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文章大意:这是一篇说明文。通过借助Dr.Robert Coles的观点,来表达富裕的家庭对孩子成长的影响,并表明家庭因爱而富足比金钱更重要。

1 . Life really should be one long journey of joy for children born with a world of wealth at their feet.

Internationally famous child doctor Robert Coles is the world’s top expert on the influence of money on children. He has written a well-known book on the subject, “The Privileged Ones,” and his research shows that too much money in the family can cause as many problems as too little. “Obviously there are certain advantages to being rich,” says the 53-year-old doctor, “such as better health, education and future work prospects. But most important is the quality of family life. Money can’t buy love.”

It can buy a lot of other things, however, and that’s where the trouble starts. Rich kids have so much to choose from that they often become confused. Over-indulgence (娇养) by their parents can make them spoilt. They tend to travel more than other children, from home to home and country to country, which causes feelings of restlessness.

“But privileged children do have a better sense of their positions in the world,” adds Mr. Coles, “and they are more self-assured.” The rich children inherit the property from their parents and enjoy a high income. So money will never be one of their problems. “However, they have a sense of isolation,” warns Dr Coles, “and they could suffer from the hardship of not being able to deal with the everyday world because they will never really be given the chance. Everything they have achieved is because of an accident of birth. There can be no tremendous inner satisfaction about that.”

Today’s wealthy parents perhaps realize their riches can be more of a heavy load than happiness to their children. So the first thing for them to consider is to ensure that their families are as rich in love as they are in money.

1. In his book “The Privileged Ones”, Dr. Coles implies that _________.
A.the quality of rich children’s family life might be low
B.rich children live a life of separation from the world
C.rich children usually enjoy more love than poor children
D.there are fewer problems in the rich family than the poor family
2. In the doctor’s view, _________.
A.traveling a lot will be beneficial to children
B.there are advantages as well as disadvantages to being rich
C.rich children usually have little confidence in themselves
D.rich kids are often short of money because of their life of luxury
3. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Rich children tend to feel isolated
B.Rich children have earned what they have
C.Rich children usually lead a life of happiness
D.Rich children are hardly given too many material things
4. According to the author of the passage, _________.
A.life is really a long journey of joy for rich children
B.the rich children feel greatly satisfied with the property they inherit from their parents
C.today all the wealthy parents are sure of the problems their money can bring
D.it is most important for wealthy parents to make sure that their families are rich in love as well as in money
5. It seems that the author of the passage _________ what Dr. Coles says in the book “The Privileged Ones”.
A.agrees with
B.is doubtful about
C.is opposed to
D.knows little about
2022-06-05更新 | 79次组卷 | 1卷引用:天津市2021-2022学年高二下学期英语期末复习模拟试卷二

2 . In recent years, many Americans of both sexes and various ages have become interested in improving their bodies. They have become devoted to physical fitness. The need to exercise has almost become compulsive (禁不住的) with many persons who have a strong desire to be more physically fit.

By nature, Americans are enthusiastic (充满热情的) about their hobbies and pastimes. They apply this enthusiasm to jogging/running. As a result, there are running clubs to join and many books and magazines to read about running.

The desire to be physically fit is explained by a “passion” for good health. The high rate of heart attacks in the 1960s caused an increase on the part of the public in improving the human body. Middle-aged men especially suffer from heart attacks. Thus, they are one group more strongly interested in physical exercise. In fact, many doctors encourage their patients to become more physically active, especially those who have sedentary jobs. It is interesting to note that the rate of heart attacks began to decrease in the 1970s and it is still decreasing. Physical fitness currently enjoys a favored role in the United States. It is a new “love” that many Americans have cherished. Will it last long? Only time can tell-- or until another“new passion”comes along.

1. In recent years, many Americans have become interested in improving their bodies because _________.
A.they are enthusiastic about their hobbies and pastimes
B.there are many running clubs to join
C.they have a strong desire to be more physically fit
D.there are many books and magazines to read about running
2. The passage implies that _________is a great favorite of many Americans, men and women, old and young.
B.joining running clubs
C.reading books and magazines about running
D.going in for all kinds of sports
3. Middle-aged men suffering from heart attacks _________ .
A.are compulsive joggers
B.are more interested in taking physical exercise
C.are encouraged by their doctors to go in for jogging/running
D.are enthusiastic and energetic about hobbies and pastimes
4. In the sentence “In fact, many doctors encourage their patients to become more physically active, especially those who have sedentary jobs,” the word “sedentary” means_________
A.involving physical work
B.needing much sitting
5. According to the passage, will the “love” for physical exercise last long for Americans?
C.Somebody can tell.
D.It is hard to tell.
2022-06-05更新 | 76次组卷 | 1卷引用:天津市2021-2022学年高二下学期英语期末复习模拟试卷二
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3 . Online services are managed by a host system that maintains a base of information available to satellite users. Users of so-called “dumb” terminals (i.e. those without processing capability) simply access the information base via programs stored in the system. Personal computer (PC) users typically access the host (主机) through a modem (调制解调器). A PC software program serves as an interface (接口) between the server and a PC, allowing the user to operate through the online system and select different databases using a keyboard or a mouse.

National and regional online systems usually have local telephone numbers that PC modems can call to access either a local information base or an indirect long-distance connection, thus reducing long-distance telephone fees. Some online systems allow users to copy large volumes of information onto a local memory storage device, which also reduces the time user is connected to the online system.

Besides offering a great number of different information bases, ranging from full-text journal libraries to reports of missing children, online services allow users to, for example, reserve airline tickets, buy stocks, purchase goods, and communicate with other users. In exchange for the service, users usually pay a monthly membership fee. They may also pay to connect to various databases on the service or to download information.

1. Online services work by providing users with_________
A.a base of information
B.dumb terminals
C.a host system
D.a satellite
2. How can the users of terminals without processing capability acquire the necessary information?
A.They can simply use a keyboard or a mouse.
B.They should use a modem to maintain the host system.
C.They should connect their computer to a satellite system.
D.They can access its base through the programs on the system.
3. Copy the online information onto your PC device, and you will_________
A.get local information only
B.pay just local telephone charges
C.reduce the risk of losing information
D.save the time of connecting to the online system
4. If you want to read full-text journals online, you usually have to_________
A.seek for a large amount of information
B.be introduced by the local library
C.pay a monthly membership fee
D.be connected to various databases
5. The passage is mainly about_________
A.the payment for online services
B.the functions of online services
C.the development of online services
D.the relation between online services and the users
2022-06-05更新 | 68次组卷 | 1卷引用:天津市2021-2022学年高二下学期英语期末复习模拟试卷二

4 . Universities are institutions that teach a wide variety of subjects at advanced levels. They also carry out research work aimed__________ extending man’s knowledge of these subjects. The emphasis given to each of these functions ___________ from university to university, according to the views of the people in __________ and according to the resources available. The smaller and newer universities do not __________ the staff or equipment to carry out the __________ research projects possible in larger institutions. __________ most experts agree that some research activity is __________ to keep the staff and their students in __________ with the latest developments in their subjects.

Most students attend a university mainly to __________ the knowledge needed for their chosen __________ .Educationists believe that this aim should not be the__________ one. Universities have always aimed to produce men and women __________ judgment and wisdom as well as knowledge. For this reason, they __________ students to meet others with differing __________ and to read widely to __________ their understanding in many fields of study. __________ a secondary school course, a student should be interested enough in a subject to enjoy gaining knowledge for its own__________ . He should be prepared to __________ sacrifices to study his chosen __________ in depth. He should have an ambition to make some __________ contribution to man’s knowledge.

2022-06-05更新 | 182次组卷 | 1卷引用:天津市2021-2022学年高二下学期英语期末复习模拟试卷二
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5 . Young people should have the right to control and direct their own learning, that is, to decide what they want to learn, and when, where, how, how much, how fast, and with what help they want to learn it. To be still more specific, I want them to have the right to decide if, when, how much, and by whom they want to be taught and the right to decide whether they want to learn in a school and if so which one and for how much of the time.

No human right, except the right to life itself, is more fundamental than this. A person’s freedom of learning is part of his freedom of thought, even more basic than his freedom of speech. If we take from someone his right to decide what he will be curious about, we destroy his freedom of thought. We say, in effect, you must think not about what interests and concerns you, but about what interests and concerns us.

We might call this the right of curiosity, the right to ask whatever questions is most important to us. As adults, we assume that we have the right to decide what does or does not interest us, what we will look into and what we will leave alone. We take this right for granted, cannot imagine that it might be taken away from us. Indeed, as far as I know, it has never been written into any body of law. Even the writers of our Constitution did not mention it. They thought it was enough to guarantee citizens the freedom of speech and the freedom to spread their ideas as widely as they wished and could. It did not occur to them that even the most tyrannical government would try to control people’s minds, what they thought and knew.

1. To young people the right to control their learning is ______.
A.more fundamental than other human rightsB.less fundamental than other human rights
C.not more fundamental than other human rightsD.not any more than other human rights
2. According to the passage, if we take from someone his right of curiosity, it means that______.
A.we use his freedom of thoughtB.we gain his freedom of thought
C.we restore his freedom of thoughtD.we destroy his freedom of thought
3. The underlined pronoun “they” in the last paragraph refers to ______.
A.citizensB.the writers of our ConstitutionC.human rightsD.young people
4. Which of the following is true according to the author?
A.The right to ask questions is not interesting.B.The right to ask questions is taken for granted.
C.Freedom of speech is guaranteed.D.Freedom to spread one’s ideas is guaranteed.
5. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?
A.Education For Young PeopleB.The Right To Learn
C.The Freedom of ThoughtD.The Right To Control One’s Learning
2022-06-05更新 | 171次组卷 | 1卷引用:2021-2022学年高二下学期英语期末复习模拟试卷一(天津专版)
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6 . There are some problem areas for international students and immigrants’ studying in the United States. Making friends is a challenge (this is also true for some American students). Many college and universities offer a variety of student clubs and organizations where both foreign-born and native American students have a greater chance of meeting people with shared interests. Information about these out-of-class activities is often posted in the student center and listed in the student newspaper. Sometimes foreign students and immigrant students find Americans to be “cliquish (有派性的)”. Americans find some non-U.S.-born students to be cliquish as well. If people feel separated from the social aspects of American college life, they should actively seek people with shared interests. It is unlikely that students will make friends just by passing people on the campus.

Foreign or immigrant students may feel confused during the first few weeks at a new school because they do not understand the system and are not willing to ask questions. Many students do not take advantage of the numerous services offered on campus that assist students in developing new skills and social groups. Some colleges offer students tutorial (辅导的) support in such subjects as writing, language study, computer skills, and other basic subjects. Students who appear to be most successful in "learning the ropes" are those who can solve problems by taking the initiative to ask questions, locate resources, and experience new social situations.

1. In the United States, students can find friends with the same interests by______
A.passing people on the campus
B.reading the student newspaper
C.joining the student clubs
D.visiting the student center
2. The sentence “people feel separated from the social aspects of American college life” (Line 7,Para. l) means they have difficulty in______.
A.communicating with others on the campus
B.being easily accepted by the university
C.finding people with shared interests
D.getting a job in American society
3. When they first come to college, some foreign students may feel confused because______.
A.they are denied any help from people around
B.they are provided with few services
C.they are faced with an unfamiliar educational system
D.they are unwilling to adapt themselves to the new environment
4. The phrase “learning the ropes” (Line 6, Para. 2) is closest in meaning to ______
A.finding the way to develop new skills
B.having the skills to make conversations
C.learning how to answer questions
D.knowing how to handle problems
5. From the passage we may conclude that foreign students______.
A.are unlikely to be successful in American college life
B.may face some problems in adjusting to American college life
C.are not good at developing friendship and social groups
D.can hardly learn well when they enter an American college
2022-06-05更新 | 131次组卷 | 1卷引用:2021-2022学年高二下学期英语期末复习模拟试卷一(天津专版)
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7 . The increase in the price of oil has brought the world to its senses. Scientists are searching for suitable alternative (替换) but so far in vain. They are considering how they can make better use of the two other major fuels, coal and natural gas, but they have found that neither can take the place of oil in their economics. In recent years there has been a growing concern for the environment and coal is not a popular fuel with environmentalists. Natural gas, the purest of the three fuels, is also the most limited in supply.

The answer would seem to lie in nuclear power stations. They need very little fuel to produce enormous amounts of power and they do not pollute the atmosphere. Their dangers, however, are so great and the cost of building them are also high. Not only could one accident in a nuclear power station spread as much radioactivity as a thousand Hiroshima atom bombs, but the radioactive waste from these station is extremely dangerous.

Scientists have recently turned their attention to natural sources of energy: the sun, the sea, the wind and hot spring,of which the sun seems the most promising source for the future. Houses have already been built which are heated entirely by solar energy. However, solar energy can only be collected during daylight hours, and in countries where the weather is unreliable, an alternative heating system has to be included.

However, many scientists are optimistic (乐观的) that new ways of generating large amounts of energy will be successfully developed, but at the same time they fear the consequences. If the world population goes on increasing at its present rate, we may, in fifty years’ time, be burning up so much energy that we would damage the earth’s atmosphere. By raising the temperature of the atmosphere, we could melt the Arctic and Antarctic ice-caps and change the pattern of vegetable and animal life throughout the world — a frightening possibility.

1. The natural gas cannot take the place of oil because ______.
A.its price is increasing
B.it may cause more pollution
C.the source of it is limited
D.it is too pure
2. According to this passage, all of the following statements are true EXCEPT ______?
A.Scientists have succeeded in finding a suitable alternative
B.Scientists are worried about the environment problem in the future.
C.Scientists have found none of the alternatives can take place of oil.
D.Scientists are confident that they will eventually find the new ways
3. Which of the following will cause pollution to the environment?
A.natural gas
C.wind energy
D.solar energy
4. Nuclear power cannot take place of the oil because ______.
A.it cannot generate large amounts of power
B.it may pollute the atmosphere
C.It may cause great danger to us if not properly handled
D.It may use up enormous amounts of fuel
5. What is the ultimate (最终的) worry of the scientists?
A.all energy supply would be burnt up
B.earth’s atmosphere would be damaged
C.the Arctic and Antarctic ice-caps would melt
D.the pattern of vegetable and animal life throughout the world would be changed
2022-06-05更新 | 188次组卷 | 2卷引用:2021-2022学年高二下学期英语期末复习模拟试卷一(天津专版)
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8 . Most of us grow up taking certain things for granted. We tend to assume that experts and religious leaders tell us "the truth". We tend to believe that things advertised on television or in newspapers can't be bad for us.

However, encouragement of critical thinking in students is one of the goals of most colleges and universities.   Few professors require students to share the professors' own beliefs.   In general, professors are more concerned that students learn to question and critically examine the arguments of others, including some of their own beliefs or values. This does not mean that professors insist that you change your beliefs, either. It does mean, however, that professors will usually ask you to support the views you express in class or in your writing.

If your premises (前提) are shaky, or if your arguments are not logical, professors personally point out the false reasoning in your arguments. Most professors want you to learn to recognize the premises of your arguments, to examine whether you really accept these premises, and to understand whether or not you draw logical conclusions. Put it this way. Professors don't tell you what to think; they try to teach you how to think.

On the other hand, if you intend to disagree with your professors in class, you should be prepared to offer a strong argument in support of your ideas. Arguing just for the sake of arguing usually does not promote a critical examination of ideas. Many professors interpret it as rudeness.

1. In the first paragraph, the writer tries to tell us that ______.
A.we have strong beliefs in authorities while growing up
B.we grow up through learning certain things in life
C.we are forming our views during our growth
D.we easily accept certain things without a second thought
2. Nowadays, few professors encourage students to______
A.criticize others
B.support their own views
C.hold the same idea as professors'
D.examine his own beliefs
3. The word “shaky” (Line 1, Para. 3) most probably means______
4. To help students develop their critical thinking, professors mainly teach them______
A.choice of their premises
B.the way to think independently
C.skills of drawing conclusions
D.different kinds of argument
5. According to the writer, the right way to argue is to______.
A.argue mainly for the sake of arguing
B.prove it with a good conclusion
C.support your idea with sound reasoning
D.examine others' ideas critically
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9 . One factor that can influence consumers is their mood slate. Mood may be defined __________ a temporary and mind positive or negative feeling that is generalized and not tied __________ any particular circumstance. Moods should be ___________ from emotions which are usually more intense, __________ to specific circumstance, and often conscious. __________ a sense, the effect of a consumer’s mood can be thought of in __________ the same way as can our reactions to the __________ of our friends — when our friends are happy and “up”, that tend to influence us positively, __________ when they are “down”, that can have a __________ impact on us. Similarly, consumers operating under a __________ mood state tend to react to stimuli (刺激因素)in a direction __________ with that mood state. Thus, for example, we should expect to see __________ in a positive mood state evaluate products in more of a __________ manner than they would when not in such a state. ___________ , mood states appear capable of __________ a consumer’s memory.

Moods appear to be __________ influenced marketing techniques. For example, the rhythm, pitch and __________ of music has been shown to influence behavior such as the __________ of time spent in supermarkets or __________ to purchase products. In addition, advertising can influence consumers’ mood which, in __________ , are capable of influencing consumer’s reactions to products.

2022-06-05更新 | 141次组卷 | 1卷引用:2021-2022学年高二下学期英语期末复习模拟试卷一(天津专版)
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10 . There’s a song by the great Jamaican singer Bob Marley called So Much Trouble In The World. Marley understood that part of the reason why there are so many problems in the world is the lack of tolerance between people. The UN understands this too that’s why it made Nov 16 “International Day for Tolerance”.

But first of all, what is tolerance? French philosopher Voltaire (1694 — 1778) can give us some help. According to him, tolerance “is the consequence of humanity. We are all formed of frailty (脆弱) and error; let us pardon each other’s folly — that is the first law of nature.”

Nobody’s perfect. When we’re tempted to criticize another person, we should perhaps remember our own imperfections first.

Very often, people don’t realize that they’re intolerant. This is because intolerance has a lot to do with ignorance. For example, the UN’s campaign is in part about the treatment of females by males. But often, the behavior of men toward women is intolerant because men don’t put themselves in the shoes of women.

It’s worth thinking a little about the words “tolerance” and “intolerance”. Are they the best words to describe the evils of which we’re speaking here? To agree to be “tolerant” of someone isn’t necessarily a very respectful thing. When someone is tolerated, it implies that there’s something wrong with them.

But it seems wrong that people should agree to “tolerate” people with black skin, for example. And should women think they have received the respect they are due when men agree to “tolerate” them?

Still, what Voltaire said stands: We humans are not perfect and this weakness is something that we all share. That’s the reason we should be tolerant.

It’s a little like generosity. We can give things to another person, and we can also give our forgiveness. Bob Marley understood this. In the song mentioned above, he advised: “Write your love on a rock so it stays for eternity (永恒); write your hate in the sand so the waves will wash it away.”

1. What’s the purpose of the UN “International Day For Tolerance”?
A.To arouse peoples awareness of tolerance among people.
B.To celebrate the founding of the UN.
C.To solve the problem of global community.
D.To change people’s opinions towards globalization.
2. According to Voltaire, tolerance is ________.
A.being willing to express your love to others
B.trying to overcome your imperfections
C.giving a hand to vulnerable groups (弱势群体)
D.accepting each other’s weaknesses
3. Why are people usually unaware of their intolerance, according to the article?
A.They are used to finding faults.
B.They consider tolerance a kind of frailty.
C.They don’t see things from the angle of others.
D.They are intolerant of themselves too.
4. In what sense is “tolerance” similar to “generosity”?
A.Humans are advised to treat others better.B.Humans learned to find faults in others.
C.Humans need to give something to others.D.Humans will change their attitudes to others.
5. What’s the text mainly about?
A.The origin of the International Day of Tolerance.
B.The meaning and importance of tolerance.
C.The philosophy behind Bob Marley’s song.
D.Effective ways to show tolerance.
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