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1 . Dale Carnegie(戴尔·卡耐基) was an American writer and lecturer, and the developer of famous courses in self-improvement, salesmanship, corporate training, public speaking and interpersonal skills.

Born in 1888 in Maryville, Missouri, Carnegie was a poor farmer's boy. His family moved to Belton, Missouri when he was a small child. In his teens, though still having to get up at 4 a.m. every day to milk his parents' cows, he managed to obtain an education at the State Teacher's College in Warrensburg. His first job after college was selling correspondence courses. He moved on to selling bacon, soap, and lard(猪油)for Armour & Company.

After saving $500, Dale Carnegie quit sales in 1911 in order to achieve a lifelong dream of becoming a lecturer. He ended up instead attending the American Academy of Dramatic Arts in New York, but found little success as an actor. Later he got the idea to teach public speaking. In his first session, he suggested that students speak about “something that made them angry”, and discovered the technique that made speakers unafraid to address a public audience. From its beginning, the Dale Carnegie Course developed. Carnegie had made use of the average American's desire to have more self-confidence.

Perhaps one of Carnegie's most successful marketing moves was to change the spelling of his last name from “Carnagey” to Carnegie, at a time when Andrew Carnegie was a widely recognized name.

Carnegie's works include Lincoln the Unknown (1932), Public Speaking and Influencing Men in Business (1937), and How to Stop Worrying and Start Living (1948). His greatest achievement, however, was when Simon &. Schuster published How to Win Friends and Influence People. The book was a bestseller from 1936. By the time of Carnegie's death, the book had sold five million copies in 31 languages, and there had been 450,000 graduates of his Dale Carnegie Institute.

Carnegie died at his home in New York in 1955.

1. What do you think of Dale Carnegie's childhood?
2. Which of the following is important for Dale Carnegie?
A.Encouraging one to trust himself.B.Helping people to get wealthy.
C.Teaching people speaking skills.D.Advising people to live happily.
3. Why did Dale Carnegie change his last name?
A.To get more help and support.B.To replace Andrew Carnegie.
C.To become more famous.D.To avoid misunderstanding.
2020-03-12更新 | 125次组卷 | 4卷引用:山东省济南市历城第二中学2019-2020学年高一上学期期末英语试题
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2 . Cassidy and his friends were waiting for other members of their running group. They met_______ every Thursday but on this day last January, it would not be their _______ run.

The first _______ that something was unusual was the man who ran _______ past them.

“Running at such a fast pace,” Cassidy said to his friends in_______.

Cassidy _______ why the man was so swift when another man ran by, _______, “Help! He took my phone!”

At that, they ran, tracking the _______ down the streets _______ he disappeared in a construction site. Cassidy ran around to the far side of the site to cut the thief off while the others ____________ the neighborhood hoping he had thrown away the phone in a backyard.

No ____________ So they decided to ask the citizens whether they’d seen the guy. They knocked   on one door after another. To their ____________, as one owner opened the door, the suspect rushed out and right ____________ the arms of the police, who’d already joined the search.

“Running is typically a useless sport where you turn fat cells into heat, but occasionally it can be____________,” Cassidy told the Philadelphia Inquirer, “and here was one of those ____________.”

A.tried outB.let outC.picked outD.figured out
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3 . When baby turtles first come out of eggs, they head to the sea by nature. The beach surface goes down, which is one directional clue they follow. Another is light: The horizon (地平线) over the sea is brighter than the horizon over land.

But lights from towns and beach developments can confuse the baby turtles. The sky shining above a city can mislead them to wander. And particularly bright lights can draw them away from the sea.

You’d think the extra time crawling (爬行) might wear out baby turtles, which need energy   once they get in the water to swim for about a day to get to their destination in the sea. In a normal trip from nests to waves, the babies build up chemicals that show they have been pushing themselves.

Some researchers took the baby turtles to a lab, where they ran on a treadmill and swam in a tank while their blood and breathing were monitored. The finding is surprising: even after hours of crawling, the turtles were fine by all measures and swam as well as turtles that didn't have an extra crawling period.

The reason is that they often stop while crawling if they are doing U for a long time, unlike the disturbed trip they make when heading straight to the water. So misled turtles are not worn out.

But the misleading lights are still a problem for the babies. The longer they spend on the beach wandering, the more they are exposed to natural enemies. They can also end up losing their lives in the heat of the sun.

1. What attracts the baby turtles away from the sea?
A.Bright lights.B.Vast beaches.
C.Buildings in cities.D.Noises from towns.
2. What does the underlined word “they” refer to in paragraph 3?
C.Waves.D.Baby turtles.
3. Why don’t the baby turtles feel exhausted after long crawling?
A.They travel by night.B.Their trip is undisturbed.
C.They take frequent breaks.D.They are refreshed by city lights.
4. What may happen to the baby turtles exposed to misleading lights?
A.They are in great danger.
B.They avoid their natural enemies.
C.They will wander on the beach for a while.
D.They are more likely to find the destination.
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4 . My love for libraries blossomed when I joined the public library. From the age of 8 I was allowed to walk from my home to the downtown library, housed above the police station. Once the librarian gave me my first membership card, I could enjoy a range of books, which started with Little House in the Big Woods. I was addicted instantly, and this love of libraries and reading would change my life, allowing me to one day create a safe space for high-school kids, too.

By the time I was in high school, I could read the authors that we were studying in class, including Charles Dickens, Mark Twain and Emily Bronte. During the summer months, I got caught up in Gone with the Wind.

When I studied English literature at university, I thought it was time to build my own library. For the next 40 years, I continued to collect books. Until one day, I realized that all my books had become a part of the house, like wallpaper.

Toward the end of my teaching career, I became a teacher-librarian at my old high school, where I had first learned English literature. This position enabled me to regain my love and appreciation for libraries. I had a generous budget for my classes, so I searched for novels that would interest my teenage audience and hopefully spark a love of books. Fantasy, science-fiction, graphic novels -I bought almost any type of books that my students wanted to read. I bought sofas and comfortable chairs, turning the library into a safe public space, for everyone.

In doing so, I realized that the library isn’t just a place to do research. They are, in fact, places that offer an opportunity to connect with the past, present and future. All that is required is a tiny bit of curiosity. Libraries are places that should be full of life. They help us adjust to the world, and their doors must be kept open to everyone for free!

1. What inspired the author to set up a library for students?
A.Some well-known classics.
B.His early experience of reading.
C.The suggestion of a librarian.
D.The book: Little House in the Big Woods.
2. When did the author begin to build his own library?
A.In primary school.B.In high school.
C.During university years.D.After leaving college.
3. What does the author intend to tell us in paragraph 4?
A.What his career was like.
B.Where he stored his books.
C.Why school kids loved reading.
D.How he improved the school library.
4. Which of the following is the best title for the text?
A.A private libraryB.Read with curiosity
C.A librarian’s lifeD.More than just books

5 . More than one million single-use straws (吸管), most of them plastic, are used in the United States each day. They end up in waterways, harm sea animals, and break down into micro-plastics. Quantities of places have passed plastic-straw bans as a way to start handling the global plastic waste problem.

Straw materials: advantages and disadvantages

1. Metal

Made of stainless steel, aluminum, or even titanium, metal straws have become popular. They draw some criticism for having a metallic taste and conducting heat from a hot drink, but they’re strong and can be reused.

2. Paper

Paper drinking straws, which date from the late 1800s, often absorb liquid over time and can leave a taste or fibers in drinks. They’re the most popular throwaway choice in places with plastic-straw bans.

3. Glass

Though glass straws may be more breakable and thus less portable than reusable straws of other materials, they hold up well to washing and reuse. Some straws are made to look artistic, with colors and blown-glass designs.

4. Bamboo

This natural material can be sustainably produced and is a plant-based replacement of plastic straws. Bamboo straws are easily disposed of and turned into fertilizer. They are reusable but can be hard to clean completely and may absorb flavors.

1. What is the major problem with plastic straws?
2. Which of the following belongs to single-use straws?
A.Metal straw.B.Paper straw.
C.Glass straw.D.Bamboo straw.
3. What is the advantage of the bamboo straw?
A.It can become fertilizer.B.It is easy to clean.
C.It is portable and bendable.D.It has different designs.

6 . All animals—from humans to birds,worms and crocodiles—sleep,however,not all species sleep alike. Scientists have long puzzled over which aspects are truly fundamental. Now a new study on lizards(蜥蜴)suggests that sleep states once thought to occur only in mammals and birds have much older evolutionary origins.

Scientists had long doubted that birds and mammals are the only vertebrates(脊椎动物)to experience rapid eye movement(REM),a sleep state in which the body is mostly immobile but the brain is overworking. During REM sleep,the brain produces high-frequency waves of electrical activity and the eyes turn suddenly from time to time. In humans,REM is closely linked to dreaming. REM is a pattern of slow-wave sleep,a state in which brain activity weakens and the waves become more consistent. This slower state is widely thought to be important to memory formation and storage.

“But scientists who looked for signs of REM and slow-wave sleep in reptiles(爬行动物) have had‘confusing’results,”says Gilles Laurent,a neuroscientist at the Max Planck Institute for Brain Research in Frankfurt,Germany. So he and his colleagues had planned to examine how the lizards—a common pet in Germany use visual information to chase treats. Using camera,the team found that the sleeping lizards’eyes twitched during the REM-like stage,just like other animals. They also found a very familiar pattern within the slower phase of the lizards’brain waves. Some scientists believe these waves help transform new information into memories by replaying past events quickly.

Although more studies are still needed to determine whether the function of these brain wave patterns is the same across species,the results suggest that these REM and slow-wave sleep patterns could date all the way back to the common ancestor of reptiles,birds,and mammals.

1. What does paragraph 2 mainly talk about?
A.The origin of human dream.
B.The definition and effect of REM.
C.The features and course of memory.
D.The advantages and disadvantages of REM.
2. Which of the following can best replace the underlined word“twitched”in paragraph 3 ?
A.opened wideB.moved quickly
C.stayed closedD.kept still
3. How does the lizards’brain waves turn information into memories according to some scienfists?
A.By increasing their frequency slowly.
B.By changing their pattern occasionally.
C.By playing back the past events quickly.
D.By connecting visual information effectively.
4. What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.The function of the brain wave is the same.
B.All the animals have the common ancestor.
C.The sleep pattern of all the animals is the same.
D.The study about sleep pattern has a long way to go.
2020-02-25更新 | 232次组卷 | 3卷引用:山东临沂市2019-2020学年高三上学期期末英语试题
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7 . Is it possible to build muscle and meanwhile lose fat?Please allow us to bring the following two facts to your attention first.

Fact 1:Losing fat requires a caloric deficit(亏损),which means consuming less calories than your body needs so that stored body fat is used for energy instead.

Fact 2:Building muscle requires a caloric surplus(盈余),which means consuming more calories than your body needs so that new muscle tissue can be created.

And it’s this realization that leads those of us who want to build figure and lose fat ideally at the exact same time to wonder just how we’re supposed to make it happen?

The 4-week Online Workout Course professionally designed by Super Fitness will perfectly resolve the conflict,making it possible for you to both build muscle and lose fat.

Targeted groups

●Male and female willing to be athletic.

You’re promised to

●Simply follow us along and keep your ears open to the tips and suggestions we keep giving while working out. The videos are follow-along. We’11 also immediately reply to any doubts or questions.

●Be able to lose two pounds of fat per week and get super fit.

●Save a lot of time by taking on-line course. No gym means no traffic!

●Save a ton of money with 25%off at the Year End Promotion.

You’re only required to

●Eagerness for a perfect figure.

●Willingness to tolerate some discomfort.

Contact Super Fitness by clicking here!

1. What’s the purpose of mentioning the conflict of building muscle and losing fat?
A.To bring out the course.B.To clear confusion.
C.To stress importance.D.To warn the danger.
2. How many pounds of fat in all does the course promise to lose?
3. Where is the text 1ikely to be taken from?
A.A newspaper.B.A website.
C.A fitness book.D.A biology magazine.
2020-02-25更新 | 123次组卷 | 3卷引用:山东临沂市2019-2020学年高三上学期期末英语试题
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8 . Dear Mrs. Koch,

I never thanked you for all you did for me. When I had you as a ______, I was in a bad place. You didn’t know why I was ______ your class, and you were confused why a A student began to fail in every test. You were also ______ I wouldn’t do my homework. I told you I ______, but you didn’t buy that.

You had me come in after school for chemistry ______ almost every day. You spent loads of time helping me with ______ labs and homework I hadn’t done. The more I came for help, the more I began to ______ you. I eventually trusted you enough to ______ my problems. I told you that my grandma was diagnosed(诊断) with cancer and had three months to ______. I hadn’t told anyone what was going on, not ______ my good friends.

The day of our second term exam, my grandma ______. My mom and sister had already left to take care of her, ______ me by myself to receive the news. That day, I entered your class and you knew ______ something was wrong. After the ______, you asked me what was going on and I told you. You were ______ for my loss and told me you were there if ______.

You saved me from the tides of the ocean that were ______ me beneath the big blue. You were my rescue ______, and I thank you for being there when no one else was. I have never had a teacher ______so much to me and ask for so little in return. You are my ______ and by far the greatest teacher I have ever had. Thank you.

A.drove awayB.ran awayC.passed awayD.took away
2020-02-22更新 | 115次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省淄博市2019-2020学年高一上学期期末英语试题

9 . I’m Andrew Siegel and this is my garden. This is where my family and I grow a lot of different vegetables, flowers and herbs. Gardening has been really important to my family because it gives us an opportunity to spend time outside together, away from all the electronics.

Especially for my five-year-old, it really gives her an opportunity to be in touch with nature-all the little animals, insects and things that come out here.

We find that a lot of the things that we plan for in the garden don’t always go the way that we’d like them to, and some of the things that we don’t plan for become what we enjoy the most that year. So it’s something that my family and I have learned: To appreciate(欣赏) all of it.

My advice for beginner gardeners is to just start. Get a pot, get a little bit of dirt, get a tomato plant or whatever plant you want and just get started.

I think sometimes it seems a little challenging. Trust me, it does not need to be perfect. You will enjoy every little thing you get out of it.

Gardening has taught me patience, something I don’t naturally have a lot of. It takes weeks, takes months before the work you put into it comes out. You learn not only to be patient, in that end product, but you’ve also learned that, after years of gardening, the end product is just part of it.

The journey of growing has become much more important to me than the actual produce that we get in the end. Nothing has been so valuable as the time I spend out here. I’m by no means in a farmland, but I do have my own little piece of what I consider heaven, and I’ve really learned to appreciate every little moment-every insect, every plant, every flower-and when you can appreciate it in that way, there’s nothing better.

1. What does the underlined word “five-year-old” in paragraph 2 refer to?
A.The author.B.The author’s daughter.
C.The insect.D.The little animal.
2. What is the most important for Andrew Siegel in gardening?
A.Planting different vegetables and flowers.
B.Staying at home together with her family.
C.Enjoying the whole process of growing.
D.Harvesting what the family planted.
3. Which of the following can be the best title?
A.The Joys of GardeningB.The Benefits of Gardening
C.Being in Touch with NatureD.Being Patient with Life
2020-02-22更新 | 68次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省淄博市2019-2020学年高一上学期期末英语试题
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10 .
Sonoma Bike Tour

Start and end in San Francisco! With the bicycle tour Sonoma Bike Tour, you have a 6-day tour package taking you through San Francisco, USA and 3 other destinations (目的地) in USA.

AGE RANGE             12 to 80
Days: 6     Our saving: $108       From US $ 2,587
California Cruzin’ Hub Tour

Start and end in Los Gatos! With the bicycle tour California Cruzin’ Hub Tour, you have a 6-day tour package taking you through Los Gatos, USA and 5 other destinations in USA.

AGE RANGE              14 to 80
TRANSPORTATION     Bicycle, Mini-bus
Days: 6     Our saving: $103     From US $ 2,477
Sonoma & Napa Valley Bike Tour

Start and end in San Francisco! With the bicycle tour Sonoma & Napa Valley Bike Tour, you have a 6-day tour package taking you through San Francisco, USA and 4 other destinations in USA.

AGE RANGE             12 to 80
Days: 6     Our saving: $120     From US $ 2,875
Death Valley Bike Tour

Start and end in Las Vegas! With the bicycle tour Death Valley Bike Tour, you have a 6-day tour package taking you through Las Vegas, USA and 7 other destinations in USA. Death Valley Bike Tour is a small group tour that includes accommodation as well as an expert guide, meals, transport and more.

AGE RANGE                 12 to 80
MAX GROUP SIZE        15
Days: 6       Our saving: $122     From US $ 2,875
1. Which tour offers the least destinations?
A.Sonoma Bike Tour.
B.Death Valley Bike Tour.
C.California Cruzin’ Hub Tour.
D.Sonoma & Napa Valley Bike Tour.
2. What is special about the Death Valley Bike Tour?
A.It starts and ends in San Francisco.
B.It provides accommodation and meals.
C.You can travel to at most 7 destinations.
D.Anyone aged 10 to 80 can take part in the tour.
3. In which aspect do the four tours have in common?
C.Group size.D.Time length.
2020-02-22更新 | 91次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省淄博市2019-2020学年高一上学期期末英语试题
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