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1 . The 47-year-old mum has donated a kidney(肾) to a stranger and part of her liver(肝)to a sick little boy. Sue is even trying to give away a lung. which would make her the only living person in the world to have made so many selfless donations. She said: “To be able to give someone their life back is fantastic. At the moment, giving a lung isn’t possible in this country. but I’d love to do it.”

Sue’s first donation was the kidney in 2001. She explained: “You don’t need two kidneys. A lot of people are born with only one. Why not give one to someone who needs it?” But at that time it was illegal here to give an organ to a stranger. So Sue from Dulwich, south London who accepts only travel and living expenses, posted an internet ad saying: “Free kidney. no conditions attached.”

Larry Rosenfield from Colorado in the US answered the ad. He was 60, suffering from a kidney disease and time was running out. After establishing she was a match for Larry, Sue flew to the US. “The Colorado hospitals wouldn't accept me because it was the time of mad cow disease, so Larry found a hospital in Wisconsin that would do the operation.” Larry is now 73 and leading a full and active life.

Now Sue would like to donate a lung. In 2006, selfless donations became legal in the UK but not for lung donations so she's planning to go to America again.

And she insists her husband Roland, 51, and their 19-year-old son Daniel back her all the way. She said: "Some of my friends don't understand but. I'll never regret it. It's about changing lives. It's a great feeling.”

1. What made Sue donate her organs?
A.Saving one's life.B.Trying to be famous.
C.Needing living expenses.D.Removing useless organs.
2. How did Sue help Larry?
A.She found a hospital for him.B.She donated a kidney to him.
C.She answered his advertisement.D.She advertised his kidney online.
3. Which word best describes Sue's attitude to her organ donations?
4. In which section of a newspaper may this text appear?
C.Real life stories.D.Entertainment.
2021-02-07更新 | 49次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省成都市蓉城名校联盟(2018级)2021届高三第二次联考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . There has long been a view that in ancient times men were the hunters-out getting the neat — while women were gatherers-searching for fruit, vegetables and wild plants.

However, this stereotype has been overthrown by an archaeological discovery. Scientists found the remains of a teenage girl, who lived around 9,000 years ago, at a site in Peru alongside a hunting toolkit(工具箱).There was a knife and fakes(薄片)of rock for removing internal organs(内脏), and other hunting tools.

"It took a strong case to help us recognize that the archaeological pattern indicated actual female hunting behavior," said Randy Has, he lead author of the study.

The remains were recovered in 2018 when an archaeological site was being excavated(挖掘). Actually, Haas' team didn't plan to study female hunters. They found six bodies in a burial pit, a site 3,925 meters above sea level, on a windy plateau in southern Peru. The researchers used a new method to determine the sex of the found bones. The technique analyzed a protein in the remains' tooth enamel(釉质)to tell their gender. It turned out that the remains with an impressive hunting kit belong to a female.

According to the study and previous records of 107 other burial sites throughout North and South America, the team thinks that between 30 percent and 50 percent of big-game hunters who lived more than 10,000 years ago in the Americas could have been women.

However, some people think the hunting tools could have been placed there for symbolic or religious reasons, so the girl might not be a hunter.

In response, Haas pointed out the 9,00-year-old tomb contains a wide variety of tools-some are very rare, some are common — so this suggests that these tools were not some kind of sacrificial(献祭的)offering. Rather, they were the object that individuals used regularly.

Haas said this debate has great significance in today's world. "This insight-for me at least-stresses that many of the gender inequalities we see today do not have a biological basis," he said.

1. What is the word "overthrown" in paragraph 2 closest in meaning to?
2. What can we learn about the archaeological study done by Haas’ team?
A.It was aimed at learning about ancient female hunting behavior
B.A total of six bodies were discovered in northern Peru
C.A protein in the remains' tooth enamel was examined to know their gender
D.It suggested that most females in ancient times were hunters.
3. According to Haas, what were the tools found in the 9,000-year-old tomb used for?
A.For daily uses.B.For sacrificial offerings
C.For symbolic practices.D.For religious purposes
4. What do Haas' words imply in the last paragraph?
A.Males should be to blame for gender inequalities.
B.There were fewer gender inequalities in ancient times.
C.Many gender inequalities are not supported by biology.
D.We should ignore biological differences between males and females.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 较难(0.4) |

3 . If the world wants to control global warming, water shortage and pollution, then we all need to welcome “flexitarian” diets, say scientists.

This means eating mainly plant-based foods, and is a key step toward an environment friendly future for all in 2050, they say. Food waste will need to be halved ad farming practices will also have to improve, according to the study arid out by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Without action, the influence of the food system could increase by up to 90%

The authors say that he present food industry has a number of considerable environmental effects including being a great driver of climate change, using up freshwater and causing pollution through heavy use of chemical fertilizer. The study says that thanks to the population and income growth expected between 2010 and 2050, these effects could grow between 50-90%. This could push our world beyond is planetary boundaries, which the authors say represent a “safe operating space for humanity and the international community”.

However, the study finds that no single solution will avoid the dangers, so a combined approach is needed. So when it comes to climate change, the authors looked at what they called a “flexitarian” diet.

“We can eat a range of healthy dies but what they all have in common, according to the latest scientific evidence, is that they are all relatively plant-based,” said Dr. Marco from the University of Oxford. “You can go from a diet that has small amounts of animal products (some might call it a Mediterranean-based diet; we call it a flexitarian diet) over to a vegetarian(素食的) diet—we tried to stay with the most traditional one of these which in our view is the flexitarian one, but even this has only one serving of red meat per week.”

If the world moved to this type of diet, the study found that greenhouse gas emissions(排放物) from farming would be reduced by more than half.

Dr. Marco says that all measures combined can result in keeping both the planet and people healthy.

1. What is the IPCCs study about?
A.The role of modern farming practices.
B.The differences between various diets.
C.The effects of food industry on the planet.
D.The harmful consequence of global warming.
2. What do we know about the recent food system?
A.It is far too wasteful.
B.It has raised farmers’ income.
C.It contributes to the development of farming.
D.It is a key step to an environment-friendly society.
3. What can be called a “flexitarian” diet?
A.Eating a variety of food.
B.Eating a lot of animal products.
C.Eating vegetables grown without fertilizer.
D.Eating mostly plant-based meals and some red meat.
4. What benefit will the new diet bring to the world?
A.The water pollution will be controlled in 2050.
B.Less greenhouse gas will be produced.
C.Food waste will be reduced by half.
D.Much more money will be saved.

4 . Themed "New Era Shared Future" the third China International Import Expo (CIIE) was held from Nov 5 to 10 in Shanghai. More than 2,600 enterprises gathered and presented their advanced products. And may innovative products have made their world premiere(首次亮相) Let’s have a look at three of them.

Portable kayak

Lightweight and durable(耐用的) equipment is what all sport lovers desire. At the CIIE, the French sporting goods company Decathlon Launched is portable kayak(便携式皮划艇) ITIWIT X500. According to the company, he kayak measures 380cm in length and 65cm in width when inflated(充气).When not in use, it can be folded up to the size of a backpack.

In addition to its portability, the kayak also has the high performance capability of a professional kayak. It consists of five independent air chambers(气囊). Even if two of them don't work, the kayak floats are enough for sports enthusiasts to return to the shore safely.

Myopia prevention glasses

Frequent exposure to electronic devices has led to poor eyesight among teenagers. To address this issue, French company Essilor released a myopia(近视) control lens.

With the help of advanced technology, the lens can create a beam in front of the retina(视网膜) to slow down the increase of the eye axis.

“After more than two years of clinical research, the results show that the lens has an obvious effect on slowing down myopia progression in children,” said La Fan, a professor at Eye Optical Hospital Affiliated to Wenzhou Medical University.

Mind-reading ping-pong robot

Like ping-pong but afraid of criticism from your coach? The sixth generation of the Forpheus ping-pong robot from Japanese tech company Omron may help you.

The robot has multi-axis robotic arm that can imitate human strategies. It can actually live up to the feeling of playing against a real opponent.

At the same time, it can use sensors on the paddle(拍子) and five cameras to work out where you are and how you're moving. After analyzing your abilities, it can adjust its own playing level to match yours. The robot “pursues harmony of humans and machines by patiently teaching us how to play ping-pong”, noted The Verge.

1. What is the function of the five independent air chambers?
A.To make the kayak light.B.To make the kayak easy to be folded up.
C.To make the kayak look cool.D.To make the kayak safer.
2. What is the difference between the mind-reading ping-pong robot and human coaches?
A.The robot doesn't embarrass people when teaching.
B.The robot fails t figure out human strategies.
C.The robot can't create the feeling of a real ping-pong match.
D.The robot isn’t able to match people’s different skill levels.
3. What is the author's main purpose in writing this article?
A.To advertise some products sown at the CIIE.
B.To introduce some products shown at the CIIE.
C.To compare some products shown at the CIIE.
D.To explain how to use some products shown at the CIIE.
2021-02-03更新 | 89次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省巴中市2021届高三一诊英语试题

5 . A dear friend sent me a letter and handmade card in the mail today. On the outside of the card was a cutout picture of a hummingbird(蜂鸟) in mid-Night. With is wings, it flew deep into a flower Below. it was a quote by Russian writer Fyodor Dostoyevsky: “The world will be saved by beauty.” I smiled with both my face and heart when I saw it.

Looking at it reminded me of all the beauty in this world. I thought about the beautiful green forested mountains of my home. I thought of the fields of summer wildflowers blessing the world with their colors. I thought of the blue oceans that stretched from horizon to horizon. I thought of the sunsets in the desert wit their deep, rich reds and glorious golds. I thought of the endless variety of animals: green hummingbirds, white polar bears, red birds, gray wolves and blinking lightning bugs. I thought of the silver moon smiling down from the sky surrounded by a sea of stars.

Yet, I knew that it wasn’t the beauty of any of these things that would save the world. It was instead the beauty of human souls filed with light and love. It was these souls so full of love for each other and for this world that would save our planet. It was this love working through people that would make this world the place it was truly meant to be in the end.

My friend who sent me the card is one of these people. She, her husband and her family are going through so many struggles right now. Still, she continues to share her love and make this world a better place every single day. She continues to work to save our home by giving it the beauty of soul. She continues to shine her light. May we all do the same.

1. After getting the card, the author      .
A.couldn’t understand the quote in it
B.thought of many wonderful things in the world
C.called her friend right away to express her thanks
D.was reminded of the golden times hey spent together
2. What does the author think would save the world?
A.Fighting against difficulties in life.
B.Seeing the natural beauty around us.
C.Filling the world with love.
D.Building relationships among people.
3. Which of the following best describes the author’s friend?
4. What’s the best title of the text?
A.How to give gifts to otherB.Valuing the beauty of nature
C.Finding beauty withinD.Spending time with friends
2021-02-03更新 | 127次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省巴中市2021届高三一诊英语试题

6 . Brain games do not make you smarter. Companies like Lumosity made their bones throwing around terms like "brain elasticity'' to publicize their specific brand of brain promoting training, but upon further review, their claims were a bit dubious. They paid the price in the form of a $2 million false advertising fine, but their misstep doesn't mean there's no daily avenue to higher cognitive(认知的)function.

For kids, the best way to help improve cognitive function is through aerobic exercise. For adults, the best bet is more sedentary, and fortunately a bit less intense; if you want to up your energy and brain function, take some time out of your day to practice Hatha yoga or mindfulness meditation(冥想).

A new study from the University of Waterloo took a look at the effects of 25 minutes of daily Hatha yoga or mindfulness meditation on brain function and energy in a group of 31 adults. The participants were asked to complete 25 minutes of quiet reading as a control activity and 25 minutes of varied meditation at random intervals. Following each activity, the participants were asked to perform a task which would measure their brain function and energy level.

The research found that following both meditation and Hatha yoga, participants would perform significantly better at the task. The participants who practiced Hatha yoga saw the most sizeable bump in performance.

“There are a number of theories about why physical exercises like yoga improve energy levels and cognitive test performance,” said Kimberly Luu, the study’s lead author, via Science Daily. "These include the release of endorphins, increased blood flow to the brain, and reduced focus on ruminative thoughts. Though ultimately, it is still an open question.”

Twenty-five minutes of Hatha yoga in exchange for higher cognitive function? Not bad at all.

1. What does the underlined word "dubious" in paragraph 1 mean?
2. Why did the researchers from the University of Waterloo conduct the study?
A.To help improve cognitive function through physical exercises.
B.To test the effects of daily exercise on energy and brain function.
C.To measure participants’ cognitive performance and energy levels.
D.To increase blood flow to the brain and reduce focus on thoughts.
3. What can we infer about physical exercises from Kimberly Luu's words?
A.They are rarely built on a theoretical basis.
B.They attract people's attention to open questions.
C.They are beneficial to brain function and energy.
D.They lower people's levels of cognitive performance.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Daily Exercise Promotes Brain Power.
B.Brain Function Is Related to Energy.
C.A New Study Changes People's Mind.
D.Brain Power Controls Cognitive Performance.

7 . “Snow algae(藻类)is already a part of summer on the Antarctic Peninsula. A warming planet may mean a lot more of it. The algal blooms(藻华)that blanket parts of Antarctica’s snow cover in the summer are likely to expand as the planet warms.” researchers say in a new study.

“Green snow algae is found in warmer areas along the coastline where summer temperatures are above freezing. but still cold enough for there to be snow.” say scientists in a study published Wednesday in the journal Nature. It’s also more abundant in areas in close proximity to nesting sites and gathering places for animals like penguins and seals, whose feces(粪便)fuel the algae’s growth.

Green algae isn't new for Antarctica—it’s known to have been there to some degree for decades. New Scientist notes. But what researchers found suggests that climate change could have a major impact on algae in Antarctica, which in turn, could have its own impact on a warming planet.

The scientists don't predict that green algae will spread on all part, of the penguin. In fact. some small low-lying islands are likely to lose algae, because those islands may lose their summer snow cover altogether-and the snow algae can't grow without snow. But they predict the amount of green algae is likely to grow on larger pieces of land, where it can spread upward to higher ground that still has snow.

So what does more algae mean, besides turning the landscape green? It’s not totally clear. The green algae works as a carbon sink—the current amount of algae in Antarctica pulls about 500 tons of carbon from the atmosphere each year. On the other hand, algae also makes the surface of the snow darker, which leads to less sunlight being reflected from the snow's surface. Scientific American notes. That means that more of the sun's heat gets absorbed, speeding up wanning. It's high time that we should protect our planet.

1. What causes the algal blooms?
A.The melting of snow.B.The rising air temperature.
C.The researchers' activities.D.The covering of the blanket.
2. What do we know about green snow algae?
A.It has covered all parts of Antarctica.
B.It will spread to islands without snow.
C.It has some effect on penguins and seals.
D.It can grow in warm or fertilized places.
3. What is the last paragraph mainly about?
A.The effects of green algae.B.A carbon sink in Antarctica.
C.Changes of Antarctica's snow.D.The reflection from the snow’s surface.
4. What is the author's purpose in writing the text?
A.To present a new finding about green algae.
B.To explain the origins of green snow algae.
C.To call on people to protect the environment.
D.To show his concern about green snow algae.
2021-01-31更新 | 58次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省成都市蓉城名校联盟(2018级)2021届高三第二次联考英语试题

8 . Start Reading More in 2021

The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue

V.E. Schwab

In 1714, Addie LaRue made a bargain to live forever. Since then, she's traveled the globe trying to leave her mark on the world — but when you live for centuries, it's hard for anyone to remember your name. That is, until she meets a man in a hidden bookstore hundreds of years later who does. This time-traveling tale will fill your heart with magic and wonder.

Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents

Isabel Wilkerson

Through stories about real people (like Martin Luther King Jr.) and intense historical research, author Isabel Wilkerson links the hidden caste(等级)systems of America with India and Nazi Germany, and examines the solutions that are necessary in order for the country to move forward. This novel is eye-opening, informative and an absolute must-read.

Midnight Sun

Stepbenie Meyer

"Midnight Sun" was one of the most highly expected books of 2020. In this fifth companion book to the popular “Twilight” series, readers get a glimpse into the vampire Edward Cullen's views on his relationship with Bella Swan, accompanied with details of his past and inner thoughts. Fans. of the series will finally be able to understand the star-crossed lovers' tale as a whole.

The Girl With the Louding Voice

Abi Dare

This tale follows Adunni, a teenage girl growing up in a rural Nigerian village, who wants nothing more than an education. Despite many barriers that come her way, Adunni manages to escape poverty in order to build the life she dreamed of. This story of determination and hope will teach you about the power of reaching for your dreams and never giving up.

1. Who might like V. E. Schwab's book better?
A.History lovers.B.Fantasy story lovers.
C.Art lovers.D.Adventure lovers.
2. What is special about Midnight Sun?
A.It belongs to one of a series of books.
B.It can arouse readers' fighting spirits.
C.It tells readers Meyer's inner thoughts.
D.It is written from Bella’s points of view.
3. Which book will you choose if you are interested in the inspiring story?
A.Midnight Sun.
B.Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents.
C.The Girl With the Louding Voice.
D.The lnvisible Life of Addie LaRue.
2021-01-31更新 | 75次组卷 | 2卷引用:四川省成都市蓉城名校联盟(2018级)2021届高三第二次联考英语试题

9 . During the "golden week" national holiday that began on October 1st, hundreds of thousands of sightseers flocked to Lijiang, a picturesque historic town in the south-western province of Yunnan. Among its attractions are the symbols printed beneath the Chinese characters on road signs and shop fronts (Starbucks included). They are Dongba pictographs, an ancient form of script(文字)that originated among the Naxi, a local ethnic group. It almost died until about a decade ago, when local officials began to realize its value and covered the town with it.

Dongba was never widely used by the Naxi, of whom there are about 300,000 living in the Himalayan foothills near Lijiang, as well as in Tibet and Sichuan province. The pictographs, which evolved as early as the seventh century, were developed by shamans (巫 师)of the Dongba faith, which has roots in Tibet.

Over 20,000 of these religious records survive. They provide rich insight into how Naxi people thought about war, geography, astronomy and agriculture. But they are extremely hard to read. Linguists are helped by the area's Dongba priests(神职人员). There are about 600, most of them very old, including Yang Guoxing, who ran a school from 2010 to 2015 to teach Dongba to children living in the mountains. When Mr Yang was growing up, “everyone was too busy farming” to learn it. Now they are all busy soaking up the pop culture, he says.

Signs at bus stations in rural Yunnan encourage locals to use written and spoken Chinese. But the Naxi get off lightly compared with other ethnic minorities. Primary schools in Lijiang teach the Dongba script twice a week, as well as Naxi nursery rhymes. Li Dejing, head of the Dongba Culture Research Institute, says this is not just about keeping alive the pictographs, but letting children grasp “the very spirit of their own culture”. And this will also help tourism to develop in Lijiang.

1. What do we know about the Dongba script?
A.It is widely used by local people.
B.It was a tool used by certain people.
C.It was quite popular at certain periods.
D.It has a history of more than 3000 years.
2. According to Yang Guoxing, what makes it difficult to spread the Dongba script?
A.Only priests can read it.
B.It's extremely hard to read.
C.Its value hasn't been fully recognized.
D.People are too busy to learn a new language.
3. What has been done to keep the Dongba script alive?
A.New schools are opened to teach it.
B.Some tourists are invited to preserve it.
C.Only the Dongba script can be used in schools.
D.People are more exposed to this language than before.
4. What is the best title of the text?
A.The Dongba Script Is DyingB.The History of the Dongba Script
C.The Dongba Script Survives in LijiangD.The Influence of the Dongba Script
2021-01-25更新 | 220次组卷 | 3卷引用:四川省成都市2021届高三上学期第一次诊断性检测英语试题

10 . It sounds like science fiction, but the world's first floating dairy farm(奶牛场 )the brainchild of Dutch company Beladon, will become a reality.

Though the project has been in the works for years, the farm only recently got the green light for construction. This summer, a 900-ton platform was pulled to its current position in Rotterdam's harbor. It will soon be a multi-level home to 40 cows.

According to Peter, owner of Beladon, animal welfare was important when they were designing the farm. The finished farm will feature a “cow garden"on the top floor, with artificial trees and bushes to offer shade. A team of robots will be hired,collecting about 800 liters of milk per day. The milk will then be processed on the floor below and sold locally. In their free time. however, cows can walk a ramp(斜坡) to reach the firm ground on the bank.Tasty waste from the city-cut grass, potato skins, etc.- will be their main food source And waste from the farm will be used as fertilizer throughout Rotterdam.

The building will attract many visitors, but the real focus is food security. Getting cows on the water is a great step towards creating healthier cities. The idea first came in 2012, while Peter was in New York. When Hurricane Sandy hit, he watched the city's transportation paralyzed (瘫痪的)as Manhattan's roads were filled with water. Trucks for food distribution couldn’t move anymore.After two days. there was no fresh food in the stores, Then Peter had a thought: To create a climate-adaptive method of producing fresh, local food, why not harvest right on the water?"You going up and down with the tide, and you don’t need the transport."

Though it's just one small farm the project can serve as a model for cities across the globe. A building on the water is transportable, so you can move it when necessary.

1. What do we know about the dairy farm?
A.It is meant to serve local citizens.
B.It is out of the question.
C.It is located in the deep sea.
D.It is owned by the government.
2. How is the life of the cows on the dairy farm?
A.They feed on the plants grown on the farm.
B.They have access to the real land.
C.They can wander in the real garden
D.Their waste can be fully used aboard.
3. What is the main purpose of Beladon in building the farm?
A.To improve the local environment.B.To add a new scenic spot.
C.To help ensure food supply.D.To reduce pressure on transport.
4. What's the author's attitude to the idea of building such farms?
2021-01-25更新 | 241次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省南充市2021届高三第一次高考适应性考试英语试题
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