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1 . The problem with students using Google is not that the search leader is unable to offer useful educational content. It’s that finding that content using simple search terms is a difficult art to master. But some educational companies and organizations aim to make it easier to find useful educational content among the Web. They are forming a working group to come up with more detailed criteria(标准)that could eventually be added into the search lines for Google, Bing, and Yahoo !

The project was encouraged by a joint move by those major search engines to help users do more effective Web­searches. The idea behind the new education corporation is to determine a common “framework” for narrowing search results for education content—by subject area, or source type, or content type, or any number of possible criteria. The goal is also to persuade publishers of educational content to use a matching set of tags(分类)to help the search engines sort out their content more easily.

Search engines are used by college students, but they were not designed for them. This has been a subject of much   handwringing (绝望) among professors, who worry that students are not finding the most reliable content on the Internet even if more and more content providers of good fame—textbook publishers, scholars, universities and many others—have been putting useful academic resources on the open Web.

Michael Johnson, a member who will be serving on a working group devoted to developing the framework over the next six months or so, said “The project is aimed at benefiting the   publishers   of   educational   content   as   much   as students. ”

1. What may annoy students using Google to help them?
A.They can’t search useful educational content at home.
B.Google doesn’t provide valuable educational content.
C.It’s hard to find educational content in simple and effective ways.
D.There are so many students searching the same using Google now.
2. To improve Web searches for students the working group will ________.
A.demand the major search engines offer more content
B.train more students to surf safely on the Internet
C.ask students to use more kinds of search engines
D.link better standards to the major search engines
3. What may publishers of educational content help in the joint move?
A.They should produce less educational content with better quality.
B.They can set standard tags to match with searched contents.
C.They may develop better searching software.
D.They will provide more educational content.
4. From the third paragraph we can see ________.
A.not all content providers of good fame offer reliable content
B.textbook   publishers   shouldn’t   put   resources   on   the open Web
C.college professors don’t believe in content on the Internet
D.college students don’t know how to use search engines
完形填空(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . It gives me a great pleasure to join you for this important initiative(倡议) as the UN _______ its 70th anniversary.

Education is very _______ in my heart. My father _______ in a very small village in China. In those days, not many villagers could read. So my father opened a night school to teach them how to _______.

As his daughter, I know what education _______ to the people, especially those without it. After generations of hard work, China has come a long way in education. I myself am a beneficiary(受益者) of that progress. _______ I would never become a professor of musical.

I am following my father’s _______ by teaching at China’s Conservatory of Music to help _______ China’s success story. I want to thank Director-General Bokova and UNESCO for _______ me the Special Envoy(特使) for Women and Girls Education. I am truly honored to work with the UN and do something about Global Education.

Education is about __________ and girls. It is important for girls to go to school __________ they will become their children’s first teacher someday. But women still __________ over half of the world’s poor in population and 60% of adults who can’t read.

Education is crucial (of extreme importance) in addressing such __________. In China, Spring Bud Education Program has helped over 3 million girls go back to school. Many of them have __________ university education and they are doing well at work.

Education is about equality. In poor countries and regions the number of school dropouts is __________. We call for more educational resources to these places.

Education is about the young people. Young people are the __________. Education is important because it not only gives young people knowledge and skills but also helps them become responsible citizens. As the UNESCO special envoy and the mother myself, my __________ to education for all will never change.

Many years ago my father made a small __________ in his village. Together we can make a big difference in the world. I was once asked about my Chinese dream. I said I hope all children especially girls can have __________ to good education. This is my Chinese dream. I believe one day Education First will no longer be a dream. It will be a reality __________ by every young woman on this planet.

A.grew upB.came upC.picked upD.turned up
A.make forB.take forC.account forD.sacrifice for
2017-08-02更新 | 136次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省如皋市搬经中学2016-2017学年高二选修六 Unit 1 Laughter is good for you 课时练习
阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Where was I? The room was dark and quiet. My head hurt really badly. I shouted, “Help! Help! Can anybody help me?”

After a while somebody came in. The room was so dark that I could’t see hs face clearly. The man turned on the light and said with a sharp voice, “Ah! Sweetie, do you still remember who I am?” I was shocked. Oh , my God! I cried, “You are Michael Zey, the man I charged with murder! Why are you here? You should be in prison!”

“You never thought about the result of charging a gang(犯罪团伙) leader, did you? Because of you, I was in prison for 15 years. You ruined my life!” His voice was very cold. My face was pale with fear. He was here to take revenge(报复)!

“Please, let me go! Don’t hurt me! Please!” I sked him. “Dr Calment, you are smart enough to know it is impossible. Now, I give you two choices. One is shooting your head. It is the quickest way. The other is cremation(火葬). Your husband and you will be together forever. It’s quite romantic. Don’t you think?” He spoke angrily. “What? My husband? He is innocent!” I shouted at him.

Suddenly, he took hold of my head and said, “you will pay for what you have done to me.” He took out a gun from his bag.

“Help! Help! Can anybody help me?”

1. What might have happened to the writer before the man came in?
A.She had taken his place and become a gang leader.
B.She had come to this place to see her husband.
C.She wanted to pay for what she had done to Michael Zey.
D.She had been beaten terribly.
2. Which of the following words can best describe how the writer felt when the story happened?
3. What does the underlined word “it”in the fourth paragrapt refer to ?
A.To let her go.B.To hurt her
C.To take revenge.D.To stay in prison.
4. Michael Zey mentioned the writer’s husband because ________________ .
A.he thought her husband was guilty
B.he thought it was romantic
C.he thought her husband was innocent
D.he wanted to frighten the writter
2016-12-12更新 | 787次组卷 | 2卷引用:江苏省南京市金陵中学2017届高三牛津版模块十Unit4 同步练习英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约460词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . A chip inserted in a young quadriplegic’s (四肢麻痹患者) brain is already improving his quality of life. Soon the benefits may be more widespread.

A 25-year-old man unable to move from the neck down recently did what many assumed impossible. After a knife attack that had left him paralyzed, all he could move was his head, which he used to push a switch and call for a nurse. And he could turn his wheelchair by blowing into a straw near his face. That was it.

Then last June, a Foxborough (Mass.) company called Cyber Kinetics opened the man’s skull and inserted a special chip no larger than a baby aspirin. That insert has given him a few additional and precious abilities. When connected to a special computer via a cable, the chip translates the young man’s thoughts into commands that let him move a cursor across a PC screen and open e-mail. He can draw a circle with a computer painting program. And he can use a robotic hook () to perform simple tasks like picking up a candy and sliding it across a table.

All he has to do is to think.

Several new studies have begun or been completed in the past year. In fact, more than half of the scientific papers in this field, called brain-to-computer interaction (BCI), have been published in the past two years, notes Jonathan Wolpaw, a research physician at Wadsworth Center, the New York State Health Dept.’s research laboratory.

Brain surgeries (手术) are no longer rare: Thousands of Parkinson’s disease patients have had special devices inserted in their brains to ease uncontrollable shaking and other symptoms. The inserts themselves have improved, so the body doesn’t reject them as furiously (猛烈地). And significant development has been achieved in software used to interpret the brain’s signals and change them into commands understood by computers.

But increased demand for thought technology remains the biggest reason for the field’s progress. Today, 4 million Americans live with paralysis according to the Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation.

Scientists hope that thought technology will reduce the impact of such disabilities. People with spinal-cord injuries, for example, often lose their ability to walk because the communications network between their brain and their legs has been interrupted. The brain still commands the leg muscles to move, but they don’t hear its orders.

Thought technology, scientists hope, will bridge this communications gap. “Our goal is for you to see paralyzed people eating at a restaurant and for you not to know that they are paralyzed,” says John Donoghue, founder and chief scientific officer at Cyber Kinetics.

1. What was the young man’s trouble after a knife attack?
A.It was impossible for him to do anything.
B.By no means could he call for a nurse.
C.He could not use his organs under the neck.
D.He was unable to move his head.
2. What plays the most important role in improving the young man’s quality of life?
A.A chipB.A computer
C.A robotic hookD.A company
3. What can we learn from Paragraph Six?
A.There used to be a lot of brain surgeries.
B.There has been some progress in the field of thought technology.
C.People with Parkinson’s disease reject the use of the chip in their brains.
D.No software has been developed to interpret the brain’s signals.
4. What is the passage mainly about?
A.Communications gapB.Thought technology
C.American quadriplegicsD.Human brains
2017-06-29更新 | 21次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省南京市金陵中学2017届高三牛津九单元课时练习英语试题
完形填空(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . I was doing some last­minute Christmas shopping in a toy store.A nicely dressed little girl was_______the teddy bears beside her father_______she saw a little boy walk in and stop in front of the Pokemon toys.His jacket was obviously too small.He had money in his hand._______,it looked no more than five dollars at most.He was with his father as well,and_______picking up the Pokemon video games.Each time he showed one to his father,his father_______his head,“No”.

Rather_______,the boy gave up the video games and chose a book of stickers_______.After they walked away,the little girl ran over to the Pokemon video games.She_______picked up one lying on top of the others,and raced down toward the checkout.I picked up my purchases and_______the girl and her father.

Then,much to the little girl’s________,the little boy and his father got in line________her and me.After the video game was paid for and bagged,the little girl________it back to the cashier(收银员)and________something to her.The cashier smiled and put the________under the counter(柜台). I was putting things in my bag when the little boy came up to the cashier.The cashier said,“________, you’re my hundredth customer today,and you win a prize! ”and she handed the boy the Pokemon game.The boy could only________in disbelief.It was,he said,________what he had wanted! The little girl and her father had been standing at the doorway,and I saw the biggest and________smile on that little girl I have ever seen in my life.

I suddenly understood that the world is not________into the strong who care and the________who are cared for.We must each in turn care and be cared.

A.looking throughB.getting throughC.dressing upD.tidying up
A.nervously B.excitedlyC.bravelyD.hopefully
A.SorryB.Excuse meC.CongratulationsD.Pardon me
2016-11-26更新 | 414次组卷 | 2卷引用:江苏省射阳县第二中学2016-2017学年高二选修六牛津译林版:Unit 3 Understanding each other同步练习英语试题
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