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阅读理解-任务型阅读(约510词) | 适中(0.65) |
1 . Read the article again and choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

Chen Wei, a high school student in Beijing, had his dinner interrupted when he heard someone screaming from another table. A fellow diner at the restaurant, Zhang Tao, was choking on some steak. He was now holding his throat with his face turning red, while his desperate friends were slapping him on the back.

Chen wasted no time. He got up and ran to Zhang’s table at once. With the help of Zhang’s friends, he was able to help Zhang to his feet. Then, standing behind Zhang, Chen did the Heimlich manoeuvre. The food was instantly forced out, and Zhang began to breathe again. Ten minutes later, an ambulance arrived. The doctors checked Zhang and made sure that he was fine. They suggested he eat more slowly and take smaller bites before they left.

Choking victims usually have only about four minutes before they collapse and sometimes die, leaving no time for an ambulance to arrive. To solve this problem, in 1974, an American doctor, Henry Heimlich, created the Heimlich manoeuvre, saving thousands of lives around the world. Doing the Heimlich manoeuvre is quick, practical, and easy. It is so easy, in fact, that almost anyone can learn how.

If you see someone choking, first call the emergency services. Then, make sure that the victim is really choking: A choking person cannot speak. Slapping the victim’s back will often force out the obstruction. If this does not work, you can perform the Heimlich manoeuvre by standing behind him and wrapping your arms around his waist. Make a fist with one hand and place it in the upper part of his stomach. Grabbing your fist with your other hand tightly, push up and into his stomach in one motion. Continue doing this until the obstruction is forced out.

Doing the Heimlich manoeuvre on a small child is not recommended, as you may hurt him. Instead, lay the child face down on your lap with the head lower than the rest of his body, and then give firm slaps to his upper back until he can breathe again.

With choking victims, every minute counts. You cannot just stand by and do nothing. Luckily, Chen had learnt how to give first aid in school. Seeing Zhang choking, he remained calm and reacted immediately. Chen later said about the incident, “How could I justify sitting there and doing nothing? We are all humans and we all have a responsibility to look after one another’s welfare.”

1. Chen Wei was a friend/complete stranger to Zhang Tao. ______________
2. When Chen Wei reached Zhang Tao, Zhang Tao was sitting on the chair/standing. ______________
3. The Heimlich manoeuvre is quite easy/difficult to do. ______________
4. You will know that the victim is choking if he cannot speak/stops breathing. ______________
5. To help a small child who is choking, you need to lay the child face up/down on your lap and slap his upper back. ______________
6. Chen Wei was able to save Zhang Tao because he learnt the Heimlich manoeuvre at school/from a first-aid manual. ______________
2024-04-27更新 | 2次组卷 | 1卷引用:人教版2019选必二Unit 5First Aid 课前预习Using Language -2
阅读理解-任务型阅读(约420词) | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 任务型阅读

On a windy day, Emily invited Nora to play football in her garden, “I go first!” Nora shouted as she kicked the ball towards Emily.

“Is that all you got? Watch me, the champion, hit the ball. It will travel off to infinity (无穷大)!”

Emily ran like the wind to the ball and kicked it so hard that it flew over the fence of her garden and into the neighbor’s house. There was a sharp cracking sound.

“Uhoh...what did you do?” Nora asked, feeling afraid.

“I...I don’t know. Ohno! I think I broke my neighbor’s window, “Emily cried as she dashed across her garden and hid behind some cherry bushes. Nora faded into thin air.

Terror was written all over Emily’s face. She saw the neighbor, Mr. Mason, picking up the pieces of sharp glass. There was anger, as well as panic, on his face.

The sun was setting. Emily knew that it was not secure for her to stay out so late. Eventually, as the light faded, she returned home, keeping her eyes wide open for the neighbor.

Her heart was shaking as she cautiously arrived home. Her mother saw the sweat on her face. She knew, her daughter had done something wrong. Mothers at next to Emily on the comfortable sofa and then asked, “Emily, are you okay? Is something wrong?”

Emily held her mother’s hands. Her eyes were wet with tears. “Mom, I did something bad, but it was unintentional. I hit the football so hard that it flew out of our garden and broke Mr. Mason’s window.”

Mother listened to her patiently as she calmed her and wiped her tears away. Then she held a sharp-tipped pencil. “Do you know why pencils have erasers?” Mother asked, surprising Emily since she wasn’t expecting such a question.

1. 根据语篇内容填写表格(每空不限词数)
WhereIn the garden
WhoEmily, Nora, Mr. Mason, Emily’s mother
What. On a windy day, Emily invited Nora to play football in her garden. Emily _________ by accident.
. Emily was so frightened that _________.Nora faded into thin air.
. Emily saw her neighbor Mr. Mason, _________. She dared not return home until darkness fell.
. Emily arrived home _________, and told her mother what had happened.
. Mother calmed Emily and asked her _________.

2. How did Emily react when realizing what her mother wanted to say?
3. What did Emily decide to do to make up for her mistake?
4. What did Emily do to reduce her nervousness before knocking on the door?
5. How did Mr. Mason react to Emily’s late but sincere apology?
6. How did Emily feel when she got forgiveness from Mr. Mason?
2024-04-17更新 | 16次组卷 | 1卷引用:内蒙古赤峰第四中学2023-2024学年高一下学期4月月考英语试题
阅读理解-任务型阅读(约680词) | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 【课文原文】



Six months ago, 19-year-old Xie Lei said goodbye to her family and friends and boarded a plane for London. It was the first time that she had left China. “I was very excited but also quite nervous. I didn’t know what to expect,” Xie Lei recalled.

Xie Lei is studying for a business qualification at a university in China and has come to our university on a year-long exchange programme. “I chose the exchange programme because I wanted to learn about global business and improve my English. My ambition is to set up a business in China after graduation,” she explained.

At first, Xie Lei had to adapt to life in a different country. “You have to get used to a whole new1ife,” she said. “I had to learn how to use public transport and how to ask for things I didn’t know the English names for. When I got lost, I had to ask passers-by for help, but people here speak fast and use words l’m not familiar with. I ask them to repeat themselves a lot!”

Although some foreign students live in campus accommodation, Xie Lei chose to live with a host family, who can help with her adaptation to the new culture. “When I miss home, I feel comforted to have a second family,” XieLei said. “When there’s something I don’t know or understand, I can ask them. They are also keen to learn about China. Laura, the daughter of my host family, wants to study in China in the future. We take turns to cook each evening. They really love my stir-fried tomatoes and eggs! Laura says she always feels hungry when she smells it, so I taught her how to cook it, too.”

Another challenge for Xie Lei is the academic requirements. The first time that she had to write an essay, her tutor explained that she must acknowledge what other people had said if she cited their ideas, but that he mainly wanted to know what she thought! Xie Lei was confused because she thought she knew less than other people. Her tutor advised her to read lots of information in order to form a wise opinion of her own.

Xie Lei also found many courses included students’ participation in class as part of the final result. Students need to generate ideas, offer examples, apply concepts, and raise questions, as well as give presentations. At first, Xie Lei had no idea what she should say but what surprised her was that she found herself speaking up in class after just a few weeks. “My presentation on traditional Chinese art was a great success, which boosted my confidence,” she said. “I’ll use these skills back home for presentations. They’ll help me build a strong business in the future.”

Now halfway through her exchange year, Xie Lei feels much more at home in the UK. What seemed strange before now appears quite normal to her. “Engaging in British culture has helped,” she said. “As well as studying hard, I’ve been involved in social activities. British people are fascinated by our culture and eager to learn more about it, so I’m keen to share my culture with them. While I’m learning about business, I’m also acting as a cultural messenger building a bridge between us.”

We will follow Xie Lei’s progress in later editions, but for now, we wish her all the best.

1. 快速阅读文章,总结文章段落主旨大意并填空。
Para.1Leaving China for _____________.
Para.2Her _________ to set up a business in China.
Para.3-4Her ____________ to the new culture.
Para.5-6__________ requirements in the new school.
Para.7Feeling much more __________.
Para.8Best _______ from the newspaper.
2. 精读文章,根据所提供的信息,完成下面表格。
ChallengesWhat Xie Lei did

Daily life

adaptation to a whole new lifelearnt to __________
learnt to __________
asked for __________
lonelinesslived with __________

Academic requirements

writing an essaygot help from __________; __________ a lot to prepare
participating in __________ and giving __________gave presentawtion on __________
participating in and giving gave presentawtion on
3. 根据文章填写下面导图,介绍说明谢蕾在不同阶段的不同感受以及原因。

______   _______   _______     ________     ________     _________     ________   ______
2024-04-07更新 | 2次组卷 | 1卷引用:人教版2019选择性必修二Unit2课堂检测Reading and Thinking
阅读理解-任务型阅读(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |
4 . 任务型阅读阅读下面短文,并回答问题。

Peter, a 5-year-old boy, showed such great interest in seashells that he would rush to pick them up with his 3-year-old sister, Shirley. They screamed out their joy as Peter collected his treasure into his pockets. For Peter, sea shells lay shining on the peaceful beach, waiting for him, just like stars twinkling (闪烁) in the sky. As waves touched them, they seemed to be flowers blooming (绽放) in gentle wind.

One day, Peter was wandering through a market with Shirley with some shells in his pocket. Suddenly Peter found his younger sister was lagging (落后) behind. He stopped and looked back, finding Shirley standing in front of a toy shop and staring at something with great interest. The boy went back to her and asked, “What do you want?” Shirley pointed at the doll, wearing a smile on her innocent face. Peter held his younger sister’s tiny hand, walking into the shop. He tiptoed (踮起脚尖) to reach for the doll, and like fulfilling an elder brother’s duty, gave the precious doll to Shirley. Holding tightly the doll, the sister was very happy.

The shopkeeper was watching everything and enjoyed seeing the mature (成熟的) behavior of the boy. Now the boy came to the counter and asked the shopkeeper, “How much does this doll cost, Sir?” The shopkeeper was a cool man, who had suffered from something in his life. So he asked the boy with love, “Well, what can you pay?” Peter reached into his clothes for money that was intended for these two little kids’ breakfast. Having counted the money, Peter put it with care on the counter, asking again, “Sir, is it enough for my little sister’s doll?” The amusing scene just in front of the shopkeeper eventually brought a smile to his face. Shaking his head slightly, he replied, “My boy, I am afraid it seems not to be enough.”

1. (英译汉) Peter reached into his clothes for money that was intended for these two littlekids’breakfast.
2. (汉译英) 他的眼睛盯着Peter的口袋,不知道Peter会怎么做。
(with复合结构;fix on)
3. What words can be used to describe the little boy?
4. How did the little boy intend to pay?
5. What might happen next?
2024-04-07更新 | 29次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省德阳市第五中学2023-2024学年高一下学期4月月考英语试题
阅读理解-任务型阅读(约480词) | 适中(0.65) |
5 . 任务型阅读

For Sara’s family, decorating the yard was always a celebration for the New year. This year it was Sara’s father’s turn to hang colorful lights all round their roof according to family tradition.

On New Year’s Eve, light enveloped the whole house. Everything seemed to be going fine until misfortune happened: Sara’s father passed away suddenly. Sara was very sad. However, seeing the hanging lights, she was in a state of feeling happy, gaining a tiny thread of relief.

The lights reminded her of her beloved father. Taking them down meant the final connection with her father would disappear, which she wasn’t ready to accept. So she kept them. One day in March, Sara received a typed note in the mail. “Take your New Year’s lights down!” The letter read, which made Sara angry. She couldn’t hold back her anger, and shared it with her story online. Messages of support flooded into Sara’s inbox quickly. Besides, one day, Sara was driving back home and surprised to find that New Year’s decorations reappeared on houses in her neighborhood —her neighbors had made a collective (共同的) decision to hang their lights back up in honor of her father!

She never learned the sender’s identity. But for her, that hurtful deed was far less important than so many acts of kindness. A few weeks later, Sara eventually took down the decorations. “It was hard. But due to all the support and love, it was not as hard as I thought.”

1. 选词填空:根据文本内容从方框中选择恰当的词并用其正确形式填入文本图示中,每词限用一次,有两词为多余选项。
hang     relief     remind     painful     willing     annoy     kind     easy     appearance     tradition     lucky     post

Sara’s New Year Lights

It is _________ for Sara’s family to celebrate the New Year by decorating the yard.Sara’s father ________ the colorful lights all round their roof.

_________, Sara’s father died suddenly and she was in great ________.The lights were a _________ of her father, so Sara was ________ to take them down.

Sara received a typed note asking her to take the New Year’s lights down, which made her _________.Sara ________ it with her story online and messages of support came flooding in.

Sara was surprised to find the _______ of the New Year’s decorations in her neighborhood.Because of the ________ and support of her neighbors, Sara was relieved and decided to take down the decorations.

2. Why did Sara feel happy when seeing the hanging lights and what did she decide to do with the colorful lights?
3. What’s the purpose of Sara sharing the typed note with her story online?
4. How did Sara feel when she made a decision to take down the decorations?
阅读理解-任务型阅读(约670词) | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 【课本原文】


Narrator: Henry is walking along the street holding the bank note in his hand. His coat is worn in several places. He sees a sign for a tailor’s shop.
Henry: (entering the shop) I’d like to have a suit coat.
1st Clerk: (in a rude manner) See him there.(pointing to another clerk)
2nd Clerk: Ready­made suits? Downstairs.
Henry: (after going down some stairs) Can you show me a suit, please?
3rd Clerk: Yes, I can, sir. This way, please. Ah, here we are, the very thing you need.
1st Clerk: (pulling the 3rd clerk aside and whispering) Mr Reid says you’d better serve him quick and get him out quick!
3rd Clerk: I know what I’m doing. I’ve got eyes, haven’t I?
Henry: It’s a little too bright, isn’t it?
3rd Clerk: (looking at him with a frown) Its all we have in your size.
Henry: Well, I suppose it ought to do for now. I’ll take it.
3rd Clerk: Good. Shall I put it in a box?
Henry: No. I’ll wear it. Oh, I’d rather not pay you now. I’d like to pay in a month. You see, I don’t have any small change.
3rd Clerk: (trying not to show hes angry) I suppose a gentleman like you only carries very large bills.
Henry: Now, you shouldn’t judge people by their clothes. I just don’t want to cause you trouble with a large note.
3rd Clerk: It’s no trouble at all.
Henry: In that case, there’s no problem. (He gives the clerk the bank note. The clerk drops Henry’s coat. Then he folds the bill and slowly unfolds it again, as if looking at something he can’t believe is there.)
Owner: Well, what seems to be the trouble?
Henry: I’m just waiting for my change.
Owner: Give him his change, Todd. Get going...(after getting the bank note from Todd) Would it...could it be the one I saw in the papers last week? I remember thinking that never would I hold such a note as this...(to Henry) Oh, take off this coat, sir.(to Todd) Go get(=Go and get) the others, Todd! (to Henry again) Allow me, sir! This way, sir.
(in another part of the shop, where there is a wide range of options for Henry to choose from)
Henry: This is nice, but I really don’t need it.
Owner: Never mind.(with a broad smile) Oh, it’s perfect! It was made for some king but he’ll just have to wait. You’ll need many suits for many occasions. Yes, indeed you will.
Henry: Wait a minute. I only came here to get a suit coat to wear today. I dare not buy all these things. You would have to wait a long time to get paid.
Owner: A long time, sir? Why, you don’t have to worry about that!
3rd Clerk: Yes, we can wait forever!
Henry: Well, all right. I’ll take the suit coat for now and get the others later.
Owner: Fine, fine. Your address, sir?
Henry: I don’t have one. Er...I’m moving.
Owner: Of course you are! That’s very normal! A busy man, I’m sure.
1. Why do the owner and the clerks serve Henry so rudely?
2. True or False.
①. The 2nd Clerk is ready to show Henry the ready­made suits for he thinks Henry can’t afford a better one.________
②. Looking at Henry with a frown shows the 3rd Clerk’s impatience. ________
③. The owner is shocked at the million pound bank note. ________
④. Henry is meant to get the clerks into trouble. ________
3. How did the clerks treat Henry at the beginning?
A.They treated Henry as politely as he treated others.
B.They looked down upon Henry when they noticed his appearance.
C.They decided to made a suit to his measure.
D.They wanted to serve Henry to earn a lot of money.
4. When did the clerks and the owner change their attitude to Henry?
A.At the beginning of the story.
B.Before they saw the bank note.
C.At the end of the story.
D.After they saw the bank note.
5. At the sight of the bank note, the owner and the clerks got very        .
6. Analyse the sentence.
I remember thinking that never would I hold such a note as this...
2024-02-25更新 | 11次组卷 | 1卷引用:必修第三册 (人教版2019) Unit 5 The Value of Money Section Ⅳ Reading for Writing
阅读理解-任务型阅读(约550词) | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 任务型阅读

Mercy for a thief

A frantic call came into Jimmy Gilleece’s bar this past March. A newly married woman who had spent the afternoon at the dive beach bar, couldn’t find her wallet. She didn’t care about her ID, credit cards, or $150 in cash—but her wedding ring was tucked inside.

Gilleece, the barkeeper, spent several hours watching surveillance footage(监控录像). He noticed a young man in a hoodie approach the bench that the woman had just sat on. He put something in his pocket, and walked off. Gilleece posted a clip on the bar’s Facebook page. Within hours, Gilleece got a text from 17-year-old Rivers Prather, who’d heard about the post from his sister. Prather told Gilleece he’d done it because he hadn’t eaten in two days. He said he saw the ring but thought it was fake, so he took the money and threw the wallet off the public docks into the ocean.

Gilleece, unsure whether he believed Prather, told the teen to meet him at the docks. There, after talking with the teen, Gilleece knew Prather wasn’t getting along with his family and had been living in the woods for a week. Gilleece thought Prather was more of a kid than a criminal. He thought he had to help him somehow. But the police were already on the case, and because of the missing ring, Prather could probably be sent to the jail.

The next day, Gilleece had two local divers search the waters where Prather had thrown the wallet. A policewoman was waiting for them there. More than an hour passed, with no sign of the ring. Prather looked nervously at the water. And then a diver popped up. In his hand was the wallet, and inside was the ring. Prather jumped up excitedly. Even the policewoman was happy. When Gilleece called the wallet’s owner, she burst out crying.

“Most people would have given the clip to police, and he chose to help me,” Prather told CBS News. “I say thank you to him every day.”

1. 根据文本内容从方框中选择恰当的词并用其正确形式填入文本图示中,每词限一次,有两词为多余选项。

lost     real     jump     decide     relationship       miss

throw     approach     nervous     tears   hold   happy

A newly married woman ________ her wedding ring

Gilleece found that a young man _________ where the woman had just sat. He posted a clip on the bar’ s F acebook page.Prather admitted that he took the money and threw the wallet with the ring into the ocean, because he thought it was not_________.

After Gilleece and Prather had a talk, Gillece_________ to help him.Prather told Gileece he had a bad _________ with his family.

The next day, Gilleece had two local divers search the waters for the wallet which _________ by Prather.Prather was a bit_________ as there was no sign of the ring for more than one hour.

A diver popped up with his hand_________ the wallet, and inside was the ring.Prather was so happy, _________ up excitedly.

When Gilleece called the wallet’s owner, she burst into __________.

2. What is Gilleece?
3. Why did Prather take the wallet away?
4. What’s Gilleece’s impression of Prather after they met at the docks?
2024-01-11更新 | 105次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省成都外国语学校2023-2024学年高一上学期12月月考英语试题
阅读理解-任务型阅读(约510词) | 较易(0.85) |
8 . 任务型阅读

How many hands?

Do you know the saying “Many hands make light work”? Well, my sister Pippa and I figured that out the disastrous (灾难性的) way.

We love to skate, so when Mom said that she was taking us to the indoor ice-skating rink (冰场), we were excited. The next second saw us racing outside and scrambling (争抢) to get into the car.

“I bet I’m still faster than you,” I laughed at Pippa, reminding her of the last time at the rink when she fell far behind and was reduced to tears.

“You wish. I’ve been practicing on my inline skates every day for weeks, and I’m definitely faster than you now,” she replied confidently. Arguing was second nature to us.

“You two are too competitive for your own good, and if you’re determined to race, then you can stay away from me,” Mom said.

We should have listened. Pippa and I were both determined to prove who was faster. As soon as we arrived, we laced up our skates and hit the ice. We skated in circles to warm up, and then we danced and spun (旋转) and did anything we could to show our exceptional skills. But that soon got tiresome, and it was time to put our boasting (自夸) to the test.

“Race you to Mom,” I challenged Pippa as I sped away. Skates flashing, we raced across the ice, me leading, then Pippa, then me, then...

BANG! We smashed (撞击) straight into Mom!

We ended up at the hospital, me with a cracked elbow (肘部), Pippa with a wrist sprain (扭伤), and Mom with a torn knee ligament (韧带), She was not impressed.

When we got home, Mom said, “Your ridiculous competing got us into this mess, so you can just cooperate for once and figure out how to get us out of it.”

We were confused and asked her at the same time, “What do you mean?”

“I obviously can’t move around very well,” she said, “so you two can start by bringing in the laundry, and then we’ll tackle dinner.”

1. 根据文本内容从方框中选择恰当的词并用其正确形式填入文本图示中,每词限用一次,有两词为多余选项。

race, right, stay, cooperate, remind, argue. tear. time, compete, skill, trouble, injure,

________ was second nature to us.

·My sister and I   ________ outside and scrambled to get into the car.
·I laughed at Pippa,________ her of what had happened last time. Mom said we are too________ for our own good.
·We tried our best to show our________. But that soon got tiresome, and it was________ to put our boasting to the test.
We ended up________.
·I had a cracked elbow.
·Pippa had a wrist sprain.
·Mom had a________ knee ligament.
·Mom said it was our ridiculous competing that got us into the________. She suggested that we________ for once to get us out of it.
·Mom couldn’t move around well, suggesting we start by bringing in the laundry and then tackle dinner.

2. How did the author get along with his/her sister?
3. What did Mom ask them to do in order to get out of the mess?
4. What did the author mean by figuring out the saying “Many hands make light work” in a disastrous way?
2024-01-11更新 | 65次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省成都金苹果锦城第一中学2023-2024学年高一上学期12月月考英语试题
阅读理解-任务型阅读(约430词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Within the environmental movement, the question often arises whether global warming can be mitigated (缓解) by planting more vegetation. The idea is that the plants will consume carbon dioxide (CO2) that is causing the warming, while producing oxygen for us to breathe. This is acceptable on condition that global warming is indeed caused in some way by CO2 in the air.

However, actual scientific debate on the issue has shifted away from CO2 as the probable cause, especially after the findings that the temperatures changed 800 to 1000 years before carbon dioxide changed. In other words, CO2 levels are an indicator of temperature change, not a cause.

While there is nothing we can do to control the global climate, there is still a lot we can do to improve our local climates. Land use is the biggest decisive factor of local temperature and air quality. On clear days, the temperatures in big cities can be 5.6 degrees Centigrade higher than in the countryside around them. This is because the concrete (混凝土) of sidewalks and buildings and the asphalt (沥青) of roads take in sunlight and transform it into heat. Some get so hot, one could cook an egg on them! These vast surfaces of man﹣made stone also store lots of heat, which they radiate (散发) all night long. Just before sunrise, when the earth should be its coolest, roadways are still warm to touch.

If vegetation was blocking the Sun from the sidewalks and roads, the vegetation would absorb the sunlight, fueling the plants’ oxygen-making engines, and the rock would stay at surrounding temperatures. The easiest and most obvious choice is trees, particularly wide-reaching trees like the oak. Another possibility, especially outside the city centre, could be vine-covered trellises (棚架).Covering rooftops with grasses or other short vegetation reduces a building’s cooling cost as sharply as having trees or trellises that provide shade for windows does.

The reason why vegetation does not warm the air like rock does is that plants take water from the ground and evaporate (蒸发) it through their leaves. The Sun’s energy isn’t radiated as heat — it is used to change water into water vapor. The evaporative cooling works so well that the leaves stay 5.6 to 8.33 degrees Centigrade cooler than they would have been without water. While we can’t improve global climate, increased vegetation can help cool local climates.

1. Which of the following is True according to the passage?
A.With some effort, we can still affect global climate.
B.We can do a lot to improve the climate where we live.
C.Temperatures in big cities are usually lower than in the countryside.
D.The asphalt of roads throws back sunlight.
2. How does the author suggest we remedy the “heat islands” created by cities?
A.Planting full and wide-reaching trees.
B.Using vehicles that get better gas mileage.
C.Using energy-saving equipment.
D.Constructing dark-colored roofs on new buildings.
3. Which of the following is not implied by the article?
A.Darker colors absorb more sunlight and transform it into heat.
B.More thick materials store heat and give off it at night.
C.Human activity is changing global climate.
D.Vegetation is neither dark nor thick; thus, it reduces localized heating.
4. How can we use the information in this article?
A.Encourage the next generation to increase vegetation.
B.Promote rooftop gardening.
C.Remove vines and trellises from buildings.
D.A and B above.
5. In what ways do trees cool the surrounding air?
2024-01-11更新 | 15次组卷 | 1卷引用:2020年浙江省宁波市北仑中学提前招生英语试卷
阅读理解-任务型阅读(约570词) | 较易(0.85) |

10 . Where to put your trust “Why did she spill the beans (泄露秘密)?” I thought regretfully. I’ll always remember that day, when I was so surprised by all the strange looks everyone was giving me. Those thoughts will always stay with me. And I couldn’t believe I would lose the friendship of the person I trusted the most.

Five years back, Sally was the new kid in class. I don’t know what it was, but something unique about her drew me to her. She was the friendliest person I knew. We started as classmates, but after a few months, we were like best friends. So, I never expected her to hurt me in such a big way.

I don’t know what made me tell Sally about my personal life. She made the matter bigger than it was, adding her own spin (倾向性描述) on it and telling everyone at school. It was like someone had stabbed (刺) me in the back. After she gave away my secrets, everyone at school started laughing at me, looking at me and giggling (咯咯地笑) whenever I passed by. After this terrible situation, I changed schools. Sally called me many times, but I didn’t answer. My heart was broken.

I tried hard to heal (治愈) from the scars she left on my heart. I started a new life. After five years, my life went back to the way it was, with new friends. But one day, I met Anna at the market. She was my classmate from 3rd grade. She told me that Sally wasn’t the one who brought my secrets to light. Mary was. Mary was our school’s big mouth who always wanted to stick her nose into other people’s business.

I was at a loss. I wished I could have asked Sally about this. I wished I could go back in time and fix my mistakes. From that, I learned a life lesson that we should trust those we love because one little mistake could really damage our lives.

1. 根据文本内容从方框中选择恰当的词并用其正确形式填入文本图示中,每词限用一次,有两词为多余选项
laugh       sad       secret       break       happy       heal
amuse       fix       regretful       bring       unique       change

Where to put your trust

I told Sally, my best friend, about my personal ______ .
I felt ______ to have a best friend.

Other students ______ at me and giggled whenever I passed by.
I ______ school and cut off contact with Sally.

I was surprised and disappointed. My heart felt ______ and I was hurt.

I tried to ______ from the scars left by Sally and started a new life.
I moved on from the ______ of the past

I met my classmate from 3rd grade. She told me that it was actually Mary, not Sally, who had ______ my secrets to light.
I realized I had misunderstood Sally. I wished I could go back in time and ______ my mistakes.

I felt ______ .
I learned the importance of trust and realized that one mistake can have a big influence on our lives and relationship.
2. Why did the author make friends with Sally?
3. What did the author do after her secrets were given away?
4. What will the author do after knowing about the truth?
2024-01-11更新 | 33次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省凉山州安宁河联盟2023-2024学年高二上学期期末联考英语试题
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