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My brother and I set off shortly after sunrise. The air was cool, but I knew that wouldn’t last long. I’d chosen this hike for a hot day like today so that we’d climb down into a redrock canyon (峡谷) , where we would swim in a pool and camp by a picturesque waterfall. I knew it wouldn’t be an easy hike, though. I’d researched and planned for weeks, knowing climbing down into the canyon is challenging.

About a mile in, the trail started to dip down to the river and the footing became steep (陡峭的) . After repeated slips on the loose ground, my brother decided to turn back to the car. Unwilling to give up on my plan so soon and remembering there was another car where we parked, I believed there was someone else going to the canyon. So I chose to continue alone. He gave me the bag which contained food and water. Then we decided to meet up at the car the next day.

After another mile or so, the river came into view below me, but the trail became less obvious. I chose to go down along a bush-covered slope (斜坡) . As soon as I began hiking down, though, I realized the ground was much looser than I’d thought. I decided to climb back up and find another way.

I tried to pull myself up, but, unfortunately, the rock I was standing on broke beneath me. My face struck earth first. I was rolling with my bag, dirt and red sandstone flying beneath me as I picked up speed. I was going to die, I thought.

Then I fell flat on my back, my head hitting on a baseball-size stone. To my surprise, I was alive, but everything hurt. After lying in confusion for a few moments, I tried to look around. One of my eyes was already swollen shut, and through the other, the world spun around me. I could hardly move my left hand, and my right ankle hurt terribly.

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Fighting my unsteady vision, I pulled out my phone, only to find there was no service.


It had been about 2 hours since my fall when I heard the sound of several people.

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I had appendicitis (阑尾炎) when I was twelve. It ended up getting serious, and I was in the hospital for the better part of the summer. For the first week or so, I was so miserable that I didn’t really do anything but sleep, but as I started feeling better, I wanted to keep occupied. I read too quickly for my mom to keep me in books and wasn’t really interested in television even then, so my mom was desperate.

This being the early 2000s, she eventually hit on one of the most popular trends of the time: bead (珠子) keychains. She bought me some threads, a bag of beads in every color of the rainbow and a book that taught me how to make all different types of animals. I mastered the making process of it pretty quickly, and it kept me happily engaged in between books.

One day, one of the nurses came in and saw me working on one and exclaimed over how cute it was. She was one of my favorite nurses, so I immediately offered her one, and she immediately attached it to her ID badge (徽章). A nursing assistant asked for one, so I gave him one too, and then my doctor… and then it seemed like everyone wanted one!

I started spending most of my time making lizards (蜥蜴), snakes, and a turtle in the color combinations requested. My mom said she felt bad that it was turning from a hobby into a chore, but I genuinely enjoyed it and wanted to make something for everybody who’d been so nice to me when I was sick.

What I didn’t find out until some time later was that one of the officers supervising the hospital saw one of my nurses and criticized her for the lizard hanging on her badge and the officer said that the lizard was“ out of uniform” and therefore against regulations.

Apparently , several nurses had received criticism.
After that, I continued to make different animals with beads.
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As I opened my birthday present, my grandpa Nick, watched gently. “Do you like it?” he asked, smiling. Inside was a little wooden fairy (仙女), sitting in the center of a flower that he’d lovingly carved and painted. On the fairy’s outstretched (张开的) hand was a tiny orange butterfly-“a special visitor from heaven", said my grandpa. “I love it,” I excitedly and happily answered.

As a cabinetmaker (木工), my grandpa loved making us gifts, and my sixth birthday was no exception. After he retired at 60, he spent his time making small wooden items, such as souvenir boxes, garden decorations and kids’ toys. They were so popular that my grandpa would even sell them at the markets. But his favourite things to make were more complex designs for my brother and me. Walking us through his working room in the back yard, he let us pick out paint colors for his sculptures. “What would I do without my little helpers?” he’d always smile.

When my grandpa sadly passed away in 2020, I was heartbroken. By then I’d grow n up, married my husband Tim, and was pregnant with my first child. “Our baby will never know how great Nick was,” I cried to Tim. But he comforted me that as long as we talked about my grandpa often, he would live on in our hearts forever. So after our daughter Mia was born later that year, I’d tell her stories about her great- grandpa Nick as often as I could.

When we moved to a new house earlier this year, I discovered a box full of all the toys he’d made for me when I was a young girl, including the little wooden fairy. Mia would love these. I smiled, thinking how happy my grandpa had been watching me play with his creations. Placing the toys on Mia’s bookshelf in her new room, I smiled at how she loved them as much as I had. In memory of my grandpa, I decided to give the toys a careful cleaning.

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When I accidentally knocked the wooden fairy off the shelf, I was heartbroken to see the tiny butterfly bad broken off.


When I intended to put Mia into bed that evening, something caught my eye.

2024-09-12更新 | 18次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省宜宾市2023-2024学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题
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I have always been passionate about football, but my enthusiasm was often overshadowed by others who always laughed at my short stature and fat figure, they would laugh secretly, copying how I walked with big steps and making fun of my love for the game. Their laughter was always there in the locker rooms and on the sidelines, reminding me that not everyone shared my passion.

One day, while attending a match with a team named Boreham Wood, I had an unexpected encounter with a famous football player, Chris Bush! He was rather ordinary- looking, even a little short and chubby, but he's the center of attention on the court. Everyone was attracted by his superb skills. Watching him play, I felt a surge of hope and inspiration. His skill and determination seemed to defy the doubts that had been cast upon me. Gathering up my courage, I approached him with a mix of nervousness and excitement when the game was ended. I introduced myself and expressed my admiration for his game. To my surprise, he stopped and engaged in a conversation with me. I shared my struggles, how the constant mockery (嘲笑) made me feel like an outsider in a world that celebrated height and lean muscle. Chris listened carefully, his eyes reflecting a depth of understanding that only someone who has faced their own battles could possess.

He shared his own story, he had once been in my shoes, ridiculed for his size and told he would never make it in football. Chris told me how he used his size to his advantage, how he became quicker, smarter, and more determined than anyone else on the field. He told me that football was a game of heart and determination, not just physical attributes(特征). His words were like a beacon of hope, and I felt a renewed sense of determination.

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Inspired by his words, I regained my confidence.


In a competition half a year later, Chris watched the game I participated in.

2024-09-10更新 | 23次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省大数据精准教学联盟2024-2025学年高三上学期第一次统一监测考试英语试题
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Claudia decided to run away from home. But she didn’t want to run away in the heat of anger with a bag on her back. She didn’t like discomfort. Therefore, she decided that her leaving home would be running to somewhere nice. To a large place, a comfortable place, an indoor place, and a beautiful place. And that’s why she decided upon the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.

She planned very carefully; she saved her pocket money and she chose her partner. She chose Jamie, the second youngest of her three younger brothers. He could be counted on, and now and then he was good for a laugh. Besides, he was rich; unlike most boys of his age, he had never even begun collecting baseball cards. He saved almost every penny he got.

On Monday afternoon, Claudia told Jamie at the school bus that she wanted him to sit with her because she had something important to tell him.

“I’ve decided to run away from home, and I’ve chosen you to accompany (陪伴) me,” Claudia said.

“Why pick on me? Why not pick on Steve?” Jamie asked.

Claudia said, “I don’t want Steve. Steve is one of the things in my life that I’m running away from. I want you.”

It moved Jamie and he felt flattered (荣幸的). He stopped thinking, “Why pick on me?” and started thinking, “I am chosen.” He sat up in his seat, put one foot up on the seat, put his hands over his knee and said, “OK, Claudia, when do we get out of here? And how?”

Claudia said, “On Wednesday. Here’s the plan. Listen carefully.”

“We’ll go on Wednesday because Wednesday is music lesson day.
Then Claudia knew that was the time to ask about money.
2024-08-15更新 | 45次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省乐山市五通桥部分校2023-2024学年高一上学期期中联考英语试题
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On a cold, snowy evening, Jack was at the corner shop, with his sole focus on the Marvel (漫威) superhero figurines (小雕像). Since then, he had diligently walked a neighbor’s dog and weeded his neighbors’ gardens to earn money for one figurine. Finally he had enough money for one and raced towards the corner shop. Lost in excitement, he accidentally tripped over a homeless old man seated against a wall in the cold, quickly murmuring an apology before continuing on his way.

Inside the shop, Jack glanced at the shelves displaying Hulk, Thor, Captain America, Iron Man, and other beloved heroes. His heart raced as he reached for the Spiderman.

“You’re a fan, right?” a friendly voice appeared behind him.

Jack turned to see the shopkeeper, an elderly man with a warm smile. “Yes, they’re amazing!” Jack said. “They’re strong, and they help so many people. They have super power. I wish I could be a superhero too.”

“You can be,” the shopkeeper encouraged.

Surprised, Jack asked, “But how? I don’t have any super power.”

Smiling softly, the shopkeeper bent down, placing his hands on Jack’s arms. “Why would you need them?” he replied kindly. “See that woman over there? She needs to take care of three children. However, she still actively helps the elderly in the community. And do you know Jimmy? He is a firefighter who has saved countless lives. Being a hero isn’t about super power; it’s about what’s in your heart.”

Locking eyes with Jack, the shopkeeper smiled. “You don’t need super power to be a hero. It starts with your heart.”

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Hearing what the shopkeeper said, Jack was lost in thought.


With relief, Jack found the homeless old man still sitting against the wall.

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There were many embarrassing times and situations when I was in primary school. I vividly remember a moment that I still regret to this day.

During my childhood, an important part of my time was spent on my collection of National Geographic magazines. Each year on my birthday, my mother would gift me a new magazine to add to my growing collection, which I treasured very much. One day, when I was seven, I ran across a picture of a bologna tree. However, I didn't actually read the article about the tree. I just thought I discovered the source of bologna sandwiches! Little did I know that this newfound knowledge would come back to trouble me in the future.

Not long after, I found an opportunity to show my rich knowledge and prove to my classmates that I was indeed a smart kid. During a classroom discussion about unusual things, I took the moment to confidently stand up in front of the whole class. With an air of authority, I declared, “It is a well-known fact that bologna sandwiches come from the bologna tree.”

I deeply believe that the delicious sandwiches I had tasted during a family vacation to Italy grow on trees. This extremely silly opinion was a source of both embarrassment and frustration for me. However, my teacher Ms Murphy at this moment was kind enough to smile and tell me that my misconception (错误想法) was “quite imaginative”. Unfortunately, my classmates didn't have the same opinion, as they laughed loudly and declared that my belief was “the stupidest thing they had ever heard”. It was a moment that made me feel foolish and ashamed.

For a while after that incident, I was filled with feelings of self-doubt and insecurity. I was ashamed of my inability to distinguish (辨别) fact from imagination. I felt like a clown (小丑), thinking that my classmates would never let me forget my foolish mistake.

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For the next couple of weeks, I was determined to avoid any further embarrassment.


I began to share information with my classmates again and became more careful about the information.

2024-07-18更新 | 40次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省凉山州2023-2024学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题
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My great-grandmother, my grandmother, and my mother are teachers, and so are all my family. My mother had a fixed idea that I would become a teacher, too. Although I respected her and was indeed skilled at teaching something to my little cousins, I didn’t agree that I should naturally follow in my mother’s footsteps.

When I was a teenager, my mother happened to take me to a hospital which was run by one of her friends. It was the first time I had seen a busy medical environment in real life in person. Finding that I was curious about treating patients, my mother’s friend Dr. Lee offered me an opportunity to shadow him (跟他实地参观) for a day. I eagerly accepted his offer! Observing the doctors and nurses in action, I felt a mix of anxiety and excitement. Seeing the healing (治愈) process and the impact of medical care on patients was a profoundly moving experience. I figured being a doctor would be the most rewarding career in the world. From that day, a thought formed in my mind that I wanted to become a doctor, but I doubted whether my mother would support me. After all, it was a completely different path from what she had planned for me. Therefore, I kept the thought to myself, because I knew she would still insist on holding onto her previous idea.

Anyway, besides discussing with my mother about teaching, I would often visit Dr. Lee’s hospital. Gradually, I got familiar with the medical equipment and procedures, and I learned a lot about healthcare, such as how to take vital signs (测生命体征), how to assist in minor surgeries, and so on. But what I had learned in the hospital just left me wanting more, so I decided to go to college to become a professional doctor.

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This time I would not hide my desire any more.


At the graduation ceremony, with my mother present, I, as “Excellent Graduate”, had to deliver a speech.

2024-07-17更新 | 28次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省凉山州2023-2024学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题
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It was 2002, and two months earlier, my mum, Debbie, bad moved my two older sisters and me 4000km away from our old home and my grandma Mary, 62, for a new job.

Before the move, Grams, as I called her, lived with us, and she and I shared a bedroom. She’d help me get ready for school each morning, and on weekends she’d take me shopping or to the horse races. We’re like two peas in a pod (形影不离). Everywhere we went, people knew Grams for her outgoing personality and I missed it desperately.

“I want to move back with Grams,” I told Mum one day. Aware of our special bond, she told me to call Grams and see what she thought. “I’d love that. Krissy!” Grams exclaimed down the phone line. So at 15, I flew back to live with her. We became properly best friends. watching old movies or dancing to music together. Grams was very stylish, often giving me fashion advice, and she also taught me how to cook.

When I attended high school, I bccame a bit wild, staying out late. But when I came home, Grams always welcomed me with open arms. “Remember, Krissy.” she told me, “No matter where life takes you, family is what matters.” It was her unconditional love that got me through my teenage years and kept me from going completely off the rails.

When she reached her early 70s. Grams began exhibiting some strange behavior. One day, I noticed she’d turned on the oven. “What are you cooking, Grams?” I called out. “I’m not cooking anything,” she responded in confusion from the living room. This forgetfulness became a pattern of dangerous behavior. One day, we even found her barefoot in the snow. Eventually, she confessed that something didn’t feel right in her mind. “It’s like I’m not here in this world with you,” she told me sadly.

I took her to the doctor and the result was heartbreaking. “Your grandma has Alzheimer’s disease,” the doctor told us, “she’ll need 24-hour care.” Helpless, we checked her into assisted living. However, it seemed that my once lively grandma was very depressed there, which grieved me a great deal.

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I decided to quit my job to look after her.

Paragraph 2:

As I shared the videos of our daily life online, unexpected support and likes poured in.

2024-07-14更新 | 30次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省绵阳市-2023-2024学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题
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I had booked the flights in somewhat of a hurry with just a carry-on bag, thinking 7 kgs was enough for a 3-day trip to Taupo. I thought I’d given myself enough time to get to the airport, however, as often was the case, I was running late and had to pack my bag with little time left. Confused about what to carry, I stuffed all the clothes in my little bag, taking no notice of the weight.

Thirty minutes before the flight, I was waiting at my terminal (航站楼) in the airport and couldn’t stop smiling. I was too excited to go on a much-needed trip. A little while later, I heard an announcement “Passengers flying to Taupo on Flight NZ5091 are requested to weigh your cabin luggage and collect your tag”. I stood in the line waiting for my turn, clueless about how much my bag would weigh, deep inside hoping not over the weight limit.

When it was my turn, I placed my bag on the weighing scale and whoaaaa!! It was 9.4 kgs. I asked the flight attendant if I could buy $20 extra luggage allowance (行李费) as shown on the app but I was too late for it. Instead, I was asked to pay an additional fee of $65. I either had to pay or leave something away to bring it down to 7 kgs. I asked the attendant whether they would give my stuff back to me if I returned 3 days later and surprisingly I was told I wouldn’t get it back.

To me, a bad luggage experience had the power to completely sour a trip. With no other alternatives, I decided to give up some of my stuff. Unsettled, annoyed, disappointed! As I started removing the items, I saw a lady approaching me. It looked like she had heard the whole thing. She sat down next to me. “Are you OK? I should be able to help you.” She said.

I looked up, surprised, and saw her pointing at her bag.
While I was worried whether I could get my stuff back, the plane landed.
2024-07-10更新 | 45次组卷 | 3卷引用:四川省内江市威远县威远中学校2024-2025学年高三上学期9月月考英语试题
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