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1 . Devon Gallagher, a college graduate from Philadelphia, wants the world to know exactly where she’s been during her worldwide vacation in a special way.

The traveler, who was born with a congenital bone disease (先天性骨病), had her right leg amputated (截肢) at the age of four. Although the amputation caused misfortune for Gallagher early on, she now sees it as an inspiration for living her best life.

To spread that message, Gallagher has taken to social media, where she shares photos of her travels around the world. Besides, she writes her location across her artificial leg (假肢) before taking a picture.

Now she has been taking pictures across Europe, which show her cycling over the canals in Amsterdam, relaxing on a wall overlooking the city of Barcelona, posing with a waffle (华夫饼) in Brussels, taking breath-taking pictures in Athens and enjoying a river cruise (巡航) in Budapest, with all the well-known locations written on her artificial leg.

“I get a new leg every two years and I can choose the design on it. One day I had a sudden idea to get a chalkboard (黑板),” Gallagher said. “My mum and grandmother didn't like the idea, but my friends thought it was great and told me to go for it, so I did.”

Gallagher said people often stare when she’s writing on her leg, but once she shared the photos, she received only positive comment. “My leg hasn't stopped me doing anything I’ve wanted to do, I know it’s my determination to prove to myself that I can do it. Therefore, I’ve been able to keep up with my peers (同龄人) and lead a pretty great life.”

Gallagher shows us that you should never let anything stand in the way of your dreams. If life gives you an artificial leg, make art.

1. What message does Gallagher want to express in her special way?
A.She enjoys her traveling across the globe.
B.She suffers little from her leg amputation .
C.She looks on her misfortune as another form of blessing.
D.She has exactly fallen in love with posting photos online.
2. What can we learn about Gallagher from the text?
A.She is interested in art.
B.She lost her both legs at the age of four.
C.She wrote her travel destinations on her artificial leg.
D.She got permission from her family for getting a chalkboard.
3. Which of the following can best describe Gallagher?
A.Considerate and cooperativeB.Reliable and generous
C.Independent and selflessD.Determined and creative
4. Which of the following might be the best title for the text?
A.Never Too Late to ShareB.A Special Artificial Leg
C.An Outstanding PhotographerD.Gallagher’s Summer Holidays
2024-04-22更新 | 37次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省南昌市第十九中学2022-2023学年高二上学期第一次月考英语试卷
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2 . There is a man who I’d like to tell you about. His name is Sandy Greenberg. Sandy was a very good student, but he came from a poor family. And so he went to Columbia University, but while there, he became blind.

But something else happened to Sandy that may surprise you. Sandy said that when he lost his sight, his roommate would read his textbooks to him, every night. As a result, Sandy went on to graduate. He got a scholarship, and he went off to study at Oxford.

One day, Sandy got a call at Oxford, and his former roommate said, “Sandy, I’m really unhappy. I really don’t like being in graduate school, and I don’t want to do this.”

So Sandy asked, “Well, what do you want to do?”

And his roommate told him, “Sandy, I really love to sing. I have a high school friend who plays the guitar. And we would really like to try the music business. But we need to make a record, and in order to do that I need $500.”

So Sandy Greenberg told me he took all his life savings and sent it to his roommate. He told me, “You know, what else could I do? He made my life; I needed to help make his life.”

I almost forgot. You probably are wanting to know who Sandy’s roommate was. I think you’ve heard of him. Sandy’s roommate was a fellow by the name of Art Garfunkel, and he teamed up with another musician by the name of Paul Simon. That $500 helped them make a record that eventually became “The Sound of Silence.”

I hope you’ll remember the power of doing well by doing good. Each of you, in your own lives, will be faced with challenges and problems that you didn’t expect. How you are able to deal with adversity will be influenced by how you deal with others along the way. What you get will depend a lot on what you give. And that’s the end of the story of doing well, by doing good.

More importantly, when you get to be my age, you will find yourself beginning to ask, did my life make a difference? I think the only way to face this question is to consider, every day of your life: How can I do something for somebody else? How can I give back to others? It may be teaching, it may be becoming a doctor, you may be successful in business — no matter what your career path, there will always be the opportunity to give back. The chance will present itself to give your time, give your money, but mostly, to give your own heart and soul.

1. When Sandy Greenberg lost his sight, ____________.
A.he had thoughts of quitting collegeB.he overcame the difficulties on his own
C.he borrowed a friend’s notesD.a friend helped him with his study
2. From the passage, we know that ____________.
A.Sandy had a difficult time at Oxford
B.Sandy and his roommate both went on studying after their graduation
C.singing was one of Sandy’s hobbies
D.Sandy’s roommate was a great success at graduate school
3. The writer tells the story of Sandy and his roommate ____________.
A.to encourage us to face difficulties bravely
B.to tell us to change our path in life if we want to
C.to show that disabled people can succeed with help
D.to tell us that by helping others, we can also help ourselves
4. The underlined word ‘adversity’ in Paragraph 8 is closest in meaning to ____________.
5. The writer probably thinks that the true meaning of life is ____________.
A.helping others to make sure that we are successful
B.using our life to make a difference to others
C.being a teacher so that we can give back to others
D.starting to be generous when we become older
2024-04-19更新 | 34次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省佛山市南海区石门中学2022-2023学年高一上学期一检考试英语试卷

3 . Are parents rational (理性的) about their children? No. Parents aren’t rational because ________ isn’t rational. Young people can understand this about romantic love, but they find it ________ to accept this part in parental love.

My eldest daughter’s ________ the other day brought this up. “Let me ask you something, Dad,” she began in patiently controlled ________ that every experienced parent knows.

“I sailed around the Mediterranean in a yacht (游艇) when I was seventeen,” she said. “I hiked through the Pyrenees from Spain to Paris. I’ve done rock climbing and deep-sea diving and slept in rainforests in the jungle of Indonesia. Right?”

“Right,” I said, “So what?”

“So this,” she went on. “When I go to the corner drugstore to pick up some shampoo, why do you always tell me to be ________ when I cross the street?”

There is no satisfactory ________ a parent can give to this.

All I could say in reply was that when I was 50, my mother would ________ me not to drive too fast. If I were 80 and she were still alive, I would be getting the ________ warning. No matter what the age, a child is a child.

There is something else, too, that children find it hard to understand. When they are far away, there is nothing we can do about their ________. They are in the hands of the gods. Parents try not to ________ about it.

But when the children are close, the old protective urge quickly ________, and it doesn’t ________ how far they have been or what experiences they have got through.

Most ________ happen around the corner, not in the rainforest. The most instinctive (本能的) act of almost every creature is to ________ its young, and with humans this reaction stays for a lifetime.

In the parents’ mind, a child ages but does not ________. Rational? No. But if we were rational, would we want children at all?

A.comes backB.pays backC.looks backD.goes back
2024-04-17更新 | 38次组卷 | 1卷引用:安徽省芜湖市第一中学2022-2023学年高一上学期第一次阶段性诊断测试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Climbing, I once thought, was a very manly activity, but as I found my way into this activity, I came to see that something quite different happens on the rock.

Like wild swimming, rock climbing involves you into the landscape. On the rock, I am fully focused. Eyes pay close attention, ears are alert, and hands move across the surface. Unlike walking, where I could happily wander about absent-mindedly, in climbing, attentive observation is essential.

As an arts student studying English literature, I discovered a new type of reading from outdoor climbing. Going out on to the crags (悬崖), I saw how you could learn to read the rocks and develop a vocabulary of physical movements. Good climbers knew how to adjust their bodies on to the stone. Watching them, I wanted to possess that skillful “language”.

My progress happened when I worked for the Caingorms National Park Authority. Guiding my explorations into this strange new landscape was Nan Shepherd, a lady too. Unlike the goal-directed mindset of many mountaineers, she is not concerned with peaks or personal achievement. Shepherd sees the mountain as a total environment and she celebrates the Caingorms as a place alive with plants, rocks, animals and elements. Through her generous spirit and my own curiosity, I saw that rock climbing need not be a process of testing oneself against anything. Rather, the intensity of focus could develop a person into another way of being.

Spending so much time in high and stony places has transformed my view on the world and our place in it. I have come into physical contact with processes that go way beyond the everyday. Working with gravity, geology (地质学), rhythms of weather and deep time, I gain an actual relationship with the earth. This bond lies at the heart of my passion for rock climbing. I return to the rocks, because this is where I feel in contact with our land.

1. Why does the author like rock climbing?
A.It challenges her to compete with men.B.It allows her a unique attitude toward rock.
C.It teaches her how to possess a new language.D.It makes her feel connected wth the earth.
2. What does the writer find important in climbing?
3. What does the writer learn from Nan Shepherd?
A.Climbing goes together with nature.B.Every mountain top is within reach.
C.The best climber is the one having fun.D.You can not achieve high unless you change.
4. What does the underlined word “it” in the last paragraph refer to?
A.Time.B.Transformation.C.The world.D.My view.
完形填空(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Sometimes life can seem challenging (挑战的) and we usually get the feeling of “the grass on the other side is always greener”! We usually feel ______ with the troubles that life throws at us.

The best thing to do at that point of time is to ______ our eyes and start counting of all the ______ in life that God has given us.

If we think ______, our life is full of blessings that we hardly ______. Listening to the singing of birds early in the morning, we realize that there are many people who spend their life in a world that is ______ while many others spend their lives in a world that is dark and may have never ______ a rainbow or the setting sun.

When you go out for a drive, pull down the window and look at the poor ______ standing under the hot sun, begging for filling his hungry ______. We get three ______ a day without realizing its importance. Isn’t that a blessing?

Whenever you are sad, look at the eyes of your parents and family filled with love and ______ for you. There are many people who have never ______ the love of a family. Isn’t that a blessing?

As Mother Teresa once said, “We don’t need to do ______ things. We need to do small things with great ____”.

The key to a happy life is when we ______ others problems to be our own and try to help them. When we love people without any ______ and help them, our heart is filled with a ______ of happiness and peace seeing the ______ on their face.

So the next time whenever life ______ you down, close your eyes and…start ______!

2024-03-29更新 | 16次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省沧源佤族自治县民族中学2022-2023学年高二上学期第一次月考英语试题

6 . It was late September. I was driving through a heavy fog to a store to _______ a few things. When I got there, I _______ in the store looking for what I _______ . I chose a bag of food for my dogs, a pack of _______ for my son to play with his toy car and my favorite chocolate bars for _______ . As I turned the corner to _______ the checkout, though, I saw something that stopped me in my _______. A two-foot-tall skeleton (骨骼模型) _______   a tuxedo (无尾礼服) was staring across the room at a two-foot-tall Santa Claus. I _______ shook my head and walked on.

As I was ________ home, the fog lifted and the Autumn leaves started to ________ in the sunlight. There were reds, yellows, oranges and browns. It was so ________ . As I watched them, I found the   ________ why I had been so bothered by what I had seen in the__________. It wasn’t that Halloween was a month away and Christmas three months away. It wasn’t that the stores were doing all they could to________ money from our pockets and add__________ to our credit cards. It was the ________ fact that we possibly had ________ that every day is nice. Every day is ________, which we should treasure. We have created a world in which we regret the past and live for the ________. We spend all of our wealth trying and failing to buy a few moments of joy.

A.carry outB.turn downC.pick upD.put over
A.march onB.race inC.rush intoD.head for
2024-03-04更新 | 21次组卷 | 1卷引用:豫南九校2022-2023学年高二上学期第三次联考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 较易(0.85) |

7 . After long hours of waiting for my friend at the bus station, I got tired and wanted to just leave and plan another meeting.

As I was still deciding, there came a man selling shoes and started showing them to me so that I could buy or something. I just smiled and said “thank you”. I don’t know if it was the smile or what but the young man stepped closer and stood beside me and started talking to me. “You know I didn’t just end up like this, selling shoes. I had a life… had a family but one day life just turned upside down and all was gone just like that,” he said. In short, his wife stole all his money, sold his car and house. It was really a hard time for him and he was psychologically anguished. A lot happened and then he decided to pick up the pieces of his life. That’s when he started making and selling shoes to earn a living.

As I stood there listening to him pour out his heart and story of his life. I was still surprised how in the world can someone be so open to a total stranger like that and it occurred to me that some people get relieved that way. You see, a lot of times we meet people and most of them have burdens in their hearts and some of them don’t even have a person to talk to, so I’ve learned to be good to all people and always give them my time to listen to what they have to say. By doing this it will not only help that particular person but also the one who listens since you get to learn something and see the other side of life.

1. What do the author’s smile and “thank you” mean?
A.He/She took interest in the man’s story.
B.He/She wanted to have a look at the shoes.
C.He/She had no intention to buy anything.
D.He/She was busy thinking his/her own things.
2. Which of the following best explains “anguished” underlined in paragraph 2?
3. What can we infer about the man?
A.He was brave enough to continue his life.
B.He listened to others to bring them relief.
C.He got inspired after talking to the author.
D.He always talked to strangers about his life.
4. What does the author try to tell us to do in the last paragraph?
A.Speak out our trouble.B.Learn to listen.
C.Pour out our hearts.D.Be kind to strangers.
2024-03-01更新 | 38次组卷 | 1卷引用:南阳六校2021-2022学年下学期第二次联考高二英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . “Lei ming m ming baak ngo gong ge waa ah? Do you understand what I am saying?” I stare back at the speaker dumbly, my lips parted, the ideas clear in my mind but a response unable to express itself in a language in my distant range. After an uncomfortable pause, a bunch of words spill out of my mouth, sounding forced and unnatural.

The anecdote (轶事) above is a semi-conversation I had in Malaysia years ago. A three-week stay in Malaysia once every few years was often the highlight of my summers—what more can you ask from a food paradise? But besides the family, food, and escape that Malaysia offered, trips also brought accompanying feelings of guilt that I just couldn’t seem to translate. For one month every few summers, I got a taste of what it feels to be an outsider in my own culture, peering in. I was a girl lost in translation, passively absorbing the various tongues shouted between the stalls in the wet markets, quietly nodding along at my grandparents’ huge family dinners.

In America though, I am a different person. I don’t think twice about my grammar when speaking. I don’t struggle with the words and fear that my logic and stories won’t get through to people. So as a native English speaker, I do not have to worry daily about whether I’m judged for having an accent or whether I’m misunderstood across languages. In Malaysia, I naturally burst out “have you eaten?” instead of recalling the Malaysian equivalent “you makan already?” In Malaysia, everything about the way I speak-my accent, intonation, sentence structure, slang-gives me away. My American-ness is seen in the way I talk, dress, and act. Maybe my face could pass for a Malaysian local, but once I open my mouth to speak I am so clearly not. It is uncomfortable and awkward, and sometimes I wonder if I did not look Asian at all would it be better, since there would be no more language expectation for me than for a white tourist.

1. How did the author feel in the anecdote?
A.Confused and scared.B.Embarrassed and nervous.
C.Curious and surprised.D.Upset and puzzled.
2. Why did the author feel guilt according to Paragraph 2?
A.Because she had to stay away from her family
B.Because she didn’t enjoy speaking the language
C.Bccause she had to accept what grandparents said
D.Because she found it hard to understand the culture.
3. What can we learn about the author from the last paragraph?
A.She was a good language learner.B.She didn’t like being an Asian.
C.She was judged unfairly in MalaysiaD.She spoke English unconsciously in Malaysia.
4. From which column of the website does this article probably come from?
2024-02-17更新 | 67次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省无锡市第一中学2022-2023学年高三上学期12月月考(九)英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . “Tell me the story of me, Momma,” my daughter Sophie always asks when we sit on my grandmother’s rocking chair at the end of the day. “The first time I saw your beautiful face, it was nearly covered by a blue-and-white hat. You were surrounded by a soft blue blanket (毛毯). All I could see was a rosy face.” “And I looked like a tiny fairy baby?” she asks. “You did, and you weren’t older than a minute,” I always answer. “The nurse handed a tiny little girl to me, and I was so surprised because you felt so light. I thought if I threw off the blanket, I’d find no baby there at all, only air.”

From that moment, I became a mother. But that moment was just special and magical as if she’d come from my body directly into my arms. From that day on, she was my daughter in every way that mattered.

It’s easy sometimes to forget there was another mother out there with whom I share my title. Sophie’s birth mother, who was also my friend, lost her life to cancer not long after giving birth to Sophie. And I’ll never forget that it was her difficult decision — her tears and her pain — that made me a mom.

As my daughter grows, she will understand that sometimes life is a relay race (接力赛), and you never know who in this world will hand you your baton (接力棒). It could be someone you know for years, or it could be someone who you even never meet, someone you will never be able to repay for giving you the life you always wanted.

1. How does the author start the text?
A.By remembering her grandmother.B.By asking her daughter questions.
C.By describing her past life.D.By showing a conversation.
2. How does the author feel towards Sophie’s birth mother?
3. Which of the following could be the best title for the text?
A.Taking up the batonB.Being thankful for life
C.Two mothers’ loveD.The mystery of Sophie’s birth
完形填空(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . For me, two of the loveliest words in English are “Life persists”.

I ________ them years ago as a college student, sitting in the library, ________, working on a paper. Out of nowhere, those words came ________ off the page in a quote: “In the midst of death life persists; in the midst of ________ truth persists; in the midst of darkness light persists.”

Suddenly I wasn’t unhappy and impatient any more. Then I called my grandfather. I loved to talk with him. And I was desperate to ________ what he’d think of it. He had poor hearing, so I had to repeat it a few times, but once he ________ it, he laughed. “All I can say to that is totally ________,” he said on the phone. I told him how glad I was, after a long winter, to finally see spring and ________ to find that quote. “Why is that?” he asked. “Well, spring is a sure ________ that life persists. And it just makes me ________.”

He laughed again, and then in his lovely voice, he recited to me his ________ “spring time” words: “The desert shall rejoice (欣喜), and ________ as the rose.”

Many years later, when my husband and I drove across a desert with many wildflowers and blooming cactuses (仙人掌), I could almost hear my grandfather ________: “The desert shall rejoice.”

Life persists, and so do we, in the silence of ________ and the blooming of cactuses; and in the dead of winter and the green of spring. Spring ________ us that we’re alive forever.

A.looked forB.came acrossC.picked outD.made up
2023-12-21更新 | 35次组卷 | 1卷引用:陕西省咸阳市实验中学2022-2023学年高一上学期第二次月考英语试题
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