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1 . A little more than a year ago, Malia Martinez was introduced to a sewing (缝纫) machine, thanks to a thoughtful Christmas gift. “I got a gift certificate at Christmas to start sewing lessons,” Martinez said. “I really liked it.”

Later, a campground she often visited held a craft fair. Surrounded by pet owners and their beloved pets, Malia had an idea that would change lives. Why not create bandannas, a kind of colorful scarf, for dogs and cats and use them to support animal shelters?

With great passion and the support of her grandmother, Martinez turned a corner of their home into a craft room. Her grandmother helped her when she needed to iron things like that. Together, Martinez and her grandmother made many lovely bandannas, ranging in different styles and sizes.

But Martinez’s goal went far beyond sewing lovely bandannas. She began donating her creations to shelters like Forever Paws in Fall River, hoping it would attract a potential family. ”When I went to see the dogs in the animal shelters, it was kind of sad. So I thought if we got them a bandanna, they would look cuter like ‘Oh this one is cute. Maybe I can adopt this one’ and they would get a home and have the food and shelter they need, said Martinez. “And I just thought it’d be fun to maybe have an impact on that.”

Besides donating bandannas, Martinez began selling them through word-of-mouth and at pop-up events. Ranging from $3 to $7, money from her sales is now donated to shelters too. A few weeks ago, she donated more than $ 200 to the Kingston Animal Shelter. “They were happy and really appreciative, which made me feel really good inside,” said Martinez. “It makes me happy to see how it’s impacted the people and dogs.”

1. What inspired Martinez to create bandannas?
A.A Christmas gift.B.A trip to a craft fair.
C.Her family’s support.D.Her interest in sewing.
2. What did Martinez’s grandmother do to support her?
A.She helped with the sewing work.B.She built a craft room for Martinez.
C.She paid for Martinez’s sewing lessons.D.She bought Martinez a sewing machine.
3. Why did Martinez give away bandannas to animal shelters?
A.To increase the chances of animal adoption.B.To call on more people to visit the shelters.
C.To build a home for the homeless animals.D.To improve the animals’ living conditions.
4. Which of the following may best describe Martinez?
A.Patient and easygoing.B.Brave and outgoing.
C.Creative and caring.D.Honest and loving.
昨日更新 | 27次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省济南市2024-2025学年高一上学期开学统考英语试题
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2 . Many people would believe that the smooth flow of traffic in city areas is highly dependent on street designs. As it turns out, this may not be the case after all. A new type of design called a woonerf, the Dutch term for “living street”, operates under quite a different philosophy. A woonerf is a paved street area with practically no signs, lines, or traffic signals. It seems counter-intuitive that the absence of typical traffic markings could lead to safer streets with fewer accidents and even optimize traffic flow, yet it seems that it does.

Street markers serve to create a sense of safety, but in fact, they actually make roads less safe because drivers tend to feel that they do not need to pay as much attention if they have signs and markers telling them what to do. Removing markers creates an ambiguous environment for drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians, causing them to pay more attention to their surroundings and requiring them to interact more with each other by making eye contact more often. In effect, making streets appear to be more dangerous actually makes them safer, creating a cooperative balance among the users.

Since the plan was carried out, it has brought positive results. One town in England that recently removed white lines from roads saw a 35 percent decrease in the rate of accidents and a 5 percent drop in average driving speed. First introduced in the 1970s in the Netherlands, where they are still common, living streets can also be found in Germany, Denmark, and Switzerland, and they are becoming more popular throughout Europe and America. By taking into consideration humans’ response to apparent danger, these shared spaces are able to create an environment where humans work well.

1. What does a woonerf refer to?
A.A Dutch street.B.A design of street.
C.A term for traffic flow.D.A set of traffic markers.
2. What does the underlined word “optimize” in paragraph 1 probably mean?
3. What influence does the woonerf have on people?
A.They can move around more freely.B.They take little notice of traffic rules.
C.They are more careful about road safety.D.They are more interested in the environment.
4. What can be inferred about the woonerf from the last paragraph?
A.It has worked well in Asia.B.It spreads widely in Europe.
C.It increases the driving speed.D.It has added to the traffic flow.
昨日更新 | 17次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省济南市2024-2025学年高一上学期开学统考英语试题
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3 . Harvard Summer School’s Secondary School Program (SSP) is a 4-week or 7-week program for high school students.

Program Options

●The 7-week program has different formats in which you can attend:

You can live on campus in 7-week Residential;

You can do the 7-week program 100% online through SSP Online;

You can study at Harvard while still living at home and coming to campus for courses in 7-week Commuting.

●The 4-week program is entirely residential and courses are only offered on campus.


The total cost of the SSP depends on which format you choose. All applicants (申请人) must pay a non-refundable $75 application fee.

●7-week Online or Commuting: $3,900 (4 credits) or $7,600 (8 credits)

●7-week Residential: $14,250 (8 credits)

●4-week Residential: $7,700 (4 credits)

Who Can Participate (参加) in SSP?

To participate in the 2024 SSP, you must meet both of the following standards:

●Will graduate from high school and enter college in 2024, 2025, or 2026.

●Are at least 16 years old by June 22, 2024, and will not turn 19 years old before July 31, 2024.

What Will You Get Out of SSP?

Participation in SSP does not promise acceptance into Harvard College. However, SSP can help make your college application stronger, regardless of where you apply, because completion of the program shows that you can succeed in a challenging college course. You can meet professors from a variety of US colleges at our college fairs and visits. You will expand your academic skills and show your ability to study at an Ivy League level. Upon successful completion of the program, you’ll receive a letter grade and credits accordingly. You’ll also begin to build core life skills — such as time management, career planning, and living on your own-that will prepare you for success in college.

1. What is suitable for applicants wanting to live at home?
A.7-week Online.B.4-week Residential.
C.7-week Residential.D.7-week Commuting.
2. How much should an applicant for 7-week Online pay in total?
3. What can you get if you complete the program?
A.Certain credits.B.A chance to talk to professors.
C.A public letter.D.Acceptance into Harvard College.
昨日更新 | 36次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省济南市2024-2025学年高一上学期开学统考英语试题
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4 . Around one million cuneiform tablets (楔形文字泥板) have been found worldwide, on which cuneiform — the oldest known form of writing — was carved. Deciphering (破译) those cuneiform tablets helps know about the incredible stories of men, women and children in the early period of history. However, they are heavily weathered and thus difficult to decipher.

A new artificial intelligence (AI) software is now able to explain difficult-to-read texts. It was developed by a team from Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) and Mainz University of Applied Sciences.

Hubert Mara, a professor at MLU, and his research team came up with the idea of developing an AI system that applied 3D models. Instead of photos, the researchers first used 3D models of nearly 2,000 cuneiform tablets, including around 50 from a collection at MLU, achieving significantly more dependable results than previous methods.

The new system deciphers characters better than previous methods. In principle, the AI system works along the same lines as OCR software, which turns the images of writing and text into machine-readable text. “OCR usually works with photographs. This is no problem for ink on paper. In the case of cuneiform tablets, however, things are more difficult because the lighting conditions greatly influence how well certain characters can be recognized,” explains Mara.

The team trained the new AI software and did succeed in recognizing the symbols on the tablets. “We were surprised to find that our system works so well with these tablets, which are heavily weathered,” says Mara.

The work by the researchers makes a major step forward in the study of ancient writing systems and opens up many new lines of scientific exploration. Up until now, it can only translate symbols from two languages. However, a total of twelve cuneiform languages are known to exist. In the future, the software could also help to decipher weathered inscriptions (碑文), for example in cemeteries, which are three-dimensional like cuneiform.

1. What do we-know about cuneiform tablets?
A.They are greatly damaged over time.B.They record many prehistoric stories.
C.They show big progress in writing.D.They are quite small in number.
2. What is special about the new AI system?
A.It uses OCR software.B.It is based on 3D models.
C.It can translate 12 languages.D.It can turn texts into symbols.
3. What impressed Mara during the research?
A.The difficulty in saving cuneiform tablets.B.The discovery of a new writing system.
C.The achievements in computer science.D.The effectiveness of the new AI system.
4. What would be the best title for the text?
A.3D models are useful in researchesB.OCR software deciphered cuneiform
C.AI software helps read ancient symbolsD.Scientists use AI to find cuneiform tablets
昨日更新 | 21次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省济南市2024-2025学年高一上学期开学统考英语试题
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5 . When people think about improving their physical fitness, they often neglect (忽视) balance. Good balance is a necessary part of being physically fit and key to living a long life, according to research. It’s important for everyone, no matter your age.

Older adults are most affected by poor balance. Falls are the leading cause of injury and death for those 65 and older, with nearly 30% in this age group reporting at least one fall in 2018, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. But younger adults frequently fall down, too.

Forty-eight percent of young adults reported falling at least once during one 16-week study. The falls most commonly happened during sports activities, with women in the study reporting more falls and fall-related injuries than men.

Falls within the previous two years were reported by 18% of young adults (ages 20 to 45) in another study published in the journal BMC Public Health. That figure (数据) compared with 21% of middle-aged adults (46 to 65) reporting falls and 35% of those over 65. While falls among young adults were often connected with sports, falls by the middle-aged group were typically related to health problems and physical changes.

Many factors (因素) can affect your balance outside of age, such as vision changes, brain injuries, overweight and a general lack of physical fitness. Even if you have no risk factors, simply neglecting to work regularly on your balance will result in increased instability (不稳定性).

“Our body is conditioned to lose what we don’t regularly use and practice, and balance is no different,” said Susan Baxter.

1. What role does a good balance play in our lives?
A.It helps us live a healthy and long life.
B.It enables us to build a perfect shape.
C.It protects us from getting seriously sick.
D.It has the power to make us look young.
2. How does the author show the research results?
A.By having a discussion.B.By following the time order.
C.By raising questions.D.By giving a list of figures.
3. In which situation are young adults likely to fall down?
A.When a health problem comes up.B.When working regularly.
C.When a physical change appears.D.When joining in a sport.
4. What can we learn from what Susan Baxter said?
A.We’ll lose our balance if we don’t practise it often.
B.Our body is used to working in its own way.
C.We should manage our body properly.
D.We are naturally born with balance.
昨日更新 | 14次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省德州市庆云云天中学2023-2024学年高一下学期第一次月考英语试卷

6 . It was the first time that I had traveled around Cyprus with my husband John. I was _______ with the friendly Cypriot locals and the beautiful scenery.

We stopped and took a _______ at a beach-front restaurant located at Governor’s Beach, enjoying the beach-view just a few meters away. Slowly our table started to be _______ with fresh salads and seafood dishes. Each time our waiter Νίκος _______ our table, I looked up and said “ευχαριστώ”(Thank you).

“Why do you always say thank you?” Niκoς asked, holding both hands upwards, as if asking for an _______ . I smiled, wanting to make a connection and _______ a cultural exchange, “We think it’s good _______ to express our thanks for the work you do.”

“But it’s my _______ ! Not necessary to say so!” Νίκος replied.

Laughing, I replied, “Well, it’s my first day in Cyprus. Thank you for telling me this. And I’m understanding my Cypriot friends back in Britain.”

_______ , laughing showed that I wasn’t taking this matter seriously enough. Νίκος looked at me and joked, “Don’t ________ . Here in Cyprus we will fix a few things with you!” John and I looked at each other and ________ laughing.

Something as ________ as when and where to say “thank you” can be an opportunity to ________ and learn more about others from different backgrounds and cultural norms. And that’s why I love traveling so much. I can see in my own life how travel has been a bridge that ________ cultural gaps — leading to peace and greater ________ of the people who live together on our wonderful planet Earth.

A.focused onB.put offC.burst outD.stuck to
昨日更新 | 41次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省济南市2024-2025学年高一上学期开学统考英语试题
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文章大意:这是一篇说明文。主要介绍了一种由Deep Optics公司使用像素化液晶(PLC)镜片开发的32°N自适应眼镜。这种眼镜既可以作为保护眼镜使用,也可以作为可调节的阅读眼镜。

7 . 32°N adaptive glasses, created by Deep Optics using pixelated liquid crystal (PLC) lenses (像素化液晶镜片), work as both protective eyewear and adaptive reading glasses.

PLC lenses appeared as early as 2017, but only recently did the company create an interesting pair of eyeglasses that could, in theory, become the only pair of glasses a person would need. That`s because the adaptive concept of the glasses allows wearers to adjust their purpose with a single slide of the frame (框架). For stylish sunglasses, simply slide backward on the right frame, and to put them into vision correction mode, you just slide back to the original place. Additionally, the lens power can be changed from 0 to 2.5 diopters (屈光度), and the built-in battery offers up to 48 hours of power.

“Our special technology actively corrects vision using PLC lenses,” Deep Optics explains. “The lenses perform like human eyes, allowing the wearer to see what they want when they want. Our technology adds no extra weight or size.” The lenses are set in frames containing a distance meter on the bridge, which measures the distance from the wearer`s face to objects. The meter then sends a signal to adjust the diopters of the lenses. This adjustment can happen quickly, letting the user focus from one object to another clearly and accurately in 14 milliseconds.

At $849 per pair, 32°N glasses are not cheap, but they do relieve you of the need to carry two pairs of eyeglasses with you. No more changing between reading and distance glasses, as after adjusting the liquid crystal lenses to your needs, all you have to do is a slide on the right frame to change their focus between close and far distances.

These adaptive sunglasses are a giant step forward, ridding the need for single-use lenses. And 32°N glasses are not just primary designs that may or may not make it to the market. They are already available, despite their high price. Still, if liquid lenses become more mainstream, the price is certain to come down in the future.

1. What does paragraph 3 mainly tell us?
A.How the lenses are fixed.B.How the lenses work.
C.How the lenses bear more weight.D.How the lenses are created.
2. Which words best describe 32°N glasses?
A.Heavy but effective.B.Costly but multi-functional.
C.Creative but easily-broken.D.Energy-saving but inflexible.
3. What can we know about 32°N glasses from the last paragraph?
A.They haven`t reached consumers.B.Theyllcurewearers eye illnesses.
C.They have replaced the old sunglasses.D.They`re a breakthrough in the glasses industry.
4. In which section of a website may the text appear?
7日内更新 | 17次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省烟台市2023-2024学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题
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8 . A teacher was very annoyed by some of the boys whistling (吹口哨) during school hours. At last he knew he had to punish anyone who made the noise again.

The next morning, when the room was very quiet, a loud whistle was heard again! The students were very surprised, and the teacher at once looked around to discover the noise-maker.

The blame (责备) fell on a bad boy who was often in trouble. However, he said that he didn’t whistle at all. But no one believed his words, for he was not a truthful boy. The teacher brought him up to be punished.

Seeing what was about to happen, a thin little boy, about nine years old, who was nervously watching the event, rose from his seat.

“Do not punish John, sir,” he said to the teacher. “It was I who whistled. I was doing a long, hard sum (算术题), and when I erased another sum to make room for it, I rubbed out the difficult one by mistake. And before I know what I have done, I whistled out loud! I am very sorry, but I did not mean to whistle. I cannot let John be punished for my fault.” And with all the firmness (坚定) he could order, he held out his hand to be punished!

Taking his hand, the teacher said, “Charles, you have done the right thing. You were honest and spoke the truth. I believe that you did not mean to whistle. I cannot punish you, after being so honest.” Charles returned to his seat with his face red, and even the youngest child in the school felt proud of him. Every student could see how bravely he acted.

Charles was truly a brave boy. He did that which he knew to be right, even though at the time he might have been punished for it. True courage (勇气) may also be shown by refusing to do that which we know is wrong, though we may get in trouble or other children may laugh at us.

1. How might the teacher feel when he heard the whistle again?
2. Who did the teacher blame at first?
A.A thin little boy who was truthful.B.A bad boy who was often in trouble.
C.The youngest child who studied at school.D.Some boys who often whistled during school hours.
3. Why didn’t the teacher punish Charles?
A.Because Charles didn’t whistle out.
B.Because Charles was always a truthful student.
C.Because Charles helped the teacher find out the noise-maker.
D.Because Charles chose to be punished instead of lying(撒谎).
4. What is the correct order of the following events?
a. Charles explained to the teacher why he whistled.     b. Some boys often whistled during school hours.
c. The teacher didn’t punish Charles.                         d. A loud whistle was heard one day.
e. The teacher decided to punish John.
5. What is the best title of the passage?
A.The True CourageB.A Careless Noise-maker
C.The Strict PunishmentD.A Valuable Class
7日内更新 | 15次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省菏泽市巨野县实验中学2024-2025学年高一上学期开学考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约210词) | 较易(0.85) |

9 . More than nine million American children are spending part of their summer at a camp. They are swimming, playing sports, making music or learning to use a computer.

Traditional American summer camps offer children a chance to play many sports outdoors. These camps may be in the mountains, in the woods or in a lake. Other camps teach activities like painting, music or computer programming. Children at all kinds of camps meet new friends, learn new skills and develop independence (自立).

Some children go to camp during the day and return home at night. Others stay at camps all day and all night. Most children who attend camps are between the ages of about six and sixteen.

Some children stay at an overnight camp for one or two weeks. Others stay at day camp for as many as eight weeks. Parents pay from one hundred to more than seven hundred dollars a week for overnight camps. Day camps are much cheaper. The American tradition of sending children to summer camps began more than one hundred years ago.

1. How many American children are involved in summer camps?
A.More than 1,000,000.B.More than 10,000,000.
C.More than 9,000,000.D.Over 90,000,000.
2. How long does an overnight camp last?
A.From 6 to 16 weeks.B.One or two weeks.
C.From 1 to 8 weeks.D.Eight weeks.
3. What can we learn about the overnight camps?
A.Overnight camps cost more.B.Overnight campers are older.
C.Overnight camps last longer.D.Overnight campers can learn more.
4. How much do parents pay for a week overnight camps?
A.From one hundred to more than eight hundred.
B.From one hundred to more than seven hundred.
C.From one hundred to less than eight hundred.
D.From one hundred to less than seven hundred.
5. What is the passage about?
A.The American children’s activities.B.The American children’s summer courses.
C.The American children’s winter camps.D.The American children’s summer camps.
7日内更新 | 11次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省菏泽市巨野县实验中学2024-2025学年高一上学期开学考试英语试题
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10 . Browsing short-form video on TikTok is fun and relaxing. Here is a hot short-form video in August.

Escape From the British Museum Netizen (网友) advised vloggers to make a video of Chinese cultural relics (文物) going home from the UK to celebrate the Chinese lunar (农历) New Year. So the duo went to the UK in June and spent three months shooting the video. And Escape From the British Museum is from historic facts.
Director: two Chinese vloggers
Release Date (发布日期): 30th
Episodes: three
Content (内容): how a Chinese cultural relic (文物) run away from the British Museum and finds its way back to China.

Watcher’s feeling: It is pretty good. Their kind and brave actions nearly make me cry for several times. Chinese should always help Chinese cultural relics and we are a big family.

—Zhang Wei, September 6th

1. Where do they shoot the video?
2. Lingling can watch this short-form video with her friends on ________.
A.October 30thB.August 30thC.December 30thD.January 30th
3. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?
A.The video is about how Chinese cultural relics go home.
B.Chinese cultural relics want to celebrate the Chinese lunar New Year.
C.It has five episodes.
D.No one is interested in Escape From the British Museum, because it isn’t true.
4. The passage is most probably from a ________.
5. According to Zhang Wei, Escape From the British Museum is ________.
A.awfulB.boringC.greatD.just so so
7日内更新 | 14次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省菏泽市巨野县实验中学2024-2025学年高一上学期开学考试英语试题
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