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1 . A good workout app is like having a training assistant in your pocket-it can help you push harder, lift heavier, and eat better. But with so many different apps to choose from, knowing which will help you reach your goals can be a challenge in itself. To help simplify your workout routine, we’ve hand-picked some of the best workout apps to use in 2022.

Nike Training Club
REASONS TO BUY: + Content completely free
+Classes labeled by intensity
+ Home workouts
REASONS TO AVOID: —Nike removed certain training programs from app

With the update, Nike removed some of their training programs. It’s not perfect, but for a free app, there’s plenty to keep you moving here.

SPECIFICATIONS: Price: $29. 99 per month, annual subscription $10 per month
REASONS TO BUY: +Training programs
+Home and gym workouts
+ Meal plans
REASONS TO AVOID: —No option to play your own music

Centr offers daily workout videos covering a variety of disciplines. It features a 7-day free trial.

SPECIFICATIONS: Price: Free/$5 per month or $59. 99 per year
REASONS TO BUY: + Allows tracking for multiple sports
+Community surroundings
+30-day free trial of subscription
REASONS TO AVOID: —A lot of in-depth analysis features are behind paywall

The paid version gives users suggestions and plans based on other runners’ data.

SPECIFICATIONS—Price: $13 per month; 30 days free for trials
REASONS TO BUY: + A wide range of motivational classes
+Easy to stack and save classes for later
+Live classes to join with friends
REASONS TO AVOID: —If you don’t have access to an exercise bike or treadmill (跑步机), you won’t get the most out of this platform.
1. If you want to exercise with a friend, which one is best?
C.Centr.D.Nike Training Club.
2. What might be one reason why app users choose Nike Training Club?
A.Easy operation.B.Outdoor programs.
C.Updated content.D.Intensity-based classes.
3. Which app best suits people who enjoy outdoor sports?
A.Nike Training Club.B.Centr.
4. What is the common advantage of the four apps?
A.Users can enjoy live classes.B.They provide further analysis.
C.Users have various choices to make.D.They provide training classes.
7日内更新 | 8次组卷 | 1卷引用:新疆生产建设兵团第六师芳草湖农场中学2023-2024学年高一上学期9月开学英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约200词) | 较易(0.85) |

2 . Being attracted into “activities” that require only the movement of a hand, such as video games, social media or web surfing, more and more teenagers are passing on the chance to play sports — and that’s not good! If you’re a pre-teen or teen and you haven’t played a sport yet, now’s the perfect time to give it a try!     1    

You’ll become healthier. Sports require you to move your body.     2     Physical activity helps control weight, fight against diseases and improves mood.

    3     Many studies show that playing sports can improve your brainpower. Children who are more active show greater attention, have faster cognitive processing (认知处理) speed, and perform better on tests than children who are less active.

You’ll learn teamwork and sportsmanship. In sports, people learn to rely on each other and encourage one another to realize a common goal. Though individual sports are great, team sports teach you a life lesson: the success of a team depends on how well the players work together.     4     Cheating and fighting do not belong in sports.     5     Whether or not you’re a natural-born athlete, there’s a sport that’s just right for you! Whether it’s basketball, swimming, or skateboard, choose a sport that you truly love.

A.Pick a sport today!
B.You’ll get smarter.
C.Sports teach you to be honest.
D.Here are good reasons to join a sport.
E.You will receive higher grades in exams.
F.It is well known that exercise is good for your health.
G.Sports also teach you to respect the players on other teams.
2024-08-23更新 | 115次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省台州市台州市第一中学2023-2024学年新高一上学期入学分班考试英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . As much as I love watching Olympic diving, I’ve never understood why athletes hurry off to the showers and then proceed to relax in a hot tub (热水浴池) after each dive. They’re already wet. They’re only in the pool for a handful of seconds, so it’s not like they need to get cleaned up. And doesn’t taking a shower serve the same purpose as sitting in a hot tub? Actually, that’s what Olympic divers usually do between dives as they know very well about the importance of warm-ups and cool-downs. So, what’s the actual reason?

As it turns out, showers and hot tubs are used pretty interchangeably by the swimming pool. However, there is a need for both. First, let’s start with why divers need to take a shower between dives. It has to do with body temperature and keeping their muscles relaxed. As you can imagine, practicing dives in the pool, then having to keep your body warm in a shower, and then jumping off a 10-meter platform and into cold water couldn’t be comfortable for anyone. Going back and forth between these warm and cool temperatures can cause a diver’s muscles to tense or cramp up (痉挛), which can lead to injuries to the muscles. Showers allow an Olympic diver to recover and prevent that.

In that way, showers and hot tubs serve the same purpose. A hot tub is generally used if you have a bit more time between dives and have already stretched. The shower walls on the pool deck can typically provide enough space for more divers at the same time, and they’re especially helpful for athletes who need to stretch or who only have a few minutes between dives. Just like Olympic swimmers depend on thick clothes to keep their muscles warm, Olympic divers rely on these methods to stay loose. If you ask me, it’s not a bad way to pass the time!

1. What does the underlined word “proceed” in Paragraph 1 mean?
2. Why do the athletes need showers after diving?
A.To fully clean their body.B.To rest and wait for the results.
C.To avoid possible muscle injuries. D.To stop themselves from catching a cold.
3. What does the last paragraph suggest?
A.The shower walls are designed for divers in the final round.
B.Olympic swimmers need to stay warm using hot tubs.
C.Athletes usually do some activities to pass the time.
D.Hot tubs are as important as showers for divers.
4. What is the author’s purpose in writing this text?
A.To tell us the difference between diving and swimming.
B.To explain some little-known knowledge about divers.
C.To compare cold showers with the hot bath.
D.To provide some diving advice for us.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . A new study finds that getting a family dog is linked with a big jump in physical activity in younger kids — especially in young girls.

In the study, Australian researchers followed 600 children over a three-year period, starting at preschool age. They tracked the kids’ physical activity and surveyed parents about their children’s activities — and whether they had a family dog. Half of the children didn’t have a dog. About 204 kids had a dog the entire time, while 58 kids got a dog during the study period — and sadly, 31 kids lost a dog.

Both boys and girls in the study engaged more frequently in activities like dog walking and playing in the yard after getting a dog. But the impact was pronounced in girls in particular. It showed that adding a dog to the household increased young girls’ physical activity by 52 minutes a day — or almost an hour. In contrast, girls whose dog died during the study saw a big drop in their daily physical activity — by 62 minutes a day.

Katie Potter, a professor at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, who led the study notes that while the body of research is limited, other studies have also suggested that dogs may have a bit more of an impact on girls’ activity levels. “We’re not sure why — if it’s something about how girls and boys differently communicate with or connect with their dogs. So we certainly want to learn more about this,” Potter says. Studies show girls experience a bigger drop in physical activity as they get older than boys do. “If researchers can find ways to use dogs to get — and keep — girls moving more, that could have a real impact on public health.”

Dogs are a big responsibility, and owning one is not for everyone. But for dog lovers, welcoming a furry friend into the family could have many benefits. “There’s just something about the connection between humans and animals that I think people just can’t get enough of,” Potter says.

1. How does the study get its finding according to the passage?
A.By comparing boys’ school activities with girls.
B.By tracking kids’ long-term physical activity levels.
C.By studying the number of owning dogs in children.
D.By observing the relationship between kids and dogs.
2. What does the underlined word “pronounced” in paragraph 3 probably mean?
3. What does professor Potter suggest about the dog ownership?
A.It can reduce girls’ physical activity as they get older.
B.It can help drive girls to be more physically active.
C.It would help strengthen boys’ sense of responsibility.
D.It would make more and more girls ready to buy dogs.
4. Why do the researchers make the study according to professor Potter?
A.To encourage more families to adopt dogs as pets.
B.To understand the effect of dogs on public health.
C.To figure out the different effects on boys and girls.
D.To prove that dogs are important for physical well-being.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Taking exercise in a crowded, noisy gym will improve your muscle but may not make much difference in your stress level. By contrast, hiking improves not only your physical fitness level, but your mental health as well. “I hike with friends every week. Whether I am wandering down a flat path along a river or climbing a rock y mountain in the wilderness, hiking can be beneficial to me because it exposes (使接触) me to outdoor scenes such as mountain s and rivers, which can always offer me good ideas about paintings and music,” Marry Copper, a hiker said.

Experts agree that hiking reduces stress. According to the Anxiety Disorders Association of America (ADAA), hiking increases the body’s production of endorphins, a type of chemical that improves mood (情绪). Endorphins also help you sleep more soundly, which will lower your stress level. However, not all scientists agree that hiking raises your endorphin level. Instead, some researchers believe that hiking causes the release of the chemical norepinephrine, which helps make you less excited or upset.

The controversy (争议) is ongoing, but it is clear that however it happens, hiking is useful when you are feeling anxious. Hiking can also help improve your confidence. Walking down a path is a repetitive motion, which can lead your brain into relaxing; you may “zone out” to the point where you won’t be thinking about anything in particular. Being outside in the open air may also help you exercise better because most people do indoors; getting out from under a roof can lift your spirits.

Hiking may improve your mood more than a gym workout will, but your risks are also greater. People sometimes try to make their own way rather than stick to established paths. They are proud to say they like to have an adventure. However, people who try to do something new could be attacked by wildlife and get hurt and lost. So stick to the known roads and bring a cellphone with you, and always tell someone where and when you are going hiking, even if you have a partner going with you.

1. Why does Marry Copper like hiking?
A.She dislikes exercising in the gym.B.She can meet new friends when hiking.
C.She can draw inspiration from nature.D.She has the spirit of adventure in the wilderness.
2. What do we know about the study of hiking?
A.Scientists have reached an agreement.
B.Sound sleep can increase the body’s endorphin level.
C.Stress is caused by the body’s production of endorphin.
D.The chemical norepinephrine could make people calm.
3. What is the author’s attitude towards exploring new roads during hiking?
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.How can hiking cause controversy?B.Why do people like exercising outdoors?
C.What do hikers like to do in the wilderness?D.What benefits can hiking bring to people?
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . “Humans can develop certain abilities we aren’t born with by practicing animals’ movements,” the traditional Chinese Wushu lovers believed in the past — and still do today.

Chinese Five-Animal Exercises, also known as Wuqinxi, are the first complete set of qigong exercises following the movements of animals: monkeys, deer (鹿), birds, bears and tigers. They were created by one of the greatest doctors in Chinese history, Hua Tuo, more than 1,800 years ago.

The Five-Animal Exercises are well-designed to help blood circulation (循环), and let the energy go smoothly in the body so as to improve the health.

“The bear movements are good for the stomach. The tiger movements can reduce the pain in the back. The deer movements help reduce the fat around the waist (腰). The bird movements can help keep our knees healthy and the monkey movements can be good for the heart.” said Hua Yi, the 59th inheritor (继承人) of Wuqinxi.

For those new learners, the first few exercises might not go well. You may find it hard to focus. Wear comfortable clothes, keep peaceful in your mind, try to move slowly... Little by little, you’ll feel more and more harmonious with nature. You may even feel you become a tiger or a deer, walking in the forest freely.

These exercises need no tools. You can search online for the videos and practice them at any time when you feel like relaxing your body and mind. Because it’s fun to practice and good for health, Five-Animal Exercises are becoming more and more popular in recent years, not only in China, but also in many other places of the world.

1. Why do people practice Five-Animal Exercises?
A.To fight against enemiesB.To protect wild animalsC.To improve the health
2. What may help a lot if your grandfather has a backache?
A.the bear movementsB.the tiger movementsC.the deer movements
3. What does the underlined word “harmonious” in Paragraph 5 probably mean?
4. What can we infer (推断) from the passage?
A.It’s easy to learn Wuqinxi even for beginners.
B.People should practice Wuqinxi on weekends.
C.Wuqinxi is becoming worldwide famous.
5. What does the writer mean to do in the last two paragraphs (段落)?
A.To present an opinion.B.To offer some advice.C.To make a conclusion (结论).
2024-01-13更新 | 50次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南省岳阳市平江县颐华高级中学2023-2024学年高一上学期入学考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇应用文。主要讲述了BBC Young Reporter Competition是一个每年一次的机会,供英国全境11至18岁的年轻人向BBC提交原创故事创意。

7 . BBC Young Reporter Competition

If you are 11-18 years old, tell us about a story you think the BBC should be reporting.

What is the BBC Young Reporter Competition?

It is a yearly opportunity for 11- to 18-year-olds across the UK to submit (提交) an original story idea to the BBC. BBC Young Reporter Competition winners will have the chance to tell their story on TV, radio, online or on social media with the help of BBC journalists, producers and program makers. We are not looking for finished reports but entries should just be an outline of a story idea. This can be submitted as a written description or videos.

Entries will be judged in two age categories: 11-15 and 16-18. There is one entry category: Me and My World. Entries should be an original and true story about your life, or the world you live in. It could be about your own identity or experience that impacts you or your community. You need to show how your report on this story can reflect the wider situation. Entries will only be considered when submitted via the online mechanism (机制). No other method of entry is permitted (this includes email or post).

Judging process

Stories will be judged on editorial merit (优点) — that means the strength of the story, originality, and the personal story or background related to it. Judges will be looking for 40 winning stories from across the UK. Judges include editors from across the BBC as well as presenters and reporters. Stories will not be broadcast until all the judging is completed and the winners are announced in June.

Contact us

If you have any questions about the BBC Young Reporter Competition, please contact a member of the team by emailing youngreportercompetition@bbc.co.uk.

1. What do we know about the competition?
A.It is hosted every two years.
B.It is for professional journalists.
C.It includes three age categories.
D.It invites participants to present story ideas.
2. The theme of your entry should be about ______.
A.your life and your experienceB.the secret of your parents’ success
C.protecting the environmentD.public hygiene and health
3. How can participants submit their entries?
A.By posting their works to the BBC.
B.By following the online mechanism.
C.By contacting a member of the competition team.
D.By emailing youngreportercompetition@bbc.co.uk.
4. What can we learn about the judges?
A.They will finish all the judging in July.
B.They will be selected from school teachers.
C.They will select 40 winning stories for broadcasting.
D.They will judge participants based on their reporting skills.
5. If you want to know more about the competition, you can contact the team by ______.
C.visiting their official websiteD.leaving a message through calling
2024-01-11更新 | 62次组卷 | 1卷引用:天津市第二中学2023-2024学年高二上学期开学考试英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 较易(0.85) |

8 . The World Cup is an international football competition that takes place every four years.

The first World Cup event was held in 1930 ,and it can take place anywhere in the world. In 2018 the host country was Russia, in 2014 it was Brazil, in 2010 it was South Africa, and this year, in 2022, the host country is the State of Qatar. It is the first time that a country in the Middle East is hosting the World Cup and only the second time that a country in Asia is hosting the competition.

While the World Cup usually takes place in the months of June and July. It is pretty hot in Qatar during the summer months, so the competition will take place in November and December this year.

There are 32 national teams participating (参赛). These teams were determined through qualifying (资格) matches. There will be a total of 64 matches played over the 28-day World Cup. These will take place in eight stadiums across the State of Qatar. The opening match will be played at Al Bayt Stadium on the 20th of November between Qatar and Ecuador after the opening ceremony.

The winning team is presented with a gold trophy (奖杯) which, because of its high value,is kept until the post-match celebrations are over. They then receive a gold-plated copy of the trophy to keep.All members of the top three teams receive medals (奖牌) with an image of the World Cup trophy on them.The winners receive gold medals, the team in second place receive silver medals and the team in third place bronze medals.

1. What’s the theme (主题) of the passage?
2. What can we know from the World Cup ?
A.The first World Cup was held in Brazil.
B.Qatar is the first country in Asia to hold the World Cup.
C.The World Cup Qatar will take place in June and July.
D.These matches will be held in 8 stadiums of Qatar.
3. When will the Qatar world cup be held?
A.in June and JulyB.in SummerC.in November and DecemberD.in Autumn
4. What does the underlined world “determined” mean in paragraph 4?
5. What would be the best title for the passage?
A.Football CompetitionB.A Golden Trophy
C.The World Cup QatarD.The World Cup
2024-01-11更新 | 28次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省大余县梅关中学2023-2024学年高一上学期开学英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . For people suffering from depression, there’s an all-natural treatment they should use — getting more exercise. It could help fight depression, even if people have a genetic risk, new research shows.

For the study, researchers collected information from nearly 8,000 people and found those with related genes were more likely to have depression over the next two years after examining them. But that was less likely for people who were more active at the study’s start, even if they had a family history of depression. Higher levels of physical activity helped protect even those with the highest genetic risk of depression.

Both high-intensity (高强度) exercise and low-intensity activities were associated with a reduced risk of depression. Adding four hours of exercise a week could lower the risk of a new episode (一段经历) of depression by 17%, according to the study. “Our findings strongly suggest that, when it comes to depression, being physically active has the potential to remove the added risk of future episodes in individuals who are genetically risky,” said lead author Karmel Choi. “On average, about 35 additional minutes of physical activity each day may help people to reduce their risk and protect against future depression episodes.”

Depression is a common mental illness globally, with more than 264 million people affected. “Depression is so ubiquitous, and that underlines the need for effective approaches that can impact as many people as possible,” Choi said. And mental health and primary care providers can use the findings to advise patients that there’s something meaningful they can do to lower their risk of depression.

1. How did the researchers reach their conclusion?
A.By analyzing a mass of data.
B.By conducting genetic research.
C.By comparing various levels of activity.
D.By tracking the subjects for many years.
2. What does the study show about depression?
A.Physical activity betters medical treatment.
B.Exercise is able to decrease and prevent it.
C.Different levels of exercise intensity matter the same.
D.Exercising 35 minutes daily is the most effective treatment.
3. What does the underlined word “ubiquitous” in paragraph 4 mean?
4. What is the purpose of the text?
A.To discuss a disease.
B.To introduce a method.
C.To analyze a genetic risk.
D.To explain a phenomenon.
2023-12-23更新 | 144次组卷 | 29卷引用:新疆乌鲁木齐市第八中学2022-2023学年高一下学期第一次质量检测(开学摸底)英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Winter sports have lots of fun! But you have to know how to be safe.

Keeping toasty warm

You are going skating. You want to prepare your snowballing for the next big fight. But you have to remember to wear warm gloves and boots.

Fun in the sun

Sunscreen (防晒霜) may look funny in wintertime, but don’ t forget to put it on. Sunlight re - flects off all that bright white snow and ice and back onto your face. That’ s why you need to cover up with sunscreen, and lip balm (润唇膏) even if it’ s cloudy outside.

Sled safety

Going down a hill at an amazing speed can be great. But you must be safe when you’ re sledding. When you choose your sled (雪橇), make sure it’ s strong and safe. Never use things from home like garbage - can lids, plastic bags or pool floats for sleighs (雪橇). These are dangerous while you’ re sledding. Also, never use a sled that has any sharp, jagged edges or broken parts.

Also, a bike helmet (头盔) can protect your head.

Make sure the bottom of the hill must not be anywhere near cars or roads. This is important.

1. If you want to go skating or have a snowball fight, you have to wear warm ________ and boots.
A.T – shirtsB.blanketsC.glovesD.socks
2. It ‘ s suggested that using sunscreen and lip balm can ________.
A.make sure you are interestedB.keep you warm
C.make you look coolD.protect you from strong sunlight
3. Which of the following is NOT TRUE?
A.Sunlight may hurt even when it’ s cloudy.
B.We should always be careful while having fun.
C.We needn’ t avoid cars and roads while sledding.
D.We must wear warm gloves and boots when going skating.
4. What is the passage mainly about?
A.How to have fun while sledding.B.Why we keep warm.
C.How to keep safe in winter sports.D.Why we should keep safe.
2023-12-12更新 | 72次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南省张家界市慈利第一中学2023-2024学年高一上学期入学考试英语试卷
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