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1 . In January 2020, my life was like a perfect movie. I was the _________ in my amazing group of best friends. They were all a year older, but you would never have known. I was only a senior two student but had _________ to secure a spot on the swim team. Then my teammates and I traveled in Hawaii.

Little did we know we would _________ to chaos. Our school was _________ down for two weeks due to COVID-19. Although feeling unhappy, my best friends made promises about how we would stay close during the lockdown. Shortly into quarantine (隔离区), I _________ hobbies and did anything I could to keep myself busy.

Looking back, I felt like a fool for thinking that two weeks would be a _________ to a pandemic. Months went by and the new school year began. I couldn’t accept the _________ that training in the pool became impossible. The pain of missing my friends began to _________. I felt like I was drowning.

It occurred to me that my best friends, who were now _________, would leave me next fall anyway. That made me __________, making November the __________ month for me. I couldn’t describe the feeling of just lying on my bed with tears __________ down my face.

Alice in Wonderland became my life as I kept falling down a never-ending hole. Still, all the same, I felt ever so __________ to climb out of this darkness. As the winter holidays __________, things started to pick up. I was __________ by the Christmas spirit. Sure, it was __________ this year but still, I looked forward to the __________ activities: Christmas Eve dinner, opening gifts with my family on Christmas Day.

I made a New Year’s resolution to become more __________ to my studies. As I did that, I found the college conversation became less __________. I thought about all the __________, the passions I would pursue. I became more excited about the unknown.

A.broke upB.took upC.looked upD.made up
A.fall behindB.sink inC.show offD.come away
2022-06-19更新 | 135次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022届内蒙古呼伦贝尔市海拉尔第二中学高三第四次模拟考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . The Chinese fashion icon, qipao, was born a century ago in Shanghai. However, the dress made its way through history from the hands of old craftsmen and is deep-rooted in Chinese culture.

Qipao used to be so popular,” Leung Long-kong, 89, a well-known qipao craftsman, says, adding that the dress was an everyday outfit among women, from the less well-off to women at the highest levels of society. “Now, nobody is wearing them except on grand and happy occasions.”

To carry on the tradition, fashion designer Mary Yu, 41, who has been attending classes teaching knot button-making techniques, is trying to renew the design of qipao by taking symbols from Chinese history and literature.

“I feel I should look into Chinese culture and learn more about the past. People should have an in-depth understanding of their culture in order to move on,” Yu says. “Fashion design requires a profound knowledge of one’s culture before visualizing it.” “After a period of wearing foreign brands all the time, there will be a day when one looks back to traditional Chinese culture. It is about finding the stuff that exists in your genes and suits you best.”

Yu set up her own qipao brand in 2016. Most of the clothes were made by tailors based in Shenzhen and Hangzhou, for their lower cost and more traditional work.

In the constantly evolving fashion industry, qipao is catching up with the times. Zippers, digital print patterns and new materials such as lace and denim have been introduced to a new generation. More daring ideas like 3D printed qipao have also become a reality. Yu believed that with the help of these new technologies, qipao will find its way back to the daily life of Chinese people in the near future.

1. Why does the author quote Leung Long-kong in Paragraph 2?
A.To call on Chinese women to wear qipao in everyday life.
B.To introduce the development of qipao in China.
C.To emphasize the importance of qipao in China nowadays.
D.To show that qipao is no longer as popular as it was.
2. Which of the following best describes Mary Yu?
3. What does the underlined word “evolving” in Paragraph 7 refer to?
4. What can we infer from the passage about qipao?
A.Qipao is an iconic sign in the fashion industry.
B.Qipao is on its way back to the daily life of Chinese.
C.Qipao enjoys a good reputation in the world.
D.Qipao is seen as a symbol of wealth in modern China.

3 . Many people associate the English language with literature, whether that is poetry, novels or plays. However, for Nathan, English is ________ those writings. It is a device that can give people ________.

Winner of the 2021 Student of the Year Linguist(English)Award, Nathan was born with a stutter(口吃). As a child, his speech disorder ________ whenever he had to speak in public. "That was when I would get really ________ and lose confidence in my speech," said the college student.

However, even at a young age, he knew avoiding the problem was not a(n)________. Through speech training and discipline, Nathan was able to ________ this barrier, evident from the many awards he has ________ after taking part in debates at his school. Having gained confidence from public speaking, Nathan began volunteering to teach ________ to primary school students from ________ communities. He believes that having a "wealth gap" between your classmates can make you ________ you're inferior(低级别的). "They really had to find their confidence," Nathan explained, and English was a ________ for the students to build their self-esteem. Nathan hopes people will understand that "your ________ would really be able to shape your identity and individuality".

As a person who once had trouble ________ his opinions, he knows the value of speaking with ________. That is why the language is crucial to him. However, while some may ________ the winner in a Linguist category would want to pursue a career in language, Nathan wishes to follow a ________ in science. Nevertheless, he believes English can be an essential part of that journey, because scientists need language to ________ their findings with the general public. "Scientists are specialized but to make a massive ________, their message must ________ the general public," he explained. "Language is very important to ________ abstract concepts."

A.other thanB.more thanC.rather thanD.less than
A.get rid ofB.live up toC.get across toD.take charge of
2022-05-24更新 | 154次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022届内蒙古呼伦贝尔满洲里市高三三模英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 较难(0.4) |

4 . Sweeteners(甜味剂)are consumed by millions every day in products like diet soda, partly as a way to avoid weight gain from sugar-but how healthy these substitutes are has long been controversial.

To assess the cancer risk of sweeteners, researchers analysed the data of more than 100,000 people in France who self-reported their diet, lifestyle and medical history in intervals between 2009-2021.

“The participants who consumed the largest amount of sweeteners, beyond the middle amount, had an increased cancer risk of 13 percent compared to non-consumers,” said Mathilde Touvier, research director at France’s INSERM institute.

The study said that a higher cancer risk was particularly seen with sweeteners aspartame(阿巴斯甜)and acesulfame potassium(安赛蜜), used in many soft drinks including Coke Zero. Soft drinks accounted for more than half of the artificial sweeteners consumed, while table-top sweeteners represented 29 percent.

The study found that “higher risks were observed for breast cancer and obesity-related cancers”. Touvier said “we cannot totally exclude biases linked to the lifestyle of consumers”, calling for further research to confirm the study’s results.

The US National Cancer Institute and Cancer Research UK both say that sweeteners do not cause cancer, and they have been authorised for use by the European Food Safety Authority. Michael Jones of The Institute of Cancer Research, London said that the link reported in the study was “not proof that artificial sweeteners cause cancer”.

He said the findings could suggest that “cancer risk may be raised in the type of person who uses artificial sweetener rather than the sweetener itself.”

Thursday’s findings also do not mean consumers should rush back to sugary drinks-a former study found that they were also linked to a higher risk of several cancer types.

1. Why do people prefer to choose products with sweeteners?
A.These products are cheap in price.
B.Sweeteners used in them are totally safe.
C.Sweeteners in them help people not to put on weight.
D.These products have better taste than those with sugar.
2. What can we learn about the study?
A.Scientists mainly focus on sweeteners used in soft drinks.
B.The findings were not supported by all scientists and institutes.
C.The data was collected on a large scale for no more than ten years.
D.The intake of sweeteners can lead to 13%participants facing cancer risk.
3. Which of the following would Michael Jones agree with?
A.Artificial sweeteners shouldn’t be used cautiously.
B.Drinking much diet soda will bring in lower risk of cancer.
C.People should take in food with sugar instead of sweeteners.
D.Cancer risk may have much to do with the lifestyle of people.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Sweeteners increasing cancer risk: not for sureB.The future of employing artificial sweeteners
C.Time to rush back to sugary drinksD.A large-scale study on sweeteners
2022-05-24更新 | 80次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022届内蒙古呼伦贝尔满洲里市高三三模英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . In 2021, Henan TV has gone viral by promoting traditional culture through Chinese dance. It produced seven dance pieces highlighting traditional culture, such as Rhapsody on the Luo River Goddess(《洛神水赋》), a two-minute underwater dance, and Dragon Boat Festival and Guardian Warriors of Longmen (《龙门金刚》), a dance piece supported by AR technology against the backdrop of the Longmen Grottoes.

“The seven dance pieces have gained nearly 30 billion hits on social media platforms,” said Yao Wei, director of the TV station’s Innovation Center, at a three-day forum centering on the research of Chinese dance.

The pieces made an emotional impact on audiences, especially the young generations. “It’s been over forty years since the country’s reform and opening-up and the younger generations have grown up with a more open mindset. With plenty of resources and opportunities, they embrace Chinese culture and be proud of it,” said Yao. “What we need is to present Chinese culture and tradition in interesting ways for those young people.”

Yao added that Henan TV has been producing shows highlighting traditional culture, such as traditional operas and kung fu, for nearly 30 years.

“To appeal to younger audiences, we are also changing our shows. One of the keys is to produce content with strong visual creativity,” Yao said. “For example, the latest technology and unconventional (新奇的) stage settings, like underwater scenes, have become our new ways of telling stories about traditional Chinese culture, rather than simply narrating history with traditional video content.”

Another key to successfully reaching younger audiences is using social media platforms to promote their shows. “Social media is being shaped and driven by young people. It’s a powerful form of communication. When they take a quick scroll (滚屏) through their phones, they easily become interested in an eye-catching video.” Yao said.

1. What does the article tell us about the seven dance pieces produced by Henan TV?
A.They were presented in creative ways.
B.They were performed by famous stars.
C.They were all produced with the help of AR technology.
D.They reflected the culture of seven different ethnic minority groups.
2. What does the underlined word “embrace” in paragraph 3 probably mean?
3. Which statement is not true about the efforts Henan TV has made to attract young viewers?
A.To design the stage setting in an innovative way.
B.To employ social media to advertise their shows.
C.To represent historic events just in a conventional way.
D.To take advantage of the latest technology in producing.
4. What is the main purpose of the article?
A.To report on the comeback of traditional Chinese dance.
B.To tell the behind-the-scenes stories of the seven dance pieces.
C.To introduce the success of the dance series produced by Henan TV.
D.To explain how technology helps promote traditional Chinese culture.
2022-05-24更新 | 73次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022届内蒙古呼伦贝尔满洲里市高三三模英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 较难(0.4) |

6 . “It’s alarming that5 0 percent of species could go extinct in the UK in the near future,” Harvey, 18, told Rustic Pathways, “To fight the ecological crisis, we have to start restoring.” That’s why he and his friend Tom founded the organization Celtic Reptile & Amphibian to breed(培育)endangered native species as to reintroduce them back into the wild.

Harvey’ inspiration was sparked by a trip to a rewilded farm in Devon. Here famous expert Derek has successfully reintroduced beavers(海狸), previously extinct in the UK, and is also breeding wild pigs and cats.

This visit has inspired Harvey to start restoring wild animal populations. But why reptiles and amphibians? Harvey put it simply, “The fact of the matter is, they are food, especially frogs and lizards.” Reptiles and amphibians are food for birds and various other species. They are working on restoring 10 different types of species as to provide food in support of the ecosystem.

During 2020, staying at home due to the pandemic, Harvey and Tom used their weekends and evenings and sometimes all night to build a reptile facility in their backyard. They now do different tasks to better run the facility, including feeding the animals and holding meetings with wildlife biologists.

Harvey has introduced a set of guidelines of International Union for Conservation of Nature(IUCN)for reintroduction and migration. The guidelines ensure that the reintroduction is as successful as possible, based on a science-based approach.

Now Harvey is taking a gap year before his university education. He wants to get the business to a more self-sustainable level. “Although it’s a small piece of rewilding, we hope the message that Celtic Reptile & Amphibian holds is that we can rewild the world. We must rewild the world and we must do it now,” Harvey added.

1. What inspired Harvey to establish Celtue Reptile & Amphibian?
A.A successful rewilded farm.B.The global environmental crisis.
C.His interest in beavers in the UK.D.A well-known expert’s encouragement.
2. Why does Harvey want to restore reptiles and amphibians?
A.Many of them are close to extinction.B.They are easier to breed than other species.
C.They feed on birds and many other species.D.They play an important role in the ecosystem.
3. What are paragraphs 4 & 5 mainly about?
A.Harvey’s vision for their business.B.The background of IUCN guidelines.
C.Challenges of running the organization.D.The team’s efforts in reintroducing species.
4. Which of the following best describes Harvey?
A.Creative and humorous.B.Kindhearted and modest.
C.Diligent and responsible.D.Independent and cautious.
2022-05-24更新 | 88次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022届内蒙古呼伦贝尔满洲里市高三三模英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约260词) | 较易(0.85) |

7 . Apps for Middle School Students


With the right tools, summer can be a great time for getting tweens and teens to flex their creative writing muscles. Pixton is a free site for kids to make comics they can print or share online. Pixton is easy to use and also offers how-to videos and support. For a subscription fee, kids can access even more features.

Be Confident in Who You Are

This app is the first part of an award-winning series called Middle School Confidential. Presented as a graphic novel, it helps kids understand and navigate the social world of middle school. It takes on common issues like self-esteem(自尊)and fitting in. There's no read-aloud function, but there are quizzes to help kids work on social skills.


This game-like tool helps teens stay motivated to take daily steps toward their goals. SuperBetter can be used to break negative patterns and improve self-image. It also enables teens to connect with other users, adding a social element that can encourage progress. The tool is tailor-made for each kid's needs, but it can take time to set it up.


Want to learn how to bake cakes filled with chocolate-hazelnut spread? Instructables is full of do-it-yourself projects, including many that are great for summer. Some projects are good for organizing and managing life. There are also a few projects that may help with attention. Parents may need to pre-select projects because the site has some content about adult topics.

1. In what aspect does Be Confident in Who You Are help with kids?
A.Improving their people skills.B.Encouraging them to read aloud.
C.Helping them succeed in quiz games.D.Teaching them to write a graphic novel.
2. Which app can be designed according to users' needs?
C.SuperBetter.D.Be Confident in Who You Are.
3. What does Instructables advise parents to do?
A.Make food at home.B.Help their kids with their projects.
C.Pay attention to their kids' interests.D.Select projects for their kids in advance.
2022-05-24更新 | 53次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022届内蒙古呼伦贝尔满洲里市高三三模英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 较易(0.85) |

8 . Astrotourism: Travel to a place where you can see stars

Few sights are as breathtaking as the night sky full of stars. But you can’t get a good view of the stars in cities. Nowadays, increasing numbers of people are participating in astrotourism — traveling to destinations where they can focus on viewing stars, planets and other space-related phenomena.

Star party in Nebraska, USA

In north-central Nebraska, a week-long Star Party has been held annually for almost 30 years. Held at the Merritt Reservoir (水库), the party features classes teaching beginners about astronomy, along with some programs especially for children. The party features challenges such as a photo contest. During the day, visitors can swim in the reservoir and go fishing and boating.

Jasper National Park, Canada

The second-largest dark sky preserve in the world, Jasper National Park in Alberta, Canada, covers 11,000 square kilometers. In October each year, visitors show up there for the Jasper Dark Sky Festival, making Jasper National Park one of Canada’s top astrotourism destinations. During the day, visitors can enjoy the beauty of the park’s glaciers (冰川), streams, lakes and mountains.


With an average of 300 nights with clear skies per year, Chile is a great destination for astrotourism. The clear skies mean visitors are very likely to be able to see stars and planets without clouds blocking their view.


Northern Finland is one of the best places in the world to take in the northern lights. They are usually green but can be pink and more rarely red and violet In Finland’s Lapland region, they are visible 200 nights a year.

Wherever you go, astrotourism provides an opportunity to pause and reflect on the wonders of the universe.

1. Which destination is most beginner-friendly?
A.Nebraska.B.Jasper National Park.
2. What can visitors do in Jasper National Park besides viewing stars?
A.Swim in the reservoir.B.Enjoy beautiful scenery.
C.Boat on streams.D.Climb glaciers.
3. What is a unique highlight of Finland as a destination?
A.Star views.B.The second-largest dark sky preserve.
C.Northern lights.D.300 nights with clear skies.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . The UK’s planned ban on sales of new petrol, diesel (柴油) or hybrid (混合动力) cars could start as early as 2032, Transport Secretary Grant Shapps has said. Last week, the government raised industry concern after bringing the date forward from 2040 to 2035 in order to hit zero-carbon emission targets. But Mr. Shapps told BBC Radio 5 live it would happen by 2035, “or even 2032,” adding there would be consultation.

The main car trade body had previously said the 2035 figure was “concerning”.

The government is setting out its proposals in a United Nations climate summit in November. A Department for Transport spokesperson said, “We are consulting on a range of possible dates to bring forward the end to the sale of petrol and diesel cars.”

“The proposal for this is 2035 — or earlier if a faster transition appears reasonable — as well as including hybrids for the first time.” The UK has set a target of emitting zero carbon by 2050. Experts warned that the original target date of 2040 would still leave old conventional cars on the roads 10 years later. Once the ban comes into effect, only electric cars will be available. Hybrid vehicles are now included in the proposals, which were originally announced in July 2017.

Despite this, Royal Automobile club spokesman Simon Williams said, “While the government appears to be constantly moving forward for ending the sale of new petrol, diesel and hybrid vehicles, drivers should not be worried about choosing a hybrid car now.” “They are potentially the perfect stepping stone for those who want to go electric but have concerns about range (续航), as they aren’t as expensive as a battery electric vehicle. At the moment, they give drivers the best of both worlds.”

How attached are British people to their petrol vehicles? How long until conventional cars go the way of steam engine cars and horse coaches?

1. What is the car industry's attitude towards the ban on the sale of conventional cars?
2. Why does the UK propose to ban the sale of conventional cars before 2040?
A.To remove the concern of main car trade body.
B.To hold back the development of pure battery electric cars.
C.To hold a United Nations climate summit in November.
D.To meet the zero carbon emission target as planned.
3. What is Simon's opinion when people face the ban of conventional cars?
A.It's still a wise choice to choose a hybrid car nowadays.
B.Battery electric cars should be widely used immediately.
C.Drivers should consider about range when choosing a car.
D.People should abandon petrol vehicles as soon as possible.
4. What can we infer about the conventional cars from the last paragraph?
A.They will fall out of use some day.B.They are as important as horse coaches.
C.They will remain as a family necessity.D.They may increase your daily expenses.
2022-04-16更新 | 235次组卷 | 3卷引用:2022届内蒙古呼伦贝尔市海拉尔第二中学高三第四次模拟考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Oceans hold a lot of mystery, even for people who study them. But it’s no mystery why they’re in trouble. We’ve been using them to hide our waste, such as pouring oil, plastic, and poisonous chemicals into them for decades. We’ve over exploited (剥削) many fish stocks to levels so low that they can no longer be harvested.

Oceans are also a primary source of protein for millions of people worldwide. If we want to continue to enjoy what oceans provide, we need to do everything we can to protect them and the life they support. We should ensure the seafood we eat is sustainable.

Of course, not everyone is lucky enough to be able to catch their own fish, which means having sustainable options at the store is critical. As public and companies awareness about the risks caused by overfishing and uncontrolled sea farming expansion has grown, food tradesmen in Canada have developed sustainable seafood policies and commitments.

Seafood Progress, an online resource, is designed to help provide rewards to tradesmen and information to seafood lovers. It makes it easier for consumers in Canada to find out tradesmen’s policies on sourcing sustainable seafood, whether they’re sticking to those policies and how they’re performing compared to their peers.

But tradesmen must do more to ensure their seafood products are environmentally sustainable and socially responsible. This means expanding the scope of their commitments to cover all seafood products they sell, in all their stores. It also requires continuing to work with suppliers and producers to improve practices and make sure the sustainable seafood supply meets consumer demand.

It’s no mystery that if we want to continue to eat fish, we must do it responsibly. Seafood Progress has invited seafood tradesmen, suppliers and consumers to join in pushing to this goal.

1. What’s the cause of oceans’ being in trouble according to paragraph 1?
A.The ever-changing of the global climate.
B.The mystery that people haven’t studied.
C.The over exploitation and use of the oceans.
D.The continuous decrease of fish stocks.
2. What can Seafood Progress do for consumers?
A.Provide rewards to them.
B.Urge them to stick to policies.
C.Provide them with enough seafood.
D.Let them know about tradesmen’s policies.
3. What can we infer from the passage?
A.Millions of people rely on oceans for protein.
B.People fail to note the consequence of overfishing.
C.Seafood Progress helps American customers to be informed about tradesmen’s policies.
D.Tradesmen can sell seafood products without limit.
4. How can seafood be sustainable?
A.Through expanding seafood production.
B.By protecting all the tradesmen’s profit.
C.By making policies to control seafood consumers.
D.By joint efforts of people involved in seafood.
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