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1 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

English language is closely related to the Frisian German and Dutch. England is the first country     1     (speak) English and now English is the main language of the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, and many island nations in the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean. It is also an     2     (office) language of India, the Philippines, Singapore, and many countries in sub-Saharan Africa     3     include South Africa. English is the first choice of foreign     4     (language) in most countries around the world.     5     third of the world’s population now use English, which is     6     (amaze) to us.   

English belongs     7     the Indo-European family of languages and is therefore related to most other languages spoken in Europe and Western Asia from Iceland to India. During the course of hundreds of years, English words have been     8     (slow) changed from the forms     9     (find) in Sanskrit, Greek, Latin, Russian and German to forms, as in Chinese and Vietnamese. The German and Chinese words for the word “man”     10     (be) a typical example. German has five forms: Mann Mannes, Manne, Männer, Männern. Chinese has one form: ren. English stands in between, with four forms: man, man’s, men, men’s.

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2 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Instruments are a necessary part of making music, but what music sounds like will also depend upon     1     (it) style and rhythm. Music is often divided     2     two main groups: classical and popular. These names can mean different things to different people, and their meanings can change over time.

Popular music is what many people play or listen to for fun. It could be folk, country, pop and rock, or jazz. Often the music style     3     (change) with each new generation of musicians. All over the world there are     4     (talent) musicians who perform this style of music     5     (earn) a living or just for fun. A band of musicians usually play a certain style of music that they like,     6     (create) a sound that is special to them.

Classical music is     7     (most) used to describe more formal music, often performed in front of a seated silent audience. Most of this music     8     (write) a long time ago. Classical music is often played by an orchestra (管弦乐队) in     9     musicians play either woodwind, brass, or string instruments.

There are many famous orchestras throughout     10     world, with many countries having their own special ones.

2022-05-25更新 | 296次组卷 | 4卷引用:河北省保定市部分学校2021-2022学年高一下学期第二次月考英语试题
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3 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Dmitry Doronin, a foreign student from Russia, has fun     1     (share) his experiences in a village in Zhejiang Province with his 1. 4 million fans online.

The 32-year-old came to the countryside in Lishui City last August. Since then, he    2     (create) hundreds of videos to record the peaceful rural(乡村的) life there.

Because of COVID-19, the sales of local agricultural products dropped a lot. Dmitry volunteered     3     (promote) the products through livestreaming (直播). Last month, about10.000 kg of oranges, 4.000 kg of dried sweet potatoes and 300 kg of honey     4     (sell).“Thanks to his livestreams, it seems that more tourists have come to visit our village." said72-year-old Pan Xiannu,    5     was happy to see the great changes in her hometown.

Dmitry also enjoys working with farmers in the fields, doing     6     (activity) such as planting vegetables, feeding animals and making tofu. Living in a rural area     7     (provide) him with special and enjoyable experiences. Dmitry says. "It's quite different from     8     life in big cities. In the countryside, you can experience the traditional way of life and understand this country much     9     (well)."

According to him, some Russians don't know much about today's China. "I would like to spread Chinese rural culture     10     I want to bring the two countries closer through the Inter-net."Dmitry adds.

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4 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Any bird that crossed his path would be eaten by Rex, a German shepherd. Rex    1    (rescue) from his previous shelter, where he was going to be put down after a biting incident. Last year, he    2    (eventual) arrived at Puriton Horse and Animal Rescue.

Geraldine was a goose abandoned by owners who could no longer put up     3     her. She wasn’t exactly the picture of     4    (warm), either, when she arrived at the same shelter three months ago. The dog and the goose were individually given labels like cruel and dangerous. Neither seemed particularly harmonious with humans or even members of their own species.

But when the two     5    (annoy) creatures were offered a chance to hang out together, something magical happened. They chased each other when first     6    (introduce), but Geraldine stood up for herself and that was that. They just fell in love with each other.

“I’ve been doing rescue work since 1997 and seen all     7    (kind) of strange animal behavior, but I’ve never seen anything like this,” said Sheila Brislin,     8    is the founder of the shelter. “It’s so amusing to see them because they love each other to bits. They are very affectionate. She just    9     (run) around alongside him all day long and whenever we take him for     10    walk in the woods she has to come, too.”

2020-10-16更新 | 437次组卷 | 5卷引用:河北省张家口市宣化区宣化第一中学2021届高三上学期10月月考英语试题
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5 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

High school years are a large part in    1    (shape) the person you are going to become. A school often    2    (provide)education for you,and it can also be a place     3    you can develop relationships with many different people,join clubs,and participate in a variety of different sports.These years can make you become a high school student    4    (fill)with many different emotions,including happiness, anger,sadness, envy, loneliness,stress,and a numerous amount more.This is also a time when peer(同龄人)pressure is most commonly put upon a vast majority of teens.

Peer pressure is the influence from members of one's peer group.This can include influencing another to drink,smoke,cheat on a test,lie,skip class,and etc.The list is     5    (end).Peer pressure at high school is both harmful    6     effective because it can lead to teen depression,high stress levels,negative behavior    7    (issue),and poor decision making and outcomes.

Despite the fact that peer pressure is most commonly seen as a very negative issue,it can     8    (see)positively in some situations.This can involve pressuring your peers to avoid   drugs,be honest,avoid alcohol,respect others,work hard,exercise,be kind, be responsible,and more.Friends and peer    9    (actual)affect the choices you make.Choosing to have good friends can have a very strong effect    10     you.

2020-06-10更新 | 1191次组卷 | 16卷引用:河北省沧州市泊头市第一中学2020-2021学年高二第一次月考英语试题
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6 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

The tomato is a nutrient-dense super-food that offers benefits to a range of bodily systems. Its nutritional content supports    1    (health)skin, weight loss and heart health.

Despite botanically    2    (be)a fruit, it's generally eaten and prepared like a vegetable.

Tomatoes are the major dietary source of the antioxidant lycopene,     3    can reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer. They are also a great source of vitamin C, potassium, foliate, and vitamin K.

Usually red when mature, tomatoes come in    4     variety of colors, Including yellow, orange, green, and purple. Generally speaking, cooked tomatoes are     5    convenient to nutrient absorption than raw tomatoes. However, It is not appropriate    6    (heat )tomatoes at high temperatures for a long time. Tomatoes can be prepared in different ways.

In Chinese cuisine, tomatoes are    7    ( frequent)used as a garish (装饰物), adding a refreshing sour-sweet flavor    8    meaty dishes. One of the most traditional Chinese    9    (example)of home-style cooking, scrambled eggs (炒蛋) with tomatoes,    10    (reflect)how much Chinese people enjoy this juicy, savory fruit.

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7 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Monkeys do not like it when others get more food     1     they do, according to a new study.

Researchers from Yale and Harvard universities found Capuchin monkeys punish monkeys     2     get more food. "This sort of, 'If I can't have it, no one can' response is because     3     psychological spite (怨恨), and it was    4     (previous) thought unique to humans," said Kristin Leimgruber of Harvard University. She is a co-author of the research study. The researchers watched as some Capuchin monkeys     5     (give) more food than others. They found that monkeys getting the     6     (small) share pulled a rope to fold up a table holding the other monkey's bigger share.

Another lead researcher, Laurie Santas,     7     (explain) over email, "I think what we can conclude about humans is that some of our more embarrassing tendencies have relatively deep     8     (root)." Santos said the spiteful response was not present with another member of the ape species—chimpanzees(黑猩猩).

An earlier study, she said, showed chimpanzees would fold up the table of other chimpanzees     9     (steal) food from them. But they would not punish chimpanzees who just happened     10     (have) more food, Santos said. In other words, it was fine if another chimpanzee had more food as long as they did not steal it.

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8 . 语法填空

Reading classic literature    1    (write)by native speakers can improve your English language skills in several ways.    2    ,this will not happen by magic:only if you read the book    3    (careful)and think about what you are reading.First,if you concentrate hard,you will not only    4    (large)your vocabulary,but also begin to appreciate slight differences in meaning between words.Second,    5    you examine the language attentively,you can learn to appreciate different English writing    6    (style).The light and ironic style of Jane Austen is quite different from    7    serious and intense style of Charlotte Bronte though both of them are great writers of English.

Sometimes it is necessary to read a book more than once in order to absorb    8    (it)full benefit.Read it once    9    (understand)the story,once again to appreciate the way the characters are described and the story develops and finally to become really familiar    10    the new vocabulary and expressions.Above all,enjoy the stories.Happy reading!

2019-10-16更新 | 156次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省承德市2019—2020学年高三上学期9月月考英语试题
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