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1 . Within the beautiful scenery of Wisconsin’s Lake Chippewa lies a natural wonder that is a unique challenge for the local community. This hidden wonder is exactly a giant floating island. The island, made up of plants and trees, sometimes floats around the lake, causing a major inconvenience by blocking (阻塞) an important bridge. Later, the local people came up with a solution to this problem. Every year, local boat owners work together and push the island away from the bridge.

Lake Chippewa was born in 1923 when a vast bog (沼泽) was changed through flooding. Soon after that, many of the dark bogs started rising to the surface and became perfect growing places for plants, with seeds carried by wind and wild birds to this floating place. Over the years, these bogs have grown plants and trees and turned into full islands. As time goes by, plants take root, and the oldest islands even have trees that act as sails (船帆) when the wind blows, moving the entire floating island around the lake.

Although the years-old floating island does not relocate (重新迁移) so often, when it does, it causes trouble for the community by blocking the important bridge that serves as the only passage between the lake’s East and West sides. The only solution is to gather a group of boats, and not just one or two, but dozens of boats working together to push the island away. “It takes a community’s effort, and you must have the winds at your back to push them in,” said a resident. Moving the island also requires precision (精确), as just relocating it a short distance may result in its return within days.

Some people have suggested destroying the floating islands to get rid of the problem. However, the big bog in Lake Chippewa has been around for many years, and during that time a variety of animal and plant species have made it their home. Therefore, local government advises they be dealt with in a way that won’t do harm to wildlife, paying more attention to the fine-drawn balance between human convenience and environmental protection. The annual tradition of relocating Lake Chippewa’s floating island is evidence to the coexistence of man and nature, a heartwarming display of community unity, and a reminder of the importance of preserving the unique areas that enrich our world.

1. What does the underlined word “solution” in paragraph 1 refer to?
A.Building a new bridge.B.Moving the floating island away.
C.Transforming the vast bog.D.Rebuilding the local community.
2. What can we know from paragraph 2?
A.The formation of the floating island.B.The history of flooding in Lake Chippewa.
C.The varieties of species in Lake Chippewa.D.The impact of the wind on the floating island.
3. Which of the following statements is true about the relocation work from paragraph 3?
A.It is usually finished within days.
B.It is a must in cooperation and precision.
C.It can only be carried out during windless days.
D.It greatly disturbs the community residents’ lives.
4. Why has the local government refused to destroy the island?
A.To save costs for local people.B.To ensure the safety of residents.
C.To improve the bond between communities.D.To protect the wildlife species on the island.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 较易(0.85) |

2 . Bath or shower? How do you prefer to keep yourself clean? Whatever your daily ablutions, we know it’s important to have good personal hygiene. Nobody wants to smell, and nobody wants to catch your odour! A shower can bring you certain other benefits, but how often should we wash ourselves under a watery spray?

Although you might think taking a daily shower should be part of your cleaning ritual, there’s no hard and fast rule, although dermatologists agree that as a society, we shower too often. In fact, too much washing can deplete the vital oils in our skin. It can waste water as well. However, if you have a fitness routine that causes you to sweat, a more regular sprinkle of water is recommended to stop you ponging!

How often you shower is, of course, a personal choice. There’s nothing better than a hot, soapy scrub under the shower, and this doesn’t just have to be to clean yourself. Some people enjoy a shower to help them relax, warm up or to soothe any aches and pains. It’s also a good opportunity to wash your hair at the same time. Again, though, experts say we shouldn’t shower too often because, like your skin, your hair contains essential oils that you don’t want to lose through excessive scrubbing.

If the idea of a hot, steaming shower appeals, how about a freezing cold one instead? This might be a necessity if your boiler has broken, but some people choose this option because it has many health benefits, some experts claim. There is increasing evidence that braving an icy shower in the morning could keep illness at bay and may even help your brain stay sharp. A BBC podcast called Just One Thing with Michael Mosley, found the shock of being doused with cold water could have a positive impact on your body and brain.

1. What does the underlined word “ablutions” mean?
2. What benefit of taking cold shower is mentioned in the passage?
A.Removing the vital oils.B.Relieving aches and pains.
C.Helping your brain stay sharp.D.Curing you of some deadly diseases.
3. What is the best title of the passage?
A.Why do We Take a Shower?B.Why do We Prefer Shower to Bath?
C.How do We Take a Shower?D.How Often Should We Take a Shower?
4. What can we infer from the passage?
A.Too much washing can waste a lot of water.
B.Both a cold and a hot shower are good for us.
C.Taking a cold shower is better than taking a hot one.
D.Neither a cold shower nor a hot one can keep you away from diseases.
2024-01-17更新 | 39次组卷 | 1卷引用:甘肃省2023-2024学年高二上学期期末英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 较易(0.85) |

3 . Once upon a time in a small town of Christchurch, there lived a little dog named Buddy. Buddy was not just any ordinary dog; he was known for his bravery and loyalty. He had been trained by his owner to be alert and helpful in case of emergencies. One sunny afternoon, Buddy’s owner, Elizabeth, was taking a walk near the river when she suddenly slipped and fell into the water. She tried her best to swim, but the strong current made it difficult for her to stay afloat. Fear gripped her as she realized she might not make it out alive.

Meanwhile, Buddy had noticed his owner was missing and started looking for her. He followed the sound of splashing water and found Elizabeth struggling in the river. Without hesitation, Buddy jumped into the water and swam towards her.

Buddy grabbed onto Elizabeth’s shirt with his teeth and pulled her towards the shore. The little dog’s determination and strength were remarkable as he managed to keep them both afloat until they reached the safety of the riverbank.

Elizabeth was exhausted and shaken, but she was grateful to be alive thanks to her brave little dog. She hugged Buddy tightly, tears of joy streaming down her face. Buddy wagged his tail happily, knowing he had done his job well.

News of Buddy’s heroic rescue quickly spread throughout the town, and people couldn’t help but admire the little dog’s courage and selflessness. From that day on, Buddy became a local hero, and his story inspired many to appreciate the incredible bond between humans and their pets.

In the end, Buddy’s bravery reminded everyone that even the smallest creatures can make a big difference when it comes to saving lives.

1. What was Buddy trained to be?
A.Fast and strong for sports.B.Obedient and well-behaved.
C.Protective and aggressive towards strangers.D.Attentive and useful in a dangerous situation.
2. How did Elizabeth end up in the river?
A.She decided to take a swim to cool off.B.She slipped on a rock near the riverbank.
C.She accidentally fell while walking by the river.D.She was pushed into the water by someone else.
3. What did Buddy do when he found Elizabeth struggling in the river?
A.He ran back home to call for help.
B.He barked loudly to get help from nearby people.
C.He jumped into the water and swam towards her.
D.He stayed on the riverbank and waited for her to come out.
4. What happened after Buddy’s heroic rescue?
A.Elizabeth gave Buddy a special treat as a reward.
B.Buddy became a local hero and inspired many people.
C.The town held a ceremony to honor Buddy’s bravery.
D.Elizabeth decided to adopt another dog to keep Buddy company.
2024-01-17更新 | 32次组卷 | 1卷引用:甘肃省2023-2024学年高二上学期期末英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Mosquitoes are one of the few unpleasant parts of summer. As the temperature rises, these disease-carrying pests become a common sight, especially around standing water. Thankfully, these tiny annoying creatures don’t follow us into the winter, right? Wrong. According to researchers in Florida, climate change will likely keep mosquitoes active even in the colder months of the year. “In tropical (热带的) areas, mosquitoes are active all year, but that isn’t the case for the rest of the world. Outside of the tropics, winter temperatures cause mosquitoes to go into a kind of hibernation called diapause (滞育). We call these mosquitoes ‘cold bounded’ because their activity is limited by these lower temperatures,” says Brett Scheffers, assistant professor in the wildlife eco logy and conservation department, in a university release.

“However, with climate change, summers are to get longer and winters are to become shorter and warmer. What will that mean for those cold bounded mosquitoes? How will they respond?” To see just how adaptive mosquitoes are already becoming to changing temperatures throughout the year, researchers collected these insects during each season in Gainesville, Florida.

Study authors caught over 28,000 insects from 18 different mosquito species during their experiment. Scientists lured the pests by using a trap that produces carbon dioxide. Mosquitoes seek out this gas, which both humans and animals blow out when they breathe. For these pests, the gas signals that a tasty meal is nearby. The team randomly selected 1,000 of these mosquitoes to test in their lab temperature experiment. They placed each insect in a test tube before putting it in water. From there, researchers continued to change the temperature, from cold to hot. At the same time, the team monitored when each mosquito became inactive—marking their upper or lower temperature thresholds (阈点).

As for what is allowing mosquitoes to make these rapid adjustments to the weather, the answer is still unclear. However, researchers believe evolution could be working at a much faster rate in tinier creatures. Study authors believe their findings will help communities better prepare for insect season as climate change continues to lengthen summer.

1. What does Brett Scheffers think of those cold bounded mosquitoes’ behaviors?
A.Less active.B.More alarming.C.More annoying.D.Less consistent.
2. Why did the researchers conduct the experiment?
A.To find out why summer gets longer.
B.To see how mosquitoes spread in tropical areas.
C.To learn how mosquitoes are adapting to climate change.
D.To learn why climate change is related to species evolution.
3. Which can best replace the underlined word “lured” in paragraph 3?
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Cold bounded mosquitoes are easily trapped
B.Wildlife ecology helps better prepare for insect season
C.Mosquitoes will be a year-long problem due to climate change
D.The cause of mosquitoes’ rapid adjustments to the weather is clear
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 较易(0.85) |

5 . Welcome to Santa Cruz County. It is home to rough coastline and it’s the main destination for many hiking adventurers!

California King Tides Are Coming!

California King Tides are coming back to Santa Cruz County, and this season you have even more opportunities to enjoy these impressive tides! These naturally occurring and predictable events are when the highest and lowest tides hit our shores and create an even more dramatic coastline.

Winter Wildlife Getaway!

This season marks the start of the best wildlife watching on the California coast! Migrating whales and many special birds make December and January the perfect time for a wildlife adventure.

Magic Monarch Butterfly!

In Santa Cruz, we like to celebrate all creatures great and small, especially those of the migrating variety. On one hand, we are attracted by the sight of a whale surfaceing from the depths of the sea and, on the other hand, we delight in the attractive magic of a flying monarch butterfly.

County Shores!

Explore Santa Cruz County shores, and you’ll delight in rock y tide pools full of unique sea creatures. While exploring local tide pools, remember to have respect for your surroundings.

Care & Safety

Never turn your back on the ocean. Sleeper waves are a real phenomenon, and can sweep you away at any time.

We know how wonderful it might be to touch a plant or catch a fish from its waters, but disrupting tide pool life harms its inhabitants. Even if you think you’re saving a fish that appears to be pushed out of water, it’s best to leave it be. The tide will finally return it.

1. What are California King Tides like?
2. Which is the best season to watch wildlife in Santa Cruz County?
3. What are tourists advised to do when seeing tide pool fish?
A.Handle them gently.B.Catch them immediately.
C.Leave them where they are.D.Take them back to the ocean.
完形填空(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了作者与Paul Newman之间的深厚友情。当制片人不想让作者参演电影时,Paul Newman站出来为作者说话,两人因此而建立了深厚的友谊。在此后的很多年里,两人一直相互扶持,相互鼓励,因此两人的深厚友情维系了很多年。

6 . I first met Paul Newman in 1968, when George Roy Hill, the director of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, introduced us in New York City. When the ________ didn’t want me for the film — it wanted somebody as well known as ________ — he stood up for me. I don’t know how many people would have done that; they would have listened to their agents or the studio powers.

The ________ that grew out of the experience of ________ that film and The Sting four years later had its root in the fact that although there was a/an ________ difference, we both came from a tradition of theater and live TV. We were respectful of craft (技艺) and focused on digging into the characters we were going to ________. Both of us had the qualities and virtues that are ________ of American actors: humorous, aggressive, and ________ each other — but always with an underlying affection. Those were also at the core (核心) of our friendship off the screen.

We ________ the belief that if you’re ________ enough to have success, you should put something back — he with his Newman’s Own food and his Hole in the Wall camps for kids who are seriously ill, and me with Sundance and the institute and the festival. Paul and I didn’t see each other all that ________, but sharing that ________ brought us together. We ________ each other financially and by showing up at events. I ________ saw him a few months ago. He’d been ________ and out of the hospital. He and I both knew what the deal was, and we didn’t talk about it. Ours was a friendship that didn’t need a lot of words.

A.falling in love withB.looking down uponC.getting rid ofD.making fun of
2024-01-13更新 | 31次组卷 | 1卷引用:甘肃省2023-2024学年高二上学期期末英语试题

7 . My car slid easily into the school lane. I turned around and glanced at the back seat as my ten year old daughter_______. My daughter’s words started to spill, “Momma, Jenny_______all the girls in the class to attend her birthday party except for Heather and me. I_______I was her friend, too.” The air was filled with her_______.

As tears ran down my little girl’s face, I felt_______. As an introvert (内向的人), I often breathe a sigh of _______when I am not invited to a large social gathering. I prefer_______with a few friends who get me. _______, I don’t extend my preferences to my daughter’s social life. Since the age of four, rather than_______just a few, I’ve invited all of her classmates to her birthday parties. That’s because I am________to the need for young girls and boys to feel________.

I understand that at some point all of us are excluded from something and that this is a________children will eventually learn. But why does it have to happen when they are so________?

As soon as we got home, I hugged my still upset daughter and wiped away her tears. As I________her, I thought of her own approaching birthday party. The invitation would go out to all of her________.

A.got offB.climbed inC.passed byD.fell down
A.apologetic B.frightened C.blind D.sensitive
A.left outB.held backC.fulfilledD.included
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . “Second place is just the first loser” is a well-known saying from the legendary NASC ARchampion Dale Earnhardt. Or as my late father put it jokingly, “It’s not enough to win. Your friends have to lose, too.”

We may not want others to know our thoughts, but many of us think this way, because we are born to compete with each other. However, if left unmanaged, this can create conflicts between ourselves and others. Fortunately, there is a way to solve this problem: instead of always going for gold, aim for the bronze (铜牌).

To expand on the wisdom of Earnhardt, although second place may be the first loser, third place can be the real winner, at least when it comes to happiness and longevity. A 1995 study discovered that bronze winners appeared consistently happier on average than silver medalists, while another research in 2018 studied U.S. athletes in the Olympics from 1904 to1936 and found that those whose best performance was silver lived to 72 on average. Gold medalists beat this by living to 76. But the first prize went to the bronze winners, who lived to 78.

The social concepts of upward and down ward comparison help explain the difference. Silver medalists see themselves as the first loser because they compare themselves only with the champions. In contrast, the bronze winners compare downwards with those who have never made it onto the podium (领奖台) at all. Therefore, they feel better about themselves and thus, happier. The emotion shows up in improved health and lifespan. In fact, researchers have found that comparing ourselves with the unfortunate lot of others is a reliable technique for reducing a negative mood. The comparison is not from a feeling of ill will, but because rewards in life are relative.

The worldly happiness strategy of working for gold every day is foolish. Stop spending most of your time feeling like a silver medalist: always pursuing and relying your happiness on a single outcome. Rather, aim for healthy competitions in which you do your best without the expectation of being the absolute winner.

1. What does the joke from the author’s father imply?
A.Everyone has his or her secret.
B.Winning and losing are quite common.
C.Defeat is embarrassing in a competition.
D.A true friend always stands by your side.
2. What does the underlined word “longevity” in paragraph 3 mean?
A.Long lifetime.B.Enough pleasure.
C.Slow growth.D.Constant pursuit.
3. What can we learn about downward comparison from paragraph 4?
A.It brings some shyness.B.It prevents conflicts.
C.It improves well-being.D.It reflects negative intentions.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.The Key to Being a WinnerB.The Path to Worldly Happiness
C.The Wisdom of Dale EarnhardtD.The Victory of Coming in Third
阅读理解-阅读单选(约270词) | 较易(0.85) |

9 . China is a country with a rich history and diverse culture, and it is also home to some of the most beautiful natural landscapes in the world. Four of the most famous scenic spots in China are the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, the Terracotta Warriors, and the West Lake.

The Great Wall is one of the Seven Wonders of the World and is located in northern Chin. It was built over 2,000 years ago to protect China from invaders. The wall stretcher for 13,000 miles and is made up of various sections that have been restored and maintained over the years.

The Forbidden City, also known as the Palace Museum, is located in the heart of Beijing. I was the imperial palace for 24 emperors during the Ming and Qing dynasties and cove area of over 72 hectares. The Forbidden City is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is renowned for its stunning architecture and intricate decorations.

The Terracotta Warriors are located in Xi’an, Shannxi Province. They were discovered in 1974 by farmers who were digging a well. The warriors were created over 2,000 years ago to guard the tomb of Emperor Qin Shi Huang. There are over 8,000 life-sized soldiers, horses, and chariots, each with a unique expression and pose.

The West Lake is located in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. It is a freshwater lake surrounded by hills and gardens. The lake has been a popular tourist destination for centuries and is known for its picturesque scenery and cultural significance. It inspired many poets and artists throughout Chinese history.

1. What are the four famous scenic spots in China?
A.The Great Wall, the Forbidden City, the Terracotta Warriors, and the West Lake.
B.The Great Wall, the Forbidden City, the Terracotta Warriors, and the Pearl River.
C.The Great Wall, the Forbidden City, the Terracotta Warriors, and the Yangtze River.
D.The Great Wall, the Forbidden City, the Summer Palace, and the Temple of Heaven.
2. Who discovered the Terracotta Warriors?
A.The tourists who were visiting Xi’an.
B.The farmers who were digging a well.
C.The archaeologists who were conducting an excavation.
D.The local residents who were exploring their surroundings.
3. Which of the following statements is true about the West Lake?
A.The West Lake is located in Guangdong Province.
B.It is a saltwater lake surrounded by mountains and forests.
C.The lake has been a popular tourist destination for centuries.
D.It did not inspire any poets or artists throughout Chinese history.

10 . Years ago, just as I do every winter, I was bagging up the clothing my sons had outgrown. It is always my _________ to re-purpose those things that do nothing more than _________ space.

I found an ugly pair of hand-knitted socks. I had to _________ — garbage or donation? Not being unusable, they were simply _________ to look at. I put them in the garbage, but minutes later, I took them back.

Later that afternoon, _________ up the car with clothes, I drove to a local shelter. As I distributed them, I _________ into the bag and pulled out the last of the donations — the ugly socks. _________, I held them in my hand as the crowd of the homeless went away, each with a _________ smile. Just as I was about to drop the socks back into the empty bag, _________myself for even bringing them along for the __________, a teenage boy walked up to me. “Can I have these socks?” he asked. A little __________ that I hadn’t anything left to give him except for these socks, I replied, “Of course.” “Thank you!” he said__________. “These socks remind me of my grandmother. She used to knit stuff like this for me!”

Not only were his feet __________ that day but so was his heart — and mine. To this day, the socks continue to bring me __________. It’s a proof that there is happiness in life’s simplest things, and we’ll never know how much we get until we’ve __________ those things with others.

A.take upB.leaveC.makeD.free up
A.caring forB.living up toC.putting up withD.laughing at
2024-01-09更新 | 31次组卷 | 1卷引用:甘肃省白银市靖远县第四中学2023-2024学年高二上学期1月期末模拟英语试题
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