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1 . 听下面一段材料,回答以下问题。
1. What does a backpacker do?
2. Backpacker Paul is talking to a receptionist at an international youth hostel in Pingyao, China. Listen to the conversation and tick the places mentioned.

昨日更新 | 0次组卷 | 1卷引用:人教版2019必修二Unit 4 课前预习 Listening and Talking(含听力)
其他 | 较易(0.85) |
2 . Look at the pictures and explanations of them, then answer the questions.

1. Look at the first two pictures. What do you think the boy on the right is suffering from?
2. What do you think the Heimlich manoeuvre is?
昨日更新 | 0次组卷 | 1卷引用:人教版2019选必二Unit 5First Aid 课前预习Using Language -2
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3 . Artificial intelligence is almost twice as accurate as a biopsy (活组织检查) at judging the aggressiveness of some cancers, experts say. Cancer kills 10 million people globally every year, according to the WHO. But for patients the disease can be prevented if detected instantly and dealt with quickly.

A recent study suggested an AI algorithm (算法) was far better than a biopsy at correctly grading the aggressiveness of sarcomas (肉瘤), a rare form of cancer. Researchers hope AI will improve outcomes for patients by giving doctors a more accurate way of grading tumours (肿瘤). Because high-grade tumours can indicate aggressive disease, the tool could help ensure those high-risk patients are identified more quickly and treated instantly. Low-risk patients could also be spared unnecessary treatments, follow-up scans and hospital visits.

Researchers say the algorithm could be applied to other types of cancer in future. The team specifically looked at retroperitoneal sarcomas, which develop at the back of the abdomen and are difficult to diagnose (诊断) and treat due to their location. They used CT scans from 170 patients with the two most common forms of retroperitoneal sarcoma — leiomyosarcoma and liposarcoma. Using data from these scans they created an AI algorithm, which was then tested on 89 patients in other countries. In grading how aggressive the tumour was, the technology was accurate in 82% of the cases, while biopsies were 44%.

AI could also recognize leiomyosarcoma and liposarcoma in 84% of sarcomas tested, while radiologists were able to identify them in 65% of the cases. Christina Messiou, the study leader, said: “We’re incredibly excited by the potential of this state-of-the-art technology, which could lead to patients having better outcomes through faster diagnosis. As patients with retroperitoneal sarcoma are routinely scanned with CT, we hope this tool will eventually be used globally, ensuring that not just specialist centres can reliably identify and grade the disease.”

Richard Davison, chief executive of Sarcoma UK, said the results looked “very promising”. He added: “People are more likely to survive sarcoma if diagnosed early. One in six people with sarcoma cancer wait more than a year to receive an accurate diagnosis, so any research that helps patients receive better treatment and support is welcome.”

1. According to the passage, AI is capable of        .
A.grading the risk of sarcomas
B.measuring the scale of sarcomas
C.providing cancer treatment for clinicians
D.classifying cancers with its advanced algorithm
2. What can be inferred from this passage?
A.More sarcomas can be detected with the help of AI.
B.Biopsies will be replaced by AI algorithm in identifying cancers.
C.More patients suffering from cancers will benefit from AI algorithm.
D.AI algorithm has been applied in hospitals for detecting most cancers.
3. What is the passage mainly about?
A.AI has a profound market in curing cancers.
B.New treatments for sarcomas are well underway.
C.AI helps identify high-risk and low-risk patients.
D.AI does better in assessing some types of sarcomas.
昨日更新 | 96次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届北京门市头沟区高三一模英语试题
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |

4 . How to Find a Great Gift for Someone You Know

It is not easy to find a great gift for someone, even if the recipient is someone you know. Finding a gift that the recipient will enjoy takes a bit of forward thinking and an understanding of the recipient’s personality and tastes. Fortunately, here are some practical tips for you.

    1     If you have a close relationship with the recipient, you may select a gift that is more personal. If you are not close to the recipient, you may choose a gift that is more useful or accessible.

Make a list of the recipient’s interests and preferences. Personalize the gift by sitting down and making a list of the recipient’s interests and likes.     2     Whether they are video games or Thai food, they should be what the recipient has told you that he or she likes or is known to be enjoyed.

Identify items the recipient may need.     3     Or consider a big purchase that the recipient needs to do but has been putting off. This could be a new kitchen appliance the recipient has been eyeing or a new backpack the recipient needs for a new year of school.

Arrange an experience as a gift. Often, giving the gift of an experience can be more impactful than giving a recipient an item. This could be a massage, a sky diving date, or dinner at the person’s favorite restaurant.     4    

Make a homemade gift. Homemade gifts can be the best gifts, as they are often thoughtful and detailed.     5     And he or she will surely appreciate that.

A.Consider how close you are to the recipient.
B.Try to write down as many specific items as possible.
C.Ask people who are close to the recipient for gift advice.
D.The experience of making a homemade gift is what the recipient needs.
E.Think about any items the recipient may need in his or her day-to-day life.
F.They can also show the recipient that you spent lots of time and effort on the gift.
G.Think of experiences that will surprise the recipient, as these will often make a lasting impression.
昨日更新 | 74次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届河南省高三下学期TOP二十名校质检二英语试卷
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |

5 . It's a great idea to reread novels.     1     For a while, I saw little point in rereading. Why reread a favorite when there are other books waiting for you? Most book lovers have long books waiting to be read. It seems a waste of time to reread a novel. The aspect of time is a crucial point for readers — a novel simply is not a poem, short story or movie.

    2     For one, the purpose of reading changes. You are no longer familiarizing yourself with the plot, characters or setting. These points were made clear in the first read. Rather, the second and third reading allows greater focus on the theme, literary references, style and the more subtle (细微的) aspects of the novel. This makes for a more enjoyable read. In many ways, a novel is like an endless treasure chest.    3    .

Another pleasant part of rereading is the lack of need to “understand” a novel. You've already read it and can now determine the extent of your enjoyment. However, there's a possibility of disliking a novel at second glance (再看一眼). There's   nothing wrong with this!     4     It's through rereading that we develop an understanding of our tastes.

I'm not suggesting that rereading is superior to (优于) reading novels for the first time. Yet, it's worth arranging time for two or three novels a year. You shouldn't reread any book. Rather pick a favorite to start with, preferably a story you read over a year ago.     5     It's entirely possible not to enjoy a novel at first but appreciate it at a different stage in your life.

A.However, it wasn't something I often did.
B.Yet plots, characters and setting still matter.
C.Still, I must mention the benefits of rereading.
D.That's because our tastes and preferences change.
E.I prefer the latter even though the enjoyment is less.
F.Or, pick a novel you are having second thoughts about.
G.You'll always find something previously undiscovered.
昨日更新 | 46次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省镇江中学2023-2024学年高一下学期3月阶段性检测英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Do you love fossils and dinosaurs? I’m lucky enough to be a fossil preparator (化石制备师), which means I work with fossils, like removing rocks from fossils and gluing fossils together to make sure they’re not broken. Sometimes, we have dinosaur bones that need to be arranged and put back into place.

I like the job from the bottom of my heart. When we make “jackets” — these are things that store the fossils — we have to accurately and scientifically figure out how to make them for specific bones or fossils, which can be different shapes and artistic expression.

Since I was a kid, it’s been my dream to be a paleontologist (古生物学者). When I was 12, I went to this kind of event at the Houston Museum of Natural Science called Dinosaur Day. I got a chance to meet paleontologists. At the end, I asked, “Hey, can I volunteer?” And somehow, they let me, as long as a parent came with me. At 12 years old, I got to go to a fossil excavation (挖掘), and I got to work with dinosaur bones and fossils in the lab for the first time.

Fossils are very old. We don’t always get all the pieces. We’re working with something that’s incomplete, sometimes. We do our best to fit the pieces we know back together. And as for the pieces we don’t know, we don’t try to make anything up. But sometimes, we have a gap in a specimen (标本) and it needs support. We’ll put some material in there that’s clearly not fossil, so when people go to study it, they know not to study that part.

People would wonder how I find other kids, especially girls, who shared my interests when I was growing up. As a matter of fact, in my friend group, I was the only dinosaur girl. My friends were interested in other things, but they were all super supportive of my love for fossils.

1. Why does the author like her job?
A.It is not a demanding job.B.It combines both art and science.
C.It is more artistic than scientific.D.It is about collecting dinosaur bones.
2. Why does the author mention her visit to her local museum?
A.To show her path to follow her dream.B.To prove her parents supporting her job.
C.To present the barrier of achieving her dream.D.To tell her easy access to achieving her dream.
3. How does the author deal with the incomplete fossils?
A.By burying them back in the ground.B.By breaking and reconstructing them.
C.By making them up with similar materials.D.By filling their gaps with distinct materials.
4. What kind of girl was the author when she was growing up?
7日内更新 | 39次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省邢台市河北省名校联盟2023-2024学年高二下学期3月月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

7 . I didn’t go to Santiago, Chile to look for friendship. In fact, Chile was not even on my wish list.

A mid-life crisis woman, I got a chance to study abroad. I only wanted to learn about global business, taste South American cuisine, and check “study abroad” off my wish list.

On the fifth day, I joined a group for a neighborhood work project aided by the anti-poverty (扶贫) organization. Our tasks were to build a water tower and paint the community center. Upon arrival, I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was like a scene out of a horrible film. That moment redefined poverty for me because I had never seen such terrible living conditions. As advised, I showed no signs of the motional battle going on inside me.

Just as I was about to start work on painting, a request came through for a few volunteers to help Nadia, a local resident who volunteered to cook for us. I raised my hand to help because I wanted spend time with the people of the neighborhood despite my shortage of Spanish speaking skills.

Nadia had a sincere smile but not overly friendly. Even without speaking each other’s language we started to learn about one another. We chatted about our children, our upbringing, shared picture of our family, struggled to instruct each other to communicate in the other’s language, and laugh many times.

After we fed everybody and the dishes were washed, my day was over. But I found myself hesitant to leave. It was as if I had known her my entire life. I had not predicted the unselfishness heart I would encounter, and it was moving.

As we were waiting for the car to pick us up, Nadia showed me her plants that are well-maintains. I could see that despite the hard conditions she was passionate about life. She made me long to be stronger person. She showed me that poverty was external, but happiness was internal. I was seeking to give 100 percent for a well-intentioned cause, but I left receiving 200 percent from her.

1. What was the author’s initial purpose of going to Chile?
A.To find new friends while traveling.B.To participate in an anti-poverty project.
C.To fulfill the desire to study abroad.D.To gain a graduate certificate in business.
2. What did the author do after seeing the living conditions in the neighborhood?
A.She decided to relieve the poverty.B.She kept her emotions well hidden.
C.She comforted the shocked volunteers.D.She refused to continue the present task.
3. Why did the author volunteer to work with Nadia?
A.She felt very sympathetic toward Nadia.
B.She longed to interact with the local residents.
C.She wanted to improve her Spanish speaking skills.
D.She preferred cooking to painting the community center.
4. What did the author learn from Nadia?
A.True friends are never apart in heart.
B.Happiness is defined by a positive attitude.
C.Language is not a barrier to great connections.
D.Unselfishness is putting others before ourselves.
7日内更新 | 171次组卷 | 2卷引用:2024届河北省衡水董子高级中学、定州中学高三下学期第二次模拟考试英语试题
书信写作-其他应用文 | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 使用恰当的过渡衔接词连句成篇
1. 得知你要参观追溯到明朝的故宫,我写信给你一些建议。
2. 由于你缺乏关于故宫的知识,你最好提前查阅相关资料。(分词短语作状语)
3. 我强烈要求你雇用一位导游,这是详细了解故宫的好方式。
4. 同样重要的是,你应该穿运动鞋,这样你就不会太疲倦了。(so that)
5. 听从以上建议,你就能尽情地欣赏故宫之美。
7日内更新 | 5次组卷 | 1卷引用:人教版(2019) 高中英语 必修第一册 Unit 5 Language Around The World
短文填空-根据提示/语境补全短文 | 较易(0.85) |
9 . 根据提示,运用本单元的词汇、短语及句式或使用词汇的正确形式完成下面的语篇。

Though an increasing number of international students are learning Chinese, it may be     1     (对他们而言学好汉语很费力).

    2     (这在语言学习中是常有的事,定语从句),    3     (学习汉语也需要练习). Firstly, it’s of great importance to read     4     (与汉语相关的书籍,定语从句). Additionally, to improve your spoken Chinese, you should communicate more with the     5     (native). The more you communicate with the natives in Chinese,    6     (你就会说得越流利). Aside from that, it’s helpful to watch some Chinese films or TV programs. Finally,    7     (有积极的态度) no matter what trouble you may have learning it.

7日内更新 | 2次组卷 | 1卷引用:人教版(2019) 高中英语 必修第一册 Unit 5 Language Around The World
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10 . 请听下面一个故事,然后根据故事意思填空,每空一词,录音读两遍。
关键词:bandage (用绷带包扎)        bleeding (流血)        stable (固定的)
wound (伤口)           first aid (急救)
Spencer’s parents taught him basic first aid when he was young. One day, Spencer saw a boy     1     on the ground. The boy’s     2     was badly injured. Several people had stopped to help. Spencer used a cloth to     3     the bleeding and used his own T-shirt to make the boy s arm stable. Spencer showed someone how to apply pressure to the boy’s wounds and talked to him to keep him     4    . When the ambulance arrived, the medical workers     5     Spencer for his good work. If Spencer had not acted so quickly, the boy would have been in even greater     6    . By the next day, the whole school heard about what had happened. Spencer’s parents were very     7     of their son for his good work in the face of an emergency.
7日内更新 | 0次组卷 | 1卷引用:人教版选必二 Unit 5 Using Language-1课堂检测(含听力)
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