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1 . Facebook is a habit forming activity, but users who spend a lot of time on the site say they feel less happy with their lives.

Researchers from University of Gothenburg say that many users log in as soon as they turn their PCs on and that the behavior can develop into an“addiction”. People in low income groups and the poorly educated are particularly at risk. Up to 85% of users say that they use Facebook daily and half say they start up Facebook as soon as they open their web users. Half fear that they are not“on top of things”if they are not logged into the site, and 25% say they feel”ill at ease”if they can't log in regularly.

The Swedish survey showed the network had its dark side.“Face-booking may become an unconscious habit. A majority of the respondents(受访者) log in every time they start their web browser(浏览器). This may even develop into an addiction,” says Leif Denti, doctoral student of Psychology at the University of Gothenburg.

People with low income and low-educated individuals spend more time on Facebook. Women are generally more active than men on Facebook. Users with low income and low education use Facebook more than other groups. Within these groups,users who spend more time on Facebook also report feeling less happy and less content with their lives.

The other surprise about the network is that although a huge amount of personal “ news”is traded through the site,it tends to focus on the positive.“ Most of the content they share has something to do with major events, positive events and when feeling good,”says Leif Denti.

1. What is the main idea of the text?
A.Using Facebook may become an addiction.
B.Positive events are more welcome on Facebook.
C.Women spend more time on Facebook than men.
D.Spending more time on Facebook leads to less happiness.
2. What does the underlined phrase ”ill at ease” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?
3. What can we learn from the text?
A.Half of the users use Facebook daily.
B.People tend to share good things on Facebook.
C.Men are more active than women on Facebook.
D.Well-educated people spend more time on Facebook.
4. Where is this text most likely from?
A.A diary.B.A novel.C.A magazine.D.A travel guide.

2 . If you think you’d like to live on Mars, you may have that possibility by 2023. A Dutch company called Mars One will soon advertise for people interested in colonizing (开拓) Mars. If you have all the necessary skills, you could be one of the first colonists. Are you ready for the challenge?

You won’t have to pay for the mission to Mars. Mars One has already received money from some donors and is hoping to get more from TV viewers who will become interested in the show where all applicants have a debate for the rare chances.

The main responsibility of the first colonists is to create an artificial environment on Mars where there is no air to breathe and no land to farm. Scientists know it’s quite possible because something similar has already been done in Antarctica.

Another problem is that space travel to Mars takes nearly a year to get to Mars and the colonists will live the rest of their lives there. When a human lives in an environment without gravity or with low gravity for a long time, the systems in the body weaken. Luckily, spinning (旋转) the spaceship can create artificial gravity, and artificial gravity can ease these problems. It will also be difficult for Mars colonists to be far from home, living in small spaces, and seeing the same people over and over. Colonists with depression could put the mission in danger. Fortunately, a few years ago, a joint Russian and European project called the Mars500 Mission studied people’s reactions in a Mars-like environment. It is viewed as a great success because scientists were able to see how people handle emotional and physical stresses.

Recent studies show that seven percent of people would want to go on such an adventure.

Mars One will soon start accepting its first colonists. Are you interested?

1. What do we know about the applicants to Mars from the first two paragraphs?
A.They will land on Mars in 2023.
B.They can get money from donors.
C.They will compete in a TV show.
D.They do not need special skills.
2. What will the first colonists do to solve the basic living problems on Mars?
A.Create earth-like conditions.
B.Build labs in Antarctica.
C.Spin the spaceship.
D.Start the Mars500 Mission.
3. What can the life of the first colonists be like according to the passage?
A.Difficult and dangerous.
B.Different but adaptable.
C.Challenging and unbearable .
D.Acceptable but depressing.
4. What’s the best title for the text?
A.Mars: our final destination?
B.Ready to be Mars’ colonists?
C.Space travel: a thrilling adventure?
D.Are you a qualified Mars astronaut?

3 . I believe my life was saved because of Beethoven's moonlight sonata (鸣奏曲) being put in a video game. To be clearer, I was a terrible kid, living in the mean streets of Philadelphia, where I frequently got involved with street gangs (一帮年轻人) and did horrible things I regret today. I was failing out of high-school and had no future prospects. The only music type I listened to at the time was rap and R&B, but classical music never crossed my ear.

I remember playing a game called Resident Evil one day, and in order to get to the next part of the game, the lead character, "Jill", has to discover a page or two of sheet music for the piano in order to open a secret passage to progress through the game. Once obtained, the game fades out and pops out a new scene where Jill plays the piano. Being in complete awe, I had no idea what these feelings were and admittedly didn't want it to stop. 20 seconds or so later, the short clip of music halted and my face was moist from tears that dripped from my eyes. I didn't know what was going on and was severely confused. All I knew was that I had to replay that scene over and over again, not knowing who Beethoven was or that it was much longer and satisfying piece.

My last year of high school, I wasn't expected to graduate but I had the opportunity to select a music elective. It was then that I realized that classical music chose me and that I had the gift of transferring emotion through classical composition. Everything became so much clearer and for some reason higher learning other subjects, including physics, chemistry, became interesting and easy. It was as if my brain turned on and I began to appreciate everything and everyone around me. Without classical music, I would be like 90% of my friends back in Philadelphia, or a non-productive member of society. Classical music saved my life.

1. Which word can best describe the author's childhood?
2. On what condition will Jill play the piano?
A.Exiting the game secretly.B.Finding one or two sheet music.
C.Listening to the music for 20 seconds.D.Setting up a new scene for the next player.
3. What turns the author's life?
A.His strong brain power.B.His last year in high school.
C.His appreciation to Beethoven.D.His encounter with classical music.
4. Which can be the best title of the passage?
A.Where There is Love, There is Music
B.Music, the Second Language of Human Being
C.Happy, You Listen to Music; Sad, You Understand It
D.Music, a Medicine Curing the Disease of Thought
2021-05-11更新 | 62次组卷 | 1卷引用:内蒙古赤峰市2021届高三4.20模拟考试英语试题

4 . The skull(颅骨)of a tiny bird preserved in a 100-million-year-old Myanmar amber has been discovered by an international team of scientists, according to a paper newly published in the scientific journal Nature.

The 14-millimeter-long skull is smaller than that of a bee hummingbird, the smallest living bird, making the new species the smallest bird and dinosaur ever found.

When Xing Lida, a paleontologist(古生物家)at the China University of Geosciences, who led the research, first saw the amber in 2016, he was amazed. "It's like a tiny arrow with a long beak(鸟喙)and big eyes. . . Only birds have such characteristics," he said.

The well-preserved fossil skull has rows of nearly 100 teeth that extend all the way under its big eyes that are supported by eye bones of a unique structure. The unusually high number of teeth and the unique shape of the eye make it difficult to classify the specimen(标本).

Scientists think that about 100 million years ago this bird-like animal lived in the tropical Hukawng Valley in northern Myanmar, where the amber was mined.

Despite its small size, the specimen, named Oculudentavis khaungraae(宽娅眼齿鸟), has more teeth than any other fossilized bird. The large number of teeth indicates that it was a predator(捕食者), the paper said.

"Judging from its size, it might prey mainly on insects," Xing said. "In fact, it has some characteristics that do not belong to birds or even dinosaurs. At present we think of it as a bird or a dinosaur, which is the most likely conclusion based on the characteristics of the skull.”

One of the biggest advantages of amber lies in its high-quality preservation of the fine details in the skull and soft tissue features. "Amber gives us almost the only opportunity, to learn about tiny vertebrates(脊椎动物)from the dinosaur age," Xing said. "Oculudentavis is by far the smallest and most important specimen."

1. What has the international team of scientists found recently?
A.The smallest fossil ever found.B.The oldest amber ever discovered.
C.The smallest bee hummingbird fossilD.The skull of the smallest known bird.
2. What do we know about Oculudentavis?
A.Its teeth and eyes were different from any other animal.
B.Its eve structure shows that it might have good eyesight.
C.It was classified in 2016 when first seen by Xing Lida.
D.Its small size suggests that it might feed on plants.
3. What proves Oculudentavis's identity as a predator?
A.Small size.B.Tropical habitat.
C.High number of teeth.D.Unique shape of the eye.
4. What does the last paragraph mainly talk about?
A.The way that the fossil was well preserved.
B.The reason why Oculudentavis was stuck in amber t
C.The contribution of the fossil to scientific research.
D.The importance of amber research in scientific research.
2021-05-11更新 | 52次组卷 | 1卷引用:内蒙古赤峰市2021届高三4.20模拟考试英语试题

5 . In recent years, Ethiopia has become a regional leader in solid waste management. Last year, the country transformed the landfill (垃圾填埋场) in Addis Ababa into a new waste-to-energy plant, the first such project on the continent. The plant incinerates up to 1, 400 tonnes of waste every day, about 80 percent of the city's rubbish, supplying the capital with 25 percent of its household electricity needs.

However, despite these important steps, challenges remain in Ethiopia. Although the country has permitted the Basel, Stockholm and Rotterdam conventions, laws and policies for environmentally sound management of hazardous (有害的) wastes are still not effective in pre- venting littering waste illegally.

To help Ethiopia meet these challenges, the Chemicals and Waste Management Program is supporting the country with a three-year project to enhance its capacity for sound management of hazardous wastes.

In the initial stages, a project management unit will be formed, made up of many representatives from government departments and private organizations. This unit will be responsible for reviewing and assessing Ethiopia's current legal system, which, despite numerous advances in recent years, does not specifically target the recycling of hazardous waste. Once legal gaps are identified, the project will seek to update existing policies and strategies.

Many people in Ethiopia are not aware of the possible effect of environmental damage and the need to report such crimes to the police. To resolve this pressing issue, Ethiopia will be conducting a series of capacity-building activities, including creating awareness-raising programs, training trainers and providing equipment.

Ethiopia will also work to establish a national mechanism for chemicals and waste management by engaging government departments and civil society groups. Authorities will also make budgetary provisions (预算拨款) in national, regional and institutional planning to ensure funding for these activities is sustainable even after the project's completion.

1. Which can replace the underlined word “incinerates” in paragraph 1?
2. What's the main problem of Ethiopia in waste management?
A.The relevant laws are not sound.B.The shortage of workers is severe.
C.The pollution level is too high.D.The funds are not sufficient.
3. What will Ethiopia do to help the natives protect the environment?
A.Restrict their environmental movement.B.Call on them to start some programs.
C.Reward them with budgetary provisions.D.Raise their environmental awareness.
4. What does the text mainly talk about?
A.Ethiopia is facing serious environmental problems.
B.Ethiopia has achieved success in waste management.
C.Ethiopia is putting efforts into waste management.
D.Ethiopia has reduced environmental pollution levels.

6 . Here on Earth where most of us live, we spend about a third of everyday lying down sleeping and two-thirds standing or sitting in an upright position.

That's not really how it goes in space when people are weightless and the zero gravity environment causes more liquid to shift to the head. Faces get swollen, legs lose volume and appear to be smaller. Many astronauts have complained of eye and back problems after coming back down to Earth and its gravity.

And now scientists say they have discovered some new risks with long-term space flight. A study published recently in JAMA Network Open, a medical journal, examined 11 healthy astronauts who had been on the International Space Station for six months. Eight of them had unusual characteristics observed in their blood. For instance, six of the astronauts had reverse (反向的)blood flow from their heads.

The lead author of the study says he doesn't know if that's actually harmful. The blood is still leaving the head from other pathways, so flowing backwards through a jugular vein(颈静脉) may not be dangerous. But he says it does show a change in how blood moves through the body while in space.

Another issue the study found was blood clots (凝块). One astronaut had one. Another showed signs of a partial blood clot. That is potentially harmful as the clots can block the flow of blood to the lungs. The astronaut who had one was treated for the rest of the spaceflight and made it home safely.

What does all this mean? Well, one researcher says these issues have probably been oc- curring since humans first went into space and that they would likely resolve themselves when astronauts came back down to Earth. Knowing about them now gives doctors something else to monitor when people leave our atmosphere.

1. What causes the physical problems for astronauts?
A.Sleeping for a long time.B.The zero gravity environment.
C.Staying in the spaceship.D.The shift in their bodies.
2. How many issues did the study newly find?
3. What can we know about the blood clot?
A.It is a common problem.B.It is a new kind of disease.
C.It is a threat to people's health.D.It was first found by astronauts.
4. What may be the best title for the text?
A.Doctors have a new task for astronauts
B.Zero gravity stops astronauts flying in space
C.It's dangerous for astronauts to fly into space
D.New risks are found in long-term space flight

7 . One of Britain' s most outstanding scientists says the growth in the use of electronic tablets and smart phones is causing people to spend so much time indoors that they need to take regular vitamin D supplements to make up for the lack of sunlight they receive naturally.

Geneticist Steve Jones said he himself was a follower to the cause and urged others to follow. “I never thought I would be a person who would take vitamin supplements;I always thought it was absolute nonsense. But now I take vitamin D every day. Today, because I knew the sun wasn't going to shine, I took an extra one,” he said.

Exposure to the sun is the major source of vitamin D. However, people are spending less and less time outdoors in many areas. The problem is particularly serious in Scotland. "The Scots are the whitest people in the world because their entire body systems are crying out for vitamin D," he said, adding that life expectancy in Scotland is two years shorter than in England or Wales. Multiple sclerosis (多发性硬化症), a medical condition which is often seen in northern Europe, is also higher in Scotland than in England.

Vitamin D helps with the absorption of Ca, which helps keep bones strong. And Jones said the fact that rickets (佝偻病) was making a comeback in Britain after nearly 50 years was another sign of how changing behavior patterns were bringing physical harm.

Jones admitted that concerns over the damaging effects on skin of long-time exposure to the sun were reasonable, but said sunlight was healthy and necessary for the human body, and could help in lowering blood pressure. "If you lie on the beach for an hour, you will drop your blood pressure by about 10 points, because it relaxes your blood vessels (血管). So, get out in the sun while we still can," he said.

1. How are people affected by the rise of technology according to the text?
A.They are more sensitive to sunlight
B.They take more vitamin D supplements.
C.They get less vitamin D than before.
D.They become addicted to electronic games.
2. What’s Jones’ attitude towards taking vitamin D supplements now?
3. Why are the Scots the whitest people in the world?
A.Because they are in great need of sunlight.
B.Because their blood pressure is very low.
C.Because they enjoy a short period of sunshine.
D.Because they are easy to get multiple sclerosis.
4. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.Get out and gain more Vitamin D
B.Keep away from tablets and phones
C.Pay attention to the importance of sunlight
D.Take vitamin D supplements to keep healthy

8 . American billionaire Elon Musk has demonstrated a technology designed to use a computer chip inside the head to control the brain. During a video demonstration on Friday, Musk provided details about the system, called Neuralink.

Musk says he hopes the technology can be used to treat neural disorders and help spinal injury victims regain body movement. Musk also believes the system could be used in the future to improve intelligence to help humans keep up with supercomputers and artificial intelligence (AI) technology.

During the show, Musk showed off a model of the Neuralink device. It is about 23 millimeters wide. It is designed to be implanted into a person's skull. Small wires would connect the device directly to the brain.

The Neuralink system is currently being tested in pigs, with plans to seek government approval for human testing sometime in the future.

A pig named Gertrude was also shown during the show. Musk explained that Gertrude had a Neuralink chip inside its head. The device is meant to record nerve activity in the pig's nose and mouth.

Musk said the company had three pigs, each with two chips. He described the animals as "healthy, happy and indistinguishable from a normal pig." Musk said the company was able to predict with "high accuracy" a pig's leg movement on a running machine using data from the chip.

Musk noted that Neuralink first wants to use the device on people with severe spinal cord injuries to help them talk and move using their brain waves. He said he is hopeful that, in the long term, those people could regain "full-body motion."

Some neuroscientists not linked to the company said the presentation suggested Neuralink had made great progress with the technology. However, they warned that many more studies will be needed to test the long-term success of such devices.

1. What good can the Neuralink device do to the disabled?
A.Making them think clearly.
B.Treating their diseases successfully.
C.Having them keep up with supercomputers.
D.Helping them to move again.
2. Which can best describe the pigs with a Neuralink inside their heads?
3. What do some neuroscientists think of Neuralink?
A.it has been a great success.
B.it will succeed very soon.
C.it has a long way to go.
D.It needs support from new theories.
4. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.There Will Be Great Progress in Brain Science.
B.Musk Shows Technology Linking Computer to Brain.
C.Three Pigs Are being Tested Instead of Human Beings.
D.The Disabled Will Receive Better Treatment in the future.
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