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1 . When talking about being overcome with emotions, both good and bad, we have a somewhat strange expression to describe that situation:to be beside yourself. So, if I say I am beside myself with joy, I am filled with joy! However, I can also be beside myself with sadness, anger, or any other emotions. The expression is useful and simple,but queer. It sounds as if someone has become two people. How can you be next to yourself? Being “beside yourself ” is technically impossible.

In American English,you can simply say “I’m beside myself ” to mean you are very upset. For example,if you have a bad quarrel with a close friend, you might be beside yourself. You might shout, write an angry letter to your friend, or just go somewhere by yourself and cry.

Here’s another situation. A high school student applies to several colleges. If all her applications are refused, she could be beside herself. She might stay up all night worrying about what to do next.

If a person becomes seriously ill, he could start talking in a way that does not make any sense. The patient may also start behaving strangely, walking around the room—back and forth. A doctor might say, “He is beside himself.”

We have another expression that is very similar to “being beside yourself”.We can also be “out of our minds”. We use this expression in the same way we use “beside oneself ”. So we can be out of our minds with fear, with love, with happiness,or with any other emotions. And just like “beside oneself”.we also use this expression on its own without a specific emotion. So, if someone says or does something crazy—like learning how to ride a motorcycle on a dark, rainy night, you can simply say, “She is out of her mind!” You could also say the person is crazy or has lost her mind.

1. What does the underlined word “queer” probably mean?
2. How will you feel when saying “I’m beside myself ” in US English?
3. How does the author explain the usage of “beside oneself”?
A.By asking some questions.
B.By telling some stories.
C.By giving some examples.
D.By listing some data.
4. What does the last paragraph mainly talk about?
A.The usage of the phrase “out of one’s mind”.
B.The difference between the two expressions.
C.An example about “being beside yourself ”.
D.More expressions about different feelings.

2 . Killer whales, or orcas, are known for their severe attacks on sea animals but they have never posed a threat to humans. However, since late July, the normally social animals have been intentionally attacking sailboats off the coasts of Spain and Portugal.

The strange behavior first surfaced on July 29, 2020, when a 46-foot boat was repeatedly attacked for almost an hour by nine orcas, causing the boat to rotate(旋转) 180 degrees and having its engine switched off. Since then, over 30 more similar incidents have been reported. On September 23, 2020, Spain's government banned boats of less than 50 feet in length from sailing in the 60-mile stretch of the Atlantic coastline between Ferrol and the Estaca de Bares Cape, where the attacks have been occurring.

Researchers across the world are trying to explain the orcas' behavior. Some believe it could be a result of the overfishing of the bluefish tuna - the orcas' primary food source -which has left the area's killer whales starving and unable to feed their babies. "I saw them look at boats carrying fish. I think they know humans are somehow related to food shortages, "says Ken Balcomb, senior scientist at the Center for Whale Research in Washington, USA. The environmentalists believe the sudden increase in boat traffic and fishing activities, after months of absence due to restrictions on human activity last spring, could also be contributing to the agitation.

However, Alfredo López, a biology professor in Galicia, Spain, thinks the attacks are defensive measures the orcas adopted to protect themselves against boat injuries. The researcher came to this conclusion after looking at the of the videos of a few incidents and noticing that two of the young killer whales involved had serious injuries. Hopefully, the experts will be able to find a way to restore the harmony between the animals and the humans soon.

1. What do we know about orcas in paragraph 1?
A.They are friendly to humans.B.They have changed their behavior.
C.They are famous for hunting skillsD.They have met tough living conditions.
2. Who hold(s) the idea that fishing activities caused the incidents?
A.Ken Balcomb.B.The environmentalists.
C.Alfredo López.D.Spain's government.
3. What does the underlined word "the agitation" in Paragraph 3 refer to?
A.The attacks.B.Food shortages.C.The overfishing.D.Human activities.
4. What might be a suitable title for this text?
A.How do killer whales attack humans?
B.Why Are Killer Whales attacking Boats?
C.How can we live in harmony with animals?
D.Why are boats banned from sailing on the sea?

3 . As people get older, the types of friends they have tend to change. As young adults, humans have a lot of friends. With age, they often prefer to spend their time with just a few close, positive individuals. Researchers long believed that this change was unique to humans, but a new study finds that chimps also have similar tendencies.

One explanation for the humans to get picky about social connections has to do with awareness of our limited life span. “People monitor how much time we have left in our life and choose emotionally-fulfilling relationships in old age,” says one of the study's lead authors Alexandra G. Rosati, a psychologist at the University of Michigan. As people age, they don’t want to be surrounded by a large group of negative friends, but would prefer to be near a handful of optimistic individuals.

Rosati and her colleagues were curious whether chimps would show similar features even though they don’t seem to be aware of their upcoming death. Researchers used 78, 000 hours of observations made over 20 years from the Kibale Chimpanzee Project in Uganda. The data looked at the social interactions of 21 male chimps between 15 and 58 years old. The researchers only studied male chimps because they show stronger social bonds and have more social interactions than female chimps.

Researchers found that wild chimpanzees share a similar pattern. “They interact with others in more positive ways as they get older. Younger adults, in contrast, show more aggression and were more likely to form one-sided relationships where their partner did not reciprocate. ”says Rosati. For example, the older chimpanzees would sit close to their long-time companions and groom (给……梳毛) each other, while younger chimps had more one-sided relationships where they would groom a friend, but the action wasn't returned. The study was published in the journal Science.

“This aging pattern may be the result of shared changes in our abilities to manage our emotions with age,” Rosati says. “This shared pattern between chimpanzees and humans could represent an adaptive response where older adults focus on important social relationships that provide benefits and avoid interactions that have negative consequences as they lose competitive fighting ability.”

1. Why do humans change their preference for friends in old age?
A.They don’t like making new friends.
B.Their friends pass away one by one.
C.They adapt to the changes in nature.
D.They know their life is running out.
2. What is the purpose of Paragraph 3?
A.To show the study was done scientifically.
B.To show how scientists tried to prove their assumption.
C.To show how hard it was to observe the chimps.
D.To show male chimps are unaware of upcoming death.
3. What does the underlined word “reciprocate” in Paragraph 4 mean?
A.Repay their kindness.B.Take care of them.
C.Get along well with them.D.Sit close to them.
4. Which can be a suitable title for the text?
A.People Prefer Positive Partners in Old Age
B.Positive Bonds Benefit Chimps in Many Ways
C.Aging Chimps like Us Get Picky About Friends
D.Chimps Share Similar Tendencies with Humans

4 . It’s been four and a half months since 46-year-old man called George Floyd died after pleading he couldn’t breathe as a Minneapolis officer knelt on his neck. The four officers involved were fired and Derek Chauvin, who pressed his knee on the man’s neck, was charged with third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter. In the days since Floyd’s death, thousands poured onto the country’s streets to protest the killing and those who died before Floyd as a result of police brutality.

The demonstrations began in Minneapolis and spread like wildfire across the U.S.Los Angeles, Atlanta, Washington, DC, Miami, New York City and Chicago all saw crowds demonstrating. Many protests were peaceful, with people holding “Black Lives Matter” and “I can’t breathe” signs, shouting loudly and armed with face masks for protection against coronavirus. But some groups turned violent over the weekend, setting fires to buildings and police cars, breaking through windows of businesses, looting and fighting with police forces. Police responded forcefully, shooting tear gas and rubber bullets at the crowds and arresting hundreds throughout the countries. In New York City, a police vehicle was seen driving through a crowd of protesters. In Atlanta, two officers were fired after their violent arrest of two college students was caught on video. It’s still unclear what the coming days will look like.

To help control the violence, at least 40 cities lawfully established curfews and more than a dozen governors organized National Guard army. In the nation’s capital, a similar scene. Just before 8 p.m. Sunday night, armed officers and protesters remained in a standoff in downtown Washington as crowds threw water bottles at police and police responded with flash bangs and pepper spray. In New York, a group of protesters remained in Manhattan as night fell, facing off with police after several fires were set and some stores were looted. Officials in several cities have warned that those who are looting stores and creating scenes of chaos are not there to protest Floyd’s death.

1. What does the underlined word “brutality” mean in Paragraph 1?
A.thoughtful assistanceB.proper defence
C.violent treatment or behaviorD.unfair treatment
2. What can we learn from Paragraph 2?
A.The protests will end in a few days.
B.All protesters in the US were peacefully holding signs.
C.Police used forceful measures trying to control the situation.
D.Acts of violence occurred nationwide such as setting fires to buildings.
3. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.The protesters looted stores to protest Floyd’s death.
B.The police brutally arrested the protesters during the demonstrations.
C.The protesters will be arrested while taking part in the demonstrations.
D.The police responded to the acts of violence with flash bangs and pepper spray.
4. Which can be the best title of this passage?
A.Protesters are under controlB.Police commit violent behavior
C.George Floyd’s death is sorrowfulD.Racial discrimination sparks violence
2021-02-22更新 | 68次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省 成都七中2020—2021学年度上学期高2022届高二10月阶段性测试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Wouldn’t it be wonderful to travel to a foreign country without having to worry about the headache of communicating in a different language?

In a recent Wall Street journal article, technology policy expert A lec Ross argued that, within a decade or so. We’ll be able to communicate with one another via small earpieces with built-in microphones. That’s because technological progress is extremely rapid. It’s only a matter of time. Indeed, some parents are so convinced that this technology is imminent that they’re wondering if their kids should even learn a second language.

It’s true that an increase in the quantity and accuracy (准确) of the data loaded into computers make them cleverer at translating “No es bueno dormir mucho” as “It’s not good to sleep too much.” Replacing a word with its equivalent (同义词) in the target language is actually the “easy part of a translator’s job”. But even this seems to be a discouraging task for computers.

It’s so difficult for computers because translation doesn’t—or shouldn’t—involve simply translating words, sentences or paragraphs. Rather, it’s about translating meaning. And in order to infer meaning from a specific expression, humans have to interpret a mass of information at the same time. Think about all the related clues that go into understanding an expression: volume, gesture, situation, and even your culture. All are likely to convey as much meaning as the words you use.

Therefore, we should doubt whether a machine is able to translate the world around us. If people from different cultures can offend each other without realizing it, how can we expect a machine to do better? Unless engineers actually find a way to breathe a soul into a computer, undoubtedly when it comes to conveying and translation meaning using a natural language, a machine will never fully take our place.

1. What does the underlined word “imminent” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?
2. Why is it hard for computers to replace a word with its equivalent (同义词)?
A.Their data is not adequate (充足的) enough.
B.The real meaning of words can change.
C.Their accuracy needs big improvement.
D.A soul hasn’t been breathed into them.
3. What view does the author hold about translation?
A.Proper translation can be difficult for humans.
B.Slight difference mean little in translation.
C.Some machines will translate our world properly.
D.Cultures deserve more attention than words used.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.A new language translating machine
B.Translation will become easier
C.Who Will Be a Better Translator
D.Will Language Barrier (障碍) Actually Fall
2021-02-22更新 | 119次组卷 | 2卷引用:四川省广安市第二中学校2022-2023学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题(含听力)

6 . Today we can do everything with apps: pay bills, order food and shop for anything. Mobile technology means we can hold the world in our hands. However, when it comes to technology and health care, chances and challenges come together.

Let's start with the ways to get health care. Telemedicine can allow a patient to use technology to see the doctor online and get a diagnosis and instructions without leaving home.

In addition, there are many patient websites. These allow for different kinds of interactions about our health needs without involving the medical team. Setting a date with doctors and reading lab results are readily achieved by technology.

A whole new age of medical care seems likely to come in the future. But every coin has two sides. What might be on the other side of techno-health care?

Firstly, we should think about the health care experience as a whole. A usual visit to a doctor begins with a receptionist, who can see and tell how a patient is doing. This may influence the treatment effect. It's unlikely that a patient website will have such intuition.

Next, sharing the details of one's life requires trust, which takes time to build. This is certainly true in health care, where some of life's best and worst moments involve doctors. The human touch should not be undervalued and is unlikely to be there over the smartphone.

Lastly, test results can be difficult to understand. When someone without a medical degree sees a flagged result with no explanation on the website, there's room for all kinds of stories to form in their minds—and also great worry .

So how does medicine adapt to the new technology age? Very talented companies are working on it. There is medical equipment that can be used at home to send necessary signs and heart sounds through telemedicine. It seems likely that some companies will find a way to explain test results.

But what it will not achieve is the warmth of human interaction and touch. Patients often need someone to listen to-and care about — their journey story, which will never be realized through a human-less technology. Technology should be a tool, but depending on it totally will most certainly have unexpected effects. Let's not allow our humanity to be one of them.

1. How does technology help health care?
A.It encourages doctors to voice their needs on the websites.
B.It offers the patient a convenient way to get a diagnosis.
C.It improves relations between doctors and patients.
D.It provides a chance to build a medical team.
2. What does the word “intuition" in paragraph 5 mean?
A.An interesting experience.B.An ability to understand.
C.A chance to win.D.A fair decision.
3. What do you know about techno-health care from the text?
A.Patient websites require trust from doctors.B.Talented companies can give medical advice.
C.Flagged results may cause worry for patients.D.Medical equipment collects patients' stories.
4. What is the writer's opinion?
A.Technology can deal with unexpected effects.
B.Telemedicine can take the place of usual health care.
C.Techno-health care should take humanity into consideration.
D.It is difficult for patients to adapt to the new technology age.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Many wildflowers of spring in eastern North America bloom thanks to ants. The tiny six-legged gardeners have partnered with those plants and about 11, 000 others to spread their seeds. The plants,in turn, “pay” for the service by attaching a calorie-loaded appendage (附属物) to each seed, much like fleshy fruits remunerate birds and mammals that desert seeds or poop (排泄) them out. But there's more to the ant-seed relationship than that exchange, researchers reported last week at the annual meeting of the Ecological Society of America, which was held online.

Many ants eat seeds. Certain plants attach a nutritive globe called an elaiosome to their seed coats, which serves as a favorite lunch for the ants’ young and gives ants a handle on seeds that can be bigger than their heads. Until now, researchers assumed the ants simply carry the seeds to their nests, feed the elaiosome to their young, and deposit the seed either outside or inside at the colony's “garbage dump”, which provides a rich environment for shooting.

In both the field and the lab, Chelsea Miller presented ants with seeds from various trillium (延龄花) species and found the ants were quick to pick up some species’ seeds while leaving others to rot, Miller said. To find out how ants make their choices, Miller and Susan Whitehead at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech) used techniques to analyze the chemical makeup of elaiosomes. They found that ants pick seeds based on the specific combination and concentrations of acid and other compounds (化合物) made by the plant, 20 of which are unique to trilliums. The ants’ tastes may affect plant species’ distributions, say Kirsten Prior, an ecologist at Binghamton University: “Widespread trillium species are preferred by seed-dispersing ants compared to rare trillium species.”

Melissa Burt, an ecologist at Virginia Tech, hopes these studies bring ants new respect. “Many people who talk about ants only know them as insects that are taking over their kitchens, but many ants perform important functions in ecosystems,” she says. “Seed dispersal is just one of those.”

1. What does the underlined word “remunerate” probably mean?
2. What does the text say about elaiosome in paragraph 2?
A.It's a tasty treat for young ants.B.It's no smaller than ants’ heads.
C.It is used as young ants’ new nest.D.It can be used as a weapon to protect ants.
3. Why did Miller and his team figure out the chemicals of some seeds?
A.To analyze the specific combination affecting the plant growth.
B.To find out the reason for ants preferring some seeds to others.
C.To prove the accuracy of their lab techniques applied in the field.
D.To understand the way of ants distributing different plant species’ seeds.
4. What do most people think of ants according to Melissa?

8 . The pandemic has put the future on fast-forward, with one noticeable idea: the drive-in cinema.

In the early 1930s, Richard Hollingshead, a car-parts salesman, had an idea. He'd heard his mother complain about how uncomfortable she found the wooden seats in cinemas. What if she could watch a film from the comfort of her car? To test the thought in his driveway, he put a film projector on the front part of his car, hung a sheet from some trees and invited his neighbors. He patented the idea and in June 1933 opened his first drive in cinema near Camden, New Jersey.

But the idea was slow to take off. By 1945 there were only 96 drive-ins in America. Everything changed in 1949 when Hollingshead's patent was overturned, allowing other companies to open drive-ins without having to pay him tax. With the development of an in-car speaker and perfect synchronization with the on-screen image, the number of drive-ins in America jumped to 2,000 by 1950 and more than 4,000 by 1958.

Drive-in cinemas went into a fall in the late 1950s as shopping malls sprang up in American suburbs. The space occupied by drive-ins was more valuable to property developers as a location for daytime shopping, rather than just showing films in the evening. Besides, more and more people had televisions at home.

The few hundred remaining drive-ins have experienced an unexpected rebirth in 2020 as social-distancing requirements forced indoor cinemas to close. This summer 160 Walmart parking lots were turned into temporary drive-ins. In many ways, the covid-19 outbreak has driven us into the future, promoting the adoption of remote working, online learning, e-commerce and telemedicine. When it comes to drive-ins, however, the pandemic has taken us back to the past.

1. What is a drive-in cinema?
A.A park-in theatre.B.An indoor theatre.
C.A car rental company.D.A parking space.
2. What does the underlined word “overturned” in paragraph 3 probably mean?
A.Spreading.B.Out of date.C.Registered.D.Out of favor.
3. What may be one reason for the fall of drive-ins in the late 1950s?
A.People didn't like them anymore.B.They were less interesting than TVs.
C.They were purchased by property developers.D.The space for them was not available anymore.
4. What does the writer try to tell us?
A.The rise and fall of drive-in cinemas.
B.The contributions made by Richard Hollingshead.
C.The unexpected return of drive-ins during the pandemic.
D.The difficult situation of cinemas under the pandemic.
2021-02-17更新 | 64次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省乐山市2020-2021学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题

9 . You may not know a lot of people when you start high school. Even if you know some freshman (新生), you still feel nervous that you don’t know any upperclassmen and teachers. How are you going to make friends among this sea of unknown faces?

Most high schools holds a freshman orientation before school actually starts, which is helpful not only because you can know your way around the buildings and get to meet some of your teachers, but also because you get to meet fellow freshmen. That way,when you show up on your first day of school, you may already recognise a few familiar faces. When you talk to your new classmates, you will probably find that a lot of them are feeling just like you are. They are all new to the school and don’t know what to expect. Talking about a common concern with them can help you develop friendships.

The work in school is something that freshmen are probably worried about. The work in high school builds on what you learnt in middle school, giving you a more advanced knowledge of many subjects. So you may find you have more work to do or that it’s a bit more challenging. If you ever find your work too difficult, teachers can give you extra help.

High school also has more extracurricular activities than middle school does, such as clubs, music and theatre groups and sports teams. This is a good time to explore your interests and try new things.

High school gives you the chance to learn how to manage your time, to develop your social skills and interests, and more importantly, to be more independent and responsible.

1. Who is this passage written for?
A.Freshmen’s parents.B.Middle school students.
C.Freshmen at high school.D.Upperclassmen in high school.
2. What does the underlined word “orientation” mean in Paragraph 2?
3. What are freshmen probably worried about?
A.The work in high school.B.The freshman orientation.
C.The ability to make friends.D.The relationship with teachers.
4. Extracurricular activities mainly help students ___________.
A.develop their interests and try new things
B.make new friends
C.improve their learning ability
D.build up healthy bodies
2021-02-15更新 | 71次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省凉山州2020-2021学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题

10 . Yangsigang Yangtze River Bridge, the double-deck suspension (悬浮) bridge with the longest span in the world, opened to traffic on Tuesday after five years’ construction, according to a statement from the constructor.

It is reported that the bridge is 4. 13 kilometers long, with 12 lanes in both directions on the main I bridge. It is a long-span suspension bridge with the largest volume in the world, China Railway Major Bridge Engineering Group said. The bridge connects the Hanyang and Wuchang and its opening will ameliorate the urban expressway system, relieve traffic pressure across the river, and drive development in the area, according to the company.

On both sides of the upper deck of the bridge, there is a two-meter-wide footpath, with eight rest and sightseeing areas, where people can enjoy the river scenery. The lower level is designed with two non-motorized lanes, each 2. 5 meters wide. A 1. 5-meter wide walkway is also a feature of each side of the floor so pedestrians (行人) can walk on the lower level without getting caught in the rain.

Chief designer of the bridge, Xu Gongyi, said, “Considering navigation and traffic volume, the main span of the bridge is 1, 700 meters, which is the second-largest in the world and also the largest in bridges of double-deck structure.”

According to Luo Ruihua, project manager of the bridge, the Yangsigang Yangtze River Bridge has set several records in the process of its construction. The designed tension of each of the two main cables (钢索) is 65, 000 tons.

From 2014 to 2019, builders have shown the world the speed of China. The bridge not only enhances Wuhan’s reputation as a “bridge museum”, but also represents a super project of a new era.

1. What does the underlined word “ameliorate” in paragraph 2 mean?
2. How does the text introduce the bridge’s basic information?
A.By giving examples.B.By making comparisons.
C.By describing its principles.D.By using data.
3. What can we know about the bridge?
A.It will attract many foreigners to Wuhan.
B.It is friendly to pedestrians.
C.The cost of its construction is low.
D.It is the longest bridge of the world.
4. What attitude does the author have to the bridge?
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