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1 . We often hear friends ask why they should read fiction. There is so much to learn from history, from what is going on at the frontiers of science, and from contemporary studies of human behavior. Why should they spend their scarce "free time" reading fiction, the purpose of which, at best, is only entertainment?

We are disappointed about such comments. Yes, we respond, we do find pleasure in reading fiction. But we also learn much about how to best live our lives in ways that can only be captured by fiction. We recognize that some novels are entertaining, but leave no lasting impression. What makes a novel more than entertainment?

Our answer is that we don't just read great books - they read us as well. The human condition is complex and contradictory, layered like an ice-cream dessert, with flavors mixed among the layers. A great novel reflects that complexity. We may read it several times, as we do with our favorites, and each time it is like finding an old friend and gaining new insights from that friend. We put it down with new understandings of the world around us and, most important, of ourselves.

Let's look at the novel Frankenstein, written in 1818 by Mary Shelley. Frankenstein is not the monster, but a young man seeking out the secrets of the universe. He collects body parts and charges it with life. When the dull yellow eyes open, however, Frankenstein, shocked by what he has done, abandons the creature, which ultimately kills Frankenstein's brother, his bride, and his best friend.

On one level, Frankenstein is entertaining - a good horror story, though a little dated. But Shelley writes more than just that. On a deeper level, her book forces us to ask whether humans reach too far to gain knowledge that is as forbidden as the fruit of the Garden of Eden. This theme, as old as the legend of Prometheus (普罗米修斯),dominates Frankenstein. Shelley, of course, knew nothing of genetic (遗传的)engineering that happens today. She was deeply troubled by what human beings might discover about themselves, and the effects of those discoveries on society. Our reading of great literature can also be enriched by understanding the author's personal interests and anxieties.

1. How does the author feel about fiction reading?
A.It is a window to a whole new world.
B.It helps us discover the frontiers of science.
C.It offers insight into how to live best lives.
D.It holds some clues to understanding our memory.
2. Why does the author say great books read us as well?
A.Because they deserve reading several times.
B.Because they lead us to a rich and colorful life.
C.Because they explore humans' complex reality.
D.Because they improve the writer-reader relationship.
3. What do we know about the novel Frankenstein!
A.It is based on a grand theme.
B.It is a record of a historic event.
C.It is merely a great horror story.
D.It is about the legend of Prometheus.
4. What is the best title of the text?
A.Why should we read fiction?
B.Can novel reading last long?
C.Read for fun or read for none?
D.Is Frankenstein really entertaining?

2 . Many students of the past and present would agree that their favorite thing on campus is the vending machine. Whether it’s serving up snacks or drinks, beholding the grand machine full of popular options with the luxury of money in your pocket and the power to choose whatever suits you most in that moment is a cherished feeling. If only, so many people wonder, it was this easy and affordable for kids to get their hands on new books? Well...it could be, in fact.

And that's why this school just opened its first scholastic vending machine. In a bid to get kids reading more, this school is taking a new approach: present the best-selling page-turners of the world in a kid-friendly package. With racing imaginations that never turn off and a hunger for any excuse to do anything except their homework, it's more often than not that kids just need to open up a book in order to get sucked in and start flipping through pages left and right. And pretty much no kid can resist the temptations of a vending machine.

But this vending machine gets even better: the books inside are available through the purchase of tokens—not money. And these tokens are earned through a system that rewards kids from visiting and finishing other books. Through a partnership with the local library, students can check out and return books there for free to qualify themselves for the book vending program, which prevents difficulties affording books independently from becoming an issue for these students.

Once the students have earned a token, they've earned a free book—from a machine stocked with $1,000 worth of books inside. The vending machine even features books from every genre to ensure that there's something for everyone.

1. What is the first paragraph mainly about?
A.How a vending machine functions.B.What makes students excited on campus.
C.What inspires the vending machine programD.How a vending machine brings convenience.
2. What do we know about the new vending machine?
A.It provides a limited category of books.B.Students earn its tokens by reading books.
C.Children can borrow books from it for free.D.About 1000 books are available in each machine.
3. Which words can best describe the Scholastic vending program?
A.Advanced but complex.B.Traditional and effective.
C.Pioneering but impractical.D.Creative and considerate.
4. What's the author's purpose in writing the text?
A.To advertise a vending machine that serves books.
B.To introduce a new way to encourage children to read.
C.To promote a system designed to improve reading ability.
D.To suggest a new approach to dealing with learning difficulty.
2021-05-17更新 | 119次组卷 | 1卷引用:重庆巴蜀中学2021届高三下学期高考适应性月考英语试题(九)

3 . Was it probable that Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai and Western hero King Arthur meet and fight against each other? Yes. In a game called King of Glory (王者荣耀). Created by Chinese company Tencent, King of Glory was one of the most popular MOBA games in China in 2017.

About one in every seven Chinese people plays the game,and 55 million of them play it every day. The game is easy for beginners.Social media like QQ and WeChat have also helped the game's community grow. New players can be invited to play the game by their WeChat contacts, with some seeing it as a good way to keep in touch with old friends and make new ones.

The game has more than 60 characters to unlock and play as you progress,each with their own special style and abilities. The characters cover different times and countries. Some are real historical characters,like Li Bai. Some are not. Players use them to fight against each other or team up to fight. The winners can reach higher ranks.

However, some people think King of Glory gives the students incorrect information about events and people in history. For example,the poet Li Bai is described as a killer; Jing Ke,the man who tried to kill the first emperor of China, is a girl in the game. But more people worry about children playing the game too much and spending too much money on it. Most of the players are below the age of 19. It's reported that a 17-year-old boy had a stroke (中风) after playing the game for 40 hours.

To change the situation,Tencent added a time limit feature to the game to prevent kids from playing too much. From July 4,2017,children under 12 years old can play the game for only one hour a day,while users between 12 and 18 get two hours. Those who try to play beyond the time limit will be locked out of the game.

1. Which of the following is TRUE about King of Glory?
A.It is the most popular online game in the world.
B.It offers 60 characters for players to choose from.
C.Players fight against each other or team up to fight.
D.All of the characters are real historical characters.
2. Where do you think we may read this passage?
A.In a comic (漫画) book.B.In a travel guidebook.
C.In a newspaper.D.In a storybook.
3. What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?
A.Children play the game too long and spend too much money.
B.The game give children incorrect information about history.
C.The game receives a lot of praises.
D.Many people don't think the game is so good.
4. The best title of the passage is ________.
A.King of Glory 一 easy for anyone to play
B.King of Glory 一 popular around the world
C.King of Glory 一 adding a time limit
D.King of Glory 一 inviting you to play
2021-05-17更新 | 130次组卷 | 1卷引用:重庆市铜梁区第一中学2020-2021学年高一4月月考英语试题

4 . After exactly a year of staying at home, we have adapted to socializing digitally, in short bursts of time.Remember in Before Times you could head to the gym after work and then get dressed for dinner and a night out? The pandemic(疫情) has changed this. Our social batteries have run out of charge. It's been a long time since we had to perform our social role for an extended period.

For 23-year-old Hafsa, the excitement of her friends and family to restart their social lives has left her astonished. “ At the minute my parents are planning a trip abroad and I keep postponing getting back to them with a date,” she explains. “They don't know it's because of all of this. Just the thought of being in a room full of people is scary, it's like going back to school.”

Heather Garbutt, psychotherapist of the Counselling & Psychotherapy Centre says communication is key to recharging your unused social battery. “Take it slowly and don't immediately organize a large get-together,” she advises. “Go for a walk with somebody for no more than half an hour and gently get used to being with people again. It may actually be a shock to our system which has been shut down to some degree to cope with absence. We may have that longing to be with others, but that doesn't mean we are free from anxiety. It would be good to start off with a conversation about what it's going to be like when you are all together again.”

She says finding some causal topics to discuss also works. Acknowledge that many of you may feel a bit awkward after being physically apart for so long. It's a bit like learning to walk again after you've broken a limb. It may all be off-balance to begin with but you will find a new steadiness with practice. Whatever happens post-pandemic, your loved ones can't judge if you want to take it easy and not engage in the festivities immediately. We are recovering from a post-pandemic stress disorder, after all.

1. What has become of us after a year of staying at home?
A.We are addicted to chatting with people online'
B.We may feel it impossible to go back to normal
C.We are quite looking forward to being with people.
D.We may find it hard to socialize with others like before.
2. How did Hafsa feel about restarting her social life?
3. What does Heather Garbutt advise us to do to get reconnected?
A.Pay a visit to a close friend and stay over.
B.Hang out with your friends for several hours.
C.Have a brief chat about your future get-together.
D.Ignore those who are anxious about connecting with others.
4. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
A.What Can Help Repair Our Social Networks?
B.How Can We Restore Our Social Batteries?
C.When Can We Speed Up Our Reunion Plan?
D.Why Did the Pandemic Mess Up Our Social Life?
2021-05-17更新 | 124次组卷 | 1卷引用:重庆巴蜀中学2021届高三下学期高考适应性月考英语试题(九)

5 . As a boy, I wanted to go to the South Pole. As a teenager, I decided I'd like to go to the North Pole too. And yet, I haven't done either. It had taken me 31 years to just make it to the Arctic.

I was traveling with a film crew from Northern Ireland, following the footsteps of Lord Dufferin who, in the 1850s, sailed from Scotland to the Arctic. As an early adventure tourist, he was driven by the desire to see what lay at the ends of the world.

As we sailed north, icebergs of the size of buses floated past our small boat. Finally, we reached our destination—English Bay, where Dufferin landed- and stepped off onto the horseshoe-shaped beach.

This was what I'd dreamt of: standing somewhere so pure and primitive. However, for many early polar explorers, the results were far less pleasant. The south, in particular, was source of extreme danger.

My childhood interest in the South Pole was fueled by the unsuccessful yet heroic adventures of Emest Shackleton. He died in 1922 while preparing for his fourth adventure. The stories of Robert Falcon Scott are also well-known: he and four companions died on their way back from the South Pole.

So why do explorers put themselves at such risk?

Much of it seems to lie in the purity of the challenge. Scott talked of the appeal of a place that had been “unreached and unseen by humans.” “With a view over shining lands covered by ice-sheets of inconceivable extent, you have the feeling of living over the control of death,” said Fridtjof Nansen, a Norwegian explorer.

On the homeward journey the weather turned and we were left for a few days at the mercy of a storm. We experienced a small taste of helplessness when faced with the raw power of nature. We should be grateful for the great explorers’ spirit and stories. I know I am.

1. Why did the author begin his adventure tour?
A.To assist a film crewB.To realize a childhood dream
C.To memorize Lord DufferinD.To challenge a world record
2. Which of the following best explains "inconceivable" underlined in paragraph 7?
A.Hard to controlB.Too far to reach
C.Hard to imagineD.Too bright to view
3. What happened during the writer's journey?
A.They were trapped in icebergsB.They were kept off the destination
C.They were attacked by a stormD.They were rescued by explorers
4. Which of the following is the best title for the text?
A.The Appeal of the Ends of the WorldB.The Dream of Traveling to the Arctic
C.The Victory over the Control of DeathD.The Gratitude to Great Explorers Spirit

6 . Who're happier, men or women?Research shows it's a complex question and that asking whether males or females are happier isn't really that helpful, because basically, happiness is different for women and men.

Women's happiness has been declining for the past 30 years, according to recent statistics.And research shows that women are twice as likely to experience depression compared with men.Gender(性别) differences in depression are well confirmed and studies have found that biological, psychological and social factors contribute to the difference.

Early studies on gender and happiness found men and women were socialized to express different feelings.Women are more likely to express happiness, warmth and fear, which help with social bonding and appear more consistent with the traditional role as a primary caregiver, while men display more anger, pride and disrespect, which are more consistent with a protector and provider role.

Recent research suggests that these differences are not just socially, but also genetically related.Studies have looked into these findings further and discovered that females use more areas of the brain containing mirror neurons(镜像神经元)than males when they process feelings.Mirror neurons allow us to experience the world from other people's view, to understand their actions and intentions.This may explain why women can experience deeper sadness.Women tend to experience more negative feelings, such as more guilt, shame and to a lesser degree, embarrassment.

Psychologically it seems men and women differ in the way they process and express feelings.With the exception of anger, women experience feelings more strongly and share their feelings more openly with others.Studies have found in particular that women express more appreciation﹣which has been linked to greater happiness.This supports the theory that women's happiness is more dependent on relationships than men's.

1. Which feeling are men more likely to show compared with women?
2. What factors cause women to share feelings more openly?
A.Psychological factors.
B.Biological factors.
C.Educational factors.
D.Social factors.
3. One can probably read the text from ________.
A.a science fiction
B.a culture brochure
C.a nursery guide
D.a health magazine
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.Men and women differ in biology and psychology.
B.Men and women experience happiness differently.
C.Social roles have a great effect on men and women.
D.Women's happiness has declined in the past years.
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

7 . China's historic 23-day Chang'e 5 mission has not only obtained precious rock and soil samples from the moon, but has also brought back a group of seeds that traveled the furthest in the nation's agricultural and forestry histories. More than 30 kinds of seeds, including that of rice, oats etc., were placed inside the multi-module Chang'e 5 spacecraft and orbited around the moon for about 15 days.

Scientists wished to check what would happen to the seeds after being exposed to extraterrestrial (地外的) forces in lunar orbit and also hoped that they could develop beneficial mutations (突变). This mission offered good opportunities to scientists, which enabled them to deepen their studies on the effect of cosmic rays on the growth and evolution of life on Earth.

Space-based mutation breeding refers to the process of exposing seeds to forces such as microgravity, vacuums and cosmic radiation during a spaceflight and then sending them back to Earth for further observation and planting. Researchers observe and examine several generations of plants grown from space-bred seeds and investigate their mutations-some are positive and desirable while others are negative. Those with positive mutations will be kept and analyzed, and will be introduced to farmers after their certification and approval.

Space breeding can generate mutations faster and more conveniently than ground-based experiments and can bring about some desirable traits that are otherwise hard to introduce. Compared with natural or conventionally bred types of plants, space-developed versions with positive mutations usually feature higher nutritional content, greater annual yields, shorter growth periods and better resistance to diseases and insect pests.

China conducted its first space breeding experiment in 1987, using a satellite to carry seeds into space. Since then, hundreds of kinds of seeds and seedlings have traveled with dozens of Chinese spaceships. Space breeding has helped to produce more than 200 new types of mutated plants in China that have been approved for large-scale cultivation, ranging from grains to vegetables and fruits. The Chang'e 5 robotic mission returned 1,731 grams of lunar rock and soil to Earth, marking a historic accomplishment 44 years after the last lunar substances were taken back.

1. Why were the seeds placed inside Chang'e 5?
A.To pick out the fittest for mutations.B.To understand extraterrestrial forces.
C.To study the intensity of cosmic rays.D.To expose them to a special environment.
2. What do we know about space-based mutation breeding?
A.It is not a time-consuming process.B.Mutations develop in a random way.
C.It often brings about desirable effects.D.Approval will be granted to mutated plants.
3. What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A.It is a custom to put seedlings on a spacecraft.
B.China was the first to do a space breeding experiment.
C.It is some time since seeds were last taken into space.
D.Space breeding has brought us commercial benefits.
4. What is the best title of the passage?
A.Space-bred Seeds Offer Great ChancesB.Chang'e 5 Returns with a Big Package
C.Plant Mutations Result in a Better LifeD.Seeds from Space Mark a New History

8 . Although the vast majority of people have admitted to considering having an emergency fund to fall back on in case of a financial disaster, once their paycheck comes through, they have many duties higher on their list of importance that need paying off. However, one Australian financial advisor has given clear and important reasons why an emergency fund should always be at the top of your priorities.

Canna Campbell explains how to create this fund and how it differs from your other savings accounts. She said, “Your emergency fund should be treated differently to your current account and savings.” Campbell went on to explain that the money put into this account should be decided according to how much you are paid in your job and if you were to lose it, the money you would need to keep yourself out of the minus.

In addition, people need to consider situations where they might have housing damage or a medical emergency arising, resulting them in requiring immediate assistance that insurance will not cover. For this reason, Campbell added that there is no “ ‘one size fits all,’ everyone is different.” She insisted that it“boils down to your situation, lifestyle, responsibilities and what helps you sleep well at night. "

As for how to do it, Canna gave instructions too,“Work out how you can start setting money aside in a separate account, and build this separate savings account as quickly as possible, without cutting your living expenses.”

She finally added, “So keep it simple. However, it can be worth temporarily going without a few luxuries in order to find the extra cash flow to put into your emergency fund account. Going without a few items in the short term definitely outweighs the stress as it gives you peace of mind knowing that you have a safety net to protect you.”

1. Which of the following shows what most people do about creating an emergency fund?
A.Prevention is better than cure.B.Lightning never strikes twice in the same place.
C.Time and tide waits for no man.D.To say is one thing and to do is just another.
2. What do paragraphs 2 and 3 mainly focus on?
A.The benefits of an emergency fund.B.The size of an emergency fund.
C.The types of an emergency fund.D.The necessity of an emergency fund.
3. What is Canna's opinion on an emergency fund?
A.The emergency fund can replace insurance.B.The emergency fund brings more fun.
C.The emergency fund is really very simple.D.The emergency fund can lessen stress.
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.What Just Goes at the Very Top of Your Priorities?
B.How Does Emergency Fund Obtain the Peace of Mind?
C.Emergency Fund for Financial Security and Stability
D.Canna's Advice on Reducing a Financial Disaster
2021-05-02更新 | 177次组卷 | 3卷引用:重庆市2021届高三第二次联合诊断英语试题

9 . This year's hottest destination is Mars. On 23 July, China launched the Tianwen-1 mission to the Red Planet — one of three spacecrafts' planning to head there in 2020. This is China's second interplanetary mission, but the first that the nation has launched on its own. The other, Phobos-Grunt, was a cooperation with Russia that didn't make it out of Earth's orbit after blasting off in 2011.

The new mission, called Tianwen, translated as "questions to heaven" — consists of an orbiter, a lander and a rover, the last of which will be named via a public competition. "It's very ambitious because it's a four-part mission: there's the launch, getting into orbit, the landing and the rover, and every single step has to go right, says space consultant Laura Forczyk. All those steps must work on the first try, an achievement no other space program me has accomplished on a Mars mission because of the difficulty of landing there.

If all goes well, Tianwen-1 will arrive at Mars in February 2021 and the lander and rover will touch down two or three months later. They will take pictures from the surface, measure the soil composition, make radar observations of the planet's underground structure and observe Mars's magnetic field. Due to the harsh environment on Mars, the rover is expected to last about 90 Martian days. It weighs around 240 kilograms, about the same as China's Yutu-2 rover, which is currently roaming the moon. "The Chinese mission to the far side of the moon has been hugely successful, so they are building on that success now," says Forczyk.

The orbiter, which will relay data from the lander and rover back to scientists on Earth, also carries a suite of scientific instruments. It has two cameras and a spectrometer (光谱仪), which it will use to create a map of the mineral composition of Mars's surface, as well as radar and detectors to examine particles in the Martian atmosphere. It will also look for deposits of water ice that could be helpful for future explorers.

Tianwen-1 won't be alone in Mars orbit. The United Arab Emirates has just launched its first mission to Mars, and NASA's Perseverance rover is set to launch on 30 July. These missions are all leaving now because Mars is at its closest point to Earth, which happens once every two years.

1. Which statement is true according to the first two paragraphs?
A.On 23 July, three countries launched space crafts to Mars.
B.Every step of Tianwen mission can be completed at several attempts.
C.The mission, Phobos-Grunt, cooperated with Russia was a great success.
D.Tianwen mission shows the pioneering efforts of China's space exploration.
2. What does the underlined word in Para. 3 mean?
A.Travelling around.B.Floating past.C.Wandering aimlessly.D.Moving swiftly.
3. The orbiter will do the following tasks except               .
A.act as a detector to examine particles on the earth
B.search for a substance useful for future exploration
C.send information back to the earth collected from Mars
D.identify the position of minerals possibly lying on Mars
4. What will be the best title for this text?
A.China's Successful Space Explorations
B.China Launching Missions to Mars
C.Tianwen, the First Interplanetary Mission
D.Mars, the Hottest Destination to Explore

10 . While flatmates can bring about stress and difficulty, they can also be great company and develop into wonderful, lifelong friends. Before making the decision to live with a flatmate or to live alone, consider carefully all the accompanying advantages and disadvantages.

Most people join forces with a flatmate primarily due to financial problem. A shared living space also means you're responsible for only half of the rent or shared bills. Additionally, when you're splitting costs, you can afford a better apartment than you could alone. However, money can become a point of argument for flatmates as well. If your flatmate gets laid off or quits his job, you may have to pick up his bill until he's back on his feet. Your flatmate may also insist he owe less because he doesn't use the shower too often.

In addition to bills and the rent, flatmates also typically share responsibility for unpleasant tasks, such as cleaning or doing the dishes. Without a flatmate, cleaning and tidying responsibilities are yours alone. However, flatmates also frequently end up sharing plenty of other things many people would rather not: use of the TV, the bathroom, food and even clothing, for example. You may have to wake up earlier than you'd like to get a hot shower before work or give up watching your favorite show because your flatmate beat you to it.

When you live alone,   you get to determine the terms of your social life, and you go home to an empty house or apartment at the end of the day. That can be preferable if you're a serious student or professional, someone who needs to work and rest in the quiet of an apartment. With a flatmate, there are unexpected guests and your social options can expand sharply. Keep in mind, however, that having a flatmate means that he may feel social when you do not, and you may have to deal with wanted house guests.

1. What's the main reason for most people to share a flat?
A.Ensuring safety.B.Saving money.
C.Sharing housework.D.Reducing loneliness.
2. What does the author say about a serious flatmate?
A.He likes a peaceful life.
B.He has excellent social manners.
C.He keeps everything in the room tidy.
D.He often turns away unexpected guests.
3. How does the author express his opinions?
A.By describing the process.B.By stating an argument.
C.By making comparisons.D.By analyzing the outcome.
4. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.Buying a Flat or Sharing One?
B.The Reasons for Sharing a Flat.
C.How to Share a Flat with a Flatmate?
D.The Advantages and Disadvantages of Flatsharing.
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