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1 . It is sometimes jokingly said that you may skip a meal a day without any adverse effect but skip using your WeChat for an hour and you will feel distinctly unwell. It is an acknowledgement of the fact that the app is no longer only a fun tool but an essential part of life for millions.

Launched in January 2011, this messaging, social media and mobile payment app today has more than 1 billion individual users. People use it for everything, from applying for a business license to booking a hospital appointment to keeping up with family and friends, shopping and paying bills—activities that are part and parcel of our everyday life.

When it was first introduced, WeChat was only an app supporting voice, video, picture and text messages between two persons or among a group. But today it has become ubiquitous.

In the past, people carried their wallet and keys with them wherever they went; today, a smart phone with WeChat installed is all they need in daily life. Its functions like Moments and mini programs and the official WeChat accounts of government agencies and companies have made communication and public services accessible and convenient like never before.

WeChat is also widely used by enterprises. Figures from Tencent show there are around 15 million WeChat official accounts, which enjoy 5 billion followers. Most businesses use their WeChat groups as a standard marketing kit. This has immensely reduced advertising, marketing and communication costs, and in the background of the novel coronavirus disease, made operations faster, contactless and safe.

However, there are concerns about the downsides of WeChat, such as addiction among primary school children. Equally serious is the misuse of WeChat for fraud or instigating crimes. However, it has to be kept in mind that these fallouts are not really the fault of WeChat, but due to the misuse of the app.

If we learn to temper our use of messaging apps with prudence and pragmatism, we could be looking forward to yet new conveniences and experience in this decade with the rapid development of 5G technology and artificial intelligence. Ultimately, the choice is ours, whether to use WeChat or any other new invention, wisely or wantonly.

1. We can conclude from the first paragraph that ___________.
A.we can easily skip a meal a day.
B.we will be ill by not using WeChat.
C.WeChat used to be meant for fun.
D.WeChat has become inseparable in daily life.
2. The underlined word “ubiquitous” in Paragraph 3 probably has the same meaning as ____________.
3. For what reasons do the government agencies choose to use WeChat?
A.WeChat has a mobile payment function.
B.The agencies provide better service through WeChat.
C.Mini programs are convenient for the agencies.
D.People do not have to carry keys and cash with them.
4. What benefits does WeChat bring to the businesses?
A.It has brought more followers.
B.It has become a standard.
C.It has helped to cut down the costs.
D.It has made the businesses healthier.
5. What is to be remembered when we look at the downsides of WeChat?
A.WeChat should be held responsibly.
B.WeChat should be banned among primary school children.
C.The improper use of the app leads to many problems.
D.The 5G technology will bring new conveniences and experience.

2 . To improve road safety and raise awareness among Russia’s notoriously (臭名昭著地) careless drivers, Russian police have tried to get drivers to slow down at zebra (斑马) crossings by having painted horses as zebras walk across on the busiest streets in some of the big cities.

The light grey horses, painted with black stripes (条纹), carried signs on their backs reading: “Careful, children are on their way to school.” The police sent the “zebras” to several different locations in the Russian capital, where officials in orange vests walked them over zebra crossings and handed out leaflets (传单) to passing drivers.

Some held up rainbow-coloured umbrellas over the painted animals to protect them from the rain. Russian roads are notoriously dangerous and drivers still rarely take steps to avoid pedestrians (行人). Nearly half of all traffic accidents in the country’s big cities are caused by cars hitting pedestrians, and a third of those occur on crossings, according to traffic police figures published last month.

In the first six months of this year, 378 people were killed and more than 6, 600 injured on pedestrian crossings in Russia, according to police. In Moscow alone, 43 people were killed, including two children.

Though police officials said that only safe paint would be used on the animals, animal rights activists still disagreed with the idea, accusing the police of “treating animals like garbage”.

“Children understand that paints are bad for animals,” the Interfax news agency quoted president of Vita animal rights group Irina Novozhilova as saying.

Let’s hope this part of the campaign is over and animals are left out of future attempts to raise pedestrians’ awareness.

1. Why do Moscow police have “zebras” walk across on the busiest streets?
A.To make a call on protecting animals.
B.To raise drivers’ awareness of road safety.
C.To tell people it is dangerous to cross streets.
D.To remind people zebras are in danger of extinction.
2. What does the underlined word “them” in Paragraph 2 refer to?
A.The zebras.B.The policemen.C.The horses.D.The drivers.
3. From the text we can learn that ______.
A.Russian drivers seldom give way to pedestrians.
B.Russian drivers often ignore traffic lights.
C.most Russian drivers have realized the seriousness of the problem.
D.the driving skills of Russian drivers are bad.
4. What do animal rights activists think of the new attempt?
A.Drivers must slow down at pedestrian crossings.
B.Road safety should be improved.
C.The paints used on the horses are safe.
D.These animals are ill-treated by the police.
5. Which word can best describe the author’s attitude towards the campaign?

3 . One summer during high school, my mom volunteered me to help Grandpa research our family tree. Great, I thought, imagining hours spent pawing through dusty, rotting boxes and listening to boring stories about people I didn't know. "You'll be surprised," my mom promised, "Family histories can be very interesting."

In truth, Grandpa didn't want to limit my work to just research, hoping to also preserve our family memories. He'd discovered a computer program that helps digitally scan old pictures and letters to preserve their contents before they crumble from old age. Grandpa wanted me to help him connect the scanner and set up the computer program. He could type documents and send emails, but had never used a scanner.

Soon after, I became fascinated with my relatives' lives. I asked Grandpa to tell the story behind every picture and letter we scanned. The stories, which turned out not to be boring at all, helped me not only understand but also relate to my relatives. I became so hungry for more information that Grandpa needed additional props to keep me satisfied. He showed me a chest filled with random stuff, all covered in dust.

Perusing through their belongings, I felt I was opening a window into the world of my relatives, a world long since gone. Grandpa showed me a bundle of letters he had sent to Grandma from the front lines of World War II and I could almost smell the gunpowder. I turned the pages of my great-grandmother's recipe book and could picture her cooking in her kitchen. All of the people who had been merely names to me now had faces to match.

Later, Grandpa admitted, "I probably could have done this project myself. I just wanted someone to share it with." I can't thank him enough for sharing the experience and making me appreciate the family members who have made me the person I am. I will cherish family memories and hope that someday will be able to pass them down to my own grandchildren.

1. Which of the following can best describe the author's first impression of research?
2. What does the underlined word "crumble" in paragraph 2 probably mean?
A.Come to life.B.Tear apart.
C.Fall to pieces.D.Break through.
3. Why did Grandpa give the author a chest?
A.To show him a bundle of letters.B.To keep him away from boredom.
C.To give him something to sort out.D.To fulfill his desire to know more.
4. What can we learn about Grandpa from the passage?
A.He used to serve in the army.B.He knew nothing about computer.
C.He buried the letters under gunpowder.D.He loved sharing what he had with others.
5. The best title of the passage is _______.
A.Precious family memoriesB.My grandpa and his belongings
C.My grandpa and his family treeD.Helping my grandpa in summer
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . What people say is only one aspect of good communication. Good listening skills and body language are also important for us to effectively communicate with others. Effective communication involves more than talking to a person. How things are said, words are chosen and tones are adopted are all aspects of good communication.

Body language, a common form of non-verbal communication, can support what a speaker is saying. Studies have shown that of the information that is received from other people, only 10% is from what they say and 40% is from the tone and speed of their voice. The other 50% is obtained from their body language. Reading body language is part of developing social skills.

Some professionals, such as lawyers, governmental security officers and doctors on mental problems, learn to read every type of body language of others to help in their jobs. They look for specific signs, while the average person reads some body language subconsciously(下意识地). Body language can involve one aspect such as the eyes, or the use of different body parts. Where the body is positioned in relation to another person or at a table is another piece in communicating what the person is feeling. Troubles may arise(出现) when body language is misunderstood.

Good listening skills clear the way to a clear message while bad listening skills create barriers which can confuse or stop the message. Good listeners can use body language by nodding occasionally to show interest and understanding, make eye contact with the speaker, repeat some of the words and feelings, and summarize what they have heard. All these can avoid communication troubles.

Poor listeners rarely communicate effectively. Barriers they commonly use may include: interruptions, inappropriate humor, judgments, criticisms, and unrelated questions. People who are attempting to communicate with a person who continually throws out barriers will often stop talking and they even get angry as they feel misunderstood and frustrated. Healthy minded people are able to communicate with others effectively by avoiding these barriers. They are able to let their partners know what they want regularly and clearly.

1. What can we learn from the first paragraph?
A.Speakers usually pay little attention to what they said and what words and tones they use.
B.Good communication means talking to a person effectively with right tones and speed.
C.Body language and listening skills are highly involved in successful communication.
D.The manner of communication is determined by the listener rather than the speaker.
2. According to the studies, body language ________.
A.makes up 40% of the information received from communication
B.sometimes leads people to misunderstand what others have said
C.can remind the listeners of what the speakers are actually expressing
D.can only be correctly read by people with excellent social skills
3. Which of the following reactions of a listener may create difficulties in communication?
A.Making a summary of what he has heard.
B.Repeating the speaker’s words and ideas.
C.Showing his feeling to the speaker.
D.Bringing in an unrelated topic suddenly.
4. What’s the author’s purpose of writing this text?
A.To emphasize that communication involves more than talking.
B.To introduce different types of non-verbal communication.
C.To suggest ways to effectively communicate with others.
D.To discuss the different effects of good and poor listening skills.
2021-04-28更新 | 279次组卷 | 3卷引用:天津市第一中学2020-2021学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题

5 . Some people say that friendship is the only channel through which human beings can ever experience the value of life. In our daily life, it is likely that you share some common interests with others-they may like the same sport, go to the same school or like the same kind of music as you do. Since you often meet them, they become your acquaintances(相识的人). Although some people develop many acquaintances, only a few become their good friends in their lifetime because there are differences between acquaintances and friends.

It is said that true friendship begins when someone knows what you are really like, but still likes you anyway. A true friend shows loyalty(忠诚)from the very beginning of the relationship. A friend will go through challenges to help you without expecting anything in return. A “friend” today may probably become a “true friend” tomorrow when they get involved in unexpected circumstances(条件)together with you-for example, when you are going through a difficult experience and your friend is there to help you out. However, some acquaintances might leave you when you badly need their help. At this time, you can experience what true friendship is.

In our life, some people seem to go through life with plenty of friends. They may be funny or they may have a bright and pleasant personality(性格). For these people, wherever they go, people seem to like them and welcome their company. But when they go through challenging life experiences, some of their friends are not there to help them. Therefore we can say some of their friends are not real friends and their friendship is just skin-deep.

However, others seem to go through life with no friends at all. They like to be alone, to travel by themselves or to do their own things. It’s a pity that few of these people find success in life because they have no friends. They lack the best gift in life-friendship.

1. What can we learn about acquaintances from the passage?
A.You seldom meet them in your life.
B.Not all of them can become your friends.
C.They are sure to become your good friends.
D.They have all of the same interests as you do.
2. You may get to know the meaning of friendship better when you ______.
A.get into troubleB.see your friend often
C.go to the same school as your friendD.enjoy the same kind of music as your friend
3. According to the passage, we can know that ______.
A.it’s easier to lose a friend than to get one
B.people without friends are always successful
C.it doesn’t matter whether one has friends or not
D.people with bright personality are easy to have friends
4. What does the underlined word “skin-deep” in Paragraph 3 mean?
A.Very deep.B.Not deep at all.
C.As precious as skin.D.Hidden under the skin.
5. What is the author’s attitude towards people without friends in their life?
2021-04-28更新 | 263次组卷 | 3卷引用:天津市河北区2020-2021学年高一下学期期中质量检测英语试题

6 . That cold January night, I was growing sick of my life in San Francisco. There I was, walking home at one in the morning after a tiring practice at the theater. With opening night only a week away, I was still learning my lines. I was having trouble dealing with my part-time job at the bank and my acting at night at the same time. As I walked, I thought seriously about giving up both acting and San Francisco. City life had become too much for me.

As I walked down empty streets under tall buildings, I felt very small and cold. I began running, both to keep warm and to keep away from any possible robbers. Very few people were still out except a few sad-looking homeless people under blankets.

About a block from my apartment, I heard a sound behind me. I turned quickly, half expecting to see someone with a knife or a gun. The street was empty. All I saw was a shining streetlight. Still, the noise had made me nervous, so I started to run faster. Not until I reached my apartment building and unlocked the door did I realize what the noise had been. It had been my wallet falling to the sidewalk.

Suddenly I wasn’t cold or tired anymore. I ran out of the door and back to where I’d heard the noise. Although I searched the sidewalk anxiously for fifteen minutes, my wallet was nowhere to be found.

Just as I was about to give up the search, I heard the garbage truck pulled up to the sidewalk next to me. When a voice called from the inside, “Alisa Camacho?” I thought I was dreaming. How could this man know my name? The door opened, and out jumped a small red-haired man with an amused look in his eyes: “Is this what you’re looking for?” he asked, holding up a small square shape.

It was nearly 3 a.m. by the time I got into bed. I wouldn’t get much sleep that night, but I had gotten my wallet back. I also had gotten back some enjoyment of city life. I realized that the city couldn’t be a bad place as long as people were willing to help each other.

1. How did the author feel when she was walking home after work?
A.Cold and sick.B.Fortunate and hopeful.
C.Satisfied and cheerful.D.Disappointed and helpless.
2. What is the author’s problem in Paragraph 1?
A.She didn’t know how to learn acting in an evening school.
B.She failed to balance her part-time job and acting.
C.She had to take part in various city activities.
D.She gave up both acting and San Francisco.
3. On her way home the author ______.
A.lost her wallet unknowinglyB.was stopped by a garbage truck driver
C.was robbed of her wallet by an armed manD.found some homeless people following her
4. In the fifth paragraph, why did the author say she was dreaming?
A.Her wallet was found in a garbage truck.B.Someone offered to take her back home.
C.She heard someone call her name.D.A red-haired man came to see her.
5. From the passage, we can infer that the author ______.
A.would stop working at nightB.would stay on in San Francisco
C.would make friends with cleanersD.would give up her job at the bank
阅读理解-阅读单选(约430词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Traveling alone can be daunting. I have traveled by myself many times but, on every occasion, there was someone to meet me at the other end of the bus, train or plane journey. This time was different.

Last week I had a holiday, from work, but none of my friends had the same week off. I decided that I still wanted to do something, so I booked a train ride to Toronto and reserved a bed in a hostel for one week.

One week by myself. Would I be lonely? Would I be bored? Quite the opposite. In fact, there are many benefits that come from traveling alone. Firstly, I was able to do whatever I wanted. I spent hours in museums that would have seemed boring and dull to some of my friends. I walked all around the city, which' some people may have found too exhausting. Instead of relying on someone else to remember directions or to suggest activities to do, I discovered my' independence and developed map-reading skills that I didn’t know I had. I could get up and go to sleep when I wanted and I didn’t have to wait for anyone else to shower and get ready every morning. Being in the safe environment of a hostel with like-minded travelers also gives a great opportunity to meet new people from all over the world, which can help combat loneliness.

In spite of the benefits, I found that there were also some disadvantages of traveling alone. I missed having someone to talk to and to bounce ideas off. Experiences are often more enjoyable if they are shared, and part of the fun of traveling is the memories you have afterwards. Without a travel partner, I won’t be able to laugh about and remember my Toronto adventure with a friend or family member in years to come.

In addition, eating in a restaurant or cooking in the hostel was less fun on my own.

I am very proud of myself for traveling alone, and I had a fantastic time in Toronto. However, in the future, I think I will always prefer to travel with another person or in a small group. Though, maybe it depends on who you travel with I would rather be by myself than with someone who is lazy, difficult and argumentative.

1. What happened to the author last week?
A.She traveled alone to Toronto during a work vacation.
B.She felt lonely away from home and missed her family.
C.She found someone meeting her during a trip to Toronto.
D.She made a trip as her friend during the same week to Toronto.
2. We can learn from the article that the author ________.
A.finds it boring and dull to visit museums
B.has already acquired great map-reading skills
C.believes she could benefit by traveling alone more
D.enjoys sharing traveling stories with family and friends
3. What does the underlined word “combat” in paragraph 3 probably mean?
A.Learn about.B.Adapt to.C.Fight against.D.Live with.
4. What can we know from the last 2 paragraphs?
A.She is proud of cooking in a hostel.B.She will find it fun to travel with anyone.
C.She favors travelling with good company.D.Argumentative travelers1 will be ideal choices.
5. Which of the following words can best describe the author?
A.Optimistic and talkative.B.Humorous and generous.
C.Ambitious and imaginative.D.Enthusiastic and independent.

8 . Research has shown that 85 percent of communication is nonverbal, so choosing what to wear to an interview is clearly an important part of your overall presentation. It won’t make up for weak answers, but it can communicate some positive things about your personality and what you might be like to work with.

· Blue:You can’t go wrong with darker shades of blue, especially navy. Choosing from this powerful color will project an image of someone who is in control. From the interviewer’s point of view, the color blue suggests calm, stability, trust, truth, confidence and security. These are all great messages to send without saying a word.

· Gray: After blue, gray is the second most popular color to wear for an interview. Like darker blue, it’s not a distracting color to the interviewer, which means they’ll be focused more on what you’re saying and how you’re saying it. Gray means sophistication (老成), so use it to your advantage.

· Black: This is a commanding color and represents authority. Black also suggests excitement, so use it carefully when putting together your interview outfit. You may want to use it as an accent (着重色) —like in a scarf or tie, for instance—rather than as the primary color.

· Red:This is an extremely powerful color. It’s so strong that you should only use it as an accent color. Reds are associated with energy, passion, desire, power and aggression. People think of intensity (紧张) and passion when they see the color red, so use it carefully or it could send the wrong message to the interviewer.

· White:White shirts and blouses are always appropriate. It sends the message of simplicity, cleanliness, precision and goodness.

1. What is the best title of the passage?
A.How to Prepare for Your Job Interview
B.A Research on Colours
C.Colorful Clothes Never Fail
D.What the Colors of Your Clothes Say about You
2. Why is it important to choose what to wear to an interview?
A.Because it will make up for your weak answers.
B.Because it suggests something about your personality.
C.Because it will make you feel better.
D.Because the interviewer judges a person by his appearance.
3. Based on the passage, which of the following are the messages from “Blue”?
①stability       ②energy       ③power       ④confidence        ⑤security
4. If you want to leave an impression of being simple and clean, you should be dressed in ________.
5. From the passage we can infer that ________.
A.job interviewees should think twice before wearing red clothes
B.the colors can send all the messages you want to convey
C.you can wear white clothes if you want to appear active
D.gray is the most popular color to wear for an interview
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 较易(0.85) |

9 . A night in the African rainforest camping under the stars is just one of the many never-to-be-forgotten experiences of our latest offer to Weekly News readers.

Day 1: The 5* Victoria Falls Hotel will meet your needs during your first day in Africa after the 30 km drive from the international airport. Located only minutes from the falls, the hotel has splendid views of the breathtaking waters.

Day 2: Your night under the stars, within few minutes’ walk of the Victoria Falls. Our purpose-built campsite offers our guests a chance to feel the atmosphere of the rainforest. Your evening starts with a great barbecue cooked by our head chef, followed by a program of African music and dance. Then, as moon rises and the stars shine, you retire to your tent to sleep or to listen to the fascinating sounds of the African rainforest.

Days 3-4: The 5* Zimbabwe National Hotel will accommodate you in the heart of the Zimbabwean wilderness. By jeep from your campsite near the Falls, you arrive at midday via the Zambezi river. The hotel offers you everything you would expect from 5* luxury hotel. In the evening, enjoy our international menu, or relax in the gardens. Those who love adventure can join our specially arranged rafting trip down the Zambezi river.

Days 5-6: Arrive by helicopter at the 5* Plaza Hotel, only 20 minutes’ drive from the airport. Day 5 includes an amazing safari to see some of the world’s most unusual animals in their natural habitats. On the final day, you can make shopping trip into town.

Included in this special offer: 6 nights in 5* hotel accommodation. Depart from London Heathrow Airport. Bed and breakfast meal basis. Price (£1, 355) is per person based on two people sharing a room.

1. During Day 2, the tourists will have a chance to _________.
A.cook a barbecueB.dance African dances
C.have a sleep outdoorsD.walk around the rainforest
2. The tourists will go to the Zimbabwe National Hotel by________.
3. The tourists will have time to do some shopping on________.
A.Day 1B.Day 2C.Day 3D.Day 6
4. We can learn from the text that the tourists ________.
A.can enjoy free meals during the whole trip
B.have to pay extra money for a single room
C.should book in advance to get a discount
D.are required to be London locals
5. Where does the text most probably come from?
A.A travel guide.B.A geography textbook.
C.A hotel advertisement.D.An introduction to Weekly News.

10 . Should we focus on our goal, or on the process?

What happened to Brenda Martinez, a US Olympic runner, may provide us with the answer. She lost her balance in the 800-meter run and failed to qualify for the Olympics. Instead of focusing on her failure, she prepared to win in the next race. “I just quickly let go of what happened in the 800m and got back to my routine, to focusing on all the little things I could do that would give me the best chance of running well later in the week,” she told New York Magazine. She said it was this mindset that led to her winning third place in the 1500-meter race about a week later to qualify for the Olympics in Rio. Instead of attaching herself to the goal of making the Olympic team, she concentrated on the process.

There is a problem with setting goals. Researchers from Harvard, the University of Pennsylvania and Northwestern found that overemphasizing goals based on measurable outcomes often leads to risk-taking, unethical (不道德的) behavior and reduced motivation. Their results were published in a Harvard Business School report titled Goals Gone Wild: The Systematic Side Effects of Over-Prescribing Goal Setting.

When you become overly focused on achieving the goal, you may lose sight of your original purpose for accomplishing the goal in the first place. Another danger is actually completing the goal without setting a plan for what’s next. For example, some marathon runners experience what’s called the “post-race blues”. Achieving your goal may cause you to drop the good habits that got you there in the first place. Dieters often experience this in what’s called “yo-yo dieting” when they drop down to a desired weight, but then gain all the weight back when they resume (重新开始) their bad habits.

“After you set a goal, it’s best to shit your focus from the goal itself to the process that gives you the best chance of achieving it and to judge yourself based on how well you complete that process,” columnist Brad Stulberg wrote on the website The Cut.

Ultimately, changing your attention from goals to process will cause you to achieve little victories on your way to accomplishing long-term goals. Amy Cuddy, a Harvard Business School psychology professor, wrote that focusing on this process “leaves you with a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment, regardless of the measurable outcome”.

1. Why is Brenda Martinez’s experience mentioned in Paragraph 2?
A.To show opportunity favors the prepared mind.
B.To describe how important it is to set big goals.
C.To suggest learning from failure can bring success.
D.To show how focusing on the process can lead to success.
2. According to Paragraph 3, overemphasizing goals could bring about________.
A.the use of unfair meansB.ignoring the whole picture
C.overestimating the setbacksD.being stressed by the risks involved
3. With the examples in Paragraph 4, the author intends to show that________.
A.we can’t focus on the goal too much
B.we must keep in mind why we set the goal
C.we should resume our habits when completing the goal
D.we should accept it is normal to feel down after success
4. What are the last two paragraphs mainly about?
A.Ways of judging a goal.B.Ways to set long-term goals.
C.The best chance of achieving goals.D.Benefits of focusing on the process.
5. The author supports his view ________.
A.by making a comparisonB.by reasoning with examples
C.by giving statisticsD.by doing an experiment
共计 平均难度:一般