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1 . Move to the Music

Music helps us exercise, but why does it have this effect?     1     The first is simple: Music distracts us. When we listen to a song we like, our brain pays attention to the music. For example, after we exercise for 20 minutes, our body might be tired. But we may not feel this immediately while listening to music. So we exercise a little longer.

Music also motivates us. When we hear dance music, for example, we naturally start to move to the beat. An upbeat song also puts us in a good mood, so we feel happier. This gives us energy and helps us exercise longer.     2     Songs in the range of 120-140 beats per minute(BPM)are the best, says sports psychologist Dr. Costas Karageorghis.

    3    . Its leading researcher Fritz put 61 people in small groups. They all then exercised twice. One time, each group worked out while listening to music for six minutes. Another time, they exercised for six minutes on special Jymmin machines. The name Jymmin is a combination of “jamming" and “gym.” Using these machines, each group made music as they moved. The exercisers became the composers and the machines became their instruments. In the end, 53 of the 61 people said the same thing: They felt less tired when they exercised on the Jymmin machines.     4    

How does Fritz explain this? Maybe people did better on the Jymmin machines because they had more control, he says. People created the beat. They could make it go faster or slower. Also, the activity was social. Each group was making music together and having fun. Fritz believes that Jymmin exercise may have other advantages, too.     5     For example, it may be even a good way to treat depression.

A.Experts say there are two main reasons.
B.This also helps relax our body and brain.
C.Music with a quick and steady beat is good for exercising,
D.He wants to find out if it can help with more serious conditions.
E.He expects to take advantage of it to tap into people’s potential.
F.A new study suggests this is only part of the explanation, however.
G.When they exercise and make music, working out seems to be easier.
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