries scientists now is that the African elephant has become an endangered species. If the elephant disappears, scientists say, many other animals will also disappear from vast areas of forest and savanna, greatly changing and worsening the whole ecosystem.

1. What is the passage mainly about?
A.Disappearance of African elephants.
B.Forests and savannas as habitats for African elephants.
C.The effect of African elephants’ search for food.
D.The eating habit of African elephants.
2. What does the underlined phrase “setting the terms” most probably mean?
A.Fixing the time.
B.Worsening the state.
C.Improving the quality.
D.Deciding the conditions.
3. What do we know about the open spaces in the passage?
A.They result from the destruction of rain forests.
B.They provide food mainly for African elephants.
C.They are home to many endangered animals.
D.They are attractive to plant-eating animals of different kinds.
4. The passage is developed mainly by______.
A.showing the effect and then explaining the causes
B.pointing out similarities and differences
C.describing the changes in spare order
D.giving examples
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8 . When I met him, I had a lot of anger inside of me. I’ve lived my whole life in Spanish Harlem, but in my neighborhood, there are shoot-ups all the time. I know kids who have been shot or beaten up. I have friends who ended up in prison. I could have ended up that way, too, but Mr. Clark wouldn’t let that happen.

Mr. Clark worked long hours, making sure I did my work. My grades rose. In fact, the scores of our whole class rose. One day, he took our class to see The Phantom of the Opera, and it was the first time some kids had ever been out of Harlem. Before the show, he treated us to dinner at a restaurant and taught us not to talk with our mouths full. We did not want to let him down.

Mr. Clark was selected as Disney’s 2000 Teacher of the Year. He said he would draw three names out of a hat; those students would go with him to Los Angeles to get the award. But when the time came to draw names, Mr. Clark said, “You’re all going.”

On graduation day, there were a lot of tears. We didn’t want his class to end. In 2001, he moved to Atlanta, but he always kept in touch. He started giving lectures about education, and wrote a bestselling book based on his classroom rules, The Essential 55. In 2003, Mr. Clark took some of us on a trip to South Africa to deliver school supplies and visit orphanages (孤儿院). It was the most amazing experience of my life. It’s now my dream to one day start a group of women’s clubs, helping people from all backgrounds.

1. Without Mr.Clark, the writer _______.
A.might have been put into prison
B.might not have won the prize
C.might have joined a women’s club
D.might not have moved to Atlanta
2. The Essential 55 is _______.
A.a showB.a speech
C.a classroom ruleD.a book
3. How many students’ names were finally drawn out of a hat by Mr.Clark?
4. In the passage, the writer intends to tell us that _______.
A.Mr. Clark went to South Africa because he liked traveling
B.Mr. Clark helped to set up a group of women’s clubs
C.a good teacher can help raise his or her students’ scores
D.a good teacher has a good influence on his or her students
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 较难(0.4) |
真题 名校

9 . When I was in fourth grade, I worked part-time as a paperboy. Mrs. Stanley was one of my customers. She’d watch me coming down her street, and by the time I’d biked up to her doorstep, there’d be a cold drink waiting. I’d sit and drink while she talked.

Mrs. Stanley talked mostly about her dead husband, “Mr. Stanley and I went shopping this morning.” she’d say. The first time she said that, soda(汽水) went up my nose.

I told my father how Mrs. Stanley talked as if Mr. Stanley were still alive. Dad said she was probably lonely, and that I ought to sit and listen and nod my head and smile, and maybe she’d work it out of her system. So that’s what I did, and it turned out Dad was right. After a while she seemed content to leave her husband over at the cemetery(墓地).

I finally quit delivering newspapers and didn’t see Mrs. Stanley for several years. Then we crossed paths at a church fund-raiser(募捐活动). She was spooning mashed potatoes and looking happy. Four years before, she’d had to offer her paperboy a drink to have someone to talk with. Now she had friends. Her husband was gone, but life went on.

I live in the city now, and my paperboy is a lady named Edna with three kids. She asks me how I’m doing. When I don’t say “fine”, she sticks around to hear my problems. She’s lived in the city most of her life, but she knows about community. Community isn’t so much a place as it is a state of mind. You find it whenever people ask how you’re doing because they care, and not because they’re getting paid to do so. Sometimes it’s good to just smile, nod your head and listen.

1. Why did soda go up the author’s nose one time?
A.He was talking fast.B.He was shocked.
C.He was in a hurry.D.He was absent-minded.
2. Why did the author sit and listen to Mrs. Stanley according to Paragraph 3?
A.He enjoyed the drink.B.He wanted to be helpful.
C.He took the chance to rest.D.He tried to please his dad.
3. Which of the following can replace the underlined phrase “work it out of her system”?
A.recover from her sadnessB.move out of the neighborhood
C.turn to her old friendsD.speak out about her past
4. What does the author think people in a community should do?
A.Open up to others.B.Depend on each other.
C.Pay for other’s helpD.Care about one another.
2017-11-09更新 | 2691次组卷 | 22卷引用:2017年11月浙江省普通高校招生选考科目考试英语试题
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真题 名校

10 . Old problemnew approaches

While clean energy is increasingly used in our daily life,global warming will continue for some decades after CO2 emissions (排放) peak. So even if emissions were to begin to decrease today,we would still face the challenge of adapting to climate change. Here I will stress some smarter and more creative examples of climate adaptation.

When it comes to adaptation,it is important to understand that climate change is a process. We are therefore not talking about adapting to a new standard,but to a constantly shifting set of conditions. This is why, in part at least,the US National Climate Assessment says that:“There is no ‘one­size fits all’ adaptation.” Nevertheless,there are some actions that offer much and carry little risk or cost.

Around the world, people are adapting in surprising ways,especially in some poor countries. Floods have become more damaging in Bangladesh in recent decades. Mohammed Rezwan saw opportunity where others saw only disaster. His not­for­profit organization runs 100 river boats that serve as floating libraries,schools,and health clinics,and are equipped with solar panels and other communicating facilities. Rezwan is creating floating connectivity(连接) to replace flooded roads and highways. But he is also working at a far more fundamental level:his staff show people how to make floating gardens and fish ponds to prevent starvation during the wet season.

Elsewhere in Asia even more astonishing actions are being taken. Chewang Norphel lives in a mountainous region in India, where he is known as the Ice Man. The loss of glaciers (冰川) there due to global warming represents an enormous threat to agriculture. Without the glaciers, water will arrive in the rivers at times when it can damage crops. Norphel's inspiration came from seeing the waste of water over winter, when it was not needed. He directed the wasted water into shallow basins where it froze, and was stored until the spring. His fields of ice supply perfectly timed irrigation(灌溉) water. Having created nine such ice reserves, Norphel calculates that he has stored about 200,000m3 of water. Climate change is a continuing process, so Norphel's ice reserves will not last forever. Warming will overtake them. But he is providing a few years during which the farmers will, perhaps, be able to find other means of adapting.

Increasing Earth's reflectiveness can cool the planet. In southern Spain the sudden increase of greenhouses (which reflect light back to space) has changed the warming trend locally, and actually cooled the region. While Spain as a whole is heating up quickly, temperatures near the greenhouses have decreased. This example should act as an inspiration for all cities. By painting buildings white, cities may slow down the warming process.

In Peru, local farmers around a mountain with a glacier that has already fallen victim to climate change have begun painting the entire mountain peak white in the hope that the added reflectiveness will restore the life­giving ice. The outcome is still far from clear. But the World Bank has included the project on its list of “100 ideas to save the planet”.

More ordinary forms of adaptation are happening everywhere. A friend of mine owns an area of land in western Victoria. Over five generations the land has been too wet for cropping. But during the past decade declining rainfall has allowed him to plant highly profitable crops. Farmers in many countries are also adapting like this—either by growing new produce, or by growing the same things differently. This is common sense. But some suggestions for adapting are not. When the polluting industries argue that we've lost the battle to control carbon pollution and have no choice but to adapt, it's a nonsense designed to make the case for business as usual.

Human beings will continue to adapt to the changing climate in both ordinary and astonishing ways. But the most sensible form of adaptation is surely to adapt our energy systems to emit less carbon pollution. After all, if we adapt in that way, we may avoid the need to change in so many others.

1. The underlined part in Paragraph 2 implies ________.
A.adaptation is an ever­changing process
B.the cost of adaptation varies with time
C.global warming affects adaptation forms
D.adaptation to climate change is challenging
2. What is special with regard to Rezwan's project?
A.The project receives government support.
B.Different organizations work with each other.
C.His organization makes the best of a bad situation.
D.The project connects flooded roads and highways.
3. What did the Ice Man do to reduce the effect of global warming?
A.Storing ice for future use.
B.Protecting the glaciers from melting.
C.Changing the irrigation time.
D.Postponing the melting of the glaciers.
4. What do we learn from the Peru example?
A.White paint is usually safe for buildings.
B.The global warming trend cannot be stopped.
C.This country is heating up too quickly.
D.Sunlight reflection may relieve global warming.
5. According to the author, polluting industries should ________.
A.adapt to carbon pollution
B.plant highly profitable crops
C.leave carbon emission alone
D.fight against carbon pollution
6. What's the author's preferred solution to global warming?
A.Setting up a new standard.
B.Reducing carbon emission.
C.Adapting to climate change.
D.Monitoring polluting industries.
2017-08-09更新 | 2220次组卷 | 7卷引用:2017年全国普通高等学校招生统一考试英语(江苏卷精编版)
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